Task Force 2 Goal: Meet the mental health needs of California’s children and youth in the child welfare system. Objectives and Strategic Actions (As Suggested by CBHDA Staff) Who Are CBHDA’s Service Delivery & Advocacy Partners? How Can CBHDA Committees Be Involved in the Strategic Actions? Rank in Priority Level for CBHDA? (A) PROACTIVELY DEVELOP A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE CONTINUUM OF CARE REFORM (CCR) INITIATIVE TO IDENTIFY COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH ROLES AND PERSPECTIVES 1. Prepare a detailed analysis of the mental health policy, fiscal, practice, and personnel implications in the CCR Report to the legislature (January 2015) and the enacted AB 403 (Stone) statutes. 2. Identify any desired amendments to AB 403 statutes and advocate to pursue legislative changes. 3. Prepare a CBHDA advocacy message on CCR that articulates our perspective on the initiative and keeps at the center our system’s values and our commitment to meeting the needs of children and families in need. 4. Develop a communication and advocacy action plan for CBHDA’s activities on CCR in 2016. 5. Advocate for additional state resources, if needed, for the county mental health system to meet the goals of CCR. 6. Actively participate in state and local meetings, public hearings, and other events related to CCR implementation. 7. Consider identifying and advocating for improved access to substance use disorder and other non-mental health care focused services that may help achieve CCR goals. 1 Objectives and Strategic Actions (As Suggested by CBHDA Staff) Who Are CBHDA’s Service Delivery & Advocacy Partners? How Can CBHDA Committees Be Involved in the Strategic Actions? Rank in Priority Level for CBHDA? (B) DEVELOP A STRATEGY FOR ASSESSING AND ARTICULATING CBHDA’S PRIORITIES RELATED TO CHILDREN & YOUTH IN THE CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM 1. Identify and proactively advocate for any additional state resources or DHCS/MHP contract amendments that are needed for the county mental health system to meet (new) state expectations, including Katie A. implementation requirements (ICC, IHBS, TFC). 2. Articulate existing county mental health system obligations and roles in meeting child welfare populations’ mental health needs. 3. Articulate the clinical needs and national/state evidence based practices for meeting the mental health needs of child welfare populations. 4. Identify the array of ongoing efforts in which county mental health systems are engaged that focus on meeting the mental health needs of child welfare populations. 5. Prepare and disseminate a policy brief or “annual report card” document that identifies progress, challenges, and a vision for the future in meeting the mental health needs of child welfare populations. Utilize existing data from the EPSDT POS, Katie A. quarterly reports, EQRO, and other sources that identify local initiatives. 6. Consider identifying and advocating for improved access to substance use disorder treatment services for children and youth in the child welfare system. (C) DEVELOP AND FOSTER RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO ENSURE CBHDA IS COLLABORATING ACTIVELY WITH OTHERS IN THE PRIORITY AREA OF MEETING CHILD WELFARE MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS 1. Meet with county affiliates, CBO representatives, children’s advocates, legislative staff, and Brown Administration representatives to hear their perspective on the county mental health systems’ strengths and challenges in meeting child welfare mental health needs. 2 Objectives and Strategic Actions (As Suggested by CBHDA Staff) Who Are CBHDA’s Service Delivery & Advocacy Partners? How Can CBHDA Committees Be Involved in the Strategic Actions? Rank in Priority Level for CBHDA? (D) PROACTIVELY ADDRESS CONCERNS THAT COUNTIES “CAP” THE ENTITLEMENT TO EPSDT MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS 1. Develop a written analysis that articulates and then responds to concerns (from a variety of sources) about EPSDT entitlement access limitations to mental health services. 2. Develop a CBHDA communications and advocacy strategy to actively respond to existing or new concerns. (E) PROACTIVELY ADDRESS CONCERNS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH ACCESS FOR YOUTH PLACED OUTSIDE OF THEIR COUNTIES OF ORIGIN 1. Develop a written analysis that articulates and then responds to concerns (from a variety of sources) about EPSDT entitlement access limitations to mental health services for child welfare youth placed out of their counties of origin. 2. Develop a CBHDA communications and advocacy strategy to actively respond to existing or new concerns. (F) IDENTIFY EXISTING (AND DESIRED) MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE ROLES FOR MEDI-CAL MANAGED CARE PLANS IN SERVING CHILDREN & YOUTH IN THE CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM 1. Determine existing responsibilities and access to care within Medi-Cal managed care plans (MCPs) of the full range of EPSDT benefit services along a continuum of care. 2. Articulate the desired roles for Medi-Cal managed care plans, including any recommended changes to their existing statutory, state/plan contract, or MCP/MHP MOU requirements. (G) PROACTIVELY ADDRESS CONCERNS ABOUT A LACK OF CRISIS AND INPATIENT BED CAPACITY FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH 1. Develop a written analysis that articulates and then responds to concerns (from a variety of sources) about a lack of crisis and inpatient bed capacity for children and youth. 2. Develop a CBHDA communications and advocacy strategy to actively respond to existing or new concerns. 3 Objectives and Strategic Actions (As Suggested by CBHDA Staff) Who Are CBHDA’s Service Delivery & Advocacy Partners? How Can CBHDA Committees Be Involved in the Strategic Actions? (H) PROACTIVELY ADDRESS CONCERNS ABOUT PRESCRIBING PRACTICES FOR CHILD WELFARE YOUTH 1. Develop a written analysis that articulates and then responds to concerns (from a variety of sources) about prescribing practices for child welfare youth. 2. Develop a CBHDA communications and advocacy strategy to actively respond to existing or new concerns. 4 Rank in Priority Level for CBHDA?