Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k 1 2 3 4 5 Topic: Essential Question How can an experiment clarify an idea? How can art and performance help people understand a text? Why is determinatio n a good quality for a politician to have? How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude? How can overcoming a challenge change someone’s life? Skill/Strategy * Point of View * Irony * Summarize * Theme * Elements of Drama * Characterization * Question * Compare and Contrast * Idioms * Formal and Informal Language * Infer/Predict * Sequence of Events * Narrative Pacing * Rhythm * Monitor/Clarify * Theme * Dialogue * Sequence of Events * Visualization Anchor Text/Genre A Package for Mrs. Jewls (Humorous Fiction) A Royal Mystery (Play) Paired Selection/ Genre Questioning Gravity (Readers’ Theater) The Princess and the Pea (Fairy Tale) Vocab skills Decoding skill Spelling Grammar Read Aloud Ideas Writing Using Context VCV Syllable Pattern Short Vowels Complete Sentences Narrative Writing: Short Stories; Focus Traits: Ideas Prefixes non-, un-, dis-, mis- Vowel Sounds in VCV Syllable Patterns Long a and Long e Kinds of Sentences Narrative Writing: Description; Focus Trait: Voice Off and Running (Realistic Fiction) Vote for Me! Using Context (Persuasive Text) VCCV Pattern Long i and Long o Compound Sentences Narrative Writing: Dialogue; Focus Trait: Word Choice Double Dutch: A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhythm, and Sisterhood (Narrative Nonfiction) Elisa’s Diary (Realistic Fiction) Score! (Poetry) Digraphs in Vowel Sounds /ōō/, /yōō/ Common Narrative Writing: Prewrite a Fictional Narrative; Focus Trait: Ideas Vowels Souns /ou/, /ô/, /oi/ Singular and Plural Nouns Suffixes –ion, tion Multisyllable Words Word Free as Confetti (Poetry) Suffixes –ly, ful Stressed and Unstressed Syllables and Proper Nouns Narrative Writing: Write a Fictional Narrative; Focus Trait: Voice Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Topic: Anchor W Essential Skill/Strategy k Text/Genre Question 6 Why is it * Cause and Effect Quest for the important to * Quotes and Tree Kangaroo research and Description (Information) protect * Domain-Specific endangered Vocabulary animals? * Question 7 How can * Understanding Old Yeller dangerous Characters (Historical situations * Author’s Word Fiction) bring people Choice closer *Dialect together? *Visualization 8 9 What reasons do people have for protecting the environment ? How can an act of courage reveal a person’s true nature? 10 What can a scientist learn by observing the behaviors of a particular animal? Paired Selection/ Genre Why Koala Has No Tail (Myth) Vocab skills Decoding skill Spelling Grammar Read Aloud Ideas Writing Synonyms and Antonyms Common Beginning Syllables Vowel + /r/ Sounds Verbs Informative Writing: Procedural Composition; Focus Trait: Organization What Makes It Good? (Persuasive Text) Adages and Proverbs Vowel + /r/ sounds More Vowel + /r/ Sounds Direct and Indirect Objects Informative Writing: Compare-Contrast Essay; Focus Trait: Word Choice * Author’s Purpose * Explain Scientific Ideas * Domain-Specific Vocabulary * Analyze/Evaluate * Conclusions and Generalizations * Point of View * Characterization * Infer/Predict Everglades Forever: Restoring America’s Great Wetland (Narrative Nonfiction) Storm Warriors (Historical Fiction) Wonderful Weather (Poetry) Prefixes en-, re-, pre-, pro- Homophones Homophones Conjunctions Pea Island’s Forgotten Heroes (Information al Text) Greek and Latin Roots Compound Words Compound Words Complex * Main Ideas and Details * Explain Scientific Ideas * Domain-Specific Vocabulary * Monitor/Clarify Cougars (Informational Text) Purr-fection (Poetry) Shades of Meaning Recognizing Final Schwa + /r/ Sounds Direct Schwa + /r/ Sounds Sentences Quotations and Interjections Informative Writing: Causeand-Effect Essay; Focus Trait: Ideas Informative Writing: Prewrite a Research Report; Focus Trait: Ideas Informative Writing: Write a research report; Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Topic: Anchor W Essential Skill/Strategy k Text/Genre Question 11 What can * Cause and Effect Dangerous individuals do * Visual Elements Crossing to help shape * Primary Sources (Historical a new * Visualize Fiction) government? 