Empirical Understanding of Traffic Data Influencing Roadway PM2.5 Emission Estimate A Paper Submitted to the NSF 2012 Academic-Year REU Program Part of NSF Type 1 STEP Grant Sponsored By The National Science Foundation Grant ID No.: DUE-0756921 Justin Cox*, Sr. Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (803)354-2404; E-mail: coxc5@mail.uc.edu Zachary D. Johnson* Sr. Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (513)284-9766; E-mail: Johnson.Zachary.D@gmail.com Heng Wei, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor, Director, ART-Engines Transportation Research Laboratory College of Engineering and Applied Science, 792 Rhodes Hall, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (513)556-3781; Fax: (513)556-2599; E-mail: heng.wei@uc.edu Zhuo Yao, Ph.D. Candidate College of Engineering and Applied Science,735 ERC, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (513)556-5420; Fax: (513)556-2599; E-mail: yaozo@mail.uc.edu Hao Liu, Ph.D. Candidate College of Engineering and Applied Science University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (513)556-5420; Fax: (513)556-2599; E-mail: liuh5@mail.uc.edu Qingyi Ai, Ph.D. Candidate College of Engineering and Applied Science University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071 Tel: (513) 556-5420; Fax: (513) 556-2599; E-mail: aiqi@mail.uc.edu Submitted on: December 3rd, 2012 _____________________ Dr. Heng Wei, Ph.D., P.E. *Corresponding Author ____________ Date Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai ABSTRACT Within Traffic Engineering, understanding emission output of a roadway during various traffic conditions is a topic of great interest. PM2.5 is a particulate matter emission that is less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. These particles pose the greatest health risk because of their capability to lodge deeply in to the lungs. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between the quantity of PM2.5 and surrounding traffic conditions. REMCAN is used to quickly extract vehicle parameters relating virtual video data with vehicle speeds and acceleration. The field data collected shows 1.5 times more PM2.5 being emitted than the EPA’s MOVES software. EPA’s MOVES software shows a greater increase of PM2.5 with greater traffic than the field data. The Organic Carbon pollutant accounts for the greatest of the PM2.5 pollutants. The total emissions from our site throughout one day yielded 14.73 micrograms of PM2.5 , which is 55% greater than the MOVES model predicted, but less than EPA’s 60 micrograms daily average max. [6] The field data result being 55% times greater than the MOVES model promotes further research into traffic and emissions studies. 2 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Table of Figures FIGURE 1 METHODOLOGY FLOW CHART ........................................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2 VEVID SCREENSHOT ....................................................................................................................... 8 FIGURE 3 SYSTEM FLOWCHART FOR (REMCAN) SYSTEM ................................................................................. 9 FIGURE 4 REMCAN SCREENSHOTS .............................................................................................................. 10 FIGURE 5: EXPERIMENTAL AND MOVES PM DATA ......................................................................................... 13 FIGURE 6: EPA'S MOVES SOFTWARE COMPARING PM2.5 AND NUMBER OF VEHICLES ..................................... 14 FIGURE 7:OCT3&9 METEOROLOGICAL DATA .................................................................................................. 15 FIGURE 8: OP MODE DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................ 