FRPD INDEX Section A Section B Section C Appendix 1 Department Reporting and Planning Document Appendix 2 Courses with low progression rates and / or mean/median marks Appendix 3 Programmes with low progression rates Appendix 4 NSS responses at department and subject level Appendix 4a (i) PTES responses (on campus postgraduates and faculty / department results) Appendix 4a (ii) USS responses (UK based partner and link undergraduates) Appendix 4a (iii) USS responses (UK based partner and link undergraduates by department) Appendix 4a (iv) USS responses (UK based partner and link undergraduates by colleges) Appendix 4c (i) USS responses (wholly overseas postgraduates by department) Appendix 4c (ii) USS responses (wholly overseas postgraduates by colleges) Appendix 5 DHLE data Appendix 6 (i) USS responses (wholly overseas undergraduates) Appendix 6 (ii) USS responses (wholly overseas undergraduates by college) Guidance Notes Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M5 (September 2014) page 1 ANNUAL FACULTY REPORTING AND PLANNING DOCUMENT 2014-15 SECTION A – LEARNING AND TEACHING SECTION 1: BASIC INFORMATION Name of Faculty Session under Review SECTION 2: FACULTY PROFILE (See guidance notes) Please provide information for each department Name of Department Head of Department Programmes of Study Undergraduate Postgraduate Other Internal Programmes Collaborative Programmes/Working with Others with Names of Partners and Type of Partnership SECTION 3: FACULTY STRATEGIC OVERVIEW This should be a succinct review (maximum 10 pages) with short and longer-term strategic action planning aligned to both the University Strategic Plan and the additional detailed policies and strategies such as Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy and the Faculty Strategic Implementation Plan but with flexibility to include reference to other Faculty priorities. The Faculty Strategic Overview should focus on: Progress with previous action plan; Commentary on key priorities for the Faculty, drawn from Department Reporting and Planning Documents, the ‘Working with Others’ Report and the ‘Research and Enterprise’ Report; Notable successes or achievements; The Faculty response to, for example, the outcome of Internal Audits; PSRB visits; QAA reviews; the annual University ‘theme’; University strategies. Portfolio Planning. Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 2 SECTION 4: FACULTY STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN Please provide short and long term strategic action plans that arise from your strategic overview Issue Action Planned By Whom Timescale What will ‘success; look like? SECTION 5: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTING AND PLANNING DOCUMENT This section should be prepared by Heads of Department and be informed by Programme Monitoring Reports which, in turn, would be informed by Course Monitoring Reports and other datasets. Particular attention should be given to KPIs (see Appendix 4-6). Departments are also encouraged to report on enhancement, good practice and achievements. The template for the Department Reporting and Planning Document is at Appendix 1. SECTION B: FACULTY COLLABORATIVE PROVISION AND WORKING WITH OTHERS 1. Collaborative Provision a) Please provide brief general comments on the successes and challenges in each type of partnership you deliver. How will you respond to these challenges and build on the successes? b) Please provide an overview of the Faculty’s credit rating activities. (if applicable) c) Please provide an overview of any articulation arrangements the Faculty participates in. (if applicable) SECTION C: RESEARCH AND ENTERPRISE 1. Research and Enterprise – Impact, Quality and Volume The Strategic Plan of the University states that research informs teaching. In this section, you are asked to consider how research and enterprise impacts upon the learning and teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 3 a) For each Department, please provide a commentary on research and enterprise, and its impact on (a) Learning and Teaching and (b) External Stakeholders b) How was the impact mentioned in (a) monitored and evaluated? c) Please list the main initiatives planned in the Faculty to enhance the impact of research and enterprise on learning and teaching. d) Please list initiatives planned to expand research activity and improve quality over the next year. e) What are your targets for Faculty performance in terms of quality and volume by the end of 2014/15. 2. Research Students Research Students Enrolled Full Time at 31st July 201x Part Time at 31st July 201x Full Time at 31st July 201x Part Time at 31st July 201x Architecture Computing and Humanities Business Education and Health NRI Pharmacy Engineering and Science Total a) In what areas does the Faculty have the most opportunity to grow research student numbers? b) Please describe new initiatives at the Faculty level aimed at enhancing the quality of student training and supervision of research students. c) Please summarise the successes and challenges in the Faculty in 2013/14 regarding postgraduate Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 4 research student activity (Max. 500 words). 