12 How can * Fact and Can’t You people’s Opinion Make Them differences of * Tone Behave, King opinion lead * Similes George to a * Question (Narrative revolution? Nonfiction) 13 What events * Sequence of James Forten or feelings Events (Biography) would lead * Explain someone to Historical Events fight for * Main Ideas and freedom? Details * Summarize 14 How do * Conclusions and They Call Her individual Generalizations Molly Pitcher acts of * Domain-Specific (Narrative bravery Vocabulary Nonfiction) shape * Text Structure history? * Analyze/Evaluate 15 How are *Compare and We Were patriotism Contrast Actions There, Too! and courage * Text and (Biography) related? Graphic Features * Text Structure * Monitor/Clarify Paired Selection/ Genre Revolution and Rights (Information al Text) Vocab skills Reference Materials Spelling Grammar Vowel Sounds in Stressed Syllables VCCV Pattern Subject and Object Decoding skill Read Aloud Ideas Writing Opinion Writing: Opinion Essay; Focus Trait: Voice Pronouns Tea Time! (Narrative Nonfiction) Figurative Language Open and Closed Syllables: VCV Pattern VCV Pattern Verb Tenses Opinion Writing: ProblemSolution Composition; Focus Trait: Organization Modern Minute Men (Information al Text) Greek and Latin Roots VV Syllable Pattern VV Pattern Commas Opinion Writing: Prewrite a Persuasive Essay; Focus Trait: Organization A Spy for Freedom (Play) Reference Materials Recognizing VCCCV Patterns Patriotic Poetry (Poetry) Prefixes in-, im-, il-, ir- Initial and Medial Digraphs Vowel + /l/ sounds in Unstressed Final Syllable and Semicolons Regular and Opinion Writing: Persuasive Letter; Focus Trait: Ideas Irregular Verbs Final Schwa +/l/ Sounds Transitions Opinion Writing: Write a Persuasive Essay; Focus Trait: Word Choice Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE W k Topic: Essential Question Skill/Strategy Anchor Text/Genre Grammar Decoding skill Read Alou d Ideas Writing Word Parts and Inflection al Endings Words with –ed or – ing Adjectives Narrative Writing: Friendly Letter; Focus Trait: Voice LAFFF (Science From Dreams Fiction) to Reality (Informational Text) Reference Materials Recognizing More Words with –ed or –ing Adverbs Narrative Writing: Character Description: Focus Trait: Word Choice * Fact and Opinion * Main Ideas and Details * Narrative Pacing * Analyze/Evaluate * Author’s Purpose * Dialogue * Characterization * Summarize The Dog Newspaper Using Context Recognizing Changin g Final y to i Prepositions Narrative Writing: Autobiography; Focus Trait: Voice Darnell Rock Reporting (Realistic Fiction) Volunteer! (Persuasive Text) Greek and Latin Suffixes – ism, -ist, able, and ible More Common Suffixes Suffixes –ful, -ly, -ness, less, ment More Kinds of * Story Structure * Characterization * Theme * Question The Black Stallion (Adventure) Horse Power (Informational Text) Figurative Language Stress in ThreeSyllable Words Words from Other Proper * Author’s Purpose * Voice * Visual Elements * Monitor/Clarify Lunch Money (Realistic Fiction) * Story Structure * Literary Devices * Point of View: First Person * Infer/Predict 18 What do facts and opinions contribute to a story? 20 What can a person learn by building a relationship with an animal? Vocab skills Spelling Word Origins 16 In what ways can illustrations enhance a reader’s experience? 17 What role does imagination play in the invention process? 19 Why is it important to be aware of your community’s needs? Paired Selection/ Genre Zap! Pow! A History of the Comics (Informational Text) Poetry about Poetry (Poetry) Common Word Parts Suffixes (Autobiography) Languages and Prepositional Phrases Pronouns Mechanics in Writing Titles Narrative Writing: Prewrite a personal narrative; Focus Trait: Ideas Narrative Writing: Write a Personal Narrative; Focus Trait: Voice Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Topic: Anchor W Essential Skill/Strategy k Text/Genre Question 21 What does it * Sequence of Tucket’s mean to have Events Travels good * Figurative (Historical instincts? Language Fiction) * Author’s Word Choice * Visualize 22 How can * Theme The Birchbark traditions * Author’s Word House influence a Choice (Historical person’s * Visual Elements Fiction) thoughts and * Infer/Predict feelings? 