IAFSM Project Awards Competition 2015 Call for Entries The IAFSM Project Awards Competition recognizes excellence in stormwater management across the state of Illinois. Entries will be accepted in five categories and evaluated based upon a set of criteria specific to each category. Entry Deadline: November 14, 2014 Award Categories: Flood Reduction Sustainability Stormwater Master Planning Public Education and Outreach Innovation Eligibility: The project design shall be substantially complete at the time of the entry submission in order to be considered for award. Application Process: Submit a 2015 Entry Submittal Application via e-mail to srurlacher@smithlasalle.com by the entry deadline, along with a maximum of three exhibits, photos, or drawings depicting the problem addressed by the project and/or proposed project solution. Exhibits shall be legible when printed on a letter size (8.5” x 11”) page. Judging of Entries: A panel of stormwater management professionals from outside of Illinois will be assembled to judge the entries. Each entry will be evaluated using the scoring matrix provided for the applicable project award category. Awards will be given in each category each year, except for the Innovation Award, which will only be awarded when deemed necessary by the judges. Restrictions: Only one submittal will be considered for each project. Projects must be located within the State of Illinois. Previous award winners are not eligible to reapply. The project team shall include at least one member of IAFSM. Publicity: Project awards will be presented at the annual conference and all project award submittals will be highlighted in an IAFSM Awards Publication. This publication will be e-mailed to all IAFSM Members and posted on the IAFSM website. IAFSM Project Awards Competition 2015 Entry Submittal Application Applicant(s): Name (Primary Contact) Organization e-mail Name Organization e-mail Name Organization e-mail Project Location: Award Category: Project Summary: Flood Reduction Sustainability Stormwater Master Planning Public Education and Outreach Innovation In 300 words or less, provide a project summary, highlighting the unique aspects of the project. Flood Reduction Award The Flood Reduction Award recognizes an outstanding flood reduction project in Illinois. Eligible entries include projects at either the local, state or regional level. Projects submitted will be evaluated using the below scoring matrix. Description Number of properties/areas impacted (including severity) Level of protection (cost-benefit analysis) Other benefits of the project (water quality, wetland, riparian corridor) Social, economic, and sustainable development considerations Complexity Fulfillment of client/owner needs, engagement of stakeholders Points 20 20 20 20 10 10 Sustainability Award Scoring Matrix The Sustainability Award recognizes an outstanding project that effectively demonstrates sustainability in at least one subject area (stormwater reuse, water conservation, groundwater recharge, water reclamation, true source control or green infrastructure). Projects submitted will be evaluated using the below scoring matrix. Description Project exemplifies the three indicators of sustainability (environmental responsibility, social equity and economic success) Stormwater infrastructure is effectively integrated into the site Future value to the engineering and natural resources professions Perception by the public and/or public outreach efforts Maintenance considerations Fulfillment of client/owner needs and/or regulatory requirements Points 20 20 5 15 20 20 Stormwater Master Planning Award Scoring Matrix The Stormwater Master Planning Award recognizes exceptional stormwater master planning at the watershed or community level. These plans should demonstrate forward thinking, ability to meet long-term stormwater management goals, and provide an executable plan. Projects submitted will be evaluated using the below scoring matrix. Description Methodology for identifying system deficiencies. Future value to the engineering profession Perception by the public and/or public outreach efforts Methodology for prioritizing and funding capital improvements Protection, enhancement, and/or restoration of wetlands, floodplains, and riparian areas Engagement of stakeholders and fulfillment of current and future needs Points 20 5 10 20 20 20 Public Education and Outreach Award Scoring Matrix This award acknowledges exemplary efforts to educate the public and/or increase awareness of stormwater issues. Projects submitted will be evaluated using the below scoring matrix. Description Ability to engage the public, generate awareness, or change behaviors Appropriate timing of the education/outreach effort Approach used to reach the target audience Use of data collected based on public input The goal of the public education/outreach effort was clearly identified Points 20 20 20 20 20 Innovation Award Scoring Matrix The Innovation Award is given on the occasion that a project demonstrates exceptionally innovative design elements and does not fit into any of the other categories. Projects submitted will be evaluated using the below scoring matrix. Description Uniqueness and/or innovative application of new or existing techniques Future value to the engineering and natural resources professions Perception by the public and/or public outreach efforts Social, economic, and sustainable development considerations Complexity Fulfillment of client/owner needs Points 20 10 10 20 20 20