ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE FINAL DESIGN OF A BRIDGE ACROSS THE CANAL AT THE ATLANTIC SIDE CONSTRUCTION YARD REPORT Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -1- Construction Yard Report 1 Segment Casting Yard Consideration for Component A (Section A-B) The proposed Panama Canal 3rd Bridge comprises a main cable stayed bridge, east approach bridges, west approach bridges and access roads on the East and West sides. This estimation is for the location and size of the casting yard required for the production of segments in the east approach, west approach and main bridge. The determination of segment casting yard location and size governs by the factors including accessibility of Limon Bay for the segment transportation, allowed construction period for segment casting and land acquisition / availability. Option evaluation was conducted to assess the required areas of segment casting yards. Option 1 assumes that Limon Bay is accessible for transportation, only one casting yard required at the East of canal. Option 2 assumes that Limon Bay is not accessible for transportation, two casting yards shall require at both east and west. Summary of evaluation finding is tabulated as below. Option 1 2 Location of Casting Yard East side of canal East side of canal West side of canal Required Size of Casting Yard 18165m2 15608m2 14292m2 The size and location of casting yards are estimated from the currently available information to the designer. The exact location and required size shall be determined by the future segment casting contractor to suit their construction. 1.1 Deck Erection Method and Sequence 1) The span arrangements of main bridge, east approach and west approach are summarized in the table below. Figure 1-1 indicates the span arrangement of East Approach, West Approach and the Main Bridge. East Approach Location Bridge A Bridge B Bridge C Bridge A’ Bridge B’ Span Arrangement 12x45m 74m + 125m + 74m 4x78m West 7x78m Approach 8x45m Main Bridge 79m + 181m + 530m + 181m + 79m Note: The main bridge deck structure will be cast in place concrete box girder. Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -2- 2) In the approach bridges, for modules with span lengths 45m only, the span by span deck erection method using launching gantry is proposed. These include Bridge A on the East Approach, Bridges B’ of West Approach. For the remaining modules with 78m or 125m spans, the balanced cantilever deck erection method using launching gantry is proposed. The direction of deck erection will be from the low level abutment positions at the two ends towards the main bridge. 3) For the main cable stayed bridge, balanced cantilever method will be adopted for the deck erection. The main bridge deck structure will be cast in place concrete box girder. 1.2 Bridge Deck Segmentation 1) In the approach bridges, there are a maximum 1025 numbers of precast segments if all the provisional span modules are required. If all such provisional are not needed, the number of segments is 867. (See Table 1 for the summary) The length of each segment is 3 to 4m. There are three segment types with various box girder depths for typical span lengths 45m, 78m and 125m, namely type A, B and C respectively. Table 1: Summary of Segment Numbers at Approach and Chargres River Bridges Location Nos. of Segments Segment Type East Bridge A 157 A Approach Bridge B 33+18*2 C&B Bridge C 93 B West Bridge A’ 163 B Approach Bridge B’ 105 A Total 587 2) From the above, the numbers of each segment type are: Segment Type A B C Number of Segments 262 292 33 From the above, at least three sets of casting molds shall be required for the segment production in approach viaducts. 1.3 Determination of Segment Casting Yard Location and Size The determination of segment casting yard location and size governs by the following factors: 1) Accessibility of Limon Bay for the segment transportation 2) Allowed construction period for segment casting 3) Land acquisition / availability Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -3- In view of above factors, the accessibility of Limon Bay will affect the provision of whether one or two casting yards. In the approach spans of this project, there are 268 segments at the west side of the Canal and 319 segments at the east side of Canal. If the Limon Bay is accessible for segment transportation, it is logical to have one single casting yard located at the Eastern side. Alternatively, two segment casting yards shall be provided at both the west and east sides of the Canal. Therefore, there are two possible casting yard options. 