Abstract submission Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to our conference! INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: The first author will be expected to present the paper or poster. Authors may be listed on multiple abstracts but can only be first author of one oral presentation Please write abstract in English. The abstract should follow the structure given on the next page. Presenting authors will be expected to register for the conference within two weeks after notification of abstract acceptance. Please contact conference@sensage.eu if you have any other questions with the subject “Query abstract submission”. ABSTRACT FORMAT (350 word limit) Please provide information below First Author: Co-authors (if applicable): Affiliation(s)/ Organisation(s): Address & phone number Contact email: Topic of presentation i.e. research subject area - Ageing and...: SUBJECT Ageing and… Sensory disability Policy development Service development and innovation Independent living including technology Benefits of networking Other: please specify Please tick one only Background & Objective: Please provide a concise introduction to the topic and state the purpose or objectives of the study Methods: Methods used for the research. What were the important characteristics of the participants and how were they selected. How was the analysis done? Results: What were the main findings? Discussion: How do the results compare with your expectations and with previous results. What are the limitations of the present study? Conclusion: What are the implications of your results and do they suggest avenues for future research References and Acknowledgements Please note only the first 350 words of your abstract will be imported from the email. So please stay within the word limit or vital parts of your abstract maybe omitted to the reviewers Submit by email to: conference@sensage.eu with title “Abstract submission” in subject of email. Scientific Committee Dr Bláithín Gallagher Marie Curie Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science University of York, UK Dr Bláithín Gallagher has worked in the field of gerontology for many years and her work is influenced by her strong interest in disability and gender. She currently holds a Marie Curie Research Fellowship at the University of York. Bláithín is on sabbatical from her role as Head of Projects & Research at NCBI (National Council for the Blind of Ireland). Bláithín is a board member of ENVITER (European Network for Vision Impairment Training, Education and Research); is an expert member of the steering group on Elderly Blind and Partially Sighted People for the EBU (European Blind Union) and is on the executive committee of ESLRR. She is currently a reviewer for a number of journals and conferences. Dr Liliya Plastunova ICEVI, Eastern European Representative St Petersburg, Russia Dr Liliya Plastunova is a clinical psychologist in the field of visual impairment and other sensory disabilities. She is also the manager of and a participant in ICEVI International Conferences in East European and Asian Countries concerning the education and rehabilitation of people with sensory disabilities and was a member of the 8th ICEVI European Conference Scientific Committee, Istanbul 2013. Ms Ana García Clinic Psychologist, Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica Hospital Gregorio Madrileno Madrid, Spain Ms Garcia is a Clinical psychologist who has been responsible for the mental health unit for deaf people in Madrid for the past 15 years. She has participated in review committees for clinical conferences in the hospital and scientific journals. She is a qualified Sign language interpreter and has been involved in three European projects developing specific materials for deaf people. Ms Sylvie Bilodeau M.O.A Director of Programmes for Rehabilitation and of Professional Training Institute Nazareth et Louis-Braille Quebec, Canada. Ms Sylvie Bilodeau has a Master degree in Orthophonie & Audiologie of Université de Montréal. She also has a D.E.S.S. in Management and Development of organisations from the ’Université Laval, Quebec. She is an expert in rehabilitation programmes for older people. During her career Mrs Bilodeau was also head of the program for Deaf-Blind Persons during 20052010; was in charge of the Cochlear Implant clinic in Institut Raymond-Dewar (2005-2010). Mrs Bilodeau isan audiologist and a member of Ordre des Orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec since 1985 and a member of an Accreditation team for the Council for Accreditation of Canadian University Program Canadian in Speech Language and Audiology programs (CAPUC-AO) since 2009. Ms Gudbjorg Arnadottir Consultant, National Institute for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Deafblind Hamrahlid 17, 105 Reykjavik Iceland Ms Gudbjorg Arnadottir earned her Bachelor Degree of Education, 1975. In 2007 she was awarded a MA Diploma in Educational Studies and Management from University of Iceland and in 2008 a Diploma in O&M and Independence & Technical Skills from University of Worcester. She completed a TQM (Total Quality Management) course in Germany in 1997. Gudbjorg now works as a Consultant with the NIB Iceland. In connection with her work at NIB Iceland she has attended various seminars and workshops addressing visual impairment of adults and children alike to include various aspects of rehabilitation and courses on combined sightand hearing-loss of the elderly. For 9 years Gudbjorg managed the quality/auditing department of Iceland‘s biggest airline (Quality Manager and Manager Audits). Currently she manages the Quality Manual containing all procedures, processes and policies of NIB Iceland.