Registration - St. Stephen`s!

9:30 – 2:30.
$30.00 per retreat
Bring your own lunch.
We’ll supply the drinks.
Please check the retreat/retreats you
are registering for:
7/12/14: Benedictine Spirituality: ____
7/9/14: Carmelite Spirituality: ____
7/26/14: Ignatian Spirituality: ____
8/2/14: Franciscan Spirituality: ____
Name __________________________
Drop this form with your check, made out
to St. Stephen, in the collection basket or
to the Parish center.
OR register online:
For more information:
Sr. Angela 410-592-8666
Duffy Laws 410-830-0386
Space is limited…Register early!
July 12, 2014
Benedictine Spirituality:
An Experience of Holy
Living, Living Wholly
"Listen, my child, to my words and
attend to them with the ear of your
heart. (RB Prologue)
So begins the Rule of Benedict, a 1500
year old wisdom document that invites
a world gone deaf to hear again the
challenge of the Gospel of Jesus.
Kathleen McNany, OSB – serves
the community as Liturgist and
Director of Communications. She
is also a member of the
Leadership Team. Kathy is a
Spiritual Director, Retreat Director, leader of
programs in prayer and spirituality at the
monastery and in the broader community, and
works with other Benedictine communities in
discernment facilitation.
Emmanuel Monastery
2229 W. Joppa Road
Lutherville, MD 21093
July 19, 2014
How Carmelite Spirituality can be
applied to everyday lives
“The desire for intimacy with God in prayer
has been and is the compelling mark of
Carmelite Spirituality. It is in companionship
and friendship with Christ that desire is slowly
Sr. Judy Murray, OCD – “I
discovered contemplative life at
age 24 and it changed my life!”
After 10 years of trying to form a
community of lay contemplatives,
Sr. Judy joined the Carmelite Community. She
is well known in the community for her
spiritual direction and for her talents in
leading retreats.
July 26, 2014
Ignatian Spirituality
Finding God in All Things
Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for
everyday life. It insists that God is present
in our world and active in our lives. It is a
pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions
guided by keen discernment, and an active
life of service to others.
Joy Aker, CRNA, MA.
Joy is a spiritual director,
retreat leader and Labyrinth
facilitator, as well as a nurse
anesthetist. She holds a
Master’s degree in Spirituality
and Parish Nursing and her focus is on helping
people develop a holistic spirituality which
looks to wholeness in body mind and spirit. She
was trained in Ignatian Spirituality at the
Ignatius Jesuit Center in Guelph, Ontario. She
also has a great interest in assisting others as
they deepen their own relationship with God,
and is on the part-time staff at Loyola Retreat
House in Faulkner, Maryland, where she directs
retreats and is part of the Ignatian Weekend
Retreat Team.
August 2, 2014
Franciscan Spirituality
Living a Life of Extravagant Love
St. Stephen Faith Formation
Invites You to Summer
Franciscan Spirituality invites
everyone into a rich and full
relationship with God who is
Extravagant Love. Embracing
the Incarnate Christ, we
contemplate the mystery of God’s love in
our humanity and in all of creation as we
become brother and sister and peacemaker in God’s Kingdom of Extravagant
Rose Mary Eve Holter, OSF
A sister of St. Francis of
Philadelphia, Rose Mary Eve is
a storyteller, a musician and
retreat director and enjoys
teaching the dances of
universal peace. She has masters degrees
in spirituality and education and has been
creating retreats for adults and youth since
Join Joy in finding God in all things!
Assisted by Deacon Frank Laws
Frank has cultivated a devotion to St.
Francis since he was 7 and benefits from 2
Franciscan nuns as mentors, friends, and
spiritual companions.
St. Stephen Convent
8030 Bradshaw Rd.
Kingsville, MD 21087
(410) 592-8666
St. Stephen Convent
8030 Bradshaw Rd.
Kingsville, MD 21087
(410) 592-8666
Come to the Water
Drink of it freely
Taste God’s own Spirit ~
Sweet Refreshment!
Choose your spiritual flavor:
July 12: Benedictine
July 19: Carmelite
July 26: Ignatian
August 2: Franciscan
9:30 – 2:30
$30 per retreat
Bring your own lunch
We’ll provide the drinks and the spiritual