BIBLIOGRAPHY 1938 1. Wilkins, L. The rates of growth, osseous

1. Wilkins, L. The rates of growth, osseous development, and mental development in cretine
as a guide to thyroid treatment. J. Pediat. 12: 429, 1938.
2. Wilkins, L. Some problems and methods of diagnosis of cretinism and juvenile
hypothyroidism. Delaware State Medical Journal, June, 1939.
3. Wilkins, L., Fleischmann, W. and Howard, J. E. Macrogenitosomia precox associated
with hyperplasia of the endrogenic tissue of the adrenal and death from the corticoadrenal
insufficiency. Endocrinology 26: 385, 1940.
4. Wilkins, L., Richter, C. P. A great craving for salt by a child with corticoadrenal
insufficiency. J.A.M.A. 114: 866, 1940.
5. Wilkins, L. Thyroid medication during childhood. J.A.M.A. 114: 2382, 1940.
6. Fleischmann, W., Shumacher, H. B., Jr. and Wilkins, L. The effect of thyroidectomy on
serum cholesterol and basal metabolic rate in the rabbit. Am. J. Physiol. 131: 317, 1940.
7. Wilkins, L. Epiphysial dysgenesis associated with hypothyroidism. Am. J. Dis. Child. 61:
13, 1941.
8. Wilkins, L., Fleischmann, W. and Block, W. Studies on hypothyroidism in childhood:
(1) The basal metabolic rate, serum cholesterol and urinary creatine before treatment. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. 1: 3, 1941.
9. Wilkins, L., Fleischmann, W. and Block, W. Studies on hypothyroidism in childhood:
(2) Sensitivity to thyroid medication as measured by the serum cholesterol and the creatine
excretion. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 1: 14, 1941.
10. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Studies on hypothyroidism in childhood: (3) The
effect of withdrawal of thyroid therapy upon the serum cholesterol. Relationship of
cholesterol, basal metabolic rate, weight and clinical symptoms. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 1: 91,
11. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Studies on hypothyroidism in childhood: (4) The
creatine and cholesterol response to thyrotropic hormone. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 1: 98, 1941.
12. Hartman, Carl G. and Fleischmann, W. Serum cholesterol in the rhesus monkey.
Endocrinology 29: 793, 1941.
13. Wilkins, L. Recent studies on the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in children. The
Pennsylvania Medical Journal 44: 429, 1941.
14. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism in childhood.
J.A.M.A. 116: 2459, 1941.
15. Fleischmann, W. and Wilkins, L. Sterol balance in hypothyroidism. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
1: 799, 1941.
16. Wilkins, L., Fleischmann, W. and Howard, J. E. Crestinuris induced by
methyltestosterone in the treatment of dwarfed boys and girls. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 69:
493, 1941.
17. Fleischmann, W. and Shumacher, H. B., Jr. The relationship between serum
cholesterol and total body cholesterol in experimental hyper-and hypo- thyroidism. Bull.
Johns Hopkins Hosp. 71: 175, 1942.
18. Howard, J.E., Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. The metabolic and growth effects of
various androgens in sexually immature dwarfs. Trans. Assn. Am. Physicians. 57: 212, 1942.
19. Fleischmann, W., Shumacher, H. B., Jr. and Straus, W. L., Jr. Influence of age on the
effect of thyroidectomy in the rhesus monkey. Endocrinology 32: 238, 1943.
20. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Sexual infantilism in the female: causes, diagnosis
and treatment. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 4: 306, 1944.
21. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Ovarian agenesis, pathology, associated clinical
symptoms and the bearing on the theories of sex differentiation. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 4: 357,
22. Frame, E. G., Fleischmann, W. and Wilkins, L. The influence of a number of
endrogenic steroids on the urinary excretion of neutral 17-ketosteroids. Bull. Johns Hopkins
Hosp. 75: 95, 1944.
22a. Fleischman, W. and Fried, Ilse E. Studies on the hypercholesterolemia of immature
fowl induced by estrogen. Fed. Proc., Vol. 3. No. 1, March, 1944.
23. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Studies on the creatinuris due to methylated steroids.
J. Clin. Invest. 24: 21, 1945.
24. Fleischmann, W. and Fried, I. E. Studies on the mechanism of the hypercholesterolemis
and hypercalcemia induced by estrogen in immature chicks. Endocrinology 36: 406, 1945.
24a. Fleischmann, W. Effect of thyroxin on estrogen-induced changes in fowl. Fed. Proc.,
Vol. 5, No. 1, March, 1946.
25. Wilkins, L. and Fleischmann, W. Effects of thyroid on creatine metabolism with a
discussion of the mechanism of storage and excretion of creatine bodies. J. Clin. Investigation
25: 360, 1946.
26. Wilkins, L. The influence of various androgenic steroids on nitrogen balance and growth.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. 6: 383, 1946.
27. Fleischmann, W. and Breckler, I. A. With the technical assistance of Fisk, A. J.
Mitotic and wound healing activities of the corneal epithelium in thiouracel treated and
thyroidectomized rats. Endocrinology 41: 266, 1947.
27a. Buschke, W., Friedenwald, J. S. and Fleischmann, W. Studies on the mitotic activity
of the corneal epithelium. Methods. The effects of colchicine, ether, cocaine and ephedrin.
Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 73: 143, 1943.
28. Wilkins, L. Genetic and endocrine factors in the growth and development of childhood
and adolescence. Rec. Prog. Horm. Res. 2: 391, 1948.