1.3.1 Option 1: One single casting yard at the East side of Canal This option is on the basis that the Limon Bay is accessible for the segment transportation. If land availability is not an issue, the best position for casting yard will be the area of Mindi A. The proposed location and size of casting yard are determined on the basis of the following premise: 1) Raw materials for the production of segments are assumed to be delivered to the casting yard from the Eastern side of the Canal. 2) In terms of segment delivery for the West Approach, temporary jetty shall be provided across the Limon Bay for the segments transportation by barge. For the East Approach, segments can be delivered directly by land. 3) The overall construction period of the approach bridges is 900 days. For the main cable stayed bridge, as it is a complex structure, the period is slightly stretched 6 months to 1080 days. Assuming the set up of the casting yard would require 90 days, the segment casting can start at 3 months after the commencement of construction period. In general, the deck furniture would need 90 days for installation. Therefore, the net time remained for segment casting and deck erection is equal to 720 days. In our design, we assumed the segment concrete age is 90 days during the erection. As such, the maximum time allowed for segment casting is 630 days. Below table illustrate the key timeframe within the construction period. Activity Overall construction period Casting yard set up Segment casting Last segment cast to attain 90 days age Last day for deck erection Deck furniture construction Time 900 days (Day 1-Day 900) Day 1-Day 90 Day 91-Day 720 Day 721-Day 810 Day 810 Day811-Day 900 4) There are three segment types A, B, C and at least three sets of casting moulds are required. If the casting operation is smooth, one set of mould can produce one segment each day. However, segment type A has 262 nos. which may be marginal if only one set of mould is used for the 630 days period. We propose to adopt two sets of moulds for segment type A and one set each for segments type B, C. Calculation of casting yard size for segment types A, B & C The area of casting yard depends on: Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -4- a) b) c) d) e) f) Number of moulds Area for reinforcement fabrication Area for segment storage Area for material storage Access road inside the casting yard Site office and survey towers Option 1A: Calculation of casting yard size for segment types A, B & C Zone Calculation of Area Mould Type A/B/C Segment A/B/C width = 21m Match cast + wet cast segment lengths = 8m Fixed bulkhead = 1m Working space =5m Clearance from mould to mould = 5m Area required for each mould for type A/B/C= (21+5) x (8+1+5) = 364m2 Required Area For 4 nos. of moulds of type A/B/C, area = 4 x 364 = 1456 m2 Reinforcement fabrication Type A/B/C Segment A/B/C width = 21m Segment length = 4m Working space 3m on each side Area required for each type A/B/C reinforcement cage fabrication = (21+3+3)x(4+3+3)= 270m2 For 4 nos. of reinforcement fabrication for type A/B/C, area required = 4 x 270m2 = 1080m2 Segment storage Type A/B/C Segment width= 21m Segment length = 4m Clearance on each side = 1m Area required for each segment = (21+1+1) x (4+1+1) = 138m2 Assume to be 10m width and length equals to the extent of the 5 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x4+(21+3+3)x4 = 212m Assume 100 segment types A/B/C stored on site and batching in two layers, area required = 50 x 138m2 = 6900m2 Material storage Access road Area of storage area = 212 x 10 = 2120m2 2 access roads, each 10m width. Length of access road covers the extent of the 5 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x4+(21+3+3)x4 = Area= 2120m2 For 2 access road, area required = 4240 m2 Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -5- 212m Area required for each access road = 212 x 10 = 2120m2 Site office, survey towers 15% of above items = 0.15 x (1456+ 2369m2 2 and other miscellaneous 1080+6900+2120+4240)= 2369m Total 18165m2 Note: The above calculation assumes ready mix concrete available and concrete batching plant not required at casting yard. 1.3.2 Option 2: Two casting yards This option is on the basis that the Limon Bay is not accessible for the segment transportation. Segment casting yards have to set up at both east and west side of the canal. At the East side, the proposed casting yard position is Mindi A, same as option 1. The means of transportation is the same as that described in option 1. For the West side, the casting yard is proposed to be at the Black Tank North adjacent to the alignment and direct transportation for deck erection. For the casting yard at the east side, 319 segments of the approach bridges will be produced. Segment types A, B and C are 193 nos., 33 nos. and 93 nos. respectively. For the segment production within the maximum timeframe 630 days as discussed in option 1, total three sets of moulds are required in the east side casting yard. For the casting yard at west side, 268 segments of approach bridges will be produced. Segment types A and B are 105 nos. and 163 nos. respectively. Production of segment type C is not needed in this casting yard. For the segment production within the maximum timeframe 630 days as discussed in option 1, total 2 sets of moulds are required in the west side casting yard. For the easy comparison, calculations of the size of casting yard for segment types A, B and C involved two different combinations, which are given under options 2A and 2A’. Option 2A: Casting yard at east side of Canal Option 2A’: Casting yard at west side of Canal Option 2A: Calculation of the Area of Casting Yard at East Side of Canal Zone Calculation of Area Required Area Mould Type A/B/C For 4 nos. of moulds of type Segment A/B/C width = 21m A/B/C, area = 3 x 364 = 1092 Match cast + wet cast segment lengths = m2 8m Fixed bulkhead = 1m Working space =5m Clearance from mould to mould = 5m Area required for each mould for type Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -6- A/B/C= (21+5) x (8+1+5) = 364m2 Reinforcement Type A/B/C fabrication Segment A/B/C width = 21m Segment length = 4m Working space 3m on each side Area required for each type A/B/C reinforcement cage fabrication = (21+3+3)x(4+3+3)= 270m2 Segment Type A/B/C storage Segment width= 21m Segment length = 4m Clearance on each side = 1m Area required for each segment = (21+1+1) x (4+1+1) = 138m2 Material storage Access road Site office, survey towers and other miscellaneous Assume to be 10m width and length equals to the extent of the 5 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x3+(21+3+3)x3 = 159m Area of storage area = 159 x 10 = 1590m2 2 access roads, each 10m width. Length of access road covers the extent of the 3 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x3+(21+3+3)x3 = 159m Area required for each access road = 159 x 10 = 1590m2 15% of above items = 0.15 x (1092+810+6900+1590+3180)= 2036m2 For 3 nos. of reinforcement fabrication for type A/B/C, area required = 3 x 270m2 = 810m2 Assume 100 segment types A/B/C stored on site and batching in two layers, area required = 50 x 138m2 = 6900m2 Area= 1590m2 For 2 access road, area required = 3180 m2 2036m2 Total 15608m2 Note: The above calculation assumes ready mix concrete available and concrete batching plant not required at casting yard. Option 2A’: Calculation of the Area of Casting Yard at West Side of Canal Zone Calculation of Area Required Area Mould Type A/B For 2 nos. of moulds of type Segment A/B width = 21m A/B/C, area = 2 x 364 = 728 Match cast + wet cast segment lengths = m2 8m Fixed bulkhead = 1m Working space =5m Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -7- Clearance from mould to mould = 5m Area required for each mould for type A/B = (21+5) x (8+1+5) = 364m2 Reinforcement Type A/B fabrication Segment A/B width = 21m Segment length = 4m Working space 3m on each side Area required for each type A/B reinforcement cage fabrication = (21+3+3)x(4+3+3)= 270m2 For 3 nos. of reinforcement fabrication for type A/B/C, area required = 3 x 270m2 = 810m2 Segment storage Type A/B Segment width= 21m Segment length = 4m Clearance on each side = 1m Area required for each segment = (21+1+1) x (4+1+1) = 138m2 Assume 100 segment types A/B stored on site and batching in two layers, area required = 50 x 138m2 = 6900m2 Material storage Assume to be 10m width and length equals to the extent of the 3 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x2+(21+3+3)x3 = 133m Area= 1330m2 Access road Site office, survey towers and other miscellaneous Area of storage area = 133 x 10 = 1330m2 2 access roads, each 10m width. Length of access road covers the extent of the 5 moulds and reinforcement fabrication area, which is equal (21+5)x2+(21+3+3)x3 = 133m Area required for each access road = 133 x 10 = 1330m2 15% of above items = 0.15 x (728+ 810+6900+1330+2660)= 1864m2 For 2 access road, area required = 2660 m2 1864m2 Total 14292m2 Note: The above calculation assumes ready mix concrete available and concrete batching plant not required at casting yard. Construction Yard Report Contract Number 247815: Engineering Services for the Final Design of a Bridge Across the Canal at the Atlantic Side -8-