phylum mollusca-- clam dissection


Name___________________________________________ Marine Biology--Mr. Nelson



The Phylum Mollusca (Latin molluscus, "soft") has over 100,000 living species and includes organisms such as snails, clams, chitons, slugs, limpets, squid and octopi. The success of Mollusks is largely due to their adaptability to different environments. Even though most mollusks live in saltwater and freshwater habitats, there are a few that live on land. In spite of their diversity, mollusks share some basic characteristics. As mollusks develop from a fertilized egg to an adult, most pass through a larval stage known as the trochophore stage. The trochophore is a ciliated, free-swimming larva. Most mollusks also have a muscular foot adapted for locomotion, a radula or file like organ for feeding, and a mantle, a thin tissue that covers the body of a mollusk. In most mollusks, this mantle secretes a shell.

Some mollusks have a head, which may have sensory structures like eyes and tentacles.

In this investigation you will observe the external structure of a representative mollusk, the clam.

You also will dissect a clam to observe its internal structure. Clams are pelecypods or bivalves, and have a two-part hinged shell. Clams are found in fresh water in streams, ponds, and lakes. They also are very common burrowed into the mud of ocean mud flats. Clams are often used for food.


In this exercise, you will:

*Demonstrate that a clam shell is made of calcium carbonate

*Identify the external parts of a clam

*Locate the bands on clam shells.

*Find out the ages of the clams.

*Dissect a clam and identify the important organs in each system

*Relate the structure of organs to their function.


Part A: External Anatomy of the Clam.

How Old Is a Clam?

Clams are mollusks whose soft bodies are often inside shells. The shells give them protection.

As a clam grows each year, so does its shell. A new ring or thick band surrounded by finer bands shows on the shell each year. Each thick band is a year's growth. By counting the thick bands, you can learn how old the clam is. This technique may not be totally accurate, but band variation corresponding to yearly growth will show on the shells.

1. Obtain a preserved clam and rinse it thoroughly to remove excess preservative. Place the clam in a dissecting tray. Observe the bivalve shell. Notice the hinge ligament which holds the two shells together. CAUTION: The preservative used on your clam can irritate your skin. Use your rubber gloves and avoid rubbing your eyes while working with your preserved clam.


Describe the location and function of the ligament in relation to the two halves of the shell.

3. The small, pointed area near the hinge ligament is called the umbo. It is the oldest part of the clam.

See Figure 40-1. The umbo is situated dorsally toward the anterior end of the clam and is surrounded by concentric growth lines. The lines represent alternating periods of slow and rapid growth.

4. Examine the clam shell diagram below left. It shows a shell that is 15 years old. Count the bands

(Each band has a line on both sides of it).

5. Examine the shell diagram below right. Be sure to include the crown of the shell as one years growth. How old is this shell?

6. Measure the straight line distance from the umbo to the edge of the shell. Write the distance, for your clam, in the chart.

7. If needed use the dissection scope to help you count the bands on your clam's shell. Write this count in the table on the next page.

8. Add to the chart below, the age of your clam. Check with the other groups and complete the chart.

Shell Length (cm) # of Bands Age of Clam

Your Clam

2nd Group

3rd Group

4th Group

5th Group

9. Do shells with similar lengths have similar ages? Explain.

10. Before you continue with this investigation, it is important to know the orientation of the clam shell.

Recall that the umbo is near anterior end. The posterior of the clam shell is at the opposite end. In reference to the clam shell, dorsal is the side, or edge, with the umbo. Ventral is the side, or edge opposite the umbo. Locate the posterior, anterior, dorsal, and ventral surfaces of your clam shell. Hold the clam shell with the anterior end up and the hinge facing toward you. Locate the posterior, right valve, and left valve of the clam shell.

11. Using the following terms to label the drawings below: dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior, hinge, left valve, and right valve

Each term may be used more than once.

12. The shell of a clam is made up of three layers: the horny outer layer, the thick, middle layer called the prismatic layer, and the innermost layer called the pearly layer.