3. Research and Enterprise Activities. Please provide brief general comment on successes and challenges in the Faculty in 2013/14 in meeting the research and enterprise plan of the University (Max 500 words). Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 5 FRPD Appendix 1 – Department Reporting & Planning Document Department Head Of Department SECTION 5.1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS SECTION 5.2 – PROGRESS WITH ACTION PLAN IN LAST REPORT SECTION 5.3 – DETAILED COMMENTARY (Drawing from PMRs and other evidence relevant to the Department, this should focus on: KPIs aligned to the University Strategic Plan [e.g. recruitment, progression, achievement, employability]; outcomes of student surveys [e.g. NSS, PTES, USS, iGraduate, new arrivals, student engagement]; external examiners reports and other external reviews; achievements, good practice and enhancement activities. Departments may also wish to report on other matters relevant to, for example, PSRBs, or their response to University policies or the annual University ‘theme’.) Maximum limit 2 pages. Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M5 (September 2014) page 6 SECTION 5.4 – DEPARTMENT ACTION PLAN Issue Action Planned (what is department doing?) By Whom? Timescale What will ‘success’ look like? SECTION 5.5 – DEPARTMENT ACTION PLAN FOR PROGRAMMES AND COURSES THAT HAVE LESS THAN 10 STUDENTS REGISTERED Programme / Student Action By Whom Timescale What will Courses Registrations Planned success look like? Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 7 Guidance Notes for Faculty Reporting and Planning Document (FRPD) The guiding principle for an effective hierarchy of reporting / monitoring and action planning within the Faculties needs to start at the course level and should enable Faculties to identify strategic issues. The re-focusing of the University’s structure, with emphasis on a Department Faculty relationship, has presented the opportunity to develop a Department approach to reporting and planning, although it is acknowledged that some University priorities, such as ‘employability’ and ‘personal tutoring’ are managed and led at Faculty, rather than Department, level in some Faculties. In the context of Chapter B10 of the QAA Code, it is considered that Faculty-level reporting on ‘Working with Others’ is highly relevant, particularly with the appointment of Faculty Directors of Partnership (or equivalent) with oversight of this provision. Course and programme focus is a critical element in the development of learning and teaching and needs to remain a key component of reporting and planning. As such, it forms the basis for the Department-level reporting and planning document and must engage all academic staff, particularly in action planning for enhancement. A summary of the reporting and planning process is shown in the diagram below. Thus the FRPD will be comprised of the following sections:- Section 1 and 2 Faculty Profile Section 3 and 4 Faculty Strategic Overview and Action Plan Section 5 Departmental Reporting and Planning Document (submitted as separate reports in Appendix 1) Section B Faculty Collaborative Provision and Working with Others Section C Research and Enterprise Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 8 Student Course Evaluation Programme Evaluation Link Tutor Reports Placement Evaluation Course Coordinator Evaluation External Examiner Reports PSRB Reports External Examiner Feedback Course Monitoring Report Programme Committee Meetings KPI Datasets: Pass rate Median grade Student Surveys e.g. NSS / USS DLHE KPI Datasets: Progression/retention Achievement Recruitment data Annual Programme Monitoring Report (also include commentary on good practice and enhancement) Working with Others Report Department Reporting and Planning Document Faculty Reporting & Planning Document Faculty Strategic Overview Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 9 Research and Enterprise Report Appendices to FRPD Section A Faculty Profile Much of the information to populate this section is available from the Planning and Statistics (PAS) web pages or Faculty data. Collaborations and Working with Others Collaborative partnership arrangements fall into three main types: 1. Partner Colleges 2. Full Cost Collaborations both home and overseas 3. Lifelong Learning network You should also indicate whether programmes are franchised, validated or externally validated. Working with others includes credit-rating, articulation agreements, student exchanges/mobility (primarily Erasmus) and student placements. Evidence Base The evidence base will comprise: a) Statistical