16 FIGURE 9: POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FOR STUDY SITE........................................................................................ 16 3 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Introduction Traffic Engineering is an important field of study as traffic problems continue to be identified caused by the increasing amount of automobiles on the road. One problem associated with traffic engineering has to deal with the particulate matter emitted from each automobile. The particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, - henceforth referred to as PM2.5 - is a cause for particular concern because of their very small size and capability to lodge deeply in to the lungs causing respiratory difficulties. Therefore it is crucial to maximize the capability of localized traffic emission models in maximizing their capability to accurately reflect the energy consumption and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission associated with transportation.[7] The EPA’s newest Emissions Simulator (MOVES) greatly increases the accuracy of emission modeling, however, the various traffic service levels have not been incorporated into MOVES. Therefore, it is possible that a roadway contains an emergency situation causing all traffic to stand-still, while the schools and places of work neighboring this road are exposed to the idling vehicle traffic emissions for as long as the traffic stays congested. Higher pollutant levels are expected with such a situation and this research tries to identify the relationship between traffic and PM2.5. Current models for emissions composition research vary greatly due to several factors including: rapidly changing emission output composition, weather, and automobile variations. Results from each model will vary anywhere from 5-15%. [1] MOVES tends to be the best modeling per appropriate use, however it is known that emission model simulators have great difficulty in modeling exact emissions of vehicles. MOVES uses operating modes identified by using the speed and the VSP of vehicles. [7] Conventional methods of data collection in order to identify operating modes is expensive and time consuming. In this experiment, REMCAN is utilized in quickly identifying each vehicles belongs in the available operating modes. The results from MOVES are compared with the field data results. Finally, conclusions are drawn and recommendations for further research are provided. 4 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai LITERATURE REVIEW Particulate matter (PM) in general (also called fine particles) is a mixture of either tiny solid particles or liquid particles or a mixture of both. PM2.5 is particulate matter that is less than or equal to a diameter of 2.5 μm (micro-meters). Particularly because of its very small size, this pollutant can be inhaled through the respiratory tract and cause adverse health impacts. [1] Besides traffic conditions, wind speed and directions also affect near-road PM2.5 concentrations. Other contributions in traffic air pollution include the traffic volume, fleet composition, as well as factors such as the presence of a noise barrier. [2] Depending on how much an individual is exposed to the emission of PM 2.5 is the basis for how much it can affect someone’s health. Long-term exposure to concentrations of PM2.5 increases the risk of acute and chronic respiratory infection, lung cancer, arteriosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases. Short term exposure can make worse existing problems that are related to pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. [1] Tests for PM2.5 emissions have been going on for many years now in a variety of different locations because traffic conditions continue to get more complex and models continue to be made which can make up for the complexity. Also, studies are often conducted for specific local traffic situations over short periods of time (hours/days compared to the necessary weeks or months) so studies only partially validate traffic emission models. [3] Therefore, information from single studies has not been able to be used for an overall evaluation of PM2.5. Ultimately, the goal in researching this topic is to get a sufficient correlation between traffic conditions and the emission of the particulate matter. Due to an increasing number of vehicle types and fuel types, models for monitoring the emission of PM2.5 are becoming more comprehensive over time and they also are made to show results for a higher quantity of vehicle (thousands as compared to previous models used before the 1980s which were meant for ~100). [3] Many households (approximately 11%) are located within 100 meters of 4-lane highways, where vehicle emissions are the major source of PM2.5. [5] Because monitoring PM2.5 concentrations cannot be done for all of these near-road regions, use of appropriate models with vehicle and meteorological information to estimate near-road PM2.5 concentrations is important. [1] There are advantages and disadvantages of different models, but for this particular research project, VEVID, 5 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai REMCAN and MOVES were the appropriate models to use for data analysis due to the rapid data input attribute. VEVID calculates the speed of the vehicle as well as their classification, REMCAN is a rapid traffic emission and energy consumption analysis system, and MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) generates emission rates. METHODOLOGY Goals of this research project were to gain insights on how dynamic traffic operating conditions affect the PM2.5 emission estimation, gain concept and experience to experiment design and field data collection, and finally to develop a regression model from field data that was collected. This was done through meeting objectives that include researching project relevant articles covering traffic operation and emission characteristics, becoming experienced with the data collection instruments, and by modeling the data using VEVID, REMCAN and MOVES successfully. These objectives were further broken down into several tasks for a final result. Figure 1 shows the step by step process of this experiment. DESIGNING AND PLANNING OF FIELD DATA A. Location a. I-275 selected based on traffic flow and air quality concerns B. Equipment a. Meteorology station b. Video camera c. Air sampler C. Distance Markings on Highway A. B. C. PROBLEM Regional Air Quality Concerns from PM2.5 Contribution of On-road Transportation Activity to PM2.5 Emission ο· ο· FIELD DATA COLLECTION Measure wind speed, temperature, direction of wind, and humidity b. Record the incoming and outgoing traffic c. Sample the PM2.5 emission a. DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING A. Split video for software usage a. VEVID B. REMCAN a. Calibration b. Data Processing DATA ANALYSIS & MODELING MOVES Emission Estimate Regression Comparison of Measured vs. Modeled Figure 1 Methodology Flow Chart 6 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Understanding basic traffic flow fundamentals and emission characterization was the first task accomplished during this project. Different literature was read for better understanding of the subject matter. Designing and planning of field data collection was the next task of this research project. The main location for the field data collection site was at a highway located on interstate 275. This location was selected particularly because of access to a loop detector (AKA automatic traffic recorder). The Ohio department of transportation sponsors this ongoing UC project and supplies the loop detector. It measures how many cars pass, the speed, and the classification of the car to name a few things. This location was also convenient because of the traffic flow and air quality concerns in the area. Other equipment used for the design and plan of field collection data include a meteorology station, video cameras, and air samplers on each side of the highway. The meteorology station has a weather tracker that measures wind speed, temperature, direction of wind, and humidity. Video cameras were used to record the incoming and outgoing traffic. The video cameras are able to stay on for so long (14 hour data collecting periods) because of a generator which is fueled with gasoline. Lastly, an air sampler, which also samples carbon dioxide, is what actually samples the PM2.5. Task three includes the actual field participation in the data collection. A time span of three weeks was spent collecting data. The activity required included setting up and tearing down the equipment, making sure the equipment is collecting correctly, keeping the equipment secure, and