13. Hold the clam in the dissecting tray as shown in Figure 40-2a. With a scalpel carefully scrape away some of the horny outer layer of the shell. CAUTION: Scrape in a direction away from your hand to avoid cutting yourself. Politely ask Mr. Nelson to come over to your lab bench. Place one drop of acid on the exposed prismatic layer as shown in Figure 40-2b. CAUTION: Do not let any acid contact your skin to avoid acid burns.

The bubbling of the acid indicates that calcium carbonate is present. Rinse with water and wipe the shell dry with paper towels.


a. What happened when acid was placed on the exposed prismatic layer?

b. What is the shell made of?

The chart below summarizes some of the easily recognizable characteristics of the three main classes of mollusks. Study this chart and use it to answer the questions below:

Class Head Foot Shell

well-developed large, flat foot usually one shell,

Gastropoda head; may have spread beneath often spiraled eyes and short body tentacles

Pelecypoda no head hatchet-shaped two shells hinged

foot together

Cephalopoda large head, may foot evolved into usually no external have eyes rasping tentacles shell; shell is often

and arms internal rod


Name the Class to which each of the above organisms belongs.

A. B. C.


To which class does your quahog belong? Why?


Look at how each of the two shells fit together. What do you think is the function of the tooth like projections along the inside edges of the valves?

Part B: Internal Anatomy of the Clam

18. Read Table 40-1. Refer to it as you proceed through the following investigation.

TABLE 40-1:

Structure Description/Location

Anterior adductor muscle Anterior edge inside shell


Holds two halves of shell together

Posterior adductor muscle




Posterior edge inside shell

Membranous tissue that covers entire body; yellow or cream colored

Hatchet-shaped; hard; anterior and ventral to gills

Folded, ridged tissue with micro- scopic cilia

Holds two halves of shell together

Secretes shell

Locomotion, movement

Respiration, gas exchange

Regulates flow of water into clam Incurrent siphon

Excurrent siphon





Digestive gland (liver)


Fold in mantle; posterior end ven- tral to excurrent siphon

Fold in mantle; posterior end; dor- sal to incurrent siphon

Leaf like structures anterior to gills and posterior to anterior adductor muscle

Slit between palps

Saclike structure near mouth

Coiled tubule from stomach through body to anus

Light green mass surrounding stomach

End of intestine near excurrent siphon

Regulates flow of water out of clam

Directs water carrying food into mouth

Passage of food into digestive system

Digestion of food

Absorption of digested food

Secretes enzymes into digestive system to digest food

Removal of undigested food

Reproductive organ

Pericardial cavity



Spongy reddish mass ventral to palps

Area between visceral mass and hinge; dorsal to foot

Inside pericardial cavity

Production of eggs and sperm

Protects and houses heart

Pumps blood throughout body

Spongy brownish organs found below pericardial cavity

Waste removal

19. Look at the partially opened shell. Observe the anterior adductor muscle, posterior adductor muscle, mantle, and foot. The opening between the two shells is called the gape. Have your best group member, carefully insert the scalpel between the mantle and the left valve of the shell. Cut the anterior adductor muscle as close to the shell as possible. See Figure 40-3. Repeat this procedure to cut the posterior adductor muscle. Open the shell. If necessary, carefully run your fingers or scalpel between the shell and the mantle to separate the mantle from the shell. The space between the two halves of the mantle is the mantle cavity and contains all the "guts" of the clam. Open the left valve as far as possible.

20. Observe the hinge. Notice the interlocking teeth that hold the two valves of the shell together.

Locate the "scars" from the anterior and posterior adductor muscles on the inner surface of the left valve.

These scars indicate where the posterior and anterior adductor muscles were attached.

21. You observed the scars on the left valve.

Where else in a clam would scars from the anterior and posterior adductor muscles be found?


