English - Unesco

10 COM
Paris, 2 November 2015
Original: English
Tenth session
Windhoek, Namibia
30 November to 4 December 2015
Item 15.c of the Provisional Agenda:
Follow-up on audits and evaluations
UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service (IOS) completed in 2013
the evaluation of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the
Culture Sector, Part I of which concerns the 2003 Convention
for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The
evaluation was complemented by an audit of the working
methods of all six cultural conventions.
This document presents the status of the implementation of 24
recommendations of the evaluation (Part A), the follow-up on
the four recommendations of the audit report of the working
methods of all six culture conventions (Part B) and a draft
decision for the Committee’s consideration (Part C).
Decision required: paragraph 9
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 2
Progress report on the twenty-four recommendations of the evaluation of UNESCO’s
standard-setting work of the Culture Sector, concerning the Convention for
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
In line with its biennial plan for 2012-2013, UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service (IOS)
completed in 2013 the evaluation of UNESCO’s standard-setting work of the Culture Sector,
Part I of this evaluation concerns the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage (document IOS/EVS/PI/129 REV.). The purpose of the evaluation was to
generate findings and recommendations regarding relevance and effectiveness of the
normative framework, with a focus on its impact on legislation, policies, and strategies of
States Parties to UNESCO’s culture conventions.
Preliminary findings were presented to the Executive Board at its 192nd session in 2013
(document 192 EX/5 Part II) and the complete evaluation was presented to the Executive
Board, at its 194th session in 2014, within the Annual Report of IOS (document 194 EX/22).
Annex III to Document 194 EX/22 includes the preliminary cross-cutting findings and
conclusions related to the standard-setting work of the Culture Sector.
Furthermore, the evaluation was presented to the Committee at its eighth session in 2013
(document ITH/13/8.COM/5.c). During that session the Committee considered the
recommendations of the evaluation and adopted Decision 8.COM 5.c.1.
The table below summarises the planned actions with deadline and the status of such
actions taken for each of the twenty-four recommendations of the evaluation.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 3
Recommendation 1: Revise all relevant documents and forms (including the Operational Guidelines, the Periodic Reporting Formats,
and nomination files) to include gender-specific guidance and questions.
Management Response: Reporting forms have been amended accordingly, and a new paragraph to be included in the Operational Directive
has been submitted to the Committee at its ninth session (December 2014) for discussion and its tenth session (December 2015) for
endorsement. Revised Operational Directives could be adopted by the General Assembly in June 2016.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Revise nomination forms ICH-01 (Urgent
Safeguarding List) and ICH-02
(Representative List).
November 2014
The gender specific guidance was integrated in October 2015 in the
ICH-01 and ICH-02 nomination forms for the 2017 cycle
(action completed).
Revise Form ICH-10 on periodic reporting
(Reports by States Parties on the
implementation of the Convention).
November 2014
ICH-10 form revised in December 2014 (action completed).
Include gender paragraph in the draft
Operational Directives on sustainable
June 2016
The ninth session of the Committee discussed the amendment of the
Operational Directives to include ‘gender equality’ in the section
concerning ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable
Development at national level’.
This amendment is to be discussed at the tenth
session (document ITH/15/10.COM/14.a); if endorsed, the Committee
will recommend that the General Assembly in June 2016 approve it.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 4
Recommendation 2: Promote increased NGO and community involvement in the development of policy, legislation, safeguarding
plans and sustainable development plans.
Management Response: This recommendation is fully in line with the Convention and the Operational Directives. Although the implementation
of this recommendation is the direct responsibility of the States Parties, the Secretariat uses every opportunity, in particular in the capacitybuilding programme and supporting material, to remind States of the importance of such involvement.
Actions Planned
Integrate and/or strengthen these aspects in
the capacity-building material and training of
trainers workshops.
Expected Date of
December 2015
Integrate these aspects in the aide-mémoire
for elaborating nomination files and for
periodic reports.
October 2015
The role of non-governmental organizations and community involvement
was part of the training for expert facilitators for the Asia-Pacific (January
2015) and Africa (September 2015).
