Tennessee Council of School Board Attorneys 2015-2016 Member Directory Provided by the Tennessee School Boards Association Directory Valid July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Tennessee School Boards Association P.O. Box 440011 Nashville, TN 37244-0011 Phone: 615-815-3900/ 800-448-6465 Fax: 615-815-3911 Website: www.tsba.net EARN CLE CREDIT WHILE YOU LEARN TSBA conducts annual sessions offering attorneys the opportunity to earn CLE credit. Please mark your calendar and make plans to participate. Register online or call the TSBA Registrar at (800) 448-6465 x 3910. LEGAL WORKSHOP AT CONVENTION During the annual convention in November, TSBA offers workshops covering the latest in education law information and some of the hottest topics affecting public schools. Date & time: November 15, 2015, 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Location: Opryland Hotel – Nashville, TN Price: $75 to attend just the Legal Workshop CLE hours: 3 General. EMPLOYMENT LAW SEMINAR This one-day seminar deals with labor and employment law issues in public schools. Date: March 18, 2016 Location: Nashville, TN Price: $125 CLE Hours: To be announced SUMMER LAW INSTITUTE Offered annually as a one-day session in Jackson, TN and as a two-day event in Gatlinburg, TN. Topics include case summaries, updates on recent legislation, AG opinions, and various legal issues related to education. Dates: June 24, 2016 & TBA Locations: Jackson, TN & Gatlinburg, TN Price: $150 CLE Hours: To be announced 1 Richard B. Armstrong, Jr. Phone: 865-215-2327 Fax: 865-215-2936 lawdir@knoxcounty.org Knox Co. Law Director’s Office 400 Main Street Suite. 612 City-Co. Bldg. Knoxville, TN 37902 Kathy Aslinger Phone: 865-546-7311 Fax: 865-524-1773 kaslinger@kmfpc.com Kennerly, Montgomery & Finley, P.C. 550 W. Main Street 4th Floor Knoxville, TN 37902 Kelley Blevins Baker Phone: 615-849-2616 Fax: 615-849-2662 kbaker@murfreesborotn.gov City of Murfreesboro 111 West Vine Street P.O. Box 1044 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Christy Ballard Phone: 615-741-2921 Fax: 615-532-4791 christy.ballard@tn.gov TN Department of Education 710 James Robertson Parkway Andrew Johnson Tower 6th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 John Banks Phone: 423-543-3100 Fax: 423-543-4691 jbanksatty@yahoo.com Banks & Banks, Attorneys P.O. Box 400 Elizabethton, TN 37644-0400 Jacky O. Bellar Phone: 615-735-1684 Fax: 615-735-1138 bellarj@bellsouth.net Bellar & Winkler P.O. Box 332 212 Main Street North Carthage, TN 37030 Randall Bennett Phone: 615-815-3902 Fax: 615-815-3911 rbennett@tsba.net TN School Boards Association Deputy Executive Director & General Counsel 525 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville, TN 37207 2 D. Scott Bennett Phone: 423-265-0214 Fax: 423-266-5490 scott.bennett@leitnerfirm.com Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC 200 W. M.L. King Blvd. Suite 500 Chattanooga, TN 37402 J. Michael Billingsley Phone: 423-229-9464 Fax: 423-224-2417 mikebillingsley@kingsporttn.gov City of Kingsport 225 W. Center Street Kingsport, TN 37660 John T. Bobo Phone: 931-684-4611 Fax: 931-684-4628 jbobo@bobohuntandwhite.com Bobo, Hunt, White & Burk P.O. Box 169 Shelbyville, TN 37162 W. Collins Bonds Phone: 731-686-1198 Fax: 731-686-9868 cbonds@kbhlaw.com Kizer, Bonds, Hughes & Bowen, PLLC P.O. Box 320 Milan, TN 38358 David Buuck Phone: 865-215-2327 Fax: 865-215-2936 lawdir@knoxcounty.org Knox County Law Director’s Office 400 Main Street Suite 612 City-Co. Building Knoxville, TN 37902 Charles W. Cagle Phone: 615-259-1366 Fax: 615-259-1389 ccagle@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 424 Church Street Suite 2500 Nashville, TN 37219 Susan Crabtree Knox Co. Law