Idaho Association of Public Health District Directors Meeting Minutes 7/14/15 Present: Lora Whalen, District 1 Carol Moehrle, District 2 Bruce Krosch, District 3 Russ Duke, District 4 Rene LeBlanc, District 5 Maggie Mann, District 6 Geri Rackow, District 7 Guests: Elke Shaw Tulloch James Adylotte Kathy Turner Dr. Chris Hahn Sonja Schriever Miro Barac Josie Graham Kris Spain Meeting Called to Order – Chair The meeting was called to order by Chair, Geri Rackow at 1400. Call for additional agenda items ACTION: All August Newsletter Review and approval of May 6 and June 3 minutes All ACTION: June 3 minutes, NWCPHP spelling correction Dr. Fore. Bruce moves to approve both sets of minutes with correction, seconded by Rene. Approved unanimously. Report on the Association Office Revenue and Expenditures 1. Association Office Report for June 2015: Revenue Zero Expense 761.19 (see attached) Cash Balance $26,038.47 Bruce 2. The expense of 4753.42 for fuel & lubricants is an accounting error. It will be reversed and the credit applied in July. 3. Idaho Association of District Boards of Health Account: Revenue Zero Expense Zero Cash Balance $1,220.91 (CDHD will soon reconcile the revenue/expense for the McCall conference). Lora Whalen PHD 1 208.415.5102 Carol Moehrle PHD 2 208.799.3100 Bruce Krosch PHD 3 208.455-5315 Russ Duke PHD 4 208.375-5211 Rene LeBlanc PHD 5 208.737.590 Maggie Mann PHD 6 208.233.9080 Geri Rackow PHD 7 208.522.0310 IAPHDD Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Budget Development Manual Bruce th It is due to be posted tomorrow. Stay posted for increase in health care benefit and 27 ppd in FY 16 Prescription Drug Abuse Millennium Fund Proposal Russ/Maggie Russ has been meeting with Office of Drug Policy work group re: the Millennium Fund (MF) prescription drug abuse proposal. Next steps: 1. Jamie and Traci will put together the application for our review. 2. Finalize and implement a strategy for working with MF committee to create understanding of how this is different than other drug related requests. 3. Select who will present the application to the MF committee on behalf of Local Public Health (LPH). In this proposal, LPH would receive most of the funds and be the requesting agency. Idaho State University (ISU) would help develop the tool kit. There is a history of ISU applications not being selected by MF committee for funding; it is unclear why this is. Fiscal will need to be involved as it will have to be an after-maintenance item in our budget. It will also have to be included in individual districts on the B-8. We will need to determine how the money to the districts will be split; will it be based on workload or a seven-way split between the districts. Should this be funded, a recommendation would need to be brought to the Trustees for division of funds. For budget purposes, which are due September 1, we will place hold an even split. The application is due early to mid-October. ACTION: Traci will forward the justification language for B8-1 to Kim Gaskill. Update on Regional Behavioral Health Boards (RBHB) All D1: MOA has been signed. The contract is to be presented for ratification at July 30 Board meeting. D2: RBHB has not yet made a proposal to the Board. Still in discussion phase. D3: RBHB will pursue linkage with D3. The RBHB will be at the July 28 Board meeting. D4: The contract is in place. D5: Will be fiduciary agent leaving 30K for RBHB mini projects. Not a fixed-fee contract. D6: RBHB will be at the September Board meeting. D7: Working toward a contract RHBH. They will meet this Friday. RBHB is on the September 17 Board agenda. Commissioners’ Concerns Regarding SHIP & RBHB Geri/Russ/Bruce 1. Geri will speak with Dan Chadwick prior to our next call and report back at the August meeting. 