A UNESCO guidance note on providing advisory services for policy
development in the field of intangible cultural heritage, made available in
June 2015, underlines the role of non-governmental organizations and
community involvement.
An independent training material unit on policy and legal development
will be available in English by November 2015, integrating the
importance of non-governmental organizations and community
The February 2015 version of the aide-mémoire mentions in several
places the importance of non-governmental organizations and
community involvement.
The new version of the aide-mémoire on nominations and periodic
reporting shall include a dedicated section on non-governmental
organizations and community participation.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 5
Recommendation 3: Enhance cooperation with sustainable development experts for integrating ICH into non-cultural legislation and
policy, and for other work related to ICH and sustainable development.
Management Response: Although the implementation of this recommendation is the direct responsibility of the States Parties, the Secretariat is
also integrating and/or strengthening these aspects in its capacity-building (curriculum and training of trainers), and when developing new
Operational Directives on Intangible Cultural Heritage and sustainable development.
Actions Planned
Integrate and/or strengthen these aspects in
the capacity-building material and training of
trainers workshops.
Expected Date of
Develop new Operational Directives on
June 2016
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and
Sustainable Development.
As regards the integration of intangible cultural heritage into non-cultural
legislation and policy, greater cooperation with the sustainable
development experts allowed:
 the elaboration of a new format for policy and legal support in the
capacity-building programme
 the elaboration of a dedicated unit (Unit 8) on intangible cultural
heritage and sustainable development under the capacity-building
 the elaboration of a UNESCO guidance note on providing advisory
services for policy development.
The regional workshop for expert facilitators from Africa (Constantine,
Algeria, September 2015) focused on supporting policy development in
the field of intangible cultural heritage in Africa and also discussed the
difficulties of integrating intangible cultural heritage policy into
non-cultural legislation and policies.
Development experts participated in the elaboration of the draft
amendment of the Operational Directives on Intangible Cultural Heritage
and Sustainable Development; this amendment was submitted to the
ninth session of the Committee for debate and to the tenth session for
endorsement. (ITH/15/10.COM/14.a);
If endorsed, the Committee will also recommend the General Assembly
in June 2016 to approve it.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 6
Recommendation 4: Support State Parties with the development of legislation and policy as part of the ongoing 2003 Convention
capacity building programme and design appropriate capacity building formats to do so.
Management Response: The Secretariat is strengthening its policy and legal advisory services in all current and future capacity-building
activities. New training material to be developed, trainers of trainer to be conducted accordingly.
Actions Planned
Design and use new curriculum.
Expected Date of
December 2015
Train trainers.
Integrate new specialized trainers in policy
development in the network of trainers.
A workshop on developing a new format for policy advice in the
Convention’s capacity-building programme was held in June 2014 at
UNESCO headquarters.
Three papers were drafted on issues and experiences of policy and legal
development in the field of intangible cultural heritage.
A UNESCO guidance note providing advisory services for policy
development in the field of intangible cultural heritage was produced and
made available in June 2015 in English and French.
New training material for workshops with national counterparts on policy
development is under preparation.
The issue was addressed during the training of expert facilitators for the
Arab states (May 2014); Europe and Central Asia (September 2014);
and Asia and the Pacific (January 2015).
A training workshop for expert facilitators for Africa was held on
‘Supporting policy development in the field of intangible cultural heritage
in Africa’ (September 2015).
Four new trainers specialized in cultural policy development have been
integrated in the Convention’s network of expert-facilitators.
Trainers specialized in cultural policy will participate in a multi-year
capacity-building project planned in countries from Asia and the Pacific.
Trainers will participate in future policy support activities of the
capacity-building programme.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 7
Recommendation 5: Cooperate with sustainable development experts when supporting State Parties with the integration of ICH into
non-cultural legislation and policy, and with other work related to ICH and sustainable development.
Management Response: Sustainable development experts are being integrated in the Intangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO trainers network,
in order to complement those experts/trainers less familiar with the broader development issues.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Publish and disseminate brochure ‘Intangible
Cultural Heritage and Sustainable
Development’(ITH info kit).
October 2015
A brochure was published in October 2015 and will be used by UNESCO
Field Offices, as well as disseminated at the tenth session of the
Revise final reporting template for training to
include a question on participating
sustainable development experts.
December 2015
Revision to be completed by the end of December 2015.
Guide for field offices to be elaborated.
December 2015
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, having consulted its Field
Offices, drafted a guidance note that will be disseminated to them.
Recommendation 6: Establish, with the full involvement of UNESCO field office and in cooperation with National Commissions, a
follow-up mechanism for capacity building activities to gather data about their effectiveness.
Management Response: Consultations have to be conducted in order to put in place this follow-up mechanism. The mechanism should be in
place on a pilot basis in a selected region by the end of the year.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Define the methodology and work plan to
align with overall theory of change.
June 2015
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Section consulted IOS, expert
facilitators, selected national counterparts and UNESCO Field Offices,
who provided consultation on methodology; the work process is defined
with a budget estimate (action completed).
Put in place the mechanism.
The mechanism will be put in place in 2016.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 8
Recommendation 7: Review (and adapt if necessary) the content and format of the capacity building strategy to ensure that it
responds to the major implementation challenges at the national level.
Management Response: Review meetings are conducted regularly in order to assess the content and format of the capacity-building strategy,
in particular to adapt it to the evolving needs at the national level.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Initial adaptations reflected in updated
logframe based on IOS evaluation.
The progress and final reporting templates of capacity-building projects
were revised with an updated logframe to include information of major
implementation challenges at the national level.
Review meetings and competence upgrading
with facilitators and FOs.
The Secretariat received recommendations for further revisions from
Africa, the Arab Region, Asia and the Pacific, Central Asia and Europe. .
Draw lessons from a consolidated analysis of
all facilitators’ report by region.
December 2015
A cross-regional analysis of the expert facilitators’ reports will be
produced by the end of 2015.
Specific activities and financial provisions for
policy assessments integrated in capacity
building programme.
The budget of new capacity-building projects systematically includes
provisions for policy assessments/development.
Introduce new units on gender, sustainable
development and policy development.
December 2015
New training units on gender (Units 48 and 49), as well as an information
brochure on the topic in question made available in June 2015.
A new training unit on sustainable development is under preparation.
A training unit on policy development is under preparation.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 9
Recommendation 8: Promote the USL by re-positioning it as an expression of State Parties’ commitment to safeguarding and to the
implementation of the Convention, and especially recognise those State Parties that submit nominations to the USL.
Management Response: Publication of digital version of USL is intended to put emphasis on its importance. All opportunities in communication,
media, and speeches are seized in order to emphasise its importance.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Stop the publication of leaflet of yearly
inscribed elements and publish Brochures
only on Urgent Safeguarding List and Best
Safeguarding Practices.
Yearly publication on inscribed elements has stopped.
Brochures on USL and BSP are under preparation.
USL, IA and RL purpose highlighted in
presentations, speeches, media interviews,
media kit, etc.
The purpose of USL, IA and RL is highlighted in presentations,
speeches, etc.
Recommendation 9: Clarify to State Parties and other stakeholders all misconceptions regarding the purpose and use of the
Representative List.
Management Response: All opportunities in communication, media, and speeches are seized in order to emphasise the purpose and use of
the Representative List.
Actions Planned
Highlight USL, IA and RL purpose in
presentations, speeches, media interviews,
media kit, etc.
Expected Date of
The purpose of USL, IA and RL is highlighted in presentations,
speeches, media interviews, media kit, etc.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 10
Recommendation 10: Ensure that inscription of elements to the Representative List reflect more closely the criteria and procedures
specified in Chapter I.2 of the Convention’s Operational Guidelines.
Management Response: To be applied by the Committee and its advisory bodies; Secretariat includes this point in training sessions for
Evaluation Body.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Prepare evaluation of the implementation of
previous decisions of the Committee in
connection with the inscription of elements,
selection of proposals to the Register of Best
Safeguarding Practices, and approval of
requests for International Assistance.
December 2014
The Secretariat prepared the evaluation and presented it as a working
document for examination by the Committee at its ninth session
(document ITH/14/9.COM/13.d) (action completed).