23 What kinds of * Text and Vaqueros: lessons were Graphic Features America’s learned by * Main Ideas and First Cowboys people who Details (Informational lived in the *Adages Text) old West? *Summarize 24 Why would a * Cause and Effect Rachel’s pioneer * Figurative Journal: The traveler Language Story of a record events * Point of View Pioneer Girl in a journal? * (Historical Analyze/Evaluate Fiction) 25 How did * Main Idea and Lewis and explorers Details Clark help America * Primary Sources (Narrative become the * Explain Nonfiction) country it is Historical Events today? * Monitor/Clarify Paired Selection/ Genre Wild Weather (Technical Text) Vocab skills Shades of Meaning Spelling Grammar Common Final Syllables Final /n/, The Verbs Be and Have Opinion Writing: Editorial; Focus Trait: Voice Decoding skill /ən/, /chər/, /zhər/ Read Aloud Ideas Writing Four Seasons of Food (Information al Text) Reference Materials More Final Syllables Final /ĭj/, /ĭv/, /ĭs/ Perfect Tenses Opinion Writing: Response to Literature; Focus Trait: Organization Rhyme on the Range (Poetry) Adages and Proverbs Unstressed Unstressed Syllables Syllables Easily Opinion Writing: Persuasive Argument; Focus Trait: Organization Westward to Freedom (Information al Text) Using Context Simple Prefixes Prefixes: in-, un-, dis-, mis- Making A Surprise Reunion (Play) Analogies Consonant Suffix: ion Contractions Confused Verbs Alliterations Comparisons Opinion Writing: Prewrite a Response Essay; Focus Trait: Organization Opinion Writing: Write a Response Essay; Focus Trait: Word Choice Fifth Grade Harcourt Journeys SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Topic: Skill/ Anchor Paired Selection/ W Essential k Strategy Text/Genre Genre Question 26 What can * Text and Animals on Skywoman’s Rescue people learn Graphic the Move (Play); The Whale by reading Features (Information (Poetry); Wild Geese about how * Visualize al Text) (Poetry) Spelling Grammar Prefixes and Word Roots Word Parts com-, con-, pre-, pro- Possessive Suffixes – ness, less, ment More Familiar Suffixes Sufixes – ant, -ent, able, -ible, ism, -ist Idioms Greek Word Roots Greek Word Parts Commas Greek and Latin Roots Latin Word Roots Latin Word Parts More Word Origins Identifying Words from Other Languages Other Vocab skills Decoding skill MultipleMeaning Words Nouns Read Aloud Ideas Writing Informative Writing: Definition Paragraph; Focus Trait: Word Choice different animals adapt and survive? 27 What lessons can we learn from other cultures? *Theme * Analyze/ Evaluate Mysteries at Cliff Palace (Reader’s Theater) 28 How does the study of fossils relate to our everyday lives? 29 Why are people fascinated by nature? *Fact and Opinion * Question Fossils: A Peek Into the Past (Information al Text) *Conclusions 30 What traits help make a person good at solving problems? * Main Ideas and Details * The Case of the Missing Deer (Realistic Fiction) Get Lost! The Puzzle of Mazes (Information al Text) and Generalizations *Infer/ Predict Summarization Cave of the Crystals (Informational Text); Places and Names: A Traveler’s Guide (Poetry); Los libros/Books (Poetry) Trapped in Tar! (Informational Text); Journey of the Wooly Mammoth (Poetry); Fossils (Poetry) Fossil Fish Found! (Informational Text); Encounter (Poetry); Deep in the Forest (Poetry) Journey to Cuzco (Myth); The Best Paths (Poetry); Compass (Poetry) VCV, VCCV, and VCCCV Syllable Patterns Abbreviations in Sentences Commas Punctuation Informative Writing: Journal Entry; Focus Trait: Voice Informative Writing: Summary; Focus Trait: Ideas Informative Writing: Informational Essay; Focus Trait: Organization Informative Writing: Informational Essay; Focus Trait: Ideas