Ethics, Energy and the Future:


Call for Papers

Smart technologies for improving driver behavior:

Technological, psychological, and ethical perspectives

30 th - 31 st October 2014

Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands

Abstract Deadline: 30 th may 2014

Keynote Speakers:

Joel Anderson, University of Utrecht (Ethics)

Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg (Psychology)

Keynote-Speaker Automotive Technology & Design (TBA)

Humans are far from ideal drivers: they are known to fall asleep on highways, drink alcohol, cause traffic jams, and have energy consuming driving habits. With recent technological developments we can improve road safety, mobility, and energy efficiency through influencing the driver. The attempt to influence driver behaviour can be placed in broader trends within traffic management. We witness a shift from centralized to decentralized traffic management. The communication between vehicles, between vehicles and infrastructure, the increasing connectivity and the automatisation of driver tasks offer new opportunities and challenges for traffic management and for targeting driver behaviour.

On the one hand, technologies have been developed that influence drivers by for instance by giving them positive or negative feedback: persuasive technologies . On the other hand, technologies have been introduced in cars that (partly) take over the task of driving: automation technologies . This conference focuses on the technical, psychological, and ethical issues regarding the use of both types of technologies in cars to influence the driver of the future.

1) Technology & design track

Successful persuasive and automation technology crucially depends on smart and reliable technology. There are many technological issues to be solved: How can psychological persuasive strategies be implemented in technology? How can Vehicle-to-vehicle and Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technology contribute to improving driving behavior? How can automotive technology deal with ‘mixed traffic’ and support drivers in this respect? How does a focus on influencing the driver affect car design more generally? What are the key promises and challenges on the way to decentralized traffic management, and what are the implications for the role of the driver?

2) Psychology & Human factors track

Wanting to change drivers ’ behavior is one thing, but how are we going to accomplish this? How can we actually persuade people to change their behavior? How does behavioral adaptation of drivers diminish the gains in safety, mobility, and energy efficiency? And if we decide to take over with automation technology, how can we make sure that drivers will trust and accept the technology enough to let go of their control of the car? Different states of automation in different vehicles will complicate these issues.

3) Ethics & policy track

When persuading people, there is a trade-off between social values and autonomy: are some social values like safety and energy efficiency that important that we should give up some autonomy? Are governments allowed to patronize drivers into ‘good’ behavior? Which considerations should guide the choice for and implementation of policies that involve persuasive or automation technology? What if failure of these technologies contributes to an accident? Who’s morally and legally responsible in these cases? Should the design of cars respond to this issue, e.g. by including black boxes? Since these new technologies put pressure on the current legal framework, (how) should this framework be adapted?

We invite you to submit contributions by means of extended abstracts for either a paper (500 - 1000 words extended abstract) or a poster contribution (500 words) in any of these three areas. Abstracts should be submitted before May 30 to Please indicate whether you like to contribute a

poster or paper presentation. We aim to publish selected papers from the conference in an edited book or a special issue of a journal.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- From centralized to decentralized traffic management: promises and challenges

- Technological implementation of persuasive strategies

- V2V and V2I communication for influencing drivers

- Mixed traffic proof automotive technology

- Effective trust/acceptance in automation

- Effective persuasive strategies

- Persuasive technology in cars

- Behavioral adaptation of drivers

- Conflicts between social and individual values; trade-offs

- Impact on moral responsibility of drivers

- (In)adequacy of existing legal frameworks

- Design of policies that involve persuasive/automation technology

- Legal issues regarding implementation of persuasive/automation technology

- Introduction of new persuasive/automation technologies

- What can we learn from aviation?


Abstract Submission to:


Deadline for submission: May 30 th , 2014

Notification of acceptance: June 30 th , 2014

Conference: October 30-31, 2014