29. Wilkins, L. A feminizing adrenal tumor causing gynecomastia in a boy of five years
contrasted with a virilising tumor in a five year old girl. Classification of 70 cases of adrenal
tumor in children according to their hormonal manifestations and a review of 11 cases of
feminising adrenal tumor in adults. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 8: 111, 1948.
30. Wilkins, L. Abnormalities and variations of sexual development during child hood and
adolescence. Advances in Pediatrics 3: 159, 1948.
31. Wilkins, L. and Lewis, R. A. The renal excretion of steroid hormones in
pseudohermaphroditism and male sexual precocity associated with symptoms of Addison's
Disease. Trans. Conf. on Metabolic Aspects of Convalescence 17: 210, 1948.
32. Wilkins, L. and Lewis, R. A. The relationship of dosage and duration of treatment to
adrenal atrophy caused by injection of steroid hormone. Trans. Conf. on Metabolic Aspects
of Convalescence 17: 168, 1948.
33. Gantt, W. H. and Fleischmann, W. Effect of thyroid therapy on the conditional reflex
function in hypothyroidism. Am. J. Psychiatry 104: 673, 1948.
34. Nyda, M. J., de Majo, S. and Lewis, R. A. The effect of ovariectomy and physiologic
doses of estradiol upon body weight, linear growth and fat content of the female albine rat.
Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 83: 279, 1948.
35. Lewis, R. A. and Wilkins, L. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone in congenital
adrenal hyperplasia with virilism and in Cushing's Syndrome treated with methyltestosterone.
J. Clin. Invest. 28: 394, 1949.
36. Hardy, J. and Wilkins, L. Methyl-testosterone in the treatment of premature infants. J.
Pediat. 34: 349, 1949.
37. Wilkins, L. Hyperadrenocorticism. Pediatrics 3: 533, 1949.
38. Lewis, R. A. and Wilkins, L. The effects of 17-vinyl-testosterone and of other steroids
upon the size and cholesterol content of the rat adrenal. Trans. Conf. on Metabolic
Interrelations 1: 159, 1949.
39. Wilkins, L. and Lewis, R. A. Metabolic effects of ACTH in cases of congenital adrenal
hyperplasia of the adrenogenital type and in a case of Cushing's Syndrome. Trans. Conf. on
Metabolic Interrelations 1: 149, 1949.
40. Lewis, R. A., de Majo, S. and Rosenberg, E. The effects of 17-vinyl-testosterone upon
the rat adrenal. Endocrinology 45: 564, 1949.
41. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A. and Klein, R. The response to ACTH in various types of
adrenal hyperplasia. Trans. Armour Laboratorities Conf. on ACTH.
42. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A., Klein, R. and Rosenberg, E. Die wirkung von cortison auf
die ausscheidung der 17-ketosteroids and anderer steroids bei patienten mit kongenitaler
nebennierenhyperplasia. Halvetica Paediatrica Acta 5: 418, 1950.
43. Wilkins, L. Nebennierenrinden-erkrankungen bein kinde. Sonderabdruck aus der
Schweiserischen Medizinischen Wochenschrift. 80. Jahrgang 1950, Nr. 29, Seite 766.
44. Wilkins, L. Hypothyroidism in children. Prog. in Clin. Endocrinology, January, 1950.
45. Rosenberg, E. and Lewis, R. A. Reducation in eosinophil level of adrenalectomised
mice following injection of adrenocorticotropin, 11-dehydre-17-hydroxycorticosterene and
lipid extracts of human urine. J. Applied Physiology 3: 164, 1950.
46. Penneys, R., Thomas, C.B. and Lewis, R. A. Reduction in the number of circulating
eosinophils following induced anoxemia. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 86: 102, 1950.
47. Lewis, R. A., Klein, R. and Wiklins, L. Effect of pituitary growth hormone in dwarfism
with osseous retardation and hypoglycemia in a cretin treated with thyroid. J. Clin. Invest. 29:
460, 1950.
48. Klein, R. and Hanson, J. Adrenocortical function in the new-born infant as measured by
adrenocorticotropic hormone-eosinophil response. Pediatrics 6: 192, 1950.
49. Lewis, R. A., Klein, R. and Wilkins, L. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia with
pseudohermaphroditism and symptoms of Addison's disease; clinical course following
bilateral total adrenalectomy with metabolic studies, pathological findings and discussion of
etiology. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 10: 703, 1950.
50. Schoenbach, E. B., Colsky, J. and Lewis, R. A. Steroid excretion in patients receiving
anti-folic acid compounds. Cancer 3: 844, 1950.
51. Wilkins, L. Round Table Discussion of Endocrine Therapy in Childhood. Pediatrics 6:
908, 1950.
52. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A., Klein, R. and Rosenberg, E. The suppression of androgen
secretion by cortisone in a case of congenital adrenal hperplasia. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.
86: 249, 1950.
53. Lewis, R. A. and Rosenberg, E. The effects of 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone
upon the adrenals of normal and hypophysectomized rats maintained with
adrenocorticotropin. Endocrinology 47: 414, 1950.
54. Klein, R. and Livingstone, S. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone in epilepsy. J.
Pediat. 37: 733, 1950.
55. Klein, R. Adrenocortical control of sodium and potassium excretion in the newborn. J.
Clin. Invest. 30: 318, 1951.
