Parent Involvement

Wasilla Middle School
2013-14 Parent Involvement Policy
Title I
Wasilla Middle School recognizes that some students may need the extra
assistance available through the Title I program to reach the state’s high
academic standards. Wasilla Middle School intends to include parents in all
aspects of the school’s Title I program. The goal is a school-home partnership
that will help all students to succeed and shall be done through the following
A. Parent Involvement Policy: Wasilla Middle School will jointly develop and revise with
parents the school parent involvement policy by:
Initial exposure at 5th Grade Orientation Night
Discuss involvement policy at Open House and other relevant family nights
Asking for revisions via website/newsletter
Plan available to the community website posting
B. Annual Meeting: Wasilla Middle will hold an annual meeting during a PTA meeting after the first few
weeks of school. All parents will be invited and encouraged to attend. The Title I Plan and its requirements will be
explained at this meeting. Parents will also be informed of their right to be involved in the development and revision
of the Title I Plan.
C. Title I Planning Meeting Times: Wasilla Middle will hold monthly meetings as part of the PTA
meetings, to review and develop the Title I Plan. We will make an effort to be flexible when scheduling these
meetings but most of them will be held early evenings to accommodate parents who work.
D. School-Parent Compact: Our compact is introduced at the annual meeting in September where
we explain the ways the school staff, parents, and students work together to increase student achievement.
Parents can suggest changes and a final draft will then be create and added to the website.
E. Communicating the Curriculum:
This is done at the annual Open House meeting and in addition, it is featured at 5th Grade Orientation Night. It is
also shared in the WMS monthly newsletter.
Suggestions on the Title I Plan: Parent comments and suggestions regarding the Title I Plan
may be made at meetings, in writing, and through email to the Principal. Evaluations are conducted at all Title I
events and parent suggestions are collected at that time.
G. Shared Responsibility for Student Achievement:
The staff of Wasilla Middle School, parents, and students shall work together to share the responsibility
for improved student academic achievement by:
 conducting parent/teacher conferences, annually (at a minimum),
the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s
 Providing frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress; and
 Providing parents with reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and
participate in their child’s class and observation of classroom activities.
 Providing parents with regular meeting to make suggestions and participate in decisions
relating to the education of their children.
H. Understanding Standards and Assessments: To ensure and support effective involvement
of parents to participate in improving student academic achievement, Wasilla Middle School shall provide
assistance to parents in understanding the State’s academic content standards and the State student academic
achievement standards. These will be explained at Orientation Night, at Parent-Teacher conferences, and at
otherwise scheduled meetings. In addition, links will be provided on the school website. Teachers will work with
parents to explain how to monitor their child’s progress and work together to improve the achievement of their child.
I. Family Events: Wasilla Middle School hosts many family events throughout the school year. At
each of the events we focus on supports which are part of the WMS educational experience designed to assist in
improving student learning such as: E-Club, Connections, Parent Teacher meetings and RtI meetings.
J. Translation Services: WMS makes every effort to provide translation services to families where
English is a second language. These translation services are for Parent-Teacher Conferences, Family Events,
and any other time where needed. Translated documents and school reports are also made available when
Wasilla Middle School is committed to the goal of providing quality education for
every child. To this end, we want to establish partnerships with parents and with
the community. Everyone gains if school and home work together to promote
high achievement by our children. Neither home nor school can do the job alone.
Parents play an extremely important role as children’s first teachers. Their
support for their children and for the school is critical to their children’s success
every step along the way.
(Signature of Title I Authorized Representative)