Parisi Wheel Kids SVBC Safe Moves Service Peninsula YMCA SR2S Education Provider Services Bicycle Rodeo A cycling skills course that highlights bicycle control, crossing intersections, signaling, and looking over the shoulder. Loaner bicycles and helmets provided (Pls. note Wheel Kids does not provide bicycles or helmets) ~45-60 minutes Grades 3-6 (all vendors); Safe Moves, Grades 3-12 √ √ √ √ Pedestrian Rodeo In a simulated city street with props, this walking activity provides students with hands on education for safely crossing streets with parked cars, crossing at intersections, exercising caution at driveways, and highlights how to safely cross roads with and without traffic signals ~30 minutes Grades K-2 √ √ Weekend Cycling Education Event One day cycling education event that introduces safe cycling skills through hands on activities and demonstrations. Activities include skills courses that replicate typical neighborhood riding conditions, bike handling skills to boost rider confidence, instruction in signaling and communication, and basic bicycle maintenance and preparedness. ~3 hours All ages During School Cycling Education Two week cycling unit taught during PE. Education includes basic bike skills and traffic safety instruction. Grades 3-8 √ √ √ √ √ Cycling Club/Academy Programs Weekly sessions held after school. Education begins with basic bike skills and traffic safety instruction and progresses to neighborhood rides. Grade levels vary by vendor: Peninsula Y Bike, Middle School; Wheel Kids, K-5 Student Workshops Interactive in-class presentations that provide valuable walking and cycling education. ~30-50 minutes √ √ √ √ √ School Assemblies √ √ Interactive educational presentations help generate awareness of safe pedestrian and bicycling behaviors while building enthusiasm for upcoming school events such as International Walk to School Day (October), Earth Day (April), or Bike to School Day (May). Family Cycling Events Customized event that may include learning to ride, bicycle skills course, helmet give-aways, helmet fitting, flat tire repair, bike swaps or on road-family bike ride. Safe Moves can also provide a Rock Climbing Wall for Family Education Events. All ages ~4 hours √ √ √ Middle School and High School Encouragement Events A fun competition designed to encourage classrooms to rack up miles traveled by foot and bike. Contest varies in scope depending on the needs and interests of the school community. Grades 6-12 Golden Sneaker Contest A fun competition designed to encourage classrooms to rack up miles traveled by foot and bike. Contest varies in scope depending on the needs and interests of the school community. √ √ √ √ Parent Education Educational workshop that highlights traffic, pedestrian and cycling safety, as well as walking school bus and bike train programs. Carpool and transit information can also be included as appropriate. Wheel Kids provides cycling instruction for adults and older teens to include traffic safety, building confidence for onstreet riding, and tips and techniques for riding with children. Parisi Transportation Consulting provides presenters trained in the Safe Routes to School National Course 60 minutes to a full-day workshop Community Education Development of educational materials to improve the behavior of drivers. Materials vary in scope depending on the needs of the community San Mateo County SR2S Program – School Year 2013-2014 √ √ √ √ √ SR2S Education Provider Services San Mateo County Safe Routes to School Program – School Year 2013-2014 Outreach/Education/Encouragement Services and Providers Activity Brief Description (contact Provider for more information) Weekday Bicycle Academy Provide riding instruction to children of elementary and middle schools. Training includes introducing concepts through discussion and presentation, but most of the Academy is an on-bike, active program. Weekend Bicycle Academy Introduce safe cycling skills through hands-on activities and demonstrations. Activities include skills courses that replicate typical neighborhood riding conditions. Education is adapted to meet the needs of the school community and may include instruction specific to children, teens, adults, or any combination thereof. Bicycle Rodeo Introduce safe cycling skills through hands-on activities and demonstrations. Activities include skills courses that replicate typical neighborhood riding conditions. Student Workshops Involve students participating in a play about the adventure of walking and bicycling to school. Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, and Grades 6-12 are provided different workshops Interactive workshops on the basics of pedestrian and bicycle safety, general bike maintenance and helmet use, including fitting and adjustments. Address parental concerns of traffic speed and traffic volumes. Interactive hands-on program, allowing students to experience traffic situations in a traffic simulation course called “Safe Moves City”. Parent Workshops Student Bicycle Safety Rodeos/Skill Training Family Fun Days One day cycling event to include bike skill course, bike and/or helmet give away, and rock climbing wall San Mateo County SR2S Program – School Year 2013-2014 Duration Proposed Fee Capacity Service Provider After school; 8Week Training Program; 90 minute sessions once a week One-day; threehour event. 60 or more participants will consist of double sessions (morning and afternoon) One-day; threehour event. 60 or more participants will consist of double sessions (morning and afternoon) 30 minutes to 45 minutes $150/child Limited to 20 children Wheel Kids Bicycle Club (available SeptMay) Single session (3 hrs): $1,500 Double session (6 hrs): $2,500 30-150 children, teens, and/or adults Wheel Kids Bicycle Club (available SeptMay) Single session (3 hrs): $1,500 Double session (6 hrs): $2,500 30-150 children, teens, and/or adults Wheel Kids Bicycle Club (available SeptMay) $150/workshop 20-100 children per workshop Safe Moves 60 minutes $200/workshop 20-200 parents Safe Moves 6 hours (5 to 6 sessions @45 minutes each) 4-6 hours $1500 240 students/day Safe Moves $3500 1000+ Safe Moves SR2S Education Provider Services Activity Brief Description (contact Provider for more information) Duration Bicycle and Pedestrian Skills Training (in-class) Interactive in-class presentations teach valuable walking and bicycling skills. 30-50 minutes Bicycle and Pedestrian Rodeo (outdoor) On the blacktop, students will have the opportunity to practice safe pedestrian and bicycling behaviors learned during the in-class lessons. 45 minutes Parent/Teachers/Vol unteer Workshops Educate parents and community members about traffic and pedestrian safety. Provide resources and training necessary to lead walking school buses, bike trains, and other activities. Provide Training and resources to school site volunteers, who then coordinate events such as Walk and Roll Fridays, International Walk and Bike to School Week, National Bike to School Day. Introduces the contest to students; provides tallying services, promotional materials, Golden Sneaker trophy; facility celebration activities. Up to 90 minutes Walk and Bike to School Days Golden Sneaker Contest School Assemblies 4th Grade Bike Safety Classes Afterschool Bike Clubs Proposed Fee Capacity Service Provider Assuming four consecutive classes at one school during one day, not to exceed $125/class Assuming four consecutive classes at one school during one day, not to exceed $215/class for grades K-2 and $295/class for grades 3-6 Not to exceed $450 per workshop 100-120 students/day Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition 100-120 students/day Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition n/a Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Dependent upon scope of work $450-$2,000, depending on scope Dependent upon scope of work Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Dependent upon scope of work Billed at hourly rate Dependent upon scope of work Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Interactive, educational presentations help generate awareness of safe pedestrian and bicycling behaviors while building enthusiasm for upcoming school-wide events. A two-part lesson: 1) the “Helmet Safety” curriculum and 2) bicycle skills training education “Bicycle Rodeo”. Includes Helmet give-away. Not to exceed 60 minutes per assembly Not to exceed $500 per assembly 2 lessons, one hour each After school educational cycling club. Education includes basic bike skills, traffic safety, mechanics, and neighborhood rides. Two 16-unit classes for 2-3 hours per class. Typically during one school semester. $2,400 (includes equipment usage fees) $8,500 (includes equipment usage fees) San Mateo County SR2S Program – School Year 2013-2014 Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Up to 35 students YMCA (YBike) Up to 12 students, per unit, for a total of 24 students YMCA (YBike) SR2S Education Provider Services Activity P.E. Program Weekend Event Community Education Materials/Street Smarts Education Campaign Parent and Community Education Brief Description (contact Provider for more information) Duration Proposed Fee Capacity Service Provider Teaches youth safe bicycle riding and street skills in their normal school Physical Education class. Builds capacity of school teachers by training them to lead bicycle P.E. Programs. Custom events such as: learn to ride, bicycle skills course, helmet give-aways, helmet fitting, flat tire repair, etc. 2 class periods; one hour each period over two weeks $3,000-$5,000 dependent upon scope of work Up to 35 students per class YMCA (YBike) 2-3 hours $1,000-$3,000 dependent upon scope of work $3,000-$25,000 dependent upon scope of work Up to 90 students YMCA (YBike) StreetSmarts safety education outreach and materials development. StreetSmarts educates drivers, pedestrians and cyclists about safe behavior. 8-12 week development period n/a Parisi Transportation Consulting Two-hour to full-day Safe Routes workshop at school or school district to introduce audience to the Safe Routes program and various activities. Includes review of the five E’s and extended workshops include a field trip. Includes materials developed by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center for Safe Routes to School and includes safety, health, and transportation information. Workshops can be customized depending on the community needs. 2 hours to full-day $1,500 to $5,000 dependent upon the scope of work n/a Parisi Transportation Consulting SERVICE PROVIDERS CONTACT INFORMATION Parisi Transportation Consulting David Parisi 415-388-8978 Safe Moves Pat Hines 650-350-1580 Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Corinne Winter 408-287-7259 Wheel Kids Bicycle Club Tim Hurley 415-203-2727 YMCA Kristen Dambrowski 650-294-2602 If you are unable to schedule services as desired, please contact Daina Lujan at or 650-802-5306. Additional providers may be available upon request. San Mateo County SR2S Program – School Year 2013-2014