56. Wilkins, Lawson and (by invitation) Gardner, Lytt I., Crigler, John F., Jr. and
Migeon, Claude J. Treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone. Trans. Assn.
Am. Physicians 64: 160, 1951.
57. Gardner, L. I., Crigler, J. F., Jr. and Migeon, C. J. The inhibition of urinary 17ketosteroid excretion produced by "Benemid". Proc. Soc. Ex. Biol. & Med. 78: 460, 1951.
58. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A., Klein, R., Gardner, L. I., Crigler, J. F., Jr., Rosemberg, E.
and Migeon, C. J. Treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone. J. Clin.
Endocrocrinol. 11: 1, 1951.
59. Gardner, L. I. and Migeon, C. J. Le diagnostic des tumeurs virilisantes du cortex
surrenalien: effet de la cortisone sur les steroides urinatres et utilisantion d'une methode
colorimetrique pour le dosage de la dehydroisoandrosterone. Halvetica Paediatrica Acta 6:
465, 1951
60. Wilkins, L., Gardner, L. I., Crigler, J. F., Jr., Silverman, S. H. and Migeon, C.J.
Further studies on the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone. I.
Comparison of oral and intramuscular administration of cortisone, with a note on the
suppressive action of comounds F and B on the adrenal. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 12:
257, 1952.
61. Ibid: II. The effects of cortisone on sexual and somatic development, with an hypothesis
concerning the mechanism of feminisation. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 12: 277, 1952.
62. Wilkins, L., Crigler, J. F., Jr., Silverman, S. H., Gardner, L. I. and Migeon, C. J.
Further studies on the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone. III. The
control of hypartension with cortisone, with a discussion of variations in the type of
congenital adrenal hyperplasia and report of a case with probable defect of carbohydrateregulating hormones. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 12: 1015, 1952
63. Crigler, J.F., Jr., Silverman, S.H. and Wilkins, L. Further studies on the treatment of
congenital adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone. IV. The effect of cortisone and compound B in
infants with disturbed electrolyte metabolism. Pediatrics 10: 397, 1952.
64. Wilkins, L. and Ravitch, N. Adrenocortical tumor arising in liver of 3 year old boy with
signs of virilism and Cushing's Syndrome. Pediatrics 9: 671, 1952.
65. Silverman, S. H., Migeon, C. J., Rosenberg, E. and Wilkins, L. Precocious growth of
sexual hair without other secondary sexual development. "Premature Pubarche" a
constitutional variation of adolescence. Pediatrics 10: 426, 1952.
66. Gardner, L. I., Migeon, C. J., Crigler, J.F., Jr., Silverman, S. H. and Wilkins, L.
Urinary dehydroisoandrosterone in hyperadrenocorticism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 12:
1117, 1952.
67. Migeon, C. J. and Gardner, L. I. Urinary estrogens (measured fluorometrically and
biologically) in hyperadrenocorticism: influence of cortisone, compound F, compound B and
ACTH. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 12: 1513, 1952.
68. Migeon, C. J., Gardner, L. I., Crigler, J. F., Jr. and Wilkins, L. Effect of cortisone
treatment for 28 days on radio-iodine metabolism in normal rats and adrenalectomised rats
maintained with desoxycorticosterone. Endocrinology 51: 117, 1952.
69. Migeon, C. J. Effect of cortisone on lipids of serum, liver and testes in intact and
adrenalectomised rats. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. 80: 571, 1952.
70. Wilkins, L. Constitutional variations of adolescent development. The Mississippi Doctor.
Sept., 1952, p. 107.
71. Wilkins, L. The diagnosis of the adrenogenital syndrome and its treatment with
cortisone. J. Pediat. 41: 860, 1952.
72. Migeon, C. J. Fractionation by countercurrent distribution of urinary estrogens in normal
individuals and in patients with hyperadrenocorticism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 13: 674,
73. Wilkins, L. Disturbance in growth. Bull. N. Y. Acad. Med. 29: 280, 1953.
73a. Wilkins, L. Dwarfism in Current Therapy.
73b. Wilkins, L. Abnormalities of sexual development in children and adolescents "Seminar"
of Sharp & Dohms, Oct., 1952.
73c. Fleischmann, W. Zur hormonal therapie des hypophysaren infantilisms beim WeibeMitterlung eines durch strumn lymphomatose Komplizierten Felles. Wiener Klin. Wchschr.
35: 630, 1952.
74. Bongiovanni, A. M. The detection of pregnandiol and pregnantrial in the urine of
patients with adrenal hyperplasia. Suppression with cortisone. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 92:
244, 1953.
75. Bongiobanni, A. M., Eberlein, W. R and Cara, Jose. Studies on the metabolism of
adrenal steroids in the adrenogenital syndrome. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 14: 409, 1954.
76. Eberlein, W. R. Aminoaciduris in childhood: cystinuria and cystinosis. Am. J. Med.
Sciences 225: 677, 1953.
77. Silverman, S. H. and Wilkins, L. Radioiodine uptake in the study of different types of
hypothyroidism in childhood. Pediatrics 12: 288, 1953.
78. Wilkins, L. and Cara, J. Further studies on the treatment of congenital adrenal
hyperplasia with cortisone. V. Effects of cortisone therapy on testicular development. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. & Metab. 14:287, 1954.
79. Wilkins, L., Clayton, G. M. and Berthrong, M. The development of goiters in cretins
without iodine deficiency. Hypothyroidism due to apparent inability of the thyroid gland to
synthesize thyroxine. Pediatrics 13: 235, 1954.
