Region: __________________
District: ________________________
School: __________________
Reform Strategy: ________________
Unit Theme: 10.2: Relationships: Friendships in Fiction and the Power of Persuasion
Subject: English
Grade: 10th
Week: # 2
Date: From ___________to ___________ 20____
Desired Result
Students will understand that ...
EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences.
EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended.
EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind.
EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive
Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
support 10 .W.1a: Express, clarify and 10. W.1: Justify opinions using
10 .W.1a: Express, clarify and 10.L.1:
discussion, and interact with state arguments.
valid reasoning and sufficient
state arguments.
discussion, and interact with
peers during read-aloud.
10. S.2a: Listen, discuss, and evidence.
10. S.2a: Listen, discuss, and
peers during read-aloud.
10.S.2a: Listen, discuss, and respond to information.
10. S.2a: Listen, discuss, and
respond to information.
10.S.2a: Listen, discuss, and
respond to information.
respond to information.
10. L.1c: Listen and respond to
respond to information.
provide instructions and
10. W.1: Justify opinions using
valid reasoning and sufficient
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
After the discussion of how to
create a reflective journal, the
students will be able to write a
daily write to demonstrate their
After defining character traits, the
students will make a list of
different character traits using
prior knowledge.
After choosing 5 characters
from any short story, novel,
show, or movie, the students
will use a “Sample of Character
Traits sheet” to assign
character traits to each chosen
character explain their reasons.
After previously discussing
character traits, students will
create a word wall with the
traits mentioned before.
After a read-aloud from a text
related to friendship, the
students will discuss the
relationship through several
Desired Result
Students will understand that ...
EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences.
EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended.
EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind.
EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive
Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
___ Recall / Memory
___ Recall / Memory
___ Recall / Memory
___ Recall / Memory
___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Skill / Concept
___ Skill / Concept
___ Skill / Concept
___ Skill / Concept
Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
The teacher will present the
Daily Reflection “Quick-Writes” (5 Daily Reflection “Quick-Writes”
Daily Reflection “Quick-Writes”
Daily Reflection “Quick-Writes”
question, “Who is your best
The teacher will review
The teacher will read-aloud a
friend? What is he/she like? Why
The teacher will define character The teacher will present the
previous class to create a list of text related to friendship.
Initial Activities
are you best friends?” and the
traits and give examples to
“Sample Character Traits
character traits.
Students will listen.
students will write down their
activate prior knowledge.
sheet”, and explanation of
thoughts following a brainstorm
The students will be asked about
Students will collaborate in class
Students will join in groups to
Students will describe in their
The teacher will present the
their answers through a class
to add character traits to a list and choose 5 characters from any
own words each character trait
following questions to develop a
discussion, and the teacher will
provide examples from text,
short story, novel, show, or
through an oral discussion.
class discussion: Do you think
write on the board their answers.
books, short stories, movies etc.
movie. Then, students will
they have a healthy
assign character traits and
relationship? Why or why not?
Development Activities
explain their reasons using
Do you have or would you like a
complete sentences.
friendship like this? Why or why
Assign character traits to the
characters mentioned on the
The teacher will demonstrate how The teacher will divide the list of
Students will share their
Students will design their word
Students will write their own
to complete a journal ion their
character traits by using a graphic explanation in class.
wall in a section of the
answer in their notebook.
notebooks. The teacher will say
organizer based on how the
Closing Activities
that the students will be writing
character thinks, act, and feel.
every day in their journal sections
about a given topic, quote,
thought, or theme.
Desired Result
Students will understand that ...
EU1. Our sense of self is influenced by relationships, conflicts, choices and experiences.
EU2. Friendships leave lasting impression on people, even after the friendship has ended.
EU3. Effecting writing can change people’s mind.
EU4. Reading literature and informational text about others helps us reflect and make connections to our lives, increasing our understanding of ourselves and the world around
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task) (unit projects, exams, etc.)
Characteristics of a Good Friend – Small Group Sharing /Compare Opinions Before and After the Unit /Persuasive
Writing – Characteristics of a Good Friend
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Formative Assessment – Other
Suggested Literature
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection
Separate 5 minutes from each
class to complete Learning
Activity “Quick Writes.”
Look for a text, excerpt, or
selection of a novel to readaloud about friendship.
Suggested Literature