Career and Technical Education -

Proposal for Plan Change or Plan Deletion
FAST TRACK (Select if this will be a fast track item. Refer to UCC or UGC Fast
Track Policy for eligibility)
If this proposal represents changes to the intent of the plan or its integral components, review
by the college dean, graduate dean (for graduate items) and/or the provost may be required
prior to college curricular submission.
All Plans with NCATE designation, or plans seeking NCATE designation, must include an
NCATE Accreditation Memo of Approval from the NAU NCATE administrator prior to college
curricular submission.
UCC proposals must include an updated 8-term plan.
UGC proposals must include an updated program of study.
1. College:
2. Academic Unit:
Career and Technical
3. Academic
Education; B.S.Ed Secondary
Plan Name: Education (CTEBSEDX)
5. Plan proposal:
4. Emphasis:
Plan Change
6. Current student learning outcomes of the
plan. If structured as plan/emphasis, include for
both core and emphasis.
Educational Specialties
Business Education
(BEBSEDXM), Family and
Consumer Science
(FSBSEDXM), and Industrial
Technology (ITBSEDXM)
Plan Deletion
Show the proposed changes in this column (if
applicable). Bold the changes, to differentiate
from what is not changing, and change font to
Bold Red with strikethrough for what is being
deleted. (Resources, Examples & Tools for
Developing Effective Program Student Learning
7. Current catalog plan overview and
requirements in this column. Cut and paste the
Overview and Details tabs, in their entirety,
from the current on-line academic catalog:
Show the proposed changes in this column.
Bold the changes, to differentiate from what is
not changing, and change font to Bold Red with
strikethrough for what is being deleted.
Secondary Education - Career and
Secondary Education - Career and
Technical, Bachelor of Science in Education Technical, Bachelor of Science in Education
In addition to University Requirements:
At least 54 units of major requirements
At least 34 units of teacher preparation
Be aware that you may not use courses
with a CTE prefix to satisfy liberal studies
requirements. Contact your department
for information about liberal studies
courses that are specific to this major.
Elective courses, if needed, to reach an
overall total of at least 120 units
Please note that you may be able to use some
courses to meet more than one requirement.
Contact your advisor for details.
Minimum Units for Completion
Maximum Math
MAT 114
Additional Admission Requirement
Emphasis, Minor, Certificate
Fieldwork Experience/Internship
Student Teaching/Supervised Teaching
Additional Admission Requirements
Admission requirements over and above
admission to NAU are required.
If you are completing an undergraduate
program in secondary education, you must meet
the following admission requirements:
 45 units of coursework
 EDF 200 with a grade of "C" or better
 MAT 110 or MAT 114 with a grade of "C"
or better
 MAT 155 with a grade of "C" or better
 Complete at least 3 units of concentration
In addition to University Requirements:
At least 54 units of major
At least 34 units of teacher
preparation requirements
Be aware that you may not use
courses with a CTE prefix to satisfy
liberal studies requirements. Contact
your department for information
about liberal studies courses that are
specific to this major.
Elective courses, if needed, to reach
an overall total of at least 120 units
Please note that you may be able to use
some courses to meet more than one
requirement. Contact your advisor for
Minimum Units for Completion
Maximum Math
MAT 114
Additional Admission Requirement
Emphasis, Minor, Certificate
Fieldwork Experience/Internship
Student Teaching/Supervised
Additional Admission Requirements
Admission requirements over and above
admission to NAU are required.
If you are completing an undergraduate
program in secondary education, you must
meet the following admission
 45 units of coursework
major coursework
A minimum GPA of 2.5 in all content
major coursework
The English foundations requirement
(ENG 105 or equivalent) with a minimum
GPA of 3.0. (If your English GPA is below
3.0, you may take an approved writing
course to achieve the 3.0 GPA.)
One of the following grade point average
o A cumulative 2.5 GPA in Liberal
Studies courses
o A cumulative 2.5 GPA in all courses
A declared major and minor
Recommendation Form (included in
application packet) completed by
someone who has directly observed your
work with children or adolescents within
the ages of pre-school through high
school. Such work experience can be
either voluntary or paid, but must have
occurred in a structured setting for a
minimum of 15 hours. Examples of
acceptable experiences may include work
as a camp counselor, swimming
instructor, Sunday school teacher,
volunteer in a classroom, or other similar
Attendance at a teacher-education
orientation for Secondary Education
A copy of your State-approved IdentityVerified Print (IVP) fingerprint clearance
card, obtainable through the Arizona
Department of Public Safety (602-2232279)
Major Requirements
Take the following 54 units with a minimum GPA
of 2.5:
Common Courses (Online Delivery Only) (24
 CTE 300, CTE 433, CTE 465, CTE 496 (12
 Select two courses from: CTE 355, CTE
431, CTE 486 (6 units)
 CTE 340W (3 units)
 Additional units of CTE professional
EDF 200 with a grade of "C" or better
MAT 110 or MAT 114 with a grade of
"C" or better
MAT 155 with a grade of "C" or better
Complete at least 3 units of
concentration major coursework
A minimum GPA of 2.5 in all content
major coursework
The English foundations requirement
(ENG 105 or equivalent) with a
minimum GPA of 3.0. (If your
English GPA is below 3.0, you may
take an approved writing course to
achieve the 3.0 GPA.)