80. Bongiovanni, A.M>. Detection of corticoid conjugates in human blood. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. & Metab. 14: 341, 1954.
80a. Bongiovanni, A. M., Eberlein, W. R., Grumbach, M. M. Van Wyk, J. J. and
Clayton, G. Conjugates of adrenal corticoids in human plasms. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. &
Med. 87: 282, 1954.
81. Wilkins, L., Bongiovanni, A. M., Clayton, G. W., Grumbach, M. M. and Van Wyk,
J. J. The present status of the treatment of virilising adrenal hyperplasia with cortisone.
Experience of 3-1/2 years. Mod. Prob. in Ped., S. Karger, Basel, Switz., 1: 329, 1954.
82. Bongiovanni, A. M., Eberlein, W. R. and Cara, Jose. Studies on the metabolism of
adrenal steroids in the adrenogenital syndrome. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 14: 409, 1954.
83. Bongiovanni, A. M. and Clayton, G. W., Jr. A simplified method for the routine
determination of pregnamedial and pregnanetriol in urine. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 94:
180, 1954.
84. Wilkins, L. Tools and methods of diagnosis and new trends in the treatment of endocrine
disorders. (Borden Award Lecture Pediatrics 13: 393, 1954.
85. Bongiovanni, A. M. and Clayton, G. W., Jr. A simplified method for the estimation of
11-oxygenated neutral 17-ketosteroids in the urine of individuals with adrenocortical
hyperplasia. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 85: 428, 1954.
86. Wilkins, L., Bongiovanni, A. M., Clayton, G. W., Grumbach, M. M. and Van Wyk,
J. J. Virilising adrenal hyperplasia: its treatment with cortisone and the nature of the steroid
abnormalitites. Ciba Foundation Colloq. Endocrin. 8: 480, 1954.
87. Wilkins, L., Grumbach, M. M. and Van Wyk, J. J. Chromosomal sex in ovarian
agenesis. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 14: 1270, 1954.
88. Wilkins, L. The evolution of endocrine diagnosis and treatment. (Addison Lecture) Gay's
Hospital Gasette - March, 1955.
88a. Wilkins, L. Endocrine Factors in Obesity in Fat Metabolism, ed. by Najjar, Johns
Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1954.
89. Wilkins, L. Hormonal influence on skeletal growth. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. 60: 763, 1955.
90. Grumbach, M. M., Bongiovanni, A. M., Eberlein, W., Van Wy, J. J. and Wilkins, L.
Cushing's Syndrome with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia: a study of the plasma 17-OH-CS and
the response to ACTH. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 96: 116, 1955.
91. Wilkins, L., Grumbach, M. M., Van Wyk. J. J., Shepard, T. H., II and Papedatos, C.
Hermaphroditism: classification, diagnosis, selection of sex and treatment. Pediatrics 16: 287,
92. Grumbach, M. N., Van Wyk, J. J. and Wilkins, L. Chromosomal sex in gonadal
dyagenesis (ovarian agenesis). Relationship to male pseudohermaphroditism and theories of
human sex differentiation. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 15: 1161, 1955.
93. Gyorgy, Wilkins, Hampson et al. Psychologic aspects of sexual orientation of the child
with particular reference to the problem of intersexuality. J. Pediat. 47: 771, 1955.
94. Van Wyk, J. J. The use of thyroid in pediatric practice. Quart. Rev. Ped. 10: 212, 1955.
95. Newberry, E. and Van Wyk, J. J. A technique for quantitative urine collection in the
metabolic study of infants and young children. Pediatriecs 16: 667, 1955.
96. Hampson, Joan G. Hermaphreditic genital appearane, rearing and eroticism in
hyperadrenocorticism. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 96: 265, 1955.
97. Hampson, J. L., Hampson, J. G. and Money, J. The syndrome of gonadal agensis
(ovarian agenesis) and male chromosomal pattern in girls and women. Psychologic studies.
Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp: 97: 207, 1955.
98. Money, J. Hermaphroditism, gender and precocity in hyperadrenocorticism. Bull. Johns
Hopkins Hosp. 96: 253, 1955.
99. Money, J., Hampson, J. G. and Hampson, J. L. An examination of some basis sexual
concepts: the evidence of human hermaphroditism. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 97: 301, 1955.
100. Money, J. Hermaphroditism: recommendations concerning assignment of sex, change
of sex and psychologic management. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 97: 284, 1955.
100a. Money, J. and Hampson, J. G. Idiopathic sexual precocity in the male. Psychosom.
Med. 17: 1, 1955.
100b. Hampson, J. G. and Money, J. Idiopathic sexual precocity in the female. Psychosom.
Med. 17: 16, 1955.
101. Childs, B., Grumbach, M. M. and Van Wyk, J. J. Virilising adrenal hyperplasia: a
genetic and hormonal study. J. Clin. Invest. 35: 213, 1956.
102. Wilkins, L. The influence of the endocrine glands upon growth and development.
Chapter IX in Textbook of Endocrinology, 2nd Ed. R. H. Williams, Saunders, 1955.
103. Van Wyk, J. J., Grumbach, M. M., Shepard, T. H., II and Wilkins, L. Treatment of
hyperthyroidism with thieuracil drugs. Pediatrics 17: 221, 1956.