Director’s Office 400 Main Street Suite 612 City-County Building Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: 865-215-2327 Fax: 865-215-2936 lawdir@knoxcounty.org 3 Phone: 615-259-1366 Fax: 615-259-1389 bcraig@lewisthomason.com Bradley W. Craig Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 424 Church Street Suite 2500 Nashville, TN 37219 Jennifer Cooke Craig Phone: 731-300-0737 Fax: 731-300-0769 jennifer@psclegal.com Purcell, Sellers & Craig, Inc. 45 Murray Guard Drive P.O. Box 10547 Jackson, TN 38305 Philip Cramer Phone: 615-741-4928 Fax: 615-741-0371 philip.cramer@tn.gov TN State Board of Education 710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 Melanie Davis Phone: 865-980-1625 Fax: 865-980-1640 mdavis@kizer-black.com Kizer & Black Attorneys, PLLC 329 Cates Street Maryville, TN 37801 Mary DeCamp Phone: 423-424-3901 Fax: 423-308-0901 mary.decamp@leitnerfirm.com Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC 200 West M.L. King Blvd., Suite 500 Chattanooga, TN 37402 William Dan Douglas, Jr. Phone: 731-635-5113 Fax: 731-635-5121 dandouglas@bellsouth.net P.O. Box 489 Ripley, TN 38063 Gary T. Dupler Phone: 865-215-2327 Fax: 865-215-2936 lawdir@knoxcounty.org Knox Co. Law Director’s Office 400 Main Street Suite 612 City-County Building Knoxville, TN 37902 Caitlyn Leudtke Elam Phone: 865-546-4646 Fax: 865-523-6529 celam@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 620 Market Street Fifth Floor Knoxville, TN 37902 4 Jim Fuqua Phone: 615-822-4400 Fax: 615-264-2628 jimfuqua@gmail.com Jim Fuqua, Attorney at Law 105 Hazel Path Mansion Hendersonville, TN 37075 Jack L. Garton Phone: 615-446-2882 Fax: 615-446-4694 jlgarton@wrg-plc.com White, Regen & Garton, PLC P.O. Box 190 465 Henslee Drive, Creekside Center Dickson, TN 37056-0190 Lawrence F. Giordano Phone: 865-546-4646 Fax: 865-523-6529 giordano@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 620 Market Street Fifth Floor P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 James M. Glasgow, Jr. Phone: 731-885-2011 Fax: 731-885-6469 jglasgow@glasgowchism.com Elam, Glasgow & Chism, Attys P.O. Box 250 Union City, TN 38281 Robert N. Goddard Phone: 865-982-6731 Fax: 865-982-6733 gandgatty@bellsouth.net Goddard & Gamble 101 W. Broadway Suite 208 Maryville, TN 37801 Robert Gowan Phone: 615-418-9219 Fax: robert@millsapsgowan.com Millsaps Gowan Government Relations P.O. Box 159249 Nashville, TN 37215 Rich Haglund Phone: 615-775-8972 Fax: 615-253-5706 rhaglund@tnasd.org Achievement School District 710 James Robertson Pkwy. Andrew Johnson Tower 12th Floor Nashville, TN 37243 5 Lee Harrell Phone: 615-815-3903 Fax: 615-815-3911 lharrell@tsba.net TN School Boards Association Director of Govt. & Labor Relations 525 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville, TN 37207 Christopher C. Hayden Phone: 731-300-0737 Fax: 731-300-0769 chris@psclegal.com Purcell, Sellers & Craig 45 Murray Guard Drive P.O. Box 10547 Jackson, TN 38305 E. Patrick Hull Phone: 423-247-6151 Fax: 423-247-6152 pat@hull-firm.com The Hull Law Firm P.O. Box 1388 Kingsport, TN 37662 David W. Huss Phone: 731-446-0679 Fax: david.huss@charter.net Office of David W. Huss, Attorney-at-Law 385 Thorndale Drive McKenzie, TN 38201 Samuel L. Jackson Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 424 Church Street Suite 2500 Nashville, TN 37219 Phone: 615-259-1366 Fax: 615-259-1389 sjackson@lewisthomason.com Melinda Jacobs Phone: 865-604-6340 Fax: 865-448-6340 jacobslawmelinda@gmail.com The Law Office of Melinda Jacobs 163 Kelly Ridge Road Townsend, TN 37882 Michael R. Jennings 326 North Cumberland Street Lebanon, TN 37087 Phone: 615-444-0585 Fax: 615-449-8239 mjenningslaw@aol.com Carol M. Joiner Phone: 931-920-7941 Fax: 931-920-9941 