Secretariat to include this point in training
sessions for advisory bodies.
The members of the Consultative and Subsidiary Bodies were trained in
March 2014 and members of the Evaluation Body trained in April 2015.
New members of the Evaluation Body to be trained in each cycle.
Recommendation 11: Suspend the Subsidiary Body, so that all nominations are evaluated by one common and independent body.
Management Response: Operational Directives adopted for one single Evaluation Body and the new Evaluation Body will start its operations in
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Operational Directives adopted for one single
Evaluation Body.
June 2014
The General Assembly, during its fifth session, decided
(Resolution 5.GA 5.1) that ‘the evaluation [of files] shall be
accomplished by a consultative body of the Committee established in
accordance with Article 8.3 of the Convention, to be known as the
"Evaluation Body'" (paragraph 27 of the Operational Directives)
(action completed).
Single Evaluation Body operational.
October 2015
The first Evaluation Body evaluated all files submitted under the 2015
cycle (action completed).
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 11
Recommendation 12: Reconsider and complement the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices by developing alternate, lighter ways
of sharing safeguarding experiences such as dedicated websites, e-newsletters, online forums, etc. (This recommendation is linked to
Recommendation 19.)
Management Response: Different stakeholders, and in particular NGO Forum, have to be consulted on lighter and alternative ways. Best
practices can be identified through the analysis of periodic reports.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Consult different stakeholders, and in
particular with NGO Forum, on lighter and
alternative ways.
September 2014
NGO Forum representatives were consulted in December 2013,
Members of the Consultative Body in September 2014 and category 2
centres in October 2014 (action completed).
Identify best practices through the analysis of
periodic reports.
The syntheses of the 27 and 24 periodic reports submitted for
examination by the Committee at its ninth and tenth sessions
respectively contain analysis on safeguarding practices.
Recommendation 13: Give priority to International Assistance requests within the ceiling of files to the Convention’s mechanisms
Management Response: Was proposed by the Secretariat to the Committee at its eighth session (document ITH/13/8.COM/5.c) but not
accepted by the Committee. The Secretariat is nevertheless giving important support to International Assistance request mechanism and followup.
Actions Planned
Propose amendment of the Operational
Directives to increase the ceiling of
International Assistance requests that can be
approved by the Bureau (currently up to
Expected Date of
December 2015
Present to the General Assembly amendment June 2016
of the Operational Directives to increase the
ceiling of International Assistance requests
that can be approved by the Bureau
(currently up to US$25,000).
To be discussed during the tenth session of the Committee.
The General Assembly to approve at its sixth session in 2016
amendments to the Operational Directives (chapter I.8, I.10, I.14 and
I.15) to increase the ceiling of International Assistance requests that can
be approved by the Bureau (currently up to US$25,000).
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 12
Recommendation 14: Promote International Assistance as a capacity building mechanism for State Parties.
Management Response: The Secretariat is providing important and frequent feedback on International Assistance requests, including technical
assistance, integrating this work as a capacity-building exercise.
Actions Planned
Provide technical assistance for International
Assistance elaboration as appropriate and
promote other forms than just donations.
Expected Date of
Integrate and track trainings on International
Assistance elaboration within CAP projects.
December 2015
Following the Committee’s request, the Secretariat ‘devise[d] a means,
to offer technical assistance, through the provision of experts, as
described in Article 21 of the Convention, to States Parties wishing to
elaborate requests for International Assistance’ (Decision 8.COM 7.c).
Eight countries have already benefited from this mechanism.
The Secretariat will promote the use of international assistance in forms
other than just donations, as per Article 21 of the Convention
(document ITH/15/10.COM/8).
International Assistance was integrated in workshops on the different
curriculum areas (safeguarding, nominations, etc.).
New comprehensive training materials on elaborating International
Assistance were commissioned and will be available in English by the
end of 2015.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 13
Recommendation 15: Strengthen UNESCO’s cooperation with WIPO over traditional knowledge and culture to ensure an ongoing
exchange and learning between the two organizations and their Member States, especially in the context of WIPO’s current
discussions about a new international standard-setting instrument for the protection of the intellectual property rights of communities
Management Response: To the extent possible considering its human resources, the Secretariat will increase its cooperation with WIPO, in
particular in organizing joint events/meetings and in participating in WIPO’s governing bodies meetings as observer.
Actions Planned
Strengthen UNESCO’s cooperation with
WIPO to ensure ongoing exchange and
learning between the two organizations and
their Member States concerning traditional
knowledge and cultural expression.
Expected Date of
To ensure the strengthening of UNESCO’s cooperation with WIPO, the
Bureau of the Committee approved funds for this purpose in the
spending plan for the use of ITH Funds dedicated to ‘other functions of
the Committee’.
The Secretariat of the 2003 Convention participated in an expert meeting
convened in June 2014 by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the
subject, ‘the impact of intellectual property regimes on the enjoyment of
the right to science and culture’.
The Secretariat collaborated with WIPO in organizing a conference on
‘Intellectual Property, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Traditional
Medicine in the context of policies for the safeguarding of the intangible
cultural heritage in the countries of South-Eastern Europe’ hosted by the
Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in
South-Eastern Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria, in April 2015.
The Secretariat participated in a seminar organized by WIPO in June
2015 on ‘Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional
Knowledge and Folklore’ to discuss the effective protection of traditional
cultural expressions, knowledge and genetic resources, exploring initial
ideas for cooperation to create synergies with relevant standard-setting
instruments, including the 2003 Convention.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 14
Recommendation 16: Create opportunities for joint thinking, exchange of experiences, cooperation and synergies between UNESCO’s
culture conventions of 1972, 2003 and 2005 and establish appropriate mechanisms for this.
Management Response: The Cultural Conventions Liaison Group, comprising the Secretaries of the respective conventions and senior CLT
management, is meeting regularly and sharing information. Sub-groups on different topics (periodic reports, international assistance, etc.) are also
sharing resources and methodologies.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
Participate in the CCLG, comprising the
Secretaries of the conventions and senior CLT
Facilitate thinking on synergies between 2003
and 2005 in the field of capacity building.
Integrate the services of the CLT/CCS
effectively into the work of the Section.
The Secretariat reported to the Committee on progress achieved during its
ninth session (document ITH/14/9.COM/13.h and Decision 9.COM 13.h).
 Since the ninth session of the Committee, the Secretariat:
 organized a workshop on ‘How to provide policy advice effectively?’
with the participation of the 2003 and 2005 Convention Secretariats
 adapted the policy advice format of the 2003 Convention’s
capacity-building programme to promote synergy
 organized a workshop for facilitators on providing effective policy
support in Africa that included experts from the 2005 Convention.
Facilitate meetings between Chairpersons of
the six UNESCO culture conventions.
The Secretariat informed the Committee on progress made during its ninth
session (document ITH/14/9.COM/13.h and Decision 9.COM 13.h).
The Common Convention Services Unit (CLT/CCS) supported the
organization of the ninth and tenth sessions of the Committee.
An evaluation of the work of CLT/CCS is currently being conducted by
In June 2015, during the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee in
Bonn, Germany, the Chairs of the six UNESCO culture conventions met
for the first time to discuss ways of working together more effectively.
In their statement, the Chairs emphasized the need for renewed political
will to support UNESCO’s culture conventions and encouraged the United
Nations to ensure that the protection, safeguarding and understanding of
cultural and natural heritage, cultural diversity and creative expression
worldwide be recognized as a cross-cutting issue in implementation of the
interrelated goals of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The statement also recommends that the Chairpersons meet regularly to
evaluate progress and form a common vision going forward.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 15
Recommendation 17: Encourage representatives of accredited NGOs to participate in IGC debates prior to voting on agenda items
and include the outcomes of the NGO forums (such as the NGO Statements) in the Committee agendas
Management Response: NGO Forum report already integrated during in the timetables of the ninth and tenth sessions of the Committee, and
NGOs have been given the floor when requested on several items of the agenda.