104. Grumbach, M. M. and Wilkins, L. The pathogenesis and treatment of virilizing
adrenal hyperplasia. Pediatrics 17: 418, 1956.
105. Van Wyk, J. J. Hypothyroidism in childhood. Pediatrics 17: 427, 1956.
106. Migeon, C. J., Prystowsky, H., Grumbach, M. M. and Byron, M. Placental passage
of 17-OH-CS: comparison of the levels in maternal and fetal plasma and effect of ACTH and
hydrocortisone administration. J. Clin. Invest. 35: 488, 1956.
107. Hinrichs, E. N., Jr. Dental changes in idiopathic juvenile hypoparathyroidism. Oral
Surg., Oral Med. and Oral Path. 9: 1102, 1956.
108. Money, J., Hampson, J. O. and Hamson, J. L. Sexual incongruities and
psychopathology. The evidence of human hermaphroditism. Bull. John Hopkins Hosp. 98:
43, 156.
109. Hampson, J. G., Money, J. and Hampson, J. L. Hermaphroditism, recommendations
concerning case management. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 16: 547, 1956.
110. Money, J. Psychologic studies oin hypothyroidism, recommendations for case
management. Arch. Neurol. & Psych. 76: 296, 1956.
111. Wilkins, L. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders in Childhood and
Adolescence. Springfield, Chas. C. Thomas, 1957.
112. Mosier, H. D. Comparative histological study of the adrenal cortex of the wild and
domesticated Norway rat. Endocrinology 60: 460, 1957.
113. Wilkins, L. Presidential Address. May 31, 1957. Endocrinology 61: 206, 1957.
114. Smith, D. W, Blizzard, R. M. and Wilkins, L. The mental prognosis in
hypothyroidism of infancy and childhood. A review of 128 cases. Pediatrics 19: 1011, 1957.
115. Migeon, C. J., Bertrand, J. and Well, P. E. Physiological disposition of 4-C¹⁴-cortisol
during late pregnancy. J. Clin. Invest. 36: 1350, 1957.
116. Migeon, C. J., Keller, A. R., Lawrence, B. and Shepard, T. H.
Dehydroepisndrosterone and androsterone levels in human plasma. Effect of age and sex;
day-to-day and diurnal variations. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 17: 1051, 1957.
117. Migeon, C. J., Bertrand, J., Wall, P. E., Stempfel, R. S. and Prystowsky, H.
Metabolism and placental transmission of cortisol during pregnancy near term. Ciba
Colloquia on Endocrinology, 1957.
118. Migeon, C. J. and Stempfel, R. S. Laboratory diagnosis in pediatric endorinology. Ped.
Clin. of N. A., Nov., 1957, page 959, W.B. Saunders Company.
119. Blizzard, R. M. and Wilkins, L. Present concepts of steroid therapy in virilizing
adrenal hyperplasia. Arch. Int. Med. 100: 729, 1957.
120. Sandberg, A. A., Eik-Nes, K., Migeon, C. J. and Koepf, G. F. Plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in hyperfunction, suppression and deficiency of adrenal cortical function. J.
Lab. & Clin. Med. 50: 286, 1957.
121. Bliss, E. L. and Migeon, C. J. Endocrinology of anorexia nervosa. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
& Metab. 17: 766, 1957.
122. Mosier, H. D. and Richter, C.P. Response of the glomerulosa layer of the adrenal
gland of wild and domesticated Norway rats to low and high salt diets. Endocrinology 62:
268, 1958.
123. Mosier, H. D., Blizzard, R. M. and Wilkins, L. Congenital defects in the biosynthesis
of thyroid hormone. Report of two cases. Pediatrics 21: 248, 1958.
124. Stempfel, R. S. and Migeon, C.J. Precocious and delayed sexual development. Clin.
Ob. and Gyn. 1: 271, 1958.
125. Howard, J. E. and Migeon, C. J. Cushing's Syndrome produced by normal
replacement doses of cortisone in a patient with defective mechanism of steroid degradation.
Am. J. Med. Sci. 235: 387, 1958.
126. Wilkins, L., Jones, H. W., Jr., Holman, G. H. and Stempfel, R. S., Jr.
Masculinization of the female fetus associated with administration of progestins during
gestation: Non-adrenal female pseudohermaphroditism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 18:
559, 1958.
127. Nichols, J., Lescure, O. L. and Migeon, C. J. The levels of 17-hydroxy-corticosteroids
and 17-ketosterodis in maternal and cord plasma in term anencephaly. J. Clin. Endocrinol. &
Metab. 18: 444, 1958.
128. Martin, M. M. and Wilkins, L. Pituitary dwarfism: Diagnosis and treatment. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. & Metab. 18: 679, 1958.
129. Wilkins, L. Dysgenesis gonadale et hermaphrodisme. Leurs relations avec les theories
de la differenciation sexuelle. Marseille Medical 95: 1, 1958.
130. Wilkins, L. Syndrome Adreno-genital. Les Ann. d'Endocrin. 19: 841, 1958.
131. Stempfel, R. S., Jr., Sidbury, J. B., Jr. and Migeon, C. J. The effects of large doses of
salicylate on the metabolism of cortisol in human subjects. (Abstract) Am. J. Dis. Child. 96:
543 , 1958.
132. Holman, G. H. and Migeon, C. J. A functional ensymatic deficiency of cortisol
metabolism in young infants. (Abstract) Am. J. Dis. Child. 96: 524, 1958.