carol.joiner@cmcss.net 621 Gracey Avenue Clarksville, TN 37040 6 Sarah Kennedy Phone: 423-507-1157 Fax: 423-507-8266 sarah@esteskennedy.com Estes & Kennedy Law Offices, PLLC 296 West Madison Avenue Athens, TN 37303 Stephen Craig Kennedy Phone: 731-645-6177 Fax: 731-645-9498 ckennedy@deusnerandkennedy.com Deusner & Kennedy, P.A. 177 West Court Avenue P.O. Box 647 Selmer, TN 38375 John D. Kitch Cornelius & Collins, LLP 511 Union Street Suite 1500 P.O. Box 190695 Nashville, TN 37219 Phone: 615-244-1440 Fax: 615-254-9477 jdkitch@cornelius-collins.com Mike Kurtz Phone: 615-449-6060 Fax: 615-449-5673 mike.kurtz@lssd.org 701 Coles Ferry Pike Lebanon, TN 37087 Gerald Lawson, Jr. Phone: 901-522-9898 Fax: 901-522-9962 glawson@cperkinslaw.com Law Offices of Charles Perkins 284 German Oak Drive Suite 200 Cordova, TN 38018 Emily Mack Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC P.O. Box 198615 Nashville, TN 37219 Phone: 615-259-1366 Fax: 615-259-1389 emack@lewisthomason.com Michael Marshall Phone: 901-525-6781 Fax: 901-374-7495 mmarshall@evanspetree.com Evans, Petree, P.C. 1000 Ridgeway Loop Road Suite 200 Memphis, TN 38120 Chris McCarty Phone: 865-546-4646 Fax: 865-523-6529 cmccarty@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 620 Market St. P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 7 Angel McCloud Phone: 615-893-5812 Fax: 615-904-3894 mcclouda@rcschools.net Rutherford County Board of Education 2240 Southpark Blvd. Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Clifton Miller Phone: 931-455-9301 Fax: 931-455-1621 cmiller@henry-mccord.com Henry, McCord, Bean, Miller, Gabriel & LaBar, PLLC P.O. Box 538 Tullahoma, TN 37388 Yasmin Mohammad Phone: 404-567-6574 Fax: 404-467-8845 Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP 1180 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30309 yasmin.mohammad@lewisbrisbois.com Rodney G. Moore Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP 1180 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-991-3788 Fax: 404-467-8845 Katy Olita Phone: 931-647-1501 Phone: 931-648-7845 kwolita@batsonnolan.com rodney.moore@lewisbrisbois.com Batson, Nolan, PLC 121 South Third Street Clarksville, TN 37040 Debra D. Owen Phone: 901-754-8001 Fax: 901-754-8524 dowen@jsyc.com Jackson, Shields, Yeiser & Holt 262 German Oak Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Rebecca Owens Phone: 615-472-4056 Fax: 615-472-5608 rebecca.owens@wcs.edu Williamson County Schools 1320 W. Main Street Suite 202 Franklin, TN 37064 Christopher L. Patterson Phone: 901-372-5003 Fax: 901-383-6599 cpatterson@wisemanbray.com Wiseman Bray, PLLC 8001 Centerview Parkway, Suite 103 Memphis, TN 38018 8 G. Earl Patton Phone: 931-787-1333 Fax: 931-787-1334 epatton@pattonhyderlaw.com Patton & Hyder, PLLC 645 South Main Street, Suite 104 Crossville, TN 38555 Robin Phillips Phone: 931-668-4022 Fax: 931-815-2685 rphillips5@k12tn.net Warren County Board of Education 2548 Morrison Street McMinnville, TN 37110 David Pickler Phone: 901-316-0160 Fax: 901-316-0155 dpickler@aol.com The Pickler Law Firm 1143 Halle Park Circle Collierville, TN 38017 Paul B. Plant Phone: 931-762-7528 Fax: 931-762-7520 pplant@harwellplant.com Harwell & Plant P.O. Box 399 225 Mahr Avenue Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Charles M. Purcell Phone: 731-300-0737 Fax: 731-300-0769 chuck@psclegal.com Purcell, Sellers & Craig, 45 Murray Guard Drive P.O. Box 10547 Jackson, TN 38305 Marshall A. Raines, Jr. Phone: 423-942-3168 Fax: 423-942-5931 mrainesjr@birch.net Swafford, Jenkins & Raines 32 Courthouse Square Jasper, TN 37347 H. Scott Reams Phone: 423-586-9302 Fax: 423- 581-8067 hsreams@trthatty.com Taylor, Reams, Tilson & Harrison 116 E. Main Street Morristown, TN 37814 Jeff