Girls leadership weeekend

Dear Youth Worker,
We are writing to let you know of an initiative that we want to run for girls early in the New Year.
The Christian apprenticeship course is a weekend residential course for girls who show leadership
potential and their leaders. The course aims to encourage the girls in their faith, develop leadership
skills and form new friendships. The course leader is Sharon Prior who lectures on Children’s and
Youth Ministry course at Cliff College with Paul Wilcox, she is involved with the Sophia Network and
Urban Saints, Sharon comes highly recommended.
The residential course will run from Friday 28th January till Sunday 30th January 2011. Transport,
Food and equipment will be provided. The cost will be £100 per girl which includes a celebratory
meal out at the end of the weekend.
It is intended that a female leader will attend with the girls from each church to mentor them during
the weekend and after, for female leaders a contribution of £50 is asked to cover food and
accommodation and travel, it is hoped that this will be a great time of fellowship and growth for
leaders as well! It is not the intention that WASPs will make any profit from the weekend, any
surplus money will be returned.
Churches may wish to subsidise girls. In cases of hardship WASPS would also be able to offer
support. If you are unable to provide a female leader WASPs may also be able to support this.
We enclose a sample programme and a number of quotes from previous events.
We would like booking forms returned to Ashley at: by 1st Dec in order that final arrangements can
be put into place.
Please prayerfully consider which girls would benefit from such a weekend and encourage them to
join us. If you have any queries then please contact :
Ashley Vaughn and Zoe Silvester
To Zoe
Booking Form for Christian Apprentice 28th-30th January.
Please place the following girls on the Christian Apprentice course:
Name _______________________________
DOB (for accommodation) ___________________
Name _______________________________
DOB (for accommodation) ___________________
Name _______________________________
DOB (for accommodation) ___________________
Name _______________________________
DOB (for accommodation) ___________________
Name of Church ____________________________
Name of Contact ___________________________
Name of Female Leader attending ________________________________
Please make cheques payable to: WASPS. Please send them to :
WASP Office
Lindisfarne House
4 Barbourne Terrace
Quotes from The Christian Apprentice
The girls who attended learnt...a lot about themselves as leaders/ acknowledge each others
strengths/ accept that they have much to offer
I saw confidence grow and leadership gifts develop during last year's even. In the year since
this has been built on in amazing ways as they have acknowledged their God-given gifts. So
many more girls could benefit from this fun and challenging experience
Young Person
'I really enjoyed the Christian Apprentice because it was a great time to work together
in a safe and fun environment and also make some new friends.
'I learnt a lot about leadership, the most important thing being that there are many
different aspects of leadership, involving the task and the team’s feelings.
'I am going to put the following into practice as a result of the event, I am not going to
be scared of being a leader even if it can sometimes feel weird being in charge of people
especially when they are my friends.
Young person
'I really enjoyed the Christian Apprentice because I had so much fun and made it me see what
key things make a good leader and how to improve on being a leader in the future'
'I learnt a lot about leadership, the most important thing being that even though there
is one leader in a team, everyone should have their say'
'I am going to put the following into practise as a result of the event, to be confident
when leading a group and make sure everyone is included in any activities and not left
The Christian Apprentice Programme – Sample
12noon – 1.00pm
Arrive, Settle in and introductions
1.00pm – 2.00pm
Lunch and wash up
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Session 1 - Team challenges and Debrief
3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 4.30pm
Table Talk – Expectations and Giving Feedback
4.30pm – 5.30pm
Session 2 - Dance Preparation
5.30pm – 6.30pm
Free Time/Team Meeting
6.30pm – 7.45pm
Evening Meal and wash up
7.45pm – 9.00pm
Evening Meeting
9.00pm – 10.00pm
10.00pm – 11.00pm
Evening Drinks/Chat/Relax
Bedtime and lights out
7.30am – 8.00pm
8.00am – 8.45am
Leave and travel to activity centre
9.00am – 10.30am
Session 3 – Challenge Zone
10.30am – 10.45am
10.45am – 11.30am
Travel back from activity centre Centre
11.30am – 1.30pm
Session 4 – Ready, Steady, Cook
1.30pm – 2.30pm
Lunch and wash up
2.30pm – 3.15pm
Table Talk – The Biblical Basis of Leadership
3.15pm – 3.45pm
Debrief from session 3 and 4
3.45pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
Session 5 – Outdoor challenges and debrief
5.30pm – 6.30pm
Free Time and Team Meeting
6.30pm – 7.45pm
Evening Meal and wash up
7.45pm – 9.00pm
Evening Meeting
9.00pm – 10.00pm
Session 6 – Quiz
10.00pm – 11.00pm
Evening drinks/Chat/Relax
Bedtime and Lights out
Wednesday 29th October
8.00am – 8.30am
Team Meeting
8.30am – 9.00am
Breakfast and wash up
9.00am – 9.45am
Session 7 - Dance Performance and Debrief
9.45am – 10.30am
Table Talk – The Heart of the Leader
10.30am – 11.15am
Refreshments and tidying up
11.15am – 12.30pm
Final worship and commissioning
12.30pm – 1.30pm
Lunch and wash up
Leave site