Describe the appearance and feel of the inner side of the clam shell


23. Locate the mantle, a thin layer of tissue that covers the visceral mass and foot. The visceral mass is a soft mass of tissue located dorsal to the foot. The mantle is usually cream or yellow in color with a brownish edge in a preserved clam. Locate the incurrent siphon and excurrent siphon. The siphons are folds in the mantle at the posterior of the clam. The incurrent siphon is ventral to the excurrent siphon.

The incurrent siphon takes in water that contains oxygen and microscopic food particles. Water and waste materials are removed from the mantle cavity through the excurrent siphon. Examine these structures with a dissection microscope.

24. With a pair of scissors, carefully cut away a portion of the mantle as shown in Figure 40-4. With the mantle removed you can now observe the gills, folds of tissue covered with microscopic cilia. Gills are found in pairs, one on each side of the visceral mass. Use a probe and a hand lens to examine the gills. Observe the muscular, hatchet-shaped foot located anterior and ventral to the gills. Locate the palps, a pair of leaf like structures ventral to the anterior adductor muscle and anterior to the gills. The mouth is a slit located between the palps. Water from the incurrent siphon passes over the gills toward the palps. Mucus and cilia on the palps trap food and direct it toward the mouth. Water then circulates out of the mantle cavity through the excurrent siphon.


The gills are feathery in appearance. This helps to increase the surface area of the gills. Of what advantage to a clam are gills with many feathery projections on their surface?

26. Locate the visceral mass. In order to study the visceral mass in detail, remove the gills and set them aside in your dissecting tray. Then use a pair of scissors to cut off the ventral portion of the foot as shown in Figure 40-5A. With a scalpel, carefully cut the top portion of the foot into right and left halves, as shown in Figure 40-5B, to expose internal organs.

27. With the foot removed, see if you can locate any of the following structures: reproductive organs, a spongy reddish mass; the sac-like stomach near the mouth; the digestive gland, a light green mass surrounding the stomach; the coiled intestine leading from the stomach to the anus near the excurrent siphon; the pericardial cavity, an area between the visceral mass and the hinge; the heart contained within the pericardial cavity; and the kidneys, spongy brownish organs below the pericardial cavity.

28. Label each drawing as described below:

Diagram A: anterior adductor muscle, posterior adductor muscle, incurrent siphon, excurrent siphon, and right valve.

Diagram B: mouth, palps, gills, and foot. Also draw red arrows to indicate the flow of water from the incurrent to the excurrent siphon.

Diagram C: gonads, stomach, digestive gland, anus, intestine. Also draw blue arrows to indicate the path of food through the body.

29. In the manila folder, on your lab bench, are 4 structures that I would like your group member to be able to identify. Invite Mr. Nelson over and he will ask different members of your group show him these structures in your clam. He will make a mark below to indicate that you and your group have completed this part. While waiting, work on the Analysis Questions with your partners.

Mr. Nelson Rules!!!!

30. Mr. Nelson will tell you when it's time to start the clean up process. Thoroughly wash and dry your dissecting tray, scalpel, probe, scissors, and any other equipment you may have used. Wash your hands with soap and water.

Analysis Questions:

1. Using the theme of Structure is related to Function , describe how a quahog buries itself in the sand.

2. Research bivalve clams in your text. What type of feeder is a clam and what do clams eat? Explain your answer.

3. What other organism, that we studied, obtains food in the same manner as the clam?

4. The anus is located very close to the excurrent siphon; what a great design! What is the function of the excurrent siphen and what is the advantage of having the anus located very close to the excurrent siphon?

5. There are two types of digestion that can occur in organisms. Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. Which do you see in a clam, and what role do the digestive glands play in this form of digestion?

6. If other students were to look at your shell, why might their age differ using this method of determining age and how can errors occur using this dating method?

7. Much like the growth rings in trees, the width of the bands varies year to year. Name two abiotic environmental conditions that might cause the bands to be larger during a given year?

8. Take one of your two sdconditions above and describe how this condition could affect the clam’s growth.