133. Migeon, C. J., Wall, P. E. and Bertrand, J. Some aspects of the metabolism of 16C¹⁴-esterone in normal individuals. J. Clin. Invest. 38: 619, 1959.
134. Wall, P. E. and Migeon, C. J. In vitro studies with 16-C14-estrone: distribution between
plasma and red blood cells of man. J. Clin. Invest. 38: 611, 1959.
135. Gardner, L. I. and Migeon, C. J. Unusual plasma 17-ketosteroid pattern in a boy with
congenital adrenal hyperplasia and periodic fever. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 19: 266,
136. Childs, B., Sidbury, J. B., Jr. and Migeon, C. J. Glucuronic acid conjugation by
patients with familial non-hemolytic jaundice and their relatives. Pediatrics 23: 903, 1959.
137. Haddad, H. M. and Wilkins, L. Congenital anomalies associated with gonadal aplasia.
Pediatrics 23: 885, 1959.
138. Blizzard, R. M., Liddle, G. W., Migeon, C. M. and Wilkins, L. Aldosterone excretion
in patients with virilizing adrenal hyperplasia maintained on a normal and low salt diet. J.
Clin. Invest. (In press).
139. Howard, E. and Migeon, C. J. Sex hormone secretion by the adrenal cortex. In The
Adrenocortical Hormones: their chemistry, physiology and pharmacology. Springer Verlag,
Editor. (In press).
140. Migeon, C.J. Androgens in human plasma. In Symposium on Hormones in Human
Plasma. Antoniades, H., Editor (In press).
141. Migeon, C.J., Lawrence, B., Bertrand, J. and Holman, G. H. In vivo distribution of
some 17-hydroxycorticosteroids between plasma and red blood cells of man. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. & Metab. (Submitted).
142. Migeon, C.J., Lesource, O. and Antoniades, H. Further in vitro studies with 16-C¹⁴estrone: distribution between plasma protein fractions and red blood cells of man. J. Clin.
Invest. (Submitted).
143. Migeon, C.J. Cortisol production and metabolism in the neonate. A.M.A.J. Pediatrics
(In press).
144. Wilkins, L. Masculinization of the female fetus due to the use of certain synthetic oral
progestins during pregnancy. Arch. d'Anat. Mier. et Morph. Exp. (In press).
145. Haddad, Heskel M. and Sidbury, J.B., Jr. Defect of the Iodinating system in
congenital goitrous cretinism: report of a case with biochemical studies. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
& Metab. 19: 1446, 1959.
145a. Albert, A., Burns, E., Hampson, J. Determination of sex and what to do about it. J.
Urol. 81: 13, 1959.
146. Wilkins, L. Abnormalities of Sex Differentiation: Classification, Diagnosis, Selection of
Gender of Rearing and Treatment. Pediatrics 26: 846, November, 1960.
147. Wilkins, L. The thyroid gland. Scientific American 202: 119, 1960.
148. Wilkins, L. Masculinization of Female Fetus due to Use of Orally given Progestins.
J.A.M.A. 172: 1028, 1960 (March 5).
149. Wilkins, L. Diagnosis, Selection of Sex of Rearing and Treatment of Various Types of
Abnormal Sex Differentiation. In Clinical Endocirnology, I (N.Y., Grune & Stratton). 437454, 1960.
150. Wilkins, L. Hypothyroidism in Children. In Clinical Endocrinology, I (N.Y., Grune &
Stratton). 112-122, 1960.
151. Green, O.C., Migeon, C.J., and Wilkins, L. Urinary steroids in the hypertensive form
of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. J. Clin. Endocrinol. 20: 929, July, 1960.
152. Wilkins, L. The Influence of the Endocrine Glands upon Growth and Development, in
Textbook of Endocrinology, 3rd edn., R. H. Williams, Saunders, 1960.
153. Migeon, C.J., Nicolopoulos, D., and Cornblath, M. Concentrations of 17hydroxycorticosterodis in the blood of diabetic mothers and in blood from the umbilical cords
of their offspring at the time of delivery. Pediatrics 25: 605, 1960.
154. Stempfel, R.S., Jr., Sidbury, J. B., Jr., and Migeon, C.J. B-Glucuronidase hydrolysis
of urinary corticosteroid conjugates: Effect of salicylate glucuronidase as a competing
enzyme of enzyme inactivation. JCE&M 20: 814, 1960.
155. Haddad, Heskel M., and Jones, H.W. Clitoral Enlargement stimulating
pseudohermaphroditism. AMA Journal of Diseases of Children 99: 282, 1960.
156. Cleveland, W., Green, O.C., Migeon, C. A Case of Proved Adrenocorticotropin
Deficiency. Journal of Ped. 57: 376, 1960.
156a. Migeon, C.J. Androgens in Human Plasma. Hormones in Human Plasma edited by
Antoniades, H. Little Brown and Company, Boston, Mass., 1960.
156b. Issacs, James P., Blalock A., and Migeon, C. J. Catecholamine and 17hydroxycorticosteroid output in dogs with transplanted adrenal glands. Bull. JHH 107: 105,
August, 1960.
157. Park, E.A. and Bongiovanni, A. Biographies of Wilkins. J. Pediatrics, September,
158. Jones, H., Wilkins, L. The Genital Anomaly with Prenatal Exposure to Progestogens.
Fertility and Sterility 11: 148, March-April, 1960.
159. Blizzard, R. M. Inherited Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Metabolsim.
Metabolism 9: 232, March, 1960.