recording any significant traffic events. Figure 7 in the results shows meteorological data for October 3 and October 9. The fourth task of this research project involved preparing camcorder data and also cutting the videos into chapters. Preparing the camcorder data was done with the help of Mr. Zhuo Yao, who is a graduate mentor on the team. The first step to this task was to find days where sufficient field data was collected. This was achieved with a combination of camcorder results and air sampler results. The goal was to find days where good quality video was recorded for the hours of 16:30 to 18:30 (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.). This time was convenient because this is a time where typically a lot of cars are on the road and therefore a higher emission rate might be recorded. It was a requirement that adequate PM2.5 results from the air sampler were recorded as well for these times of the day. After the videos were observed and two 7 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai days were found that met this criteria using Microsoft Excel, video editing software was used to cut the videos into smaller pieces. Two days were used (October 3 and October 9) and these videos were initially cut into two hour periods from 16:30 to 18:30. Video results were used for traffic flow going east and west, so a total of four two hour videos were edited. After this, the two hour videos were cut into five minute sections which gave the videos better quality and these videos were used in REMCAN. One of the five minute videos from each day for both directions were then cut into one minute videos for the convenience of extracting data using VEVID, which is a type of software developed by the Civil Engineering department at UC. The fifth task included the data analysis and modeling. The data gathered is analyzed using several applications, the first being VEVID. Graduate students designed this program and it is a graphical user interface which uses distance markings on the highway to calculate the speed of vehicles. Classification of the vehicle is determined by VEVID as well. Figure 2 below shows the graphical user interface as well as the distance markings which were originally placed on the highway. Figure 2 VEVID Screenshot The next application for the gathered data was for REMCAN. REMCAN stands for the computer vision-based Rapid traffic Emission and Energy Consumption Analysis. REMCAN is an automated computer vision-based computer system for ground truth (which allows image data to be related to real features and materials on the ground) vehicle detection and tracking. This video acquisition module enhances, splits, and resizes raw video data into a common standard size and length so MOVES can 8 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai read. It uses VEVID data to extract data for the purpose of vehicle speed calibration and validation. A possible error for REMCAN might be that the angle at which vehicles are recorded can cause phantom cars in other lanes. Also, the sun can cause shadows in other lanes as well. The methodology along with Trajectory Extraction Foreground Segmentation Vehicle Tracking Vehicle Detection Vehicle Locations in Detection Zone Sequential Frames Video Acquisition REMCAN Development with C++ Video Background Initialization Segmentation Calibration Module Vehicle Parameter Extraction Module case studies from previous experiment is shown in figure 3. [6] Video Selection Base on Time of Day/Location Interest Video Enhance, Split and Resize Distance Markings on Highway VEVID Trajectory Data Extraction Calibration and Validation MOVES Emission and Energy Consumption Estimation Operating Mode Distribution Link Source Types MOVES Traffic Activity Inputs Generation Traffic Volume Other MOVES Inputs MOVES Input Generation/Conversion Module Figure 3 System flowchart for (REMCAN) system 9 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Figure 4 REMCAN Screenshots With the data collected from REMCAN which includes operation mode and number of vehicles, the MOVES input generation/conversion module generates the operating mode distribution, link source 10 