AGENDA FRIDAY, MAY 1ST LGBT HEALTH WORKFORCE CONFERENCE 7:30AM-8:30AM Hunter West (HW) 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm 8:30AM-9:00AM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm 9:00AM-10:45AM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Registration & Breakfast OPENING REMARKS AND GREETINGS PLENARY I Health Care Professional Education and Collaboration A Case Based Review of Best Practices and Discussion Moderator: Juan Mejia, MPH, Vice President of Operations New York Presbyterian Hospital (C) Anthony Palatta, DDS, Senior Director for Educational Program Development, American Dental Education Assoc (C) Sandy Scott, MD, Chair of Emergency Medicine, Lincoln Hospital (C) Nathan Levitt, RN at Maimonides Medical Center and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center (C) Penelope Damaskos, CSW, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (C) 11:00AM-12:30PM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm PLENARY II Senior Leadership in LGBT Health Moderator: Dean Joan Reede, MD, MS, MPH, MBA, Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership, Harvard Medical School (C) Dean Robert Johnson, MD, FAAP, Dean of New Jersey Medical School (C) Provost Pamela Zarkowski, JD, MPH, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Univ of Detroit Mercy (C) Janet Green, Board Chair, Beth Israel Phillips Nursing School (C) Karen Mendelsohn, Assistant Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, Stony Brook School of Health technology and Management (C) 12:45PM-2:00PM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm LUNCH (Mentoring Focus Groups – Faculty Dining Room, WGS Library 1736) 2:00PM-3:15PM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm PLENARY III Update on Electronic Medical Record and LGBT Data Collection Moderator: Patti Cuartas, PA, MBA, PMP, Director of Clinical Informatics at Montefiore (C) Edward Callahan, PhD, Associate Dean for Academic Personnel, UC Davis School of Medicine (C) Sean Cahill, PhD, Director of Health Policy Research, The Fenway Institute (c) Brandyn Lau, MPH, CPH, John Hopkins University (c) 3:30PM-4:45PM Transgender Healthcare Quality Care for Marginalized LGBT SubGroups Alternate Health Care Delivery Models for LGBT Communities MedEdPORTAL Submissions HW Rm 714 HW Rm 611 HW Rm 615 HW 8th Floor Faculty Lounge Moderator: Lauren Radziejewski, MSN, APRN (C) Moderator: Yariv Hofstein, PhD, Mount Sinai Health System (C) Moderator: Barbara Warren Psy.D. (C) Moderator/Speaker: Victoria Gardner, EdD (c) William DeWitt, MD, AAHIVS, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center (C) Sigrid Gabler, PhD, AGPCNP-BC, Columbia Unviersity School of Nursing (C) Robert Beil, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (C) Lamont Scales, MA, NCC National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention, CDC (c) Peter Meacher, MD, Chief Medical Office of CallenLorde Community Health Center (C) Robbins Gottlock, Medical Director, Beth Israel (c) Sarah Bender, MA, Assistant Director, Comprehensive LGBT Health Center, Metropolitan Hospital (c) Robby Reynolds, MPA Senior Director, Medical Education Online Resources Association of American Medical Colleges (C) John Nash Operations Manager, Medical Education Online Resources Association of American Medical Colleges (C) 5:00PM-5:15PM HW Room 615 5:00PM-6:30PM HW Room 615 Greetings to Participants of the LGBT Health Workforce Conference and the Academic Medicine Career Development Regional Development JP Sánchez MD, MPH, Principal Investigator, BNGAP, Assistant Dean, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (C) Gary Butts, MD, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the Mount Sinai Health System (C) PLENARY IV Diversity in the Academic Medicine Workforce Moderator: Norma Poll-Hunter, PhD Senior Director, Organizational Capacity Portfolio, Association of American Medical Colleges (C) Maria Soto-Greene, MD, Vice Dean Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (C) Gary Butts, MD, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the Mount Sinai Health System (C) Kevin Antoine, JD, Assistant Vice President, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, SUNY Downstate Medical Center (C) 6:30PM-8:00PM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Opportunities to Enhance LGBT Content in Medical Education Robby Reynolds, MPA, Senior Director, Medical Education Online Resources, AAMC Awards and Poster Session/Networking Event Co-Hosted by AAMC MedEdPORTAL Saturday, MAY 2ND, 2015 LGBT HEALTH WORKFORCE CONFERENCE 7:00AM-9:00AM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm 7:30AM-9:00AM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Registration and Breakfast Special Session Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Expanding the HIV Prevention Toolkit Antonio E. Urbina, M.D., Medical Director, Mt. Sinai Institute for Advanced Medicine / Spencer Cox Center for Health (C) 9:00AM-10:30AM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm PLENARY V LGBT Mentorship for Trainees and Health Care Professionals Moderator: Mark Lopez Ph.D. Nelson Sanchez, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College (C) Kevin Nadal, PhD, Executive Director, CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies (C) Fred More, DDS, Professor, Epidemiology and Health Promotion, NYU College of Dentistry (C) Jennifer Glick, MPH, PhD (C) 10:45AM-12:00PM LGBT Health Training Along the Pipeline: Innovations in College, Graduate, and Doctoral Studies Faculty Development Implementing the Healthcare Equality Index at Your Institution HW Rm 615 th th Technology and MSM Health: Challenges and Opportunities HW Rm 603 