One of the following grade point
average requirements:
o A cumulative 2.5 GPA in Liberal
Studies courses
o A cumulative 2.5 GPA in all
A declared major and minor
Recommendation Form (included in
application packet) completed by
someone who has directly observed
your work with children or
adolescents within the ages of preschool through high school. Such
work experience can be either
voluntary or paid, but must have
occurred in a structured setting for a
minimum of 15 hours. Examples of
acceptable experiences may include
work as a camp counselor, swimming
instructor, Sunday school teacher,
volunteer in a classroom, or other
similar settings
Attendance at a teacher-education
orientation for Secondary Education
A copy of your State-approved
Identity-Verified Print (IVP)
fingerprint clearance card, obtainable
through the Arizona Department of
Public Safety (602-223-2279)
Major Requirements
Take the following 54 units with a
minimum GPA of 2.5:
courses chosen with your advisor (3
Emphasis Requirements (Select One):
Business Education Emphasis (30 units)
 ACC 205 (3 units)
 ACC 255, ACC 256 (6 units)
 CIS 120 (3 units)
 ECO 284, ECO 285 (6 units)
 FIN 303 (3 units)
 MGT 303, MGT 350W (6 units)
 MKT 303 (3 units)
Family and Consumer Science Education
Emphasis (30 units)
Select courses from the following (30 units):
 CTE 392, CTE 408
 ECI 305, ECI 311, ECI 320
 HA 100, HA 240, HA 243
 MER 131, MER 135, MER 232, MER 235
 NTS 135, NTS 256
 PSY 240
 SOC 217
You may also complete, as part of the 30 units:
 Minor in Merchandising (Includes the four
MER classes listed above) (21 units)
 Minor in Nutritional Sciences (includes
NTS 256 listed above) (18 units)
 Certificate in International Tourism
Management (15 units)
 Certificate in Restaurant Management
(Includes HA 240 and HA 243, listed
above) (17 units)
 And/or transfer credit in an approved
family and consumer science occupation
Industrial Technology Education Emphasis (30
For this emphasis, you use 30 units of transfer
credit from a community college. Either you
complete 30 units of content area courses
transferred in an approved industrial technology
occupation area or you successfully pass the
written and performance sections of a National
Occupational Competency Testing Institute
(NOCTI) Job Ready exam for 30 units. Passing
Common Courses (Online Delivery Only)
(24 units)
 CTE 300, CTE 433, CTE 465, CTE 496
(12 units)
 Select two courses from: CTE 355,
CTE 431, CTE 486 (6 units)
 CTE 340W (3 units)
 Additional units of CTE professional
courses chosen with your advisor (3
Emphasis Requirements (Select One):
Business Education Emphasis (30 units)
 ACC 205 (3 units)
 ACC 255, ACC 256 (6 units)
 CIS 120 (3 units)
 ECO 284, ECO 285 (6 units)
 FIN 303 (3 units)
 MGT 303, MGT 350W (6 units)
 MKT 303 (3 units)
Family and Consumer Science Education
Emphasis (30 units)
Select courses from the following (30
 CTE 392, CTE 408
 ECI 305, ECI 311, ECI 320
 HA 100, HA 240, HA 243
 MER 131, MER 135, MER 232, MER
 NTS 135, NTS 256
 PSY 240
 SOC 217
You may also complete, as part of the 30
 Minor in Merchandising (Includes the
four MER classes listed above) (21
 Minor in Nutritional Sciences
(includes NTS 256 listed above) (18
 Certificate in International Tourism
Management (15 units)
 Certificate in Restaurant
Management (Includes HA 240 and
HA 243, listed above) (17 units)
 And/or transfer credit in an approved
family and consumer science
the exam will meet the NOCTI milestone (see
Teacher Preparation
You must complete 34 units of professional
courses offered by the College of Education to
qualify for secondary certification in Arizona and
most other states.
Please note that these 34 units include ECI
495C, Supervised Teaching: Secondary. To
register for the CTE section of student teaching,
you will need to meet the NOCTI milestone. You
will need to take and pass the written portion of
a National Occupational Competency Testing
Institute (NOCTI) Job Ready exam in an
appropriate content area approved by your
In addition, content area professional knowledge
courses contain key assessments that must be
passed at a certain level. If you score below the
specified level on a key assessment, you will
need to contact the instructor and complete
remedial work prior to being allowed to begin
your student teaching assignment.
occupation area
Industrial Technology Education Emphasis
(30 units)
For this emphasis, you use 30 units of
transfer credