The Foro Arte Cáceres 15 outreach programme includes a children`s

Cáceres · 23-25 October 2015
Painting is one of the core themes of this event organized by Junta de Extremadura,
lending particular importance to its transfrontier character
Over one hundred artists, curators, critics, collectors, museum directors and around
twenty contemporary art galleries from Spain and Portugal meet in Cáceres this
coming October.
Foro Arte Cáceres 15 includes debates, exhibitions and workshops and also opens the
doors of two palaces in the city’s old quarters for the first time to the public with the
works of two Spanish artists.
The special guest artist Antoni Abad will be showing his video Sisyphus, a beautiful
metaphor of human existence, in the Aljibe at the Museo de Cáceres.
The Foro de debate will analyse new ways of understanding painting, the work being
carried out on the peripheries, and the act of collecting.
Two workshops will address the issue of collective creation and selfie art. For the first
time there will also be a workshop for children.
The A Puerta Abierta programme encourages face-to-face meetings between the
general public and artists with studios in Cáceres.
Cáceres, 07 September 2015.- The main goals set for this edition of Foro Arte Cáceres
15, an initiative of Junta de Extremadura, are to foster the creation of contemporary
artistic heritage, to advance insights into new expressive languages, and to encourage
new viewpoints focused on the ideas, concepts and positions of artists. It also wishes
to act as a kind of laboratory open to both artworld professionals and the general
public, making it a community event focused on art today in dialogue with architecture
and with artistic and historic heritage.
Featuring galleries, artists and curators from Spain and Portugal, this year Foro Arte
Cáceres aspires to hold up a mirror to the wealth and diversity of the cultures of the
two countries which rub up against and feed off each other here in Extremadura,
setting in place a dialogue based on mutual respect and exchange.
Third Space: between tradition and modernity is the core section of Foro Arte Cáceres
15 and takes a look at the idea of cultural exchange through artworks that analyse the
intersections between social spaces and various cultures (the museum, the city and
history). Coming from the collections of CA2M (Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo) and of
Fundación Arco the works will dialogue with pieces from the Museo de Cáceres and
the architectural, archaeological and ethnographic heritage of Cáceres. This exhibition
For more info: Gerardo López / Diana Cortecero / +34 91 4361800
Cáceres · 23-25 October 2015
is curated by Miguel Amado and his assistant Martim Días and the artworks, covering
a range of different supports and mediums, are on show in four unique spaces in
Cáceres: Museo de Cáceres; Sala de arte El Brocense; Fundación Mercedes CallesCarlos Ballestero and Filmoteca de Extremadura.
In addition, the courtyards of two palaces in the city centre will be hosting works by
two artists from the CA2M collection in an unexpected dialogue with architecture,
people and the spaces they inhabit. The main purpose of this innovative idea is to
open up places of singular beauty in the city that are normally closed to the public.
This year’s guest artist is Antoni Abad, a major artist who started off working in the
field of sculpture before evolving towards video art and then to and new
media. Abad will be presenting his video Sisyphus in the Aljibe at Museo de Cáceres.
Curated by Javier Martín-Jiménez, Painting Cabinet. Giving Battle will endeavour to
unveil some of the keys to painting today through the work of artists represented by
twenty galleries from Spain and Portugal. Giving Battle defends a new generation of
painters who are reformulating the concept of painting. Artists, and the galleries who
represent them, directly address spectators and provoke an active engagement, a way
of seeing that is not indifferent and which challenges us to come up with new
Another of the noteworthy introductions this year is A puerta abierta, coordinated by
Julio Vázquez. The idea behind this section is to give artists from Extremadura a
platform to present themselves to the public through a series of informal
conversations and visits to their studios. The goal is to bring local artists on board this
annual event which turns Cáceres into the capital city of contemporary art in Spain for
the month of October.
The debates this year, scheduled for 24 and 25 October, will be analysing new ways of
understanding painting and the criteria behind new collections as well as the
importance of peripheries in contemporary art today. The debate On Painting, with
two roundtables, will feature input from major painters. The debates Showing
Collections and Working on the Periphery and for the Community will host
interventions from museum directors, curators and cultural agents from Spain,
Portugal, UK and Germany.
The programme for Foro Arte Cáceres 15 is rounded off with three workshops. The
first is called The Colour of the Body, Selfie Art and will be led by the photographer
Miguel Trillo and the Un mundo feliz collective. Its goal is to portray the city of
Cáceres and the young people on its streets and to celebrate new social attitudes.
Selfie Art will publish a newspaper-journal with the results of the workshop. The
second workshop in the programme is Collective Portrait (co-creation) in which
For more info: Gerardo López / Diana Cortecero / +34 91 4361800
Cáceres · 23-25 October 2015
participants will discover new ways of identifying and resolving problems. This
workshop will be led by Valbhy Design. For the first time, this edition of the annual
event has also organised a workshop conceived especially to foster creativity among
More details on some of the programme’s many activities will be released in coming
For further info and to arrange interviews please contact:
Gerardo López: (tel. + 34 628591996)
Diana Cortecero: (tel. + 34 610422590)
For more info: Gerardo López / Diana Cortecero / +34 91 4361800