Nōmen ______________________________________________________________ Diēs Reference NOUN CASE REVIEW CASE NOMINATIVE LATIN NOUN ENDINGS USAGES/FUNCTIONS 1st decl. = -a, -ae 1. SUBJECT = the noun that is the “do-er” or “be-er” of the sentence/clause 2nd decl. = -us/r/um, -ī/a 3rd decl. = *, -ēs/a GENITIVE 1st decl. = -ae, -ārum 2nd decl. = -ī, -ōrum 3rd decl. = -is, -um DATIVE 1st decl. = -ae, -īs 2nd decl. = -ō, -īs 2. PREDICATE NOMINATIVE = the noun that describes the subject following a form of the verb sum, esse 1. POSSESSION = the noun that describes the person/thing having possession or ownership over someone/something else 1. INDIRECT OBJECT = the noun to or for an action or a thing is done/given/shown ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS 1. the friend (verbs), the friends (verb) 2. (the subject(s)) is/are (a/the) friend(s) 1. (the noun) of the friend(s), the friend’s/ friends’ (noun) 1. to the friend(s), for the friend(s) 3rd decl. = -ī, -ibus ACCUSATIVE 1st decl. = -am, -ās 2nd decl. = -um, -ōs/a 3rd decl. = -em/*, -ēs/a 1. DIRECT OBJECT = the noun which receives the action of a verb 1. (subject + verb) the friend(s) 2. OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION = the noun in a prepositional phrase 2. (preposition) the friend(s) preceded by a preposition which takes the accusative case ABLATIVE 1st decl. = -ā, -īs 2nd decl. = -ō, -īs 3rd decl. = -e, -ibus 1. ABLATIVE OF MEANS = a) the noun (a non-living thing) which does the action of a passive verb b) the noun by/with/in/on/from which the action of the verb is done 2. ABLATIVE OF AGENT the noun (a living thing) which does the action of a passive verb 3. OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION = the noun in a prepositional phrase VOCATIVE 1st decl. = -a, -ae 2nd decl. = -r/um/e/ī, -ī/a 3rd decl. = *, -ēs/a preceded by a preposition which takes the ablative case 1. DIRECT ADDRESS = the person/thing who/which is being directly spoken to or addressed by the speaker 1. a) by swords b) by/with/in/on/from ships 2. by the friend(s) 3. (preposition) the friend(s) 1. friend! friends!, friend,…; …,friend,…; …,friend. Nōmen ______________________________________________________________ Diēs Exerceāmus! Directions: Annotate and translate the sentences below and then identify the case and usage/function of the nouns listed. The first one has been done as a model. 1. Lūcrētia modesta, quae atrā veste ornata est, prō familiā genūflexit a. Case of veste = ablative b. Usage/function of veste = ablative of means c. Sentence translation = The modest Lucretia, who was dressed in a black robe, knelt before (her) family. 2. “bona uxor mulierque Rōmāna esse cupiō,” dīxit Lūcrētia. a. Case of mulier = b. Usage/function of mulier = c. Sentence translation = 3. egō tamen propter crīmen Sextī ab omnibus condemnābor- id sciō! a. Case of omnibus = b. Usage/function of omnibus = c. Sentence translation = 4. nullam turpitūdinem meō virō aut eī oppidō nōn debeō. a. Case of virō = b. Usage/function of virō = c. Sentence translation = 5. sed vōs orō – Sextum invenīte et prō mē Tarquiniōs vincite!” a. Case of vōs = b. Usage/function of vōs = c. Sentence translation = CHECK: _________