Emmanouil Gkeredakis - University of Warwick

Humanities Research Centre
Transatlantic Fellowship Award
Final Report Form
Emmanouil Gkeredakis
Warwick Business School
Brief outline of Research
Objectives/Activities and Proposed
The purpose of my three week visit at New York University in May 2015 was to:
- Work alongside NYU Professors Natalia Levina and Anne-Laure Fayard
- Maintain and strengthen existing collaboration
- Develop ideas for future research projects and grant applications
- Work on academic papers
Start Date: 8th May 2015
End Date: 28th May 2015
Additional Information:
Have the original objectives of the
TF Project been achieved?
Please give details of any
collaborations developed as a
result of this TF award and any
plans to develop those
As indicated in my original application, I had already had a strong collaboration
with two New York University (NYU) professors: Natalia Levina (at the NYU
Stern School of Business) and Anne-Laure Fayard (at NYU School of
Engineering). During my visit at NYU in May 2015, profs Levina and Fayard and
I met several times to discuss: a) an existing manuscript, which needs to be
revised and resubmitted to a top management journal, b) a new manuscript,
which we will joinlty present at a forthcoming international conference (EGOS to
be held in Athens in July 2015), and c) the possibility of applying for an NSF
grant to organize a conference at NYU on “Collective Intelligence” in 2016.
These discussions are ongoing at the time of writing and are very productive. A
positive unintended consequence of my stay at NYU Stern, where I was
provided with a desk and was given access to library and printing facilities, was
also that I met NYU professor Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, with whom I happen to share
common research interests in the areas of open innovation and crowdsourcing.
Dr Lifshitz-Assaf (a Harvard PhD graduate) and I will meet again soon at
another conference in June 2015 in Greece to continue the research
conversations we had at NYU Stern and discuss the possibility of working
together on a paper.
- Paper titled: “An epistemic stance perspective for understanding
organizational encounters with possibilities to crowdsource innovation”,
(revised and resubmitted to the journal Information Systems Research)
- Paper titled: “Understaning potential impact of Diverse modes of Open
Innovation”, to be presented at the international conference EGOS
colloquium to be held in Athens 1st – 4th July 2015.
Overall, I also had the opportunity to interact with a number of other people at
NYU Stern, in particular, PhD Students, postdocs and newly appointed
professors. During my interactions with them, I learned a lot about the US
Please give details of specific
research outputs, i.e. monographs
or papers published, conference
presentations given, etc.:
Additional information regarding
the outcomes from your TF award
(e.g. personal/professional
academic environment, the research and teaching expectations and
requirements, but also shared a lot of information about the UK academic
environment and my own positive experiences of being at Warwick.
Furthermore, I was able to attend a PhD seminar organised by Professor Natalia
Levina as an observer and I am planning to use some of the effective
pedagogical techniques employed by Professor Levina in my teaching (for
example, the way she organises discussion among students and asks probing
questions). Finally, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar on the impact of
leisure time on innovation by distinguished guest speaker at NYU Stern on May
14th. The topic of the seminar was very relevant to my research.
3rd June 2015
If you wish to expand on any of the above points, the boxes will expand to accommodate any volume of text.