Online and Switched On Cybersmart topic area Online and Switched On Target age group Lesson duration Lower Secondary Middle Secondary Lesson Overview The lesson focus is to: encourage students to engage in positive interactions in online contexts. explore a range of responses to social situations that may occur online. recognise that choices made in online contexts may have positive and/or negative consequences. Lesson outcomes The lesson will allow students to identify the consequences of positive and negative online behaviour. Australian Curriculum General Capabilities: Ethical understanding Personal and social capability Critical and creative thinking Information and communication technology capability Civics and citizenship Activity 1 Page Subject focus Teacher introduces a brief summary of the benefits of socialising online. 3 Online behaviour Activity 2 Page Students work individually or in groups on one of the worksheet activities 3, 5-10 Subject focus Online behaviour – positive and negative consequences Duration Resources required Duration Resources required Choose from Worksheets 1 - 3 Worksheet 1a – Online Scenarios and Worksheet 1b – Set the Scene Worksheet 2 – Story Starters Worksheet 3a – +Onlineand Worksheet 3b – +Offline- Online and Switched On Activity 3 Page Students work in groups on cubing task 3, 11-12 2 Subject focus Online behaviour Duration Resources required Worksheet 4a – Cubing Task Questions and Worksheet 4b – Cubing Task Handout One or two of the following Cybersmart videos: The Interview Photo Fail Shopping Sham Not Quite Right Cyberslap Baby YAYA Activity 4 Page Subject focus Students work in groups on digital storytelling task 3, 13 Positive and ethical online behaviour Duration Resources required Worksheet 5 – Digital Storytelling Video - Cybersmart Citizens Guide Activity 5 Page Subject focus Students share feedback regarding positive outcomes from the lesson activities 4 Online behaviour Duration Resources required External links included in lesson Cybersmart Videos: The Interview - Photo Fail - Shopping Sham Not Quite Right - Cyberslap - Baby YAYA - Cybersmart Citizens Guide - Technology and Terminology referred to in this lesson Positive, negative, online, behaviour, consequences Online and Switched On Background The digital environment provides opportunities for young people to use the internet to develop social networks with others who share similar interests, as well as a sense of connectedness with friends and family. For many, online communications are just as significant as offline interactions and it is becoming increasingly important for students to have an understanding of how to behave appropriately, and be able to identify risks when socialising online. For example, while students may control what information they post, they can’t control what others may do with their information, which could be shared more widely, used out of context or copied without permission. These classroom activities encourage students to consider a range of scenarios that might occur in their online interactions and to formulate appropriate responses. Students are prompted to consider the feelings of others and to make positive choices in the online environment. Activity 1 introduces the topic and students are encouraged to share their thoughts on the positive aspects of socialising on the internet and the benefits offered by digital technologies. Activity 2 prompts students to think about decisions made in the online context. Teachers are given the option to choose one of three worksheet tasks best suited to the capabilities of their students. Worksheets 1a (Online Scenarios) and 1b (Set the Scene) provide scenarios that include both positive and negative online behaviours. Students are required to consider the consequences that may flow from these situations. Teacher’s Note: a sample response to Scenario 1 might discuss the reactions of the student referred to in the text (he or she might be hurt, embarrassed, sad, made to feel self-conscious). Teachers may also wish to discuss alternative or restorative actions that might be undertaken in relation to scenarios that have negative consequences (e.g apologising in person, posting something nice, thinking before posting anything negative about someone else). Worksheet 2 – Story Starters provides students the opportunity to create their own unfolding scenario about a range of online activities. Students are required to critically analyse the potential positive or negative consequences for each story. Worksheets 3a and 3b require students to respond to the scenario presented and record ‘plus’ and / or ‘minus’ consequences in the strip of information. The scenarios are deliberately brief and allow for students to inform the scenario with their own experiences. Activity 3 uses a cubing task designed to assist students to think about safe and responsible online behaviour from different angles using the six questions of what, who, when, where, why and how. Teachers may also choose to use other types of visual learning resources such as brainstorming and mind mapping apps to assist students to organise and analyse information and to think critically about cybersafety concepts. Prompt student thinking with one or more Cybersmart videos. Includes Worksheet 4a – Cubing Task Questions and Worksheet 4b – Cubing Task Handout. Activity 4 uses a digital storytelling tool to engage students. Students create a 30 second script that presents a positive message about ways to create a better internet together. Encourage 3 Online and Switched On students to think about strategies such as engaging on positive online communications, respecting others online, helping someone who is the target of cyberbullying behaviour, thinking before posting messages or uploading photographs. Teachers may use any number of freely available digital storytelling apps for this task. Other recording devices may also be used, such as an ipad. Teachers may wish students to view the Cybersmart Citizen’s Guide video for inspiration prior to commencing this task. Activity 5 asks students to share their thoughts on responsible and positive online behaviour. This work is based on materials that constitute copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 2.5 Australia Licence. See Cybersmart/Legal.aspx for more information. 