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai types, and volume that are ready for MOVES model run. Volume describes the total amount of vehicle traffic flow through the recorded data. Link Source allows the MOVES program to identify the amount of car versus truck vehicles moving through the recorded data. Operation mode is found initially in REMCAN with the use of Vehicle Specific Power (VSP). VSP reveals the impact of vehicle operation conditions on emission and energy consumption estimates that are dependent upon the speed roadway grade and acceleration or deceleration on the basis of the second-by-second cycles. [7] The VSP values for light-duty vehicles (cars) are calculated by the following equation: Equation 1: VSP Calculation πππ = π£ x [1.1π + 9.81 x πππππ(%) + 0.132] + 0.000302 x π£ 3 The VSP values for heavy-duty vehicles (trucks) are calculated by the following equation: Equation 2: VSP Calculation for Trucks πππ = π£ π₯ [π + 9.81 π₯ πππππ(%) + 0.09199] + 0.000169 π₯ π£ 3 (v = vehicle speed (m/s); a = vehicle acceleration/deceleration rate (m/s2) ;grade = vehicle vertical rise divided by the horizontal run (%)) . With the combinations of speed and VSP representing real-world vehicle operating mode, MOVES adapted the 23 operating mode bins, plus additional operating modes for starts and evaporative emissions which is shown in Table 1. [7] 11 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Table 1 Operating Mode Bins for MOVES Running Emissions Age distribution, meteorological data, fuel type, fuel supply, and formulation are the other inputs MOVES uses in addition to the global inputs to project level emission analysis. MOVES results are based on EPA standards. Further, a regression model was also found using REMCAN data. The significance of a regression model is to prediction the emission estimate of PM 2.5 due to different traffic conditions. Typically, this is what an automatic traffic recorder (loop detector) is used for however there can be many potential errors with a loop detector that involve it not functioning correctly due factors such as weather conditions so the method was used for more accurate results. Equation 3 below is an example of the linear regression model. Tolerances include error from the modeling software, meteorological differences between the place of collection and the place of experimentation, and averaging errors. Reduction in error is attempted using linear regression. Linear, Quadratic and a poly linearization techniques were used and the resulting models increases the accuracy greatly, but the number of terms in the equation increases also - Table 2 Regression Models. Equation 3 Linear Regression Model π(ππππππππππ ππ ππ2.5 ) = 0.054 − 0.000015 ∗ π΄ππ ππβπππππ + 0.000016 ∗ πΆπππ + 0.000015 ∗ πππ’πππ − 0.0000267 ∗ πππππππππ(ππβ) − 0.000106 ∗ ππ’π‘π πππππππππππ‘π’ππ(πΉ) − 0.000163 ∗ ππ πππππ·πππππ‘πππ ππ π ππππππ − 6.127 ∗ π ππππ‘ππ£π π»π’πππππ‘π¦ − 0.0403 ∗ ππππ π·πππ ππ‘π¦ ( 3 ) π 12 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Results and Discussion ο· PM2.5 Emission Comparison between the EPA’s MOVES software results used to calculate PM2.5 and the Experimental calculation technique using meteorological PM2.5 data vehicles. Figure 5: Experimental and MOVES PM Data As seen in Figure 5, the field data has much higher PM2.5 emission results than the MOVES software calculated. The EPA’s limits on PM2.5 emission are as follows: “The new PM2.5 standards limit PM2.5 concentrations to 15 micrograms per cubic meter based on an annual average, and 65 micrograms per cubic meter based on a 24 hour average.”[6] 13 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai ο· PM2.5 Emission Comparison between the EPA’s MOVES software and the number of vehicles. Figure 6: EPA's MOVES Software comparing PM2.5 and number of vehicles Data in Figure 6 show the EPA’s PM2.5 emission predictions for the given experimental meteorological variables. 14 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai ο· Meteorlogical Data Blue: Oct9 Red: Figure 7: October 3 & 9 Meteorological Data Oct3 Neither temperature nor wind speed is shown to have a direct correlation with the amount of PM 2.5 emission collected. 