Queensland Auditor Handbook for Contaminated Land Module 2: Auditor application requirements Module 2: Auditor application requirements Prepared by: Business Initiatives, Regulatory Capability and Customer Service, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection © State of Queensland, 2015. The Queensland Government supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of its information. The copyright in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY) licence. Under this licence you are free, without having to seek our permission, to use this publication in accordance with the licence terms. You must keep intact the copyright notice and attribute the State of Queensland as the source of the publication. For more information on this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/deed.en If you need to access this document in a language other than English, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone Library Services on +61 7 3170 5470. This publication can be made available in an alternative format (e.g. large print or audiotape) on request for people with vision impairment; phone +61 7 3170 5470 or email <library@ehp.qld.gov.au>. September 2015 Page 2 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements 1. Purpose This module supports the Application form—Application for approval as an auditor for contaminated land (EM815) by outlining the information required to accompany an application. Applications should be a maximum of 50 pages (excluding work examples) and must be the applicant’s own work1. Application question Question 8 Can you provide evidence that you hold qualification(s) relevant to performing auditor’s functions for contaminated land? (Applicants seeking mutual recognition under the Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 1992 are not required to answer this question) Related application decision criteria under s.572 of the EP Act Qualifications and experience relevant to performing the functions of an auditor. Supporting information required Certified copies of all relevant tertiary qualifications As a minimum, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognised institution in a science or engineering discipline which is relevant to contaminated land. The applicant should also provide details of any other relevant qualifications, registrations and certifications held (these details can be included within the applicant’s curriculum vitae) Application question Question 9 Can you provide evidence that you have the experience relevant to performing auditor’s functions for contaminated land? (Applicants seeking mutual recognition under the Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 1992 are not required to answer this question) Related application decision criteria under s.572 of the EP Act Qualifications and experience relevant to performing the functions of an auditor. Supporting information required Applicant’s curriculum vitae The applicant’s curriculum vitae must provide evidence of all the following: at least eight years’ experience, out of the past 11 years, in professional roles relating to contaminated land assessment including remediation and management For example: preparing site investigation reports, validation reports or draft site management plans and/or providing expert support to an approved auditor carrying out an auditor’s functions for contaminated land. at least two years of this experience within Australia Please note: project start and finish dates must be clearly outlined. Statement 1 1 Plagiarism will be considered by the administering authority to be an application that contains false and misleading information. A decision to approve an auditor application may be repealed should it be found that plagiarism has occurred. It is also an offence to provide a document to the administering authority which is false or misleading in a material particular. Page 3 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements A statement which demonstrates the applicant’s sound ability and experience in forming and managing a multidisciplinary team for complex contaminated land assessment including remediation and management. The statement should include information about the project(s) that the applicant has managed in the past, including the team size(s) and how the applicant ensured an appropriate balance of expertise within the project(s). The statement should not exceed 1000 words. Statement 2 A statement which demonstrates: A sound understanding, and consistent application, of the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999. A broad range of experience with respect to the scale and scope of work undertaken. Applicants should have experience assessing and managing large projects involving complex contamination issues and sampling design. A broad range of experience with respect to the contaminants encountered. Applicants should have experience dealing with the following commonly encountered hazardous contaminants: o petroleum hydrocarbons o polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) o mono-aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. BTEX) o heavy metals and metalloids o non-metallic inorganics e.g. cyanide, sulfate, nutrients, acids, alkalis, salinity o ground gases - e.g. landfill gas, explosive gas mixtures o light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) o solvents e.g. chlorinated solvents o dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) o volatile organic compounds o semi-volatile organic compounds o organochlorides, pesticides, organophosphate pesticides, and/or herbicides o asbestos It is desirable that the applicant also have experience dealing with some less common hazardous contaminants such as: o persistent organic pollutants (POPs) o chemicals with persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBT) characteristics o chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention (e.g. PCB, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, dioxins, DDT) o per-fluorinated compounds (e.g. PFOS, PFOA, 6:2 FtS) o acid sulfate soils or pyritic minerals Applicants should also detail the experience they have in dealing with any other contaminants, for example for radioactive substances or pathogenic materials and waste. This experience may include collaboration with other experts for these Page 4 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements contaminants. A broad range of experience with respect to the affected media encountered. Applicants should have experience dealing with contaminated soil, soil gas, surface water and ground water. Applicants should also detail any experience they have dealing with other contaminated media such as air, sediment or biota. At least five years’ experience, in the past 11 years, applying a high level of expertise for all of the following core competencies: o assessment of contaminant exposure pathways o communicating information about contamination and associated risks to technical and non-technical audiences (for example to advise the public, landowners or developers, SQPs and regulators) o contaminant fate and transport o contaminated site assessment, remediation and management o evaluation and interpretation of chemical and analytical data o groundwater sampling design and methodology o human health and environmental risk identification and assessment relating to contamination o quality control/assurance procedures o soil gas sampling design and methodology o soil sampling design and methodology At least a basic proficiency and experience in the past 11 years applying expertise for all of the following desirable competencies: o air quality (volatile emissions and dust) assessment relating to contamination o assessment of impacts on groundwater from contaminated sites o environmental chemistry o environmental sampling o environmental toxicology o geology o human toxicology o hydrogeology o remedial technologies and geo-technology for contaminated land o soil science OR A demonstrated ability to access adequate support expertise for