reports available from the PAS web pages b) National Student Survey outcomes from the PAS web pages c) Employability and Further Study Statistics (DLHE) Http:// d) External examiners reports and responses e) External review/audit reports and responses f) Student feedback from programme committees and other for a (USS, PTES) g) Link Tutor reports on collaborative provision h) Reports from partner institution Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 10 Faculty Strategic Overview (Section 3) This section should be prepared by the PVC/Faculty Executive drawing on the documents and evidence of Section 5 (Departmental Reporting and Planning Document) and Sections B and C. Departmental Reporting and Planning Document (See Appendix 1) Departments are required to develop their own consultative and reflective approaches to review the evidence base and prepare the annual Departmental Reporting and Planning document. In recognition of the importance of local delivery in effective quality assurance and enhancement, the processes by which Departments use to approach the task of review are not prescriptive, but Departments are encouraged to consider the following approaches: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Round table discussions by programme/course teams Departmental away days Focus groups Reviews of the evidence base Formation of cognate groups based around certain themes Discussions of good practice and enhancement Departmental Reporting and Planning (Section 5) and Appendix 1 5.1 and 5.2 Summary and Progress. Provide a short commentary on the key points arising from your review of the Department’s activities and the degree to which all actions undertaken, i.e. those identified in last year’s SMRD, were achieved during the session. In some case these might be best commented upon in the Faculty section. 5.3 KPIs and evidence base Given the developments of GreWeb are still in train and the need to reformat the course and programme monitoring reports to provide the KPI information, for reports relating to 2013-14, KPI data was produced centrally by PAS. 1. The data sets show courses and programmes at Aug 1st 2014 where: Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 11 a. Pass rates on courses fall outside Performance Indicator boundaries of 75% for undergraduates at academic level 4, and 80% for undergraduate courses at level 5 and above, and for all post-graduate courses. The data shows all courses irrespective of student enrolment. b. Median marks for courses are outside the range of 45-70% at undergraduate level and 5575% at postgraduate level. c. Programme outcomes in terms of progression of total students by programmes that are outside a KPI threshold of more than 15% being unsuccessful and / or more than 15% of students who have reassessment pending by programme. For details of the breakdown by year group please go to: http://gm-xi4-prod:8080/BOE/BI select: Portal Reports select: Special Reports select: FRPD KPI3 – 31 July Remove the files not required select: Run Query Choose tab: KPI3 Show data d. DLHE data 2. The other data sets relevant to the Key Performance Indicators cover the NSS results at departmental level and are highlighted where % agree scores are below the sector average. Departments are also encouraged to consider the data at a subject level with a comparison against the sector average for that subject. This analysis requires you to view the data on the PAS site. 3. The PTES data, USS data on campus year 1, and USS data for off-campus students has also been provided at either a Faculty or Departmental level, where appropriate (depending on student numbers). Given the good response rates the off campus data has also been provided at a Partner level further broken down at UG and PG level. Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 12 4. External Examiner Reports, outcomes of student surveys course evaluations, employability; PSRB reports are also important indicators that inform action planning. Section B In completing this section please note: Please keep commentary succinct and strategic. a) Each type of collaborative provision (i.e. franchised, validated and externally validated, Partner College and full-cost) should be considered separately. b) Commentary should focus on the number of credit-rating arrangements, the level and amount of credit offered and how the quality assurance of the arrangements is maintained. c) Commentary should focus on the number of articulations and the programmes that students articulate onto. Details should be given on how the Faculty ensures that the curriculum at the partner remains appropriate and at a comparable standard. Section C Please keep commentary succinct and strategic. In answering the questions and making comments in this section, consideration should be given to the Strategic Plan 2012-2017. Quality Assurance Handbook, Appendix M8 (September 2014) page 13