FIRELANDS SCHOOLS ENDOWMENT FUND SCHOLARSHIPS Applications will be accepted January 1st through March 15th of each year at the Firelands High School Guidance Office. (If the 15th of March falls on a weekend, the applications are due the preceding Friday.) Please submit a separate application for each scholarship you are applying for. The following Scholarships are available: SUSAN BEECHELER SCHOLARSHIP FOR FUTURE TEACHERS The Susan Beecheler Scholarship for Future Teachers is designed to honor the years of service by Susan Beecheler as a teacher of the Gifted and Talented Students in the Firelands Local School District. It is hoped that this scholarship will help to continue her work as a master teacher by providing financial aid to a graduating Firelands student who plans on entering the teacher profession. The scholarship, developed by her husband Bill in the school year 2000-2001, will be no less than $1,000 and will be awarded annually to a graduating senior of the Firelands Local School District. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A senior of the current school year who is graduating from Firelands High School. Grade point average of 3.0 or above (7 semester G.P.A.) Acceptance by a college or university. Evidence of the pursuit of a teaching license. Recommendations of two high school teachers or one high school and one middle school teacher. 6. Completion of the scholarship application form, including letters of recommendation, transcripts and required essay. DEBBIE COOK FINE ARTS SCHOLARSHIP The Debbie Cook Fine Arts Scholarship is designed to honor the years of service by Debbie Cook as an elementary art teacher in the Firelands Local School District. While a tragic auto accident in 1996 made it impossible for Mrs. Cook to return to the classroom, it is hoped that this scholarship will help to continue her work through the talents and energies of a graduating Firelands student. The scholarship, developed by the 1996-97 Firelands Elementary Student Council, will be no less than $1000 and will be awarded annually to a graduating senior of the Firelands Local School District. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A senior of the current school year who is graduating from Firelands High School. Grade point average of 3.0 or above (7 semester G.P.A.) Acceptance by a college, university, or institute. Evidence of the pursuit of a major in some area of the fine arts. Involvement in activities related to field. Recommendations of two high school teachers or one high school and one out of school source. Completion of the scholarship application form, including letters of recommendation, transcripts and required essay. 8. Completion of interview with Debbie Cook Fine Arts Scholarship SelectionCommittee (Optional) 1 of 3 FIRELANDS COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS The Endowment Trustees are pleased to award a minimum of five (5) community scholarships annually, one of which is funded by the former South Amherst/Firelands Rotary. These scholarships shall be for a minimum of $1,000 each. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. Enclose a one-page autobiographical essay. 2. Include information that will enable the committee to judge the merit of your application. 3. Enclose two letters of recommendation. These should be from persons (not relatives) who know you and can judge your merit as a scholarship applicant. 4. Complete the application form. CAMERON GREENE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Cameron Joseph Greene Scholarship Fund will award a $750 scholarship to a graduating senior of the Firelands Local School District. The winner will be announced at the Senior Awards Banquet. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. Grade point average of 3.00 or higher (seven semester G.P.A.) 2. Must be active in sports. 3. Acceptance by a college or university. 4. Recommendation of two high school teachers. 5. Essay of one page "How will this scholarship help shape my life?" 6. Completion of the scholarship application form (including letters of recommendation and essay). MILAD & FANNY ABRAHAM SCHOLARSHIPS Milad Abraham was a resident of the Firelands School District for many years, and was a great supporter of the district and its various programs. Five - $2,000 scholarships will be awarded annually to graduating seniors. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. Acceptance by a college, university or trade school 2. Pursing a 2 or 4 year degree or advanced certificate 3. Two letters of recommendation from high school teacher, employer, etc. 4. Completion of the scholarship application and required essay JOHN W. HOSTETLER SCHOLARSHIP The John W. Hostetler Scholarship will award a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior of the Firelands Local School District. The scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing a degree or certificate in the medical or agricultural field. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. Acceptance by a college, university or trade school 2. Evidence of the pursuit of a major in the medical or agricultural field 3. Involvement in activities related to the field 4. Two letters of recommendation 5. Completion of application and required essay 2 of 3 JIM SOLOMON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Jim Soloman Memorial Scholarship is awarded in honor of the 38 years of dedicated service Jim Solomon gave to the students of the Firelands Local School District as a teacher and coach. It is hoped that this scholarship will enable a graduating senior to further their education in the field of science. This scholarship will award one $1000 scholarship to a graduating senior of Firelands High School. Qualifications/Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evidence of the pursuit of a major in the field of science. Participation in sports would be considered a plus. Enclose two letters of recommendation. Completion of essay question. Complete the application form. 3 of 3 FIRELANDS SCHOOLS ENDOWMENT FUND SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Susan Beecheler Scholarship Debbie Cook Scholarship Firelands Community Scholarship Cameron Greene Scholarship Milad & Fanny Abraham Scholarship John W. Hostetler Scholarship Jim Solomon Memorial Scholarship PERSONAL INFORMATION Please print or type Name SSN Age Street Address City State Zip Code Telephone Parent or Guardian Statement of Applicant and Parent or Guardian We have examined this application and believe that the records are true, complete and accurate. Applicant's Signature Date Parent's Signature Date ____________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICATION RECEIVED APPLICATION (Initial and Date) APPLICANT NUMBER ASSIGNED (Date) COMPLETE 1 of 4 Applicant Number Scholarship Application Number of siblings Older Younger Mother, Employed ? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, where ? Father, Employed ? No ___ If yes, where ? Yes ___ _________ Number of family members currently attending a college, university or trade school ? How much money have you saved toward your future education ? Are you receiving any other financial assistance? Yes ___ If yes, please explain No ___ College, university, institute or trade school you plan to attend Have you been accepted ? Yes ____ No ____ Date of Acceptance Intended Major Anticipated date of college/university/institute entrance Each applicant is required to submit an essay. This essay is to be typed or printed in black ink and shall be a maximum of two pages, double-spaced. The essay should be coherent, having a clear beginning, middle, and end. It should demonstrate the applicant's ability to express his/her thoughts clearly and accurately. All essays not adhering to these guidelines will forfeit further evaluation during the selection process. Your completed essay should answer the following question for the: Susan Beecheler Scholarship: Why do you want to become a teacher? Debbie Cook Fine Arts Scholarship: How do you hope to impact society by pursuing your selected field of fine arts? Cameron Greene Memorial Scholarship: How will this scholarship help shape my life? Firelands Community Scholarship: A one page autobiographical essay. Milad & Fanny Abraham Scholarship: How do you see your life ten years from today? John W. Hostetler Scholarship: A one page autobiographical essay. Jim Solomon Scholarship: How do you see your career path as a way to "give back" to your community? 2 of 4 Applicant Number Scholarship Application SCHOOL ACTIVITIES List all of the activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc. and major accomplishments in each. School Activity 9 10 Year 11 12 Major Accomplishment LEADERSHIP POSITIONS List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included (i.e. elected student body, class, or club officer; committee chairperson; team captain; work area manager; newspaper editor; or community leader) Leadership Position 9 10 Year 11 12 3 of 4 Activity or Organization Applicant Number Scholarship Application COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES List community activities in which you have participated and note any major accomplishment in each. These should be any activities outside of school in which you have participated for the betterment of the community. Be certain to list any participation in community theatre groups, musical groups, dance affiliations, or any other area of the fine arts which would be relevant to your major. Also to be included: church groups, clubs sponsored outside of school, Boy or Girl Scouts, and/or volunteer groups. Community Activity 9 10 Year 11 12 Accomplishment/Time Involved WORK EXPERIENCE, RECOGNITION, AND AWARDS List below any job experiences, honors, or recognitions that you have received. Job, Recognition or Award 9 10 Year 11 12 4 of 4 Responsibility, Group or Activity