Vanderveer Biology 2012 Genetic Probability1 Grade Level: 9-12 OBJECTIVES: MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: 1. Distinguish expected and observed genetic ratios. 2. Demonstrate that in genetic crosses, as the number of offspring increases, the difference between observed and expected results decreases 3. Demonstrate the practical applications of genetic probability Each group needs: 2 boxes 100 red beans 100 white beans calculator 1. Students should be divided into groups of 2. (Preferably their table partner) 2. Before materials are handed out, expected ratios should be determined on paper via Punnett square (R=red; r=white). A heterogeneous cross is demonstrated below: 3. While students are collecting their materials, explain that each box represents a parent organism and each bean an allele. Each box should have 100 beans. Red beans represent the dominant allele while white represent the recessive (R=red; r=white). 4. The teacher begins the activity by placing the genotype of the parents on the board. Each group will count out the appropriate number of each bean per box: RR=100 red beans; Rr= 50 red and 50 white beans; rr= 100 white beans. 5. The teacher now times the class for one minute during which one student will pull one bean from each box while the other tallies the results. At the end, they will calculate the observed ratio for each cross. 6. While each group calculates their ratios, the teacher will collect data and compile class ratios. Calculation of ratios will be as follows: RR=A, Rr=B, rr=C. A+B+C=D, D/4=E. A/E=1st ratio; B/E=2nd ratio; C/E=3rd ratio. 1 Unit: Genetics Vanderveer Biology 2012 7. Have students compare group ratios, class ratios, and the expected ratios. Then have each student submit an answer to the following question: which are closer to the expected ratio and why? 1. Adapted from Teachnology at 2 Unit: Genetics