Actions Planned
Integrate NGO Statement in the agenda
Expected Date of
Encourage NGOs to prepare their
interventions prior to the session.
The NGO statement was integrated in the timetable of the ninth and
tenth sessions of the Committee.
The NGO Statement will continue to be integrated in the timetable of the
Committee sessions.
Recommendation 18: Revise the accreditation process and criteria for NGOs to ensure that all accredited NGOs have the required
experience and capacity to provide advisory services to the Committee
Management Response: The General Assembly at its fifth session in June 2014 rejected the draft Directives prepared by the Secretariat
revising the criteria of accreditation to ensure that all accredited NGOs have the required experience and capacity to provide advisory services
to the Committee.
Actions Planned
The General Assembly at its fifth session in
June 2014 rejected the draft Operational
Directives prepared by the Secretariat
revising the criteria of accreditation
(document ITH/14/5.GA/5.1).
Expected Date of
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 16
Recommendation 19: Encourage a debate on the role of the private sector and of private/public partnerships in safeguarding ICH at all
levels (national, regional and international) in order to better define its potential for cooperation and involvement.
Management Response: To be implemented at the Culture Sector level.
Actions Planned
Coordinate with the overall Culture sector
fund-raising strategy.
Expected Date of
Explore options to integrate in CAP activities
and consult on potential methodology.
The Convention Secretaries and the Conventions Common Services
Unit (CLT/CCS) met with members of BSP/CFS to discuss forming a
common resource mobilization strategy.
Additionally, CCS has proposed workflows in respect of private sector
resource mobilization to the Conventions Secretaries.
The results have yet to be achieved.
Recommendation 20: Strengthen informal sharing of interesting and innovative examples on working on the Convention, including
about ICH safeguarding, development of policy and legislation, ICH and sustainable development, innovative partnerships and others
Management Response: See action under recommendations 12 and 19
Actions Planned
See action under recommendations 12 and
Expected Date of
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 17
Recommendation 21: Revise the periodic reporting form to include specific questions on policy, legislation and gender, and to ensure
that the reports focus on results rather than on activities.
Management Response: The periodic reporting forms have been revised to include specific questions on policy, legislation and gender. Draft
Operational Directives have been proposed to ninth session of the Committee and endorsed. The General Assembly at its sixth session (June
2016) to adopt the amended Operational Directives.
Actions Planned
Revise Form ICH-10 (Reports by States
Parties on the implementation of the
Propose draft Operational Directives in order
to ensure that Periodic Report to include
these issues.
Expected Date of
June 2016
The Committee, at its ninth session, discussed and endorsed draft
amendments to the Operational Directives on periodic reporting and
recommended that the General Assembly approves these amendments
at its sixth session (Decision 9.COM 13.a).
The draft amendments to the Operational Directives will submitted for
approval to the General Assembly in June 2016.
ICH-10 form (Reports by States Parties on the implementation of the
Convention) was revised in December 2014.
Recommendation 22: Develop an overall results framework for the Convention, linked to a Convention Theory of Change and
including clear objectives, time-frames, indicators and benchmarks.
Management Response: Considering the importance for all stakeholders to adhere to an overall results framework for the Convention, an
open-ended working group of the Committee should be organized to discuss results framework; extrabudgetary funding for such a working
group should be mobilized.
Actions Planned
Organise working group of the Committee to
discuss results framework
Mobilize extrabugetary funding for such
working group.
Expected Date of
June 2016
At its ninth session, the Committee decided to convene an open-ended
intergovernmental working group during the course of 2016 to examine
preliminary recommendations of possible directives, subject to the
condition that voluntary supplementary contributions are received in due
course to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund (Decision 9.COM 13.e).
The Committee has been asked to approve for the present session
China’s offer to support organization in the second semester of 2016 of
an expert meeting on developing an overall results framework for the
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 18
Recommendation 23: Complement the data gathered on the implementation of the Convention through Periodic Reports submitted by
State Parties with information provided by NGOs.
Management Response: Periodic reporting form ICH-10 was revised on 15 December 2014. States reporting in 2016 will be able to integrate
such contributions.
