Interpersonal Writing Rubric

Student Name (First & Last)________________________
(Interm. High) 6
You create with the language
by using strings of connected
sentences in paragraph form.
(Interm. Mid) 5
You create with the
language by using strings of
connected sentences.
I can easily understand
everything you wrote.
I can easily understand
everything you wrote.
Your responses are very logical
and on topic. I thoroughly
answered all the questions and
added extra information to
explain, analyze, justify and/or
You produce vocabulary from
an expanding variety of
themes. You use idiomatic
expressions and culturally
authentic expressions. You use
specialized and precise
vocabulary for a limited
number of topics.
Your responses are mostly
logical and on topic. You
answered all the questions
and added extra
How is your
Student Grade LeveL ________Period ____________
(Interm. Low) 4
You create with the
language by using simple
sentences and some strings
of sentences that may or
may not be connected.
It is easy for me to
understand most of what
you wrote.
Your responses are mostly
logical and address the
topic. You answered all
(Novice High) 3
You use simple sentences,
isolated words and
memorized phrases to
express your ideas.
(Novice Mid) 2
You use memorized simple
sentences, isolated words,
lists, and/or memorized
I can understand most of
what you wrote, with
occasional difficulty.
Your responses are
occasionally logical and
address most of the topic.
I can understand a little of
what you wrote.
I can understand a little
of what you wrote
Your responses are
occasionally logical and
address part of the topic.
Your responses address
the topic, or part of the
topic, using simple
memorized words or
You use vocabulary on a
wider range of everyday
themes. You try to use
some higher-level
vocabulary. You try to use
some idiomatic expressions
and culturally authentic
You use a range of
vocabulary that
accomplishes the task.
However, occasionally you
may use the wrong word or
expression. You try to use
some higher-level
You use basic, very
common memorized
vocabulary (words and
phrases) and may resort to
English when you are
unable to communicate
your message.
You use very basic
memorized words and
phrases and use English
You may write in past, present
and future, with detail most of
the time. You are very
accurate when using present,
less accurate in past and future
time. You apply familiar
structures to new situations.
You show evidence of
control (accuracy) of
grammar in non-complex
sentences and in basic verb
forms. (present) You
demonstrate some ability to
use grammatical and stylistic
cohesive elements.
You are accurate when you
write words, lists, phrases
or sentences that you have
memorized. You make
mistakes when you try to
write sentences. You may
make errors in grammar.
N/A Involves listing,
labeling, copying
memorized or very
familiar words
How well do
you keep the
conversation or
You address the topic
thoroughly and with great
detail, and ask several thoughtprovoking questions to keep
the communication going.
You provide ample
information and ask a wide
range of questions to find
out more information
You are mostly accurate
when you express ideas
about the topic (correct
subject-verb agreement in
simple tenses, correct
adjective-noun agreement
with familiar vocab). You
try to create with the TL
but you may make some
mistakes in grammar.
You provide a lot of
information and ask many
questions to find out more
You use a range of
vocabulary that addresses
the topic. However,
occasionally you may use
the wrong word or
expression. You may use
English when you are
unable to communicate
your message. You may
use some false cognates.
You are inconsistently
accurate (subject-verb,
adjective-noun) when you
write simples sentences or
short messages about the
topic using familiar
vocabulary. The more you
write, the more mistakes
you may make in grammar.
You provide some
information, and ask one or
two questions to find out
more information
You may list memorized
interrogatives, or
communicate in English
How well do
You use approp. greetings and
farewells & use idiomatic
expressions correctly. You use
culturally appropriate
language. You use approp.
informal/ formal address. You
demonstrate understanding of
culture through comments and
quest, Clear understanding of
TC with no inaccuracies.
You use appropriate
greetings and farewells in
your email. You use
idiomatic expressions and
culturally appropriate
language. You use
informal/formal address
appropriately. Clear
understanding of TC despite
few minor inaccuracies.
You use appropriate
greetings and farewells in
your email. You use
idiomatic expressions. You
demonstrate awareness of
informal vs. formal
language. Some
understanding of target
culture, despite minor
You provide a little
information about the
topic. However, you don’t
ask questions, or you only
ask one question to find
out information
You may include greetings
or farewells but they may
not be culturally accurate.
You don’t use idiomatic
expressions. Minimal
understanding of target
How well do
How well do I
How well do
What kind of
vocabulary do
you use?
You use appropriate
greetings and farewells.
You use memorized
idiomatic expressions. You
demonstrate little or no
awareness of informal vs.
formal language. Basic
understanding of target
culture despite
(Nov Low) 1
You use simple words
No evidence of cultural