PO Box 1 Wheeling IL 60090 Phone: 847-800-0095 Fax: 847-546-1477 Feralfelineproject.org Feralfelineproject@gmail.com LOW-INCOME INDOOR PET CAT SPAY/NEUTER PACKAGE COST: $65 PER CAT YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO UTILIZE THIS SERVICE IF YOU ARE: SECTION 8 #_______________ USE A LINK CARD #___________________ ON DISABILITY #__________________ COLLECT UNEMPOLYEMENT #______________________ You may be required to show proof of low-income during drop off. Your Information: YOUR INFORMATION Name: Date: Email: REQUIRED Address: Home phone: Work phone: City, state & zip: Cell phone: PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Exam Spay or neuter surgery 24 Hour microchip 1-year rabies vaccination 1 Frontline Plus for fleas and ticks Non-debilitating medical care/antibiotics will be provided if the cat is ill. An extra charge will be required. 1 Your email is required for important alerts, colony notices and updates. If you don’t provide us with an email you will not be notified via regular mail. OWNER'S AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILILTY Please read and sign this statement. E I, ____________________________, residing at _________________________, am the owner of the cats being brought in for spay/neuter surgery. I agree to waive and release Feral Feline Project, and any participating veterinary hospital or clinic, its employees, agents, and others from any claims of any liability that may arise from the procedure on any cat(s) brought in. I am aware that cats face risks during handling, anesthesia, surgery, and postoperative recovery. Feral Feline Project, its volunteers and the participating veterinary facilities will not be held responsible should a cat experience complications, injury, escape, or death. The attending veterinarian will humanely euthanize any cat found to be severely ill or injured. Every effort will be made to contact the owner before euthanizing a cat, but the time limits associated with a mass spay/neuter clinics are recognized when bringing a cat in for surgery. This discharge and release of liability is absolute and complete and covers any liability which may otherwise arise due to complications or errors by any medical personnel or others involved in the procedure. BEFORE SURGERY 1. Give the cat food and water until 8:00 p.m. the night before the surgery. Remove all food after 8:00 p.m. 2. All cats and kittens must arrive in a cat carrier. One cat per carrier. SURGERY DAYS AND HOURS 3. 4. 5. 6. Drop off: Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Pick up: SAME DAY AS DROP OFF 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. No Saturday or Sunday clinics. Please be respectful of drop off and pick up times. AFTER SURGERY 1. Give water immediately when back home. 2. If the cat is still groggy, keep the cat in the carrier with water. 2 3. If the cat is awake and alert, it can be let out of the carrier. Feed them 2 tablespoons of wet food. 4. DURING RECOVERY PHASE, IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE TAKE THE CAT BACK TO THE SELECTED VETERNARIAN CLINIC. IF THE SELECTED VETERNARIAN CLINIC IS CLOSED, TAKE IT TO THE NEAREST ANIMAL EMEGENY CLINIC. CALL FERAL FELINE PROJECT IMMEDIATELY. I have carefully read this release and fully understand it. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between the undersigned, Feral Feline Project, and its associated veterinary providers. Owner's name (please print) _____________________________________________ Owner's signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________ Pet Cat name #1______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ Pet Cat name #2______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ Pet Cat name #3______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ Pet Cat name #4______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ Pet Cat name #5______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ Pet Cat name #6______________ Sex____Color__________Approximate age______ 3