15 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai ο· Operating Mode Distribution Figure 8: Op Mode Distribution The majority of vehicles were allocated into Bin 33. This is the Bin representing a VSP anywhere from 3 to less than zero and greater than 50 mph. ο· Pollutant Emissions from Study Site Figure 9: Pollutant Emissions for Study Site The data that is available shows the primary contributor to PM2.5 emission is Organic Carbon. This is the same material that makes up hydrocarbons and un-burnt fuel. 16 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Table 2 Regression Models Regression Type R-squared Terms Linear 0.107 8 Quadratic 0.59 45 Poly 0.863 165 Further detail can be found in the appendices. Conclusions A collection of meteorological and PM2.5 emissions data was collected and modeled using Vevid, REMCAN and MOVES traffic modeling software. MOVES is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency and is used to predict emissions in the United States of America. The model of the field data demonstrates 1.5 times more PM2.5 being emitted than the EPA’s MOVES software as seen in Figure 5. A possible cause for this difference is the intentional collection of data during and throughout rush hour (16:30 – 18:30). Depending on which regression model is used to model the field data – See Table 2-, it is possible that MOVES is underestimating the output of PM2.5. Another point of interest is that the MOVES software does not differentiate between each individual workday of Monday through Friday. Therefore MOVES is unable to identify if one day of the work week receives greater traffic flow than another. When there is a greater vehicle flow rate, EPA’s MOVES software shows a greater increase number in PM2.5 than the experimental model. It is possible that the MOVES model recuperates the difference between the field model and MOVES as the traffic flow increases. An interesting avenue of further research would be analyzing this trend in MOVES in order to identify whether the positive correlation is consistent with higher traffic flows. 17 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Organic Carbon (hydrocarbons) accounts for the greatest of the PM 2.5 pollutants. The carbons represented 3 and 4 times the amounts of other pollutants – Brakewear and Tirewear – and this identifies a key pollutant particulate that would be the most beneficial in reducing. Our research results promote further traffic emissions studies in identifying whether the EPA model attains greater accuracy within higher traffic volume areas or the EPA model remains inconsistent with results attained from field data collection. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the NSF CEAS Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program, Dr. Urmila Ghia, Dr. Heng Wei P.E. PhD, Mr. Zhuo Yao Ph.D. Candidate, Hao Liu, Ph.D. Candidate, Qingyi Ai Ph.D. Candidate and Dr. Kukreti. 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Web. 3 Dec. 2012. 18 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Appendix The following represents the equations associated with each Polynomial, Quadratic, and Linear Regression: Polynomial Linear regression model: y ~ [Linear formula with 165 terms in 8 predictors] Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE pValue (Intercept) tStat 0 0 NaN NaN x1 0 0 NaN NaN x2 0 0 NaN NaN x3 0 0 NaN NaN x4 0 0 NaN NaN x5 0 0 NaN NaN x6 0 0 NaN NaN x7 0 0 NaN NaN x8 0 0 NaN NaN x1^2 7.4055e-05 7.0896e-05 x1:x2 0 x2^2 -0.00012147 0.00010513 -1.1555 x1:x3 0 0 NaN NaN x2:x3 0 0 NaN NaN x3^2 0.00011055 x1:x4 -0.001872 x2:x4 0 0 NaN NaN x3:x4 0 0 NaN NaN x4^2 0 0 NaN NaN x1:x5 0.00092405 x2:x5 0 x3:x5 -0.00044592 x4:x5 0.0039179 x5^2 x1:x6 x2:x6 0 NaN 0.00026371 0.0017314 0.00084139 0 NaN 0.0023561 1.0446 NaN NaN 0.41922 -1.0812 1.0982 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.18926 NaN 0.0062831 0.62356 -0.0011255 0.001161 -0.96948 NaN -0.0018238 0.0016069 -1.135 NaN 0 0 NaN NaN x3:x6 0 0 NaN NaN x4:x6 0 0 NaN NaN x5:x6 0 0 NaN NaN 19 NaN Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai x6^2 0 x1:x7 -0.001612 x2:x7 0.00084171 x3:x7 0 NaN 0.0034347 NaN -0.46932 