Reed Phone: 615-893-5522 Fax: 615-849-2135 jreed@mborolaw.com Cope, Hudson, Reed & McCreary, PLLC 16 Public Square North Murfreesboro, TN 37130 9 Robert Rochelle Phone: 615-444-1433 Fax: 615-443-8775 rrochelle@rma-law.com Rochelle, McCulloch & Aulds 109 N. Castle Heights Avenue Lebanon, TN 37087 Thomas B. Russell Phone: 615-244-4994 Fax: 615-256-6339 trussell@gsrm.com Gullet, Sanford, Robinson & Martin, PLLC 150 3rd Avenue South Suite 1700 Nashville, TN 37201 Frank J. Runyon, III Phone: 931-647-3377 Fax: 931-551-3561 fjr@runyonandrunyon.com Runyon & Runyon 301 Main Street Clarksville, TN 37040 Angela Sanders Phone: 615-253-5707 Fax: 615-741-0371 angela.c.sanders@tn.gov TN State Board of Education 710 James Robertson Parkway 1st Floor Nashville, TN 37243 David Sanders Phone: 865-215-2327 Fax: 865-215-2936 lawdir@knoxcounty.org Knox Co. Law Director’s Office 400 Main Street Suite 612 City-County Building Knoxville, TN 37902 Brad Scarbrough Phone: 615-369-9996 Fax: 615-515-4491 brad@scarbroughlaw.com Law Office of Brad Scarbrough, PLC 5214 Maryland Way Suite 207 Brentwood, TN 37027 Randy S. Shannon Phone: 731-584-3195 Fax: Randy.S.Shannon@gmail.com 957 Cedar Drive Camden, TN 38320 Stephen L. Shields Phone: 901-754-8001 Fax: 901-759-1745 sshields@jsyc.com Jackson, Shields, Yeiser & Holt 262 German Oak Drive Cordova, TN 38018 10 Kari Shoopman Phone: 901-202-0855 Fax: 901-202-0854 kshoopman@bartlettschools.org City of Bartlett 5650 Woodlawn Street Bartlett, TN 38134 Phillips M. Smalling Phone: 931-864-6208 Fax: 931-864-6790 lawoffice@twlakes.net Hassler, Smalling & Brown Law Office P.O. Box 340 Byrdstown, TN 38549 Valerie B. Speakman Phone: 901-416-8467 Fax: 901-416-8492 speakmanvb@scsk12.org Shelby County Board of Education General Counsel 2800 Grays Creek Drive Arlington, TN 38002 William Squires Phone: 615-472-4006 Fax: 615-472-5658 bills@wcs.edu 1320 W. Main Street Suite 202 Franklin, TN 37064 Mary Ann Stackhouse Phone: 865-546-4646 Fax: 865-523-6529 mstackhouse@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC P.O. Box 2425 Knoxville, TN 37901 R. Dale Thomas Phone: 731-423-2414 Fax: 731-426-8150 dthomas@raineykizer.com Rainey, Kizer, Reviere & Bell 105 South Highland P.O. Box 1147 Jackson, TN 38302 Ben Torres Phone: 615-815-3907 Fax: 615-815-3911 btorres@tsba.net TN School Boards Association Director of Policy Services/Staff Atty. 525 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville, TN 37207 Kenneth M. Walker, II Phone: 901-525-8721 Fax: 901-525-6722 kwalker@lewisthomason.com Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC 40 S. Main Street, 29th Floor Memphis, TN 38103 11 Robert G. Wheeler, Jr. Law Offices of Robert G. Wheeler, Jr. P.O. Box 211 Goodlettsville, TN 37070 Phone: 615-834-0071 Fax: rob@rwheelerlaw.com George Robert Whitfield, III Phone: 731-642-8781 Fax: 731-642-6861 robwhitfield@greergreerandwhitfield.com Greer, Greer & Whitfield, Attorneys, PLLC P.O. Box 385 Paris, TN 38242 J. Christopher Williams Phone: 931-363-6500 Fax: 931-363-8904 cwilliams@newsouthlaw.com Williams Law & Mediation Group 101 South 1st Street Pulaski, TN 38478 John Lee Williams Phone: 931-296-7741 Fax: 931-296-9206 john.williams@porchpeeler.com Humphreys County Board of Education 102 South Court Square Waverly, TN 37185 T. Jake Wolaver Tisher, Wolaver, Free, Carter & Lynn, PLLC 809 South Main Street P.O. Box 1431 Columbia, TN 38402-1431 Phone: 931-388-8868 Fax: 931-388-6717 jwolaver@tgwlawfirm.com Ted Yeiser Phone: 901-754-8001 Fax: 901-759-1745 tyeiser@jsyc.com Jackson, Shields, Yeiser & Holt 262 German Oak Drive Cordova, TN 38018 Francis H. Young Phone: 615-259-8645 Fax: 615-214-8851 frank.young@mnps.org Metro Nashville Public Schools 2601 Bransford Avenue Nashville, TN 37204 12