Actions Planned
Encourage States to complement the data
gathered on the implementation of the
Convention with information provided by
relevant non-governmental organizations.
Expected Date of
December 2014
ICH-10 form revised in December 2014 (action completed).
Revise the forms for periodic reporting
Recommendation 24: Strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Convention at the national level.
Management Response: Although addressed to States Parties, the Secretariat will address this recommendation and integrate and/or
strengthen these aspects in the capacity-building material and training of trainers workshops as well as in the Aide-Mémoire for Periodic
Actions Planned
Integrate and/or strengthen these aspects in
the capacity-building material and training of
trainers workshops.
Integrate these aspects in the aide-mémoire.
Expected Date of
Training materials to be developed and aide-mémoire updated once the
overall results framework for the Convention is available
(see Recommendation 22).
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 19
Part B: Progress report on the follow-up on the four recommendations of the audit
report of the working methods of all six culture conventions.
UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service (IOS) completed in 2013 an audit of the working
methods of all six cultural conventions in the field of culture to assess the adequacy and
efficiency of the working methods of UNESCO’s standard-setting work in the Culture Sector
(document IOS/AUD/2013/06). As a result, the audit generated four recommendations that
essentially seek to streamline and rationalize various statutory processes and achieve cost
The IOS report, ‘Audit of the Working Methods of Cultural Conventions’ including the
recommendations, was presented to the Committee at its eighth session
(document ITH/13/8.COM/5.c). During that session the Committee considered the
recommendations of the audit and adopted Decision 8.COM 5.c.2. A summary of the IOS
report was also presented to the Executive Board at its 192nd session.
During its ninth session the Committee examined two documents responding to
Decision 8.COM 5.c.2 and to the recommendations of the audit:
Document ITH/14/9.COM/13.f responding to paragraph eight of Decision 8.COM 5.c.2
and Recommendation 4,
Decision 8.COM 5.c.2 and Recommendation 1(c).
The table below presents concrete actions planned or taken and the status for the
implementation of the Audit’s recommendations.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 20
Recommendation 1: We recommend that the convention secretariats formulate proposals to the Governing Bodies of UNESCO and/or
of the Convention(s) to:
Supplement the current funding structure with General Trust funds formed out of contributions from the Contracting (State) Parties on
compulsory or voluntary basis to cover the ordinary expenditures of the secretariats, including staffing, administrative costs, preparation
and translation of documents,
prioritize the current work load of the convention secretariats to align it with available resources,
reduce the frequency, when feasible, duration and agenda of the meetings of State Parties and that of the Intergovernmental Committees
and synchronize the meetings of the State Parties to the conventions, when efficiencies can be achieved,
harmonize the translation and interpretation requirements across the convention meetings and seek extrabudgetary funding for additional
languages, and
modify the financial rules and regulations if necessary to allow application of cost recovery policy.
Actions Planned
Expected Date of
(a) Remind States regularly of the existence
of the Convention’s sub-fund.
The Committee, at its ninth and tenth sessions, was reminded and
encouraged States to contribute as indicated in Decision 9.COM 7 and
document ITH/15/10.COM/9.
(b) Keep the reduced number of files to a
maximum of 50 per cycle.
The Committee, at its ninth session, decided on 50 files per cycle for
2016 and 2017 (Decision 9.COM 12).
The Secretariat proposes to the Committee to consider 50 files per cycle
for 2017 and 2018 at its tenth session.
(c) Reduce Timetable of the sessions of the
The Committee, during its ninth session, by Decision 9.COM13.g
encouraged the Secretariat to strengthen its efforts in coordinating
meetings of the States Parties for the different conventions, taking
particular care to schedule them as far ahead as possible and with
adequate time between them.
The duration of the ninth and tenth sessions of the Committee is 5 days
(one day less than the previous session).
No non-governmental organizations accreditation item in the 9.COM
session but included for examination in the 10.COM session and once
every two years thereafter.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 21
(d) Remind States that additional languages
only offered if extrabudgetary funding
Draft amendments to the Operational Directives on the schedule of nongovernmental organizations accreditation will be discussed by the
Committee during its tenth session and if endorsed, the Committee will
also recommend the General Assembly in June 2016 to approve them.