2. At IHC last week, Dick Armstrong shared feedback from the commissioners on SHIP and RBHB. Sentiment from the commissioners, primarily from Region 3, was that they would by default become funders of these projects. Prevent. Promote. Protect. IAPHDD Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Page 3 of 4 3. Commissioner Ruhle from Payette County is hosting a meeting of D3 and D4 (Region 3) Commissioners on July 24. Dick Armstrong will be present. There is no written agenda currently, but per Bruce, they will address Medicaid expansion, SHIP and RBHB. Russ and Bruce will be present. OPE Update Geri Bryon and Tony were unable to attend today, will attend in August. Thank you to Bruce for all the interface you have had with them on behalf of LPH. DHW topics Network of Care (NOC) – Opportunity for Partnership between LPH & IDHW All Follow up from the June meeting: Timing of invoice is generally the beginning of the fiscal year. We pay 15K/year maintenance fee split equally seven ways. Each District pays $2,143.00 per year. ACTION: Elke will convene a call with NOC, her staff and Carol to discuss options for State involvement in NOC. NEDSS Base System (NBS) Concerns Maggie/Kathy Turner Kathy provides regular updates on progress of the NEDSS based system to Epi staff re: new functionality and improvement. The 4.6 release of NEDSS will dramatically change how the system is used in Idaho and health districts. STD data has been provided using paper forms; the new version will integrate all STDs, with the exception of HIV, into electronic format rather than paper. With the new release, the functionality that allows Epi to track contacts of cases is enhanced. Navigation of the site has been improved. Idaho is leading the testing of the Beta version architectural function. Kathy and her staff are available for technical support. If there are new staff, they will assist in training to NEDSS. ACTION: 4.6 version slated to be out in August, but most likely will be in the fall. Discussion/Crosswalk between 1305 Grant and SHIP Work Sonja Schriever/All 1. There was discussion regarding the timing of SHIP staff/1305 funding and the academic detailing component of the 1305 grants with how they will interface with SHIP. Providers should not be approached multiple times with similar requests. We need to assure all three contracts are planned by our SHIP staff so as not to be duplicative. 2. With the 1305 funding, the LPH will do enhanced work in 15 practices and basic work in 10. The 10 can be part of the 15. 3. The 1305 funding could focus on colorectal/diabetes in the small rural practices and the LPH prior to practices being chosen for PCMH. Per Elke, we can defer going into practices until SHIP staff are on board, it just needs to be done prior to end of June. 4. Academic Detail Training is scheduled August 25 – 27, which might be beneficial for SHIP staff. ACTION: Incorporate discussions pertaining to 1305 into our Friday calls with DHW. Prevent. Promote. Protect. IAPHDD Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Title X Subgrant Funding Josie Graham/Kris Spain FFY14/SFY14 PROPOSED Difference Percentage Subgrant Subgrant Between Difference in Award Award FFY14 / FFY15 Subgrant FFY15/SFY16 Award Award HD1 $245,450 $258,166 $12,715 5.2% HD1 HD2 $163,044 $184,659 $21,615 13.3% HD2 HD3 $198,633 $192,421 ($6,212) -3.1% HD3 HD4 $300,574 $287,551 ($13,023) -4.3% HD4 HD6 $155,278 $176,551 $21,273 13.7% HD6 HD7 State Totals $197,338 $205,651 $8,313 4.2% HD7 $1,260,317 $1,305,000 $44,683 3.5% FFY14/SFY15 Subgrant Awards do not reflect May 2015 amendments of $6,683 / district. Award for Base Services determined using CY 2014 Ahlers data for low income, teen, and annual visit clients using established funding formula. Award for Contraceptives based on value (and percentage) of contraceptives dispensed in the most recent 12 months. Discussion regarding revisiting funding formulas in the future. The combined budget includes the contraceptive budget. There are some discrepancies between AHLERS and EMR numbers that determines base funding. The discrepancies are proportionate between Districts. The State uses AHLERS for this determination. Maggie asks if AHLERS has considered opening up an HL7 interface. The State recently signed the contract with AHLERs (through June 2016). They will negotiate a change order to potentially move to HL7 interface. ACTION: The state will mail Title X contracts by July 21. MCH funds are currently in place. August Legislative Newsletter Geri. SHIP is the topic of the August newsletter. Geri will work closely with author. Next Meeting Safari Inn, Boise, ID August 4 August 5 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lora Whalen Secretary Prevent. Promote. Protect.