0.0036786 0.22882 0 0 NaN NaN x4:x7 0 0 NaN NaN x5:x7 0 0 NaN NaN x6:x7 0 0 NaN NaN x7^2 0.0018655 x1:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x2:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x3:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x4:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x5:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x6:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x7:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x1^3 -1.0391e-06 x1^2:x2 2.0718e-06 x1:x2^2 0 x2^3 -1.0327e-06 x1^2:x3 2.7441e-06 x1:x2:x3 0 x2^2:x3 x1:x3^2 x2:x3^2 x3^3 x1^2:x4 -3.7554e-06 0 -4.4659e-06 -1.7551e-06 -9.2843e-07 0.0023218 1.2747e-05 0.80347 -0.081518 2.5519e-05 0 0.081188 NaN 1.2773e-05 0.077752 NaN 4.8091e-05 0 5.7863e-05 2.2547e-05 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.077181 NaN -0.077845 NaN -0.9831 NaN 9.4439e-07 x1:x2:x4 0 x2^2:x4 1.4224e-06 x1:x3:x4 0 0 NaN NaN x2:x3:x4 0 0 NaN NaN x3^2:x4 3.9426e-06 2.8447e-06 1.3859 NaN x1:x4^2 2.3942e-05 8.7784e-05 0.27274 NaN x2:x4^2 -2.8359e-05 0.00011535 -0.24586 x3:x4^2 x4^3 x1^2:x5 0 NaN 1.4636e-06 0 NaN NaN 0.97184 0.00085651 -1.087 -4.7765e-07 3.3565e-07 -1.4231 0 x2^2:x5 5.7874e-07 x1:x3:x5 0 0 0 NaN 4.4782e-07 0 NaN 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.00093105 x1:x2:x5 x2:x3:x5 0 NaN NaN -0.07809 NaN NaN NaN -0.080848 3.5292e-05 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.2924 NaN NaN NaN x3^2:x5 -5.2801e-07 5.7526e-07 -0.91787 NaN x1:x4:x5 -1.9538e-06 6.9869e-06 -0.27964 NaN 20 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai x2:x4:x5 0 x3:x4:x5 2.1998e-05 x4^2:x5 -0.00026188 0.00040532 x1:x5^2 -1.6214e-06 x2:x5^2 -2.1888e-06 x3:x5^2 0 x4:x5^2 -6.3416e-05 x5^3 6.1301e-05 x1^2:x6 -3.7925e-06 x1:x2:x6 0 x2^2:x6 5.313e-06 x1:x3:x6 0 x2:x3:x6 0 0 NaN 3.8699e-05 NaN 0.56843 NaN -0.6461 NaN 6.1305e-06 -0.26448 NaN 9.4186e-06 -0.23239 NaN 0 NaN 0.00016358 5.1915e-05 4.3053e-06 0 NaN 6.258e-06 0 NaN 0 NaN NaN -0.38767 1.1808 NaN NaN -0.8809 NaN NaN 0.84899 NaN NaN NaN x3^2:x6 -7.2633e-06 7.8242e-06 -0.92832 NaN x1:x4:x6 -6.3384e-05 0.00019525 -0.32464 NaN x2:x4:x6 0.0001561 0.00029279 0.53315 NaN x3:x4:x6 0 x4^2:x6 0.0017849 0.0022976 0 0.77684 NaN x1:x5:x6 -3.0413e-05 9.1132e-05 -0.33373 NaN x2:x5:x6 -2.6326e-05 0.00012272 -0.21453 NaN 0 x4:x5:x6 0.00078832 0.00087048 0.90562 NaN x5^2:x6 -0.00030961 0.0011077 -0.27951 NaN x1:x6^2 2.4643e-05 0.00015495 0.15904 NaN 0 x3:x6^2 -0.00031388 x4:x6^2 0 x5:x6^2 -0.0021815 x6^3 x1^2:x7 0 -3.0173e-06 x1:x2:x7 0 x2^2:x7 3.0308e-06 0 NaN NaN x3:x5:x6 x2:x6^2 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.00042889 -0.73184 0 NaN NaN 0.0027786 0 NaN 4.415e-05 0 NaN 4.4106e-05 x1:x3:x7 0 x2:x3:x7 6.6667e-06 8.8429e-05 0 NaN x3^2:x7 4.0395e-06 x1:x4:x7 -0.78513 NaN NaN NaN -0.068343 NaN NaN 0.068717 NaN NaN 0.07539 NaN 4.418e-05 0.091433 NaN -2.7226e-05 3.8485e-05 -0.70745 NaN x2:x4:x7 2.0776e-05 4.1243e-05 0.50374 NaN x3:x4:x7 0 x4^2:x7 0.00030588 0.00051255 0.59678 x1:x5:x7 7.8457e-06 7.3189e-06 1.072 x2:x5:x7 0 x3:x5:x7 2.248e-06 x4:x5:x7 0.00014716 0 0 NaN NaN 1.2522e-05 0.00044886 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.17953 0.32785 21 NaN NaN Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai x5^2:x7 -0.00019789 x1:x6:x7 4.9233e-05 x2:x6:x7 0 x3:x6:x7 9.0537e-05 x4:x6:x7 -0.0014151 x5:x6:x7 0.0015355 x6^2:x7 0.0033432 x1:x7^2 -3.5093e-06 x2:x7^2 0 0.00014463 5.2744e-05 0 NaN 9.146e-05 -1.3683 NaN 0.93344 NaN NaN 0.98991 NaN 0.0012504 -1.1317 NaN 0.0027812 0.55209 NaN 0.0042409 0.78831 NaN 2.8513e-06 -1.2308 NaN 0 NaN NaN x3:x7^2 -4.0157e-06 5.8788e-06 -0.68308 NaN x4:x7^2 -2.9934e-05 0.0003038 -0.098531 NaN x5:x7^2 0.00018503 0.00015943 1.1606 NaN x6:x7^2 x7^3 x1^2:x8 -0.0014718 -4.5436e-05 -3.9214e-05 0.0018665 -0.78851 NaN 8.1301e-05 -0.55886 NaN 4.409e-05 -0.88943 NaN x1:x2:x8 0 0 NaN x2^2:x8 6.8808e-05 x1:x3:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x2:x3:x8 0 0 NaN NaN 6.4982e-05 NaN 1.0589 x3^2:x8 -6.519e-05 x1:x4:x8 0.0016232 x2:x4:x8 0 x3:x4:x8 0.00027266 x4^2:x8 0 x1:x5:x8 -0.00053212 x2:x5:x8 0 x3:x5:x8 0.00022432 0.0019181 0.11695 NaN x4:x5:x8 -0.0041764 0.0056042 -0.74522 NaN x5^2:x8 