AP US HISTORY August 2011 THOMAS/PICKERING SUNDAY MONDAY Rhoda.pickering@lcps.org Nancy.thomas@lcps.org TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3- 4 5 We are excited to have you in our classes! AP US History Rocks!! 6 Welcome to AP US History! Please email us if you have any questions. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-A Organization; intro to writing: APPARTS A-APPARTS; ch. 1-2 read/terms-due in 2 classes (Sept 7/8). assigned one term due next class 30-B 31-A Writing Seminar on Significance Notes: Classes on B Day following the A Day schedule Ch 1 and 2 terms will be collected Sept 7/8 Note Founding Brothers should be read by chapter 6 read by Oct 5/6 Founding Brothers Questions due Oct 12/13. Work can be turned in early on Oct 5/6. Material/calendar can be found on website Students are responsible for getting certain assignments on-line on my website A-ch 1 and 2 termsdue rest with your study group September 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1-B FRIDAY 2-A Ch 1 and 2 Exploration/colonization SATURDA Y 3 A- Jamestown Mystery-due next Friday 4 11 5NO SCHOOL LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 6-B 12-B 13-A Ch 3 7-A Ch 1 and 2 A-Colonies chartDue in two blocks 14-B A-ch 3 read/terms Ch 1,2,3 quiz 18 19-A Ch 4 20-B A-First G.A. chart; docsAPPARTS; Ch 4 quiz 25 26-B 8-B A-inductive reasoning for the test essay 10 A-Ch 3-read/terms 15-A Ch 3 16-B 17 23-A Ch 5 24 A-ch 4 read/terms 21-A Ch 4 22-B A-Ch 5 read/terms 27-A Ch 5 9-A Jamestown Mystery 28-B A-Handouts-Fr/Ind War, Path to War; ch 5 quiz 29-A Writing Seminar-Free Response Essay A Test-Ch 1-5 30-B October 2011 SUNDAY Notes: 2 9 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3-A Test-Ch 1-5 Last day terms will be collected A-Ch 6-Read/terms 4-B 10NO SCHOOL COLUMBUS DAY HOLDIAY 11-B 5-A Ch 6 6-B A-Tchg Act 2, Decl of Ind questions 12-A Ch 6 and 7 17-B 18-A Ch7 24-A Ch 8 A-Ch 9 outline/terms/quiz 30 31-B 25-B 13-B 20-A Ch 8 A-Charts: Marshall Ct, War of 1812, MO Compromise 26-A Ch 9 27-B A-Docs-APPARTS. Read Rules of husbands, wives 7-A Ch 6 8 A-ch 7 read/ terms 19-B A-Ch 8-read/terms 23 SATUR DAY 1 Note Founding Brothers should be read by chapter 6 read by Oct 5/6 Founding Brothers Questions due Oct 12/13. Work can be turned in early on Oct 5/6. Materials can be found on website Students are responsible for getting certain assignments on-line on my website. A- 16 FRIDAY 14-A Ch 7 A-TBD Tchg Act 3Hamilton/Jefferson, Ch 7 Quiz 21-B 28-A Ch 9 A-Test-Ch6-9 and Founding Bros 15 22 29 November 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Note: The Jacksonian Dem DBQ is due Nov 21/22, before Thanksgiving Break. If you will not be here, the DBQ is due Nov 17/18. The Ch 12 Assign is due Nov 28/29 1-A Test on Ch 6-9 and Founding Bros 6 8STUDENT HOLIDAY 7STUDENT HOLIDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2-B 3-A Ch 10-part 1 A- Tchg Activities: Webster/Hayne Debate; Election of 1824 Ch 10-1 quiz 4-B-End First Quarter 9-A Ch 10-part 1 10-B 11-A Writing Seminar -DBQ A-Ch 10-part 1 read/terms A-Ch 10-part 2 read/terms/quiz due 11/15,16 SATURDA Y 12 A-DBQ-Jacksonian Democracy. First draft Due Nov 21/22 13 14-B 15-A 2nd DBQ Writing Seminar First Jackson Dem draft due here. A. Ch 10-2 read/terms/quiz DBQ due Nov 21/22 16-B 17-A Ch 10-part 2 A- Ch 11 read, terms, quiz -Ch 12 assign due Nov 28/29 18-B 19 20 21-A Ch 11 22-B 23 Thanksgiving Break 24 Thanksgiving Break 25 Thanksgiving Break 26 29-B 30-A Ch 13 Note: The Jacksonian Dem DBQ is due Nov 21/22, before Thanksgiving Break. If you will not be here, the DBQ is due Nov 17/18. The Ch 12 Assign is due Nov 28/29 A-Ch 12 assignment including quiz 27 28-A Ch 12 A-Ch 13 read/terms MexAm war chart . quiz A-Test-Ch 1013Test December 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Notes: 1. Read Killer Angels. It should be read by Dec 14. The assignment is due January 6/7 2. Mid-term review is due day of mid-term, but will be given out early-in December 3. Please note the assignments for Dec 16/19, 20/21 1-B 4 8-A Ch 14 5-B 6-A Sectionalism Activity 7-B Ch 14 -charts/terms Dec 8/9 Handout mid-term review 11 12-A Ch 14 13-B A-Ch 15 assignment 18 19-B 2-A Test-ch 10-13 SATURDA Y 3 ACh 14 -charts/terms due Dec 8/9 9-B 10 16-A Ch 15 17 A-chart election of 1861, ch 14 quiz 14-A Ch 15 15-B A- Two rdgs: Civil War Medicine, Draft. A-Ch 16 assignment/quiz due after break A-Ch 15 quiz Two rdgs: Civil War Medicine, Draft. Due Dec20/21 20-A Ch 15 FRIDAY 21-B 22Christmas Break 23Christmas Break 24 28Christmas Break 29Christmas Break 30Christmas Break 31 Killer Angels assignment due Jan 6/7 A-Ch 16 assignment/quiz due after break 25 26Christmas Break 27Christmas Break Sun Mon ◄ Dec 2011 1 2 Christmas Break Tue 3 -A Ch 16 ~ January 2012 ~ Wed 4 -B A- Tchg Act-MS Black Codes 8 9 -A Ch 17 Feb 2012 ► Thu 5 –A Ch 16 Fri Sat 6 -B 7 A- Ch 17 assign/quiz 10 -B 11 -A Ch 17 A-Ch 14-17 Test mid-term review due day of mid-term 12 -B 13 -A Writing Seminar Day 14 A-Docs-APPARTS 15 16 NO SCHOOL-MLK DAY 17 MID-TERM 18 MID-TERM 19 MID-TERM 20 MID-TERM End of Semester 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: .