Moderator: Jennifer Gaboury, MS, Hunter College City University of New York (C) HW 8 Floor Faculty Lounge HW 8 Floor Faculty Dining Rm Moderator: A. Jeffrey Wood, DDS Professor & Chair Moderator: Paul Atkins, Deloitte Consulting Moderator: Mekbib Gemeda, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion at Eastern Virginia Medical School Stephen Forssell, PhD, George Washington University (C) Jennifer Potter, MD, Harvard Medical School (C) Kenneth Hillenburg, DDS, MS, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry (c) 12:00PM-12:15PM 12:15PM-1:30PM Department of Pediatric Dentistry Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry University of the Pacific (c) Lynn Gordon, MD, PhD, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (C) Sana Loue, JD, PhD, MPH, MSSA, MA, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (C) Yasmín Pedrogo, MD, Associate Professor, Departmentt of Pediatrics Director, Clinical Skills Center University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine (C) (C) Tari Hanneman, Associate Director, Health and Aging Program, Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC)(C) Stephen Markley MSN MBA RN CMSRN Care Manager GI/Hepatobiliary & General Surgery Co-Chair LGBTQ Council NYU Langone Medical Center (C) Michael Cecillo, MA, MPH, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (C) Eric Schrimshaw, PhD, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (C) Christel Hyden, EdD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (C) T. Jibri Douglas HIV Counselor/Health Educator
Coordinator of the Pride Promise LGBT hospital-wide initiative
Jersey City Medical Center (C) Supporting LGBTQ Health Professions Students BREAK Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and LGBT Communities Cross-Cultural LGBT Health Translating your diversity work into educational scholarship HW Rm 603 HW Rm 615 HW 8th Floor Faculty Lounge HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Moderator: Anthony Moderator: TBA Moderator: Cheryl Brewster, EdD, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University (C) Chelsea Fullerton, MEd, NYU Medical Center (C) Rafael Quintanar, DDS Candidate, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (C) 1:45PM-3:15PM HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Moderator: Lee Jones, M.D., Associate Dean Academic Affairs, Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis (C) Pho, MSN, MPH, ANPC, Weill-Cornell Medical College (c) Shervin Shandianloo, MD, Hofstra Unviersity (C) Tribesty Nguyen, MA, University of Victoria (C) Nadav Antebi, MA, Columbia University Eileen Glover, University of New Hampshire (C) Petros Levounis, MD, MA, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (C) Joe Ruggiero, PhD, Addiction Institute of Mt Sinai Health System (C) BREAK LUNCH/CAREER CONSULTATION SERVICES Mentoring Focus Group Rm 706 Maryellen E. Gusic, M.D., Chief Medical Education Officer, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) (C) Sign up for a small group (<12 individuals) career consultation service that include career planning, career-related outcomes, and enhancing LGBT-related services. And HW 8th Floor Faculty Lounge Publishing in LGBT Health William Byne, M.D., Ph.D., Editor-In-Chief, LGBT Health (C) Developing LGBT Educational Materials for Residents Paul Krieger, MD, Mount Sinai Health System (C) AAMC Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD Jennifer Potter, MD, Harvard Medical School (C) How to Get Involved in LGBT-Related Research Dustin Duncan, PhD, New York University Medical Center (C) Applying as a LGBT Applicant to Medical or Dental School Herminio Perez, DMD MBA, Director of Student and Multicultural Affairs, Rutgers Dental School (C) Nilda Soto, MEd Assistant Dean, Office of Diversity Enhancement, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (C) 3:30PM - 4:30PM Plenary V – part 1 HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Critical Reflection and Achieving LGBT Climate Change Moderator: Chelsea Fullerton, M.Ed, NYU Medical Center (C) Staci Ripkey, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs & Academic Support Services, NYU School of Dentistry (C) Sana Loue, JD, PhD, MPH, MSSA, MA, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (C) Angelica Angiulli MD, Resident, Jacobi/Montefiore Medical Center (C) 4:30PM – 5:30PM Plenary V – part 2 HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Leading LGBT Excellence at Your Academic Health Center 5:45PM – 6:45PM Moderator: Cheryl Brewster, EdD, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University (C) Lauren Radziejewski, MSN, APRN, CNP, Mayo Clinic (C) Jason Domogauer, MD, PhD, Rutgers New Jersey Medical College (C) Joseph Gallego, BA, Mayo Medical School (C) Christopher Nolan, MPA, Rush University Medical Center (C) Ryan Combs, PhD, University of Louisville (C) Plenary VI HW 8th Floor Faculty Dining Rm Leadership with External Partners Collaborating with National Organizations to Achieve LGBT Excellence at Your Academic Health Center Moderator: George Walker, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion, Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center (C) 6:45PM – 8:00PM HW 8th Floor Norma Poll-Hunter, PhD, Senior Director of Human Capital Portfolio, Association of American Medical Colleges (C) Orlando Sola, MD, MPH, Harlem Hospital (C) Jorge Ramallo, MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago (C) Mark López, PhD, Senior Director for Access, Diversity & Inclusion, American Dental Education Association (C) Henry Ng, MD, MPH, President Elect of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality (C) CLOSING EVENT AND SOCIAL EVENT Faculty Dining Rm