STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) Collaborative Research Projects for Ontario Businesses THIS SECTION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Date submitted: Date reviewed by the SAC: Decision: Instructions: Please fill out each section as completely as possible, including signatures where requested. Feel free to expand the document to use as much space as required up to the maximum length indicated. SECTION 1: PROJECT TITLE AND INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION a) Project Title: b) External Project Description: Please provide a brief (one paragraph) description of the project that could be used for communicating with an external audience. c) Ontario Business Company Name: Contact/Investigator Name: E-mail Address: Phone Number: Mailing Address: d) Principal Academic Investigator Name: Institution/Affiliation: E-mail Address: Page 1 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details. Phone Number: Departmental Mailing Address: PIs are also required to attach a CCV or NSERC Form 100 with their completed Statement of Work. e) Co-Investigators Please name all Project Participants below, including additional partners from academia, IBM and SMEs. Use additional space if required. Name, e-mail address, affiliation: Name, e-mail address, affiliation: Name, e-mail address, affiliation: Page 2 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details. SECTION 2: PROJECT DETAILS a) Request for Resources: To which computing platform are you requesting access? Please check all that apply: Cloud Computing Platform – Combines cloud computing with advanced analytics software to support a variety of Big Data applications, including rapid prototyping and experimental modeling. Potential application areas include: event-driven near real time decision support, high volume data analysis and/or modeling, disaster response systems, and health care treatment and outcome analysis. Blue Gene/Q – Recently announced as the fastest supercomputer in Canada, this platform is designed for massively parallel processing and grand challenge computational science. Potential application areas include: simulations/modeling of complex physical and biological systems, disease modeling and quantum physics. Agile Computing Platform – A computing research platform suitable for FPGA applications and productivity tools. Explain why the chosen platform is appropriate for your computational needs. Outline any previous experience with similar platforms and the requisite software. List any commercial/licensed software which is required for this project. Note that there is no commercial software available on the specialized Blue Gene/Q system (see for details on currently available software modules). Please estimate the number of hours/computing cycles and estimated storage space that you will require to pursue your project. Do you anticipate needing any additional support from the Blue Gene/Q or Cloud/Agile Technical Support Staff? If yes, please describe your anticipated needs. Page 3 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details. b) SOSCIP Priority Area: To which priority research area does your project belong? Please check all that apply. For additional details on priority research areas, see the SOSCIP Backgrounder at: Health Applications: A focus on (a) research on the human brain and on applications of that research, or (b) the analysis of medical and health data for improvement in healthcare and our understanding of disease and treatments. Smarter Infrastructure: Computational approaches for improving living environments, including improving transportation, water, energy and environmental systems. Agile Computing: The use of hardware accelerators, specifically FPGAs, in software to address challenging computational problems as well as the tools to facilitate the use of such accelerators via general purpose programming models. c) Detailed Project Description, Key Challenges, and Methodology: Describe your project in detail, outlining the underlying challenges, research problems, or technical complexities that it expects to address. Outline the methodology proposed to resolve the problem and demonstrate its novelty. Describe the nature of your collaboration with academic researchers, IBM, or other partners. (1 page maximum) d) Key Dependencies: Does your project have any key dependencies without which it would not be able to proceed? (half page maximum) e) Project Work Plan Please provide a project work plan and schedule of activities that identifies milestones at six-month intervals. The work plan and activity schedule will be used to assess whether a project is feasible and whether the available resources are adequate to complete it on schedule. SOSCIP’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) will review your project at six-month intervals. The review will be your chance to show the project’s progress, in particular: Intellectual Property (Project Collaboration Agreement signed); Research team in place with correct skills, and plans to supplement skills; Optimal computing platforms used (Cloud, Agile, Blue Gene/Q). Page 4 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details. Include the following information: (2 pages maximum) i. Desired Project Start Date ii. Estimated Project End Date iii. List the project milestones and the activities/steps required to achieve them. iv. Indicate start and end dates for the activities leading to the milestones, as well as the major results or deliverables expected. v. How will the project apply/transfer unique knowledge and skills in addressing these issues? vi. Describe any plans for technology transfer or the transfer of intellectual property derived from the project. i. Outline any economic, social, and/or environmental benefits that will or could be realized in Ontario. SECTION 3: SIGNATURES By signing below, the investigators hereby confirm that they have read and agree to the details of this project as set out in this Statement of Work and will be responsible for obtaining all appropriate institutional, ethics, or other approvals. All Project Participants named on Page 1 of this SOW, including partners from Ontario Businesses, academic institutions, or IBM, must sign this form. 1. Name of Investigator from Ontario Business (please print): Signature: Date: Percent time on this project: Page 5 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details. 2. Name of Academic Principle Investigator (please print): Signature: Date: Percent time on this project: 3. Name of Other Co-Investigator, if applicable (please print): Signature: Date: Percent time on this project: 4. Name of Other Co-Investigator, if applicable (please print): Signature: Date: Percent time on this project: 5. Academic Principal Investigator’s Institutional Approval I hereby confirm that my institution has reviewed and approved the submission of this Statement of Work. Name of SOSCIP Board Director or Designate (please print): Signature: Date: Page 6 of 6 This is a Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) document. See for details.