0.00062293 0.00087074 x1:x6:x8 0.0021484 0.0027462 x2:x6:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x3:x6:x8 0 0 NaN NaN 0 NaN x4:x6:x8 0 x5:x6:x8 -0.0031064 x6^2:x8 0 x1:x7:x8 0.00083864 x2:x7:x8 -0.00049635 x3:x7:x8 0 x4:x7:x8 0 x5:x7:x8 0.00021497 -0.30326 0.001704 0.95257 NaN 0 NaN 0.15538 0 NaN 0.00056345 0 NaN 0.0068088 0 NaN NaN NaN 0.0017547 NaN NaN -0.9444 NaN NaN NaN 0.7154 NaN 0.78232 NaN NaN -0.45624 NaN NaN 0.0028203 0.29735 NaN 0.0029346 -0.16914 NaN 0 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN 0 0 NaN NaN x6:x7:x8 0 0 NaN NaN x7^2:x8 -0.00063818 0.0018606 -0.343 x1:x8^2 -0.00022043 0.0029143 -0.07564 22 NaN NaN Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai x2:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x3:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x4:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x5:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x6:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x7:x8^2 0 0 NaN NaN x8^3 0 0 NaN NaN Number of observations: 96, Error degrees of freedom: 11 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.00027 R-squared: 0.863, Adjusted R-Squared -0.184 F-statistic vs. constant model: 0.824, p-value = 0.709 Linear regression model: y ~ 1 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat (Intercept) 0.0055505 0.0066789 0.40822 pValue 0.83106 x1 -3.4703e-06 9.541e-06 -0.36373 0.71695 x2 3.5278e-06 9.6525e-06 0.36548 0.71564 x3 3.8913e-06 9.4252e-06 0.41285 0.68073 x4 4.3707e-05 4.7966e-05 0.9112 0.36471 x5 -1.9423e-05 1.6488e-05 -1.178 0.24202 x6 -8.0623e-05 4.8714e-05 -1.655 0.10152 x7 2.5804e-05 1.446e-05 1.7845 0.077831 x8 -0.0044867 0.0059756 -0.75084 0.45478 Number of observations: 96, Error degrees of freedom: 87 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.000245 R-squared: 0.107, Adjusted R-Squared 0.0252 F-statistic vs. constant model: 1.31, p-value = 0.251 Quadratic Linear regression model: y ~ [Linear formula with 45 terms in 8 predictors] Estimated Coefficients: 23 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai Estimate SE tStat pValue (Intercept) -2.0322 1.913 -1.0623 0.2931 x1 -0.0002758 0.00046282 -0.59592 0.55387 x2 0.000224 0.00059692 0.37525 0.70903 x3 0 x4 x5 0.84595 x6 0.92346 x7 0.52938 0.020224 0.0016576 0.013883 0.008488 1.4567 0.15132 0.19528 0.0069732 0.072219 0.096557 0.0046139 0.0072858 0.63328 x8 x1:x2 0.014381 x1:x3 0.014063 x1:x4 0.66168 x1:x5 0.17692 x1:x6 0.20101 x1:x7 0.016215 x1:x8 0.79657 x2:x3 0.014097 3.3049 3.3488 0.98687 0.32837 0.00020818 8.2146e-05 2.5343 x2:x4 0 NaN NaN 0.00028576 0.00011237 4.1636e-07 9.4593e-07 0.44016 -7.9133e-07 5.7793e-07 -1.3693 1.149e-05 8.8701e-06 2.5431 1.2954 -0.00034029 0.00013685 -2.4865 0.00010742 0.00041453 0.25915 -0.00033763 0.00013281 -2.5422 0 x2:x5 x2:x6 0.064191 x2:x7 0.016109 x2:x8 0.99541 x3:x4 0.55189 x3:x5 0.034246 0 -2.2525e-05 0 NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN 1.1906e-05 -1.8919 0.00034077 0.0001369 2.4891 3.0783e-06 0.00053246 0.0057813 2.3862e-06 3.9844e-06 0.5989 3.9324e-06 1.8075e-06 2.1756 x3:x6 x3:x7 0.016774 0 0.00033851 0 NaN 0.00013689 x3:x8 x4:x5 0.037404 x4:x6 0.1315 0 -9.3971e-05 0 NaN NaN 4.3971e-05 -2.1371 -0.00054663 0.00035661 NaN 2.4729 -1.5328 24 Cox, Johnson, Wei, Yao, Liu, Ai x4:x7 0.041577 x4:x8 0.25812 x5:x6 0.93304 x5:x7 0.29553 x5:x8 0.77491 x6:x7 0.048384 x6:x8 0.82468 x7:x8 0.5615 x1^2 0.01426 x2^2 0.014523 x3^2 0.014021 x4^2 0.076092 x5^2 0.26293 x6^2 0.15966 x7^2 0.92248 x8^2 8.6579e-05 4.1416e-05 -0.014008 0.012249 2.0905 -1.1436 -1.0704e-05 0.00012677 -0.08444 -2.2662e-05 2.1442e-05 -1.0569 -0.0021056 0.0073244 -0.28748 0.00022624 0.00011186 -0.014634 0.065719 -0.0036427 0.0062327 -0.58445 -7.8185e-05 3.081e-05 -2.5376 -0.00013 2.0225 -0.22268 5.1375e-05 -2.5304 -0.00020758 8.1586e-05 -2.5443 -0.00016758 9.2552e-05 -1.8106 1.4837e-05 1.3107e-05 1.132 0.00031093 0.00021788 9.0109e-07 9.2146e-06 -1.3158 1.4837 1.427 0.097789 -0.88687 0.37931 Number of observations: 96, Error degrees of freedom: 56 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.000207 R-squared: 0.59, Adjusted R-Squared 0.305 F-statistic vs. constant model: 2.07, p-value = 0.0063 25