Arabic and Spanish speaking States were reminded before the ninth
and tenth sessions of the Committee that interpretation in additional
languages would be offered if extrabudgetary funding could be secured.
Saudi Arabia generously financed Arabic interpretation for the ninth
session of the Committee.
(e) The existing financial rules and
regulations of the Organization and of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund allow the
application of the cost recovery policy.
The Committee, during its eight session, took note ‘of the Organization’s
cost recovery policy (Administrative Manual, item 5.9); and request[ed]
the Secretariat to apply the policy consistently when using the resources
of the [Intangible Cultural Heritage] Fund’ (Decision 8.COM 11).
The Secretariat has started applying cost recovery on funds allocated
for financial assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
(action completed).
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 22
Recommendation 2: We recommend that the convention secretariats, where applicable, explore more efficient ways of the obtaining
advisory services and consider potential chargeback mechanisms to the nominating State Parties and/or earmarked fund and
formulate proposals to the respective Governing Bodies for possible economies and financial sustainability in the advisory service
Actions Planned
(e) During its sixth session the Committee
took note that ‘the consolidation of evaluation
of all nominations within a single body would
produce significant economies, while offering
other advantages; reaffirm[ed] its
recommendation to the General Assembly
along those lines (Decision 6.COM 15); and
further consider[ed] that potential chargeback
mechanisms to the nominating State Parties
and/or earmarked funds, as suggested in
Recommendation 2, would not therefore be
needed’ (Decision 8.COM 5.c.2).
Expected Date of
November 2014
The General Assembly, at its fifth session, adopted amendments to the
Operational Directives to establish a single Evaluation Body
(Resolutions 5.GA 5.1).
The first Evaluation Body was established in November 2014
(Decision 9.COM 11), which evaluated the files for the 2015 cycle
(action completed).
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 23
Recommendation 3: We recommend that the CLT Sector should expand its common logistics unit to include additional services that
add value and provide cost-effective solutions to support the work of all convention secretariats. The platform can function under the
guidance of the Cultural Convention Liaison Group.
Actions Planned
Establish a Culture Conventions Common
Service Platform.
Expected Date of
July 2014
Common Services Unit established in July 2014 (action completed).
Recommendation 4: We recommend that the CLT Sector formulate, in consultation with BSP/CFS, a coordinated fund raising strategy
for all conventions secretariats and form a common resource mobilization team.
Actions Planned
The Conventions Common Services Unit will
be in charge of developing the coordinated
fund raising strategy for all conventions and
resources mobilization.
Expected Date of
The Convention Secretaries and the Conventions Common Services
Unit (CLT/CCS) met with members of the BSP/CFS to discuss the
elaboration of a common resource mobilization strategy. Additionally,
CCS has proposed workflows in respect of private sector resource
mobilization to the Conventions’ Secretaries.
ITH/15/10.COM/15.c – page 24
Draft Decision
The Committee may wish to adopt the following decision:
The Committee,
Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/15.c,
Recalling documents IOS/EVS/PI/129 REV. and IOS/AUD/2013/06, and Decisions
8.COM 5.c.1, 8.COM 5.c.2, 9 COM 13.e, 9 COM 13.f, 9 COM 13.g, and 9 COM 13.h,
Acknowledges with satisfaction that the Secretariat has made a good progress in
response to the recommendations of the evaluation and audit as well as of its
corresponding decisions, and wishes that such effort be continued as planned;
Recommends to the General Assembly to approve the amendment of all relevant
paragraphs of the Operational Directives to increase from US$25,000 to US$100,000
the requests for international assistance that can be approved by the Bureau of the
Commends China for its generous offer of a voluntary supplementary contribution to
the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support the organization of an expert meeting
on developing an overall results framework for the Convention,
Acknowledges the increasing reliance of the Organization on extrabudgetary
contributions and requests the Secretariat to submit the proposed coordinated fundraising strategy for its consideration;
Further requests the Secretariat to report the progress made on the follow-up on the
audits and evaluations for examination by the Committee at its eleventh session in