Approved 5/6/13 ST. JOHNSBURY SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING APRIL 15, 2013 ~ 6:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM B ATTENDING: Becky Baldauf, Bruce Corrette, Rob Mach, Tony Greenwood, Richard Boisseau, Ranny Bledsoe CALL TO ORDER: Becky called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Rob made the motion to approve the minutes of April 1, 2013. Bruce seconded. Approval 4 with 1 abstention. ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO AGENDA: - discussion regarding Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence in school. - safe routes to school. - executive session: admin contracts, student matter PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: None. REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS: A. Superintendents Report: - School Musical - Draft of school calendar ready on June 6, 2013 - School Action Plan ready on April 20, 2013 - School Board April 20, 2013 work session agenda distributed - 7 visitor parking spaces will be added to west side parking area. Parking will be monitored and dismissal will continue to be evaluated by Bernice. - an agreement has been made with High Fields Institute for composting to include pick up and student educational composting program for students. Composting of food waste is required by state beginning In the SY 2015. It was requested that Ranny look at other composters. - Policy Committee is reviewing and will look at all school policies regarding safety - Finance Committee did not meet. B. Residency Concerns: Ranny reviewed the residency procedures and shared the difficulty in identifying those parents claiming residency but do not have all the proper paperwork. Also, she shared the difficulty of collecting tuition monies after the fact especially after a lengthy time has passed. At present there is 1 complicated residency issue pending. Richard offered that a public education effort should be made by alerting the public through media that those who are new to the District need to contact the school prior to August, especially following the enrollment packets sent to families by area high schools. Resident Ken Hammer offered that the issue needs to be discussed with area realtors so they can inform potential buyers of what constitutes residency for tuition purposes. He suggested a committee be formed to look into the issue of residency. Ranny suggested an ad hoc committee be formed to look into the matter and report back to the Board by June 1, 2013. Committee members include: Ranny, Becky, Bruce, Kathy, and an Academy representative. C. Safe Routes to School: Ranny shared the Town Select Board possible delay of the Safe Routes to School project due to the upcoming sewage project. Becky has been informed by Dufresne-Henry there is no need to delay since much of their work will not impact the areas needed for the Safe Routes to School implementation. Becky is concerned that necessary bids for the project will go out too late for construction this summer. Bruce is concerned that if the project is delayed, a further lengthy delay may be brought about if an extension for construction must go to the stare for approval. Rob suggested that Tony and Ranny meet with John Hall regarding the project. Ranny will inform Kevin Oddy of her meeting with Hall since much of her communication has been with Oddy to this point. D. Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence Tony suggested and spoke to his desire that the Pledge of Allegiance or a Moment of Silence be brought back to the school and School Board meetings. Tony sees the need to continue to build on the pride for the school and community which has developed over time. In light of the recent tragic incidents I.e. Newtown, Connecticut and today's deaths at the finish line of the Boston Marathon it is time to be proactive. He suggested this could begin immediately for the School Board meetings and at the beginning of the 2013 school year. He wants to hear from the community. Richard offered that schools can implement the Pledge but cannot require it. Becky would also like to hear from the community. Resident Rene Roy stated it would be a difficult legal battle to require the Pledge but supports Tony's suggestion. Ranny will discuss this with her administrative team since they should be part of this discussion as well. ACTION ITEMS: - Rob made a motion to approve the School Boards Working Agreements. Bruce seconded the motion. Motion to accept passed 5 to 0. Signing of the Agreements followed. - Ranny reported that Bernice continues to look at the school safety plan including the use of the town police in school. She is continuing to strength relations with the police. Improvements have been made over time to include cameras and changing classroom door locks. Resident Rene Roy offered that entrance way safety glass and a pass system should be looked into as a means of improving safety. - Richard suggested the term "Entrance Exam" be changed to "Placement Exam" regarding the test administered to 8th graders applying to the Academy. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: - Policy Updates - Residency - Draft of 2013-14 School Calendar - Safe Routes to School Project EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR CONTRACT MATTERS: - At 7:29 P.M. Bruce made a motion to move to executive session for contract matters. Richard seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5 to 0. EXECUTIVE SESSION: - The Board entered executive session at 7:33 P.M. with Ranny and all Board members present. - The Board moved out of executive session at 8:58 P.M. - Bruce made motion for Becky to sign administration contracts. Motion was seconded by Rob. Motion was approved 4 to 1. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Submitted by Richard Boisseau