any desirable competency outside of the applicant’s expertise and experience. If expertise for a desirable competency has not been accessed by the applicant in the past, the statement must outline the method the applicant would employ to access adequate support expertise for the specific competency. The statement must not exceed 4000 words. Work examples (as a minimum) At least five different project reports, predominantly prepared by the applicant that: support Statement 2 Page 5 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements demonstrate the applicant’s written communication skills All work examples must be prefaced with a synopsis using the template provided in Appendix A of this module. Additional reports and studies in which the applicant has made a major contribution may also be submitted; these must also be prefaced with a synopsis using the same template. Consent from the person or organisation who commissioned the report must be obtained prior to submission. All work examples are considered part of the application and may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Evidence Act 1977. Application question Question 10 Do you have two suitable referees? (Applicants seeking mutual recognition under the Mutual Recognition (Queensland) Act 1992 are not required to answer this question) Related application decision criteria under s.572 of the EP Act Supporting information required Qualifications and experience relevant to performing the functions of the auditor Demonstrated knowledge of the EP Act and other Acts the chief executive considers relevant to performing the functions of an auditor Two written referee statements (as a minimum) Referees must: be directly associated with the applicant or the company employing the applicant have direct and recent knowledge of the applicant’s work Each referee statement must specify: the core and desirable competencies demonstrated by the applicant that they can confirm (all competencies which the applicant has stated they have demonstrated must be confirmed by at least one referee) that the referee can confirm that the applicant has a sound understanding of the Queensland legislation including subordinate legislation and guidelines relevant to being able to perform auditor functions for contaminated land that the referee reasonably and honestly holds the opinion that the applicant is a person who is competent and capable of certifying contaminated land investigation documents under chapter 7, part 8 of the EP Act and carrying out compliance assessment of development on land listed on the EMR or CLR under the SP Act Referees may also be contacted by the administering authority to confirm or further discuss the matters in the referee’s statement. Curriculum vitae for each referee The curriculum vitae must demonstrate that the referee holds, as a minimum, similar qualifications and experience to the applicant. Referees who are approved auditors for contaminated land within Queensland are not required to provide a curriculum vitae. Application question Question 11 Can you demonstrate knowledge of the Queensland legislation including subordinate legislation and guidelines relevant to being able to perform auditor functions for contaminated land? Page 6 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements Related application decision criteria under s.572 of the EP Act Demonstrated knowledge of the EP Act and other Acts the chief executive considers relevant to performing the functions of an auditor. Supporting information required Statement 3 A statement which demonstrates a sound knowledge of the following including how the applicant would apply this knowledge in performing an auditor’s function for contaminated land: The object of the EP Act Environmental values (s.9 of the EP Act) Environmental harm (including serious and material environmental harm) (s.14, 16 and 17 of the EP Act) Best practice environmental management (s.21 of the EP Act) General environmental duty (s.319 of the EP Act) Environmental Protection Policies for Water, Air and Noise The role and function of the Environmental Management Register (EMR) and the Contaminated Land Register (CLR) The duties of a landowner, occupier, auditor, local government authority or other person to notify EHP about specific matters in relation to contaminated land (s.320 of the EP Act) The role and requirements of a Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) The purpose and content requirements of a site investigation report The purpose and content requirements of a site management plan and the decisions the administering authority may make in relation to a draft site management plan The purpose and content requirements of a validation report The purpose and content requirements of an auditor’s certification under s.389 of the EP Act and Module 5 of this handbook The type of development on land listed on the EMR or CLR which requires a compliance permit The obligations of an auditor when carrying out compliance assessment under Part 10 of the SP Act The circumstances in which a compliance permit can be issued by an auditor The statement must not exceed 3000 words. Statement 4 In accordance with Modules 1, 4 and 5 of this handbook, a statement which demonstrates a sound knowledge of: the role and responsibilities of an auditor in contaminated land assessment, including remediation and management and the appropriate methods for carrying out an auditor’s function auditing principles and appropriate standards of professional conduct The statement must not exceed 1500 words. Other application requirements Interview Persons applying for approval as an auditor under the EP Act are also required to attend an interview to demonstrate how they would successfully carry out auditor functions and apply auditing principles. Page 7 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements Page 8 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements Appendix A—Project synopsis template (required for each work example) Project start and finish dates Project description Report title, date and version Role of applicant in the project Role of applicant in preparing the report Contaminant(s) and affected media dealt with during the project Core competencies demonstrated assessment of contaminant exposure pathways communicating information about contamination and associated risks to technical and non-technical audiences Report section/page number: Report section/page number: (for example to advise the public, land owners or developers, SQPs and regulators) contaminant fate and transport Report section/page number: contaminated site assessment, remediation and management Report section/page number: evaluation and interpretation of chemical and analytical data Report section/page number: Report section/page number: Page 9 of 10• 140626 • EM1301 •Version 1 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Module 2: Auditor application requirements groundwater sampling design and methodology human health and environmental risk identification and assessment relating to contamination Desirable competencies demonstrated Report section/page number: Report section/page number: quality control/assurance procedures Report section/page number: soil gas sampling design and methodology Report section/page number: soil sampling design and methodology Report section/page number: air quality (volatile emissions and dust) assessment relating to contamination Report section/page number: assessment of impacts on groundwater from contaminated sites Report section/page number: environmental chemistry Report section/page number: environmental sampling Report section/page number: environmental toxicology Report section/page number: geology Report section/page number: human toxicology Report section/page number: hydrogeology Report section/page number: remedial technologies and geo-technology for contaminated land soil science Page 10 of 10 • 150924 • EM1341 • Version 1 Report section/page number: Report section/page number: Department of Environment and Heritage Protection