160. Green, R. Money, J. Incongruous Gender Role: Nongenital Manifestations in
Prepurbertal Boys. The J. of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 130: 160, August, 1960.
161. Money, J. Components of Eroticism in Man: Cognitional Rehearsals. Recent Advances
in Biological Psychiatry. 210, 1960.
162. Wilkins, L. Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Virlizing Adrenal Hyperplasia.
Postgraduate of Medicine 29: 31, 1961.
163. Shulman, L.E., Calkins, E., Cluff, L., and Wilkins, L. Adrenocortical Steroid Therapy
(A Panel Discussion) Md. State Med.J., May, 1961.
164. Green, O.C., Cleveland, W.W., and Wilkins, L. Triamcinolone therapy in the
adrenaogenital syndrome. Pediatrics 27: 292, February, 1961.
165. David, R. R., Alexander, D.S. and Wilkins, L. Placental Transfer of an organic
radiopaque medium resulting in a prolonged elevation of the protein bound iodine. J. of P.
August, 1961, 59: 223.
166. Money, J. Hermaphroditism. The Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior. 472, 1961.
167. Green, R., Money, J. Effeminacy in Prepubertal Boys. Summary of 11 Cases and
Recommendations for Case Management. 27: 286, February, 1961.
168. Money, J. Components of eroticism in Man. I. The hormones in relation to sexual
morphology and sexual desire. J. Nerv. and Mental Dis. 132: 239, 1961.
169. Migeon, C. J., Bertrand, J., Gemzell, C.A. The Transplacental Passage of Varioous
Steroid Hormones in Mid Pregnancy. Present Progress in Hormone Research. 17: 207, 1961.
170. Migeon, C.J. The Endocrine Function of the Newborn. CIBA Found. Symposium on
Somatic Stability in the Newly Born. 1961. P. 215-237.
171. Migeon, C. J., Bertrand, J. and Gemzell, C. A. The Transplacental Passage of Various
Steroid Hormones in Med Pregnancy. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. 17: 207, 1961.
Also in the Human Adrenal Cortex. Currie Symington and Grant, Editors, Edinburgh,
London, 1962.
172. Cleveland, W. W., Green, O.C., and Wilkins, L. Deaths in Congenital Adrenal
Hyperplasia. Pediatrics. 29: 3, January, 1962.
173. Aceto, T., Blizzard, R., and Migeon, C.J. Adrenocortical Insufficiency in Infants and
Children. The Ped. Clinics of N. Amer. 9: 1, Feb., 1962.
174. Wilkins, L. The Effects of Thyroid Deficiency Upon the Development of the Brain.
Vol. XXXIX. P. 150-155. Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 1962.
175. Cleveland, W.W., Nikesic, M., and Migeon, C.J. Response to an 11-Hydroxylase
Inhibitor (SU-4885) in Patients with Adrenal Hyperplasia and Their Parents. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. Metab 22: 281, 1962.
176. Howard, E. and Migeon, C.J. Sex Hormone Secretion By the Adrenal Cortex.
Handbuch Der Experimentallen Pharmakologie Vol. 14: 560-624. Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1962.
177. Wilkins, L. Adrenal Disorders. I. Cushing's Syndrome and Its Puzzles. Arch. Dis.
Childhood 37: 1, 1962. II. Virilizing Adrenal Hyperplasia. Arch. Dis. Childhood 3: 231,
178. Bergada, C., Cleveland, W. W., Jones, H. W., and Wilkins, L. Gonaldal Histology in
Patients with Male Pseudohermaphroditism and Atypical Gonadal Dysgenesis: Relation to
Theories of Sex Differentiation. Acta Endocrinologica. 40: 493-520, 1962.
179.Bergada, C., Cleveland, W. W., Jones, H. W., and Wilkins, L. Variants of Embryonic
Testicular Dysgenesis: Bilateral Anorchia and the Syndrome of Rudimentary Testes. Acta
Endocrinologica. 40: 521-536, 1962.
180. Hung, W., Wilkins, L. and Blizzard, R.M. Medical Therapy of Thyrotoxicosis in
Children. Pedatrics 30: 1, July 1962.
181. Chandler, R. W., Kyle, M. A., Hung, W., and Blizzard, R. M. Experimentally
Induced Autoimmunization Disease of the Thyroid. I. The Failure of Transplacental Transfer
of Anti-Thyroid Antibodies to Produce Cretinism. 40:6, Pediatrics, June 1962.
182. Oh, W., Baens, G. S., Migeon, C. J., Wybregt, S. H., and Cornblath, M. Studies of
Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Newborn Infant. V. The Effects of Cortisol on the
Hyperglycemic Response to Glucagon. Pediatrics 30: 763, 1962.
183. Rappaport, R., and Migeon, C. J. Physiological Disposition of 4-C14Tetrahydrocortisol in Man. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 22: 1065, 1962.
184. Migeon, C. J., Lescure, O. L., Zinkham, W. H., and Sidbury, J. B. In Vitro
Interconversion of 16-C14-Estrone and 16-C14-Estradiol-17 β by Erythrocytes from Normal
Subjects and From Subjects with a Deficiency of Red Cell Glucose-6-Phospate
Dehydrogenase Activity. J. Clin. Invest. 41: 2025, 1962.
Also presented at the First International Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen, 1960.
