Chapter 7Study Guide Review

Chapter 7 Renaissance Study Guide Review
Create one of the following study devices to help you review the information from the chapter.
Your grade is based on the effort you put into your study device. If you choose to do only the
regular study guide, the highest grade you will receive is a 3 (32/40 points)
Here are some examples of study guides you may create:
Create your own flashcards with color
Create your own Cornell Notes using color or different handwriting styles
Include the following topics and questions on your study device:
William Shakespeare
Leonardo da Vinci
Medici family
Dante Alighieri
Filippo Brunelleschi
different from art in Italy? (2
Johannes Gutenberg
Marco Polo
How did Florence grow wealthy?
Why did literature become more
to the Renaissance?
What did improvements in
cartography lead to?
How did Italian city-states grow
wealthy? (3 reasons)
How was art in northern Europe
What invention helped spread
humanist ideas?
What were people interested in during
the Renaissance?
What was the cause of the Scientific
What are characteristics of medieval
popular during the Renaissance? (3
How did wealthy Italians contribute
What are characteristics of
Renaissance art?
What are three characteristics of
Chapter 7 Renaissance Study Guide
William Shakespeare
Leonardo da Vinci
Medici family
Dante Alighieri
Filippo Brunelleschi
Johannes Gutenberg
Marco Polo
Short Answer:
How did Florence grow wealthy?
Why did literature become more popular during the Renaissance? (3 reasons)
How did wealthy Italians contribute to the Renaissance?
What did improvements in cartography lead to?
How did Italian city-states grow wealthy? (3 reasons)
How was art in northern Europe different from art in Italy? (2 reasons)
What invention helped spread humanist ideas?
What were people interested in during the Renaissance?
What was the cause of the Scientific Revolution?
What are characteristics of medieval art?
What are characteristics of Renaissance art?
What are three characteristics of humanism?
Paragraph Practice for Chapter 7 Test:
The Renaissance
Write an 8 sentence practice paragraph for each of the following question. EVERYONE must do
this regardless of the type of study device you choose.
1. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
secular: more interest in this world than in religion and heaven
Petrarch: a poet and scholar who studied Roman writers
Renaissance: a time in history when there was a rebirth of interest in art and learning
William Shakespeare: his poems and plays were extremely popular and he represents the
Renaissance in England
Leonardo da Vinci: was a scientists as well as an artist. He dissected corpses to study anatomy
Medici family: Grew wealthy through banking
Dante Alighieri: Wrote The Divine Comedy
Filippo Brunelleschi: Built the dome of the Florence Cathedral
Michelangelo: painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel and David
Machiavelli: wrote The Prince and argued that rulers must do whatever is necessary to keep
Perspective: a technique used to make paintings look 3 dimensional
Johannes Gutenberg: invented the printing press
Marco Polo: his stories and books made Europeans want to buy goods from China
Florence: the first city-state to be important during the Renaissance
Copernicus: had a sun-centered theory of the universe
Galileo: was arrested for heresy for saying that the Earth revolved around the sun
Short Answer:
How did Florence grow wealthy? Florence grew wealthy through trading cloth and banking
Why did literature become more popular during the Renaissance? (3 reasons)
More people began to read
Books were written in the vernacular
Printing press made books more available
How did wealthy Italians contribute to the Renaissance? They hired artists to create paintings,
sculptures, and buildings for them
What did improvements in cartography lead to? The exploration of new areas of the world
How did Italian city-states grow wealthy? (3 reasons)
They had access to ports and trade
Many skilled artisans lived there
The Silk Road was protected by Mongols
How was art in northern Europe different from art in Italy? (2 reasons) In the north artists
used engravings and oil paintings
What invention helped spread humanist ideas? The printing press
What were people interested in during the Renaissance? This world than religion
What was the cause of the Scientific Revolution? Humanists ideas of reasons cause the
Scientific Revolution to start
What are characteristics of medieval art?
Unrealistic, 2D, Religious subjects only, no emotions
What are characteristics of Renaissance art?
Realistic, 3D, reflects the real world and nature, emotions, used Greeks and Romans for
What are three characteristics of humanism?
Based on the values of Greeks and Romans
Believed that the individual and society were important
Emphasized a balance between faith and reason
Paragraph Practice for Chapter 6 Test:
Europe in the Middle Ages
Write an 8 sentence practice paragraph for each of the following questions. EVERYONE must
do this regardless of the type of study device you choose.
1. Describe the feudal system in Medieval Europe.
Medieval Europe used a system of feudalism. To begin, at the top of society was the king.
The king could not collect taxes or protect the peasants. Next, came the nobles. The nobles
were loyal to the king and could be a vassal. Last were the knights. Knights were warriors who
fought on horseback in exchange for land. In conclusion, those were examples of the feudal
system in Europe.
2. Describe how the Crusades affected Europe.
The Crusades affected Europe in many ways. First, the feudal system began to weaken
because of the Crusades. Nobles sold their land and freed their serfs in order to go on the
Crusades. Also, the Crusades increased trade between Europe and the Middle East. When
the kings saw the increase in trade, they began to tax it. Last, with the new tax money, kings
built stronger central governments. They created stronger kingdoms. In conclusion, these
are the many ways that the Crusades affected Europe.