4 Online and Switched On 5 Worksheet 1a – Online Scenarios Instructions: Consider each scenario below and comment on any potential positive and/or negative consequences that might flow from each action. You may find that not all scenarios have a positive and negative consequence. Record your responses on Worksheet 1b - ‘Set the scene’. Post Share Text Scenarios: What do you think? 1. I sent a nasty text about someone in my class to others. 2. I uploaded embarrassing photos of my friends from last weekend’s party without checking with them first. 3. I use a torrent service to illegally download music, videos and television episodes. 4. I spend three to four hours on gaming sites most days. 5. I am going away on a family holiday for two weeks and decide to use Instagram to create a holiday photo ‘diary’ for my family. 6. I set reminders to check and update my privacy settings each month on all my devices. 7. I came across an inappropriate website when researching an assessment task at school, so I mentioned it to the teacher. 8. I ‘like’ a new band on YouTube and share it with friends. 9. I use the same password for all my online accounts. 10. When I copy or use other peoples’ work in my essays, even information I obtain from online websites, I always reference my sources. Example Response: Scenario: I sent a nasty text about someone in my class to others. Issues: loss of friendship, spreading gossip, get into trouble for harassing someone. Negative Consequences: the person might feel hurt, embarrassed, sad, and angry. Online and Switched On Worksheet 1b – Set the Scene Scenario Issues Positive Consequences Negative Consequences 6 Online and Switched On 7 Worksheet 2 – Story Starters Instructions: Select at least five of the stories below. Complete the story with either a positive or negative ending. Record the positive or negative outcomes of the story you finished. Share some of your ideas with your class. Story I will post this photo of... I am going to reply to... I saw this post that had... I spent hours... I reset my password because... I had two assessments due next week so... I deleted a photo because... I changed my profile picture because... I didn’t accept a friend request because... I retweeted someone else’s tweet... I removed some friends from my profile because... I sent a photo that disappeared after six seconds of... I joined a gaming guild because... I like to create memes about... I stopped playing an online game because... Positive Outcome Negative Outcome Online and Switched On 8 Worksheet 3a – +OnlineInstructions for Worksheet 3a 1. Cut out each strip and fold into thirds. 2. Fill in a positive use for this online activity on the LEFT (something positive you can do or a positive consequence). 3. Fill in a negative possibility for this online activity on the RIGHT (something negative you can do or a negative consequence). When Online I do...I can...I should... + A great way to share holiday pics with friends + + + Example Post photos Texting Upload videos Use apps My friends might not like me posting silly photos of them without first getting their permission - - - Online and Switched On 9 Worksheet 3a – +OnlineWhen Online I do...I can...I should... + + + + + Use a social networking service or website like Facebook or Instagram Email Online Gaming Watch YouTube clips Shop/Buy/Sell Online - - - - - Online and Switched On 10 Worksheet 3b – +OfflineInstructions for Worksheet 3b 1. Cut out each strip and fold into thirds. 2. Write an offline activity you perform in the MIDDLE column. 3. Fill in a positive use for this online activity on the LEFT (something positive you can do or a positive consequence). 4. Fill in a negative possibility for this online activity on the RIGHT (something negative you can do or a negative consequence). When offline I do...I can...I should... + Example - Enjoy face to face time with friends Go to the cinema with friends. + ................................................... - + ................................................... - Might miss a homework deadline if I didn’t manage my time well. Online and Switched On Worksheet 4a – Cubing Task Questions Instructions Watch one or more of the Cybersmart videos for inspiration. Answer the WWWWWH questions for one or more topics you have chosen. Complete the Worksheet 4b - Cubing Task Handout. Cube Questions 1. Stop cyberbullying 2. Buying safely online 3. Protect your digital reputation 4. Inappropriate photo sharing 5. Illegal downloads 6. Keeping personal details safe online 7. Mobile phone bill shock 8. Sharing funny YouTube videos 9. Privacy Settings Cubing Sample Answer Response: WHAT? Stop cyberbullying WHEN? NOW! WHERE? In person Online @home @ school ALL THE TIME! WHO? Support the target of the cyberbullying behaviour WHY? DO NOT assume that IGNORING it or PRETENDING it does not hurt is OK. It is NOT OK! It is isolating and lonely It lasts! HOW? Be a positive bystander Be kind to the person being cyberbullied Say words, make gestures, send messages of support Report bullying to someone you trust, like a teacher, parent or school counsellor 11 Online and Switched On Worksheet 4b – Cubing Task Handout WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHO? WHY? HOW? 12 Online and Switched On Worksheet 5 – Digital Storytelling Instructions: 1. Optional: View the Cybersmart Citizens Guide video. 2. As a group write a script for a thirty second digital story about how you can create a better internet for young people. Remember to make the message POSITIVE. 3. Record your story into a digital storytelling app selected by your teacher. [Note: If you cannot access a digital storytelling app, other options for recording your presentation might include using devices such as an ipad or mobile phone. This will require your teacher’s approval]. 4. Broadcast your stories to the class group. Discuss whether the stories have strong messages. 5. Have more ideas? Record your own stories. Suggested Digital Story topic starters 1. These are the security and safety ideas I have when I am online... 2. These are the fun things I do with my time online... 3. These are things I do so I don’t over-spend my time online... 4. These are the types of things I share online... 13 Blank Page