185. Wilkins, L. Modern Materia Medica (Presidential Address). American Pediatric
Society. Am. J. Dis. Child 104: 449, 1962.
186. Kenny, F. M., Malvaux, P., and Migeon, C. J. Cortisol Production Rate in Newborns,
Infants, and Children. Pediatrics 31: 360, 1963.
Also presented at the 32nd meeting of the Society for Pediatric Research, Atlantic City, May
8-10, 1962. AMA J. Dis. Child 104: 529, 1962.
187. Migeon, C. J., Green, O.C., and Eckert, J. P. Study of Adrenocortical Function in
Obesity. Metabolism 12: 718, 1963.
Also presented at the 43rd meeting of the Endocrine Society, New York, June 1961.
188. Camacho, A. M. and Migeon, C. J. Isolation, Identification, and Quantification of
Testosterone in the Urine of Normal Adults and in Patients with Endocrine Disorders. J. Clin.
Endocrinol. l Metab. 23: 301, 1963.
Also presented at the 44th meeting of the Endocrine Society, Chicago, June 1962.
189. Hung, W., Migeon, C. J., and Parrott, R.M. A Possible Autoimmune Basis for
Addison's Disease in Three Siblings, One with Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism, Pernicious
Anemia, and Superficial Moniliasis. New Eng., J. Med 269: 658, 1963.
190. Hung, W., Blizzard, R. M., Migeon, C. J., Nyhan, W. and Comacho, A.M.
Precocious Puberty in a Boy with a Hepatoma and Circulating Gonadotropin. J. Pediatrics 63:
895, 1963.
191. Camacho, A. M. and Migeon, C. J. Studies of the Origin of Testosterone in the Urine
of Normal Adult Subjects and Patients with Various Endocrine Disorders. J. Clin. Invest. 43:
1083, 1964.
192. Kowarski, A., Finkelstein, J. W., Loras, B., and Migeon, C. J. The In Vivo Stability
of the Tritium Label in 1, 2-H³-Aldosterone Secretion Rate by the Double Isotope Dilution
Technique. Steroids 2: 95, 1964.
193. Finkelstein, J. W., Kowarski, A., Spaulding, J. S., and Migeon, C. J. Effect of
Various Preparations of Human Growth Hormone on Aldosterone Secretion Rate of
Hypopituitary Dwarfs. Am. J. Med. 38: 517, 1965.
194. David, R. R., Bergada, C., and Migeon, C. J. Isolation, Identification and
Measurement of 3α, 17α-Dihydroxypregnane-11, 20-Dione in Congenital Adrenal
Hyperplasia. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 25: 322, 1965.
195. Bowen, P., Lee, C.S.N., Migeon, C. J., Kaplan, N. M., Whalley, P.J., McKusick, V.
A., and Reifenstein, E. C. Hereditary Male Pseudohermaphroditism with Hypogonadism,
Hypospadias and Gynecomastia (Reifenstein's Syndrome). Annals of Internal Medicine 62:
252, 1965.
196. Aarskog, D., Blizzard, R. M. and Migeon, C. J. The Response to Methopyrapone (SU4885) and Pyrogen Tests in Idiopathic Hypopituitary Dwarfism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.
25: 439, 1965.
197. David, R. R., Bergada, C., and Migeon, C. J. Effect of Age on Urinary Steroid
Excretion in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 117: 16, 1965.
198. Kowarski, A., Finkelstein, J. W., Spaulding, J. S., Holman, G. H., and Migeon, C. J.
Aldosterone Secretion Rate in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. J. Clin. Invest. 44: 1505,
199. Migeon, C. J. and Baulieu, E. Hyperplasie Congenitale Des Surrenales-Etde
Biologique. Les Trouble Congenitaux de l'hormogenese. Doin and Masson Ed. Paris, 1965.
Presented at VIII Reunion des Endocrinologistes deLangue Francaise, Paris, June 1965.
200. Kenny, F. M., Preeyasombat, C., and Migeon, C. J. Cortisol Production Rate. II.
Normal Infants, Children, and Adults. Pediatrics 37: 34, 1966.
201. Rivarola, M. A. and Migeon, C. J. A Method for the Determination of Cortisol
Secretion Rate in Patients Receiving Antibiotics. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 17: 286, 1965.
202. Snipes, C. A., Becker, W. G., and Migeon, C. J. The Effect of Age on the In Vitro
Metabolism of Androgens by Guinea Pig Testies. Steroids 6: 771, 1965.
203. Kowarski, A., Bernant, M., Grossman, M.S. and Migeon, C. J. Antidiuretic Property
of Aldactone (spironolactone) in Diabetes Insipidus. Studies on the Mechanism of
Antidiuresis. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 119: 413, 1966.
204. Kenny, F. M., Preeyasombat, C., Spaulding, J. S. and Migeon, C. J. Cortisol
Production Rate. IV. Infants Born of Steroid-Treated Mothers and of Diabetic Mothers.
Infants with Trisomy Syndrome and with Anencephaly. Pediatrics 37: 960, 1966.
205. Becker, W. G., Snipes, C. A. and Migeon, C. J. Progesterone-4-C¹⁴. Metabolism to
Androgens by Testes of Normal and Isoimmune Aspermatogenic Guinea Pigs.
Endocrinology 78: 737, 1966.
206. Rivarola, M. A. and Migeon, C. J. Determination of Testosterone and Androst-4-Ene3, 17-Dione Concentration in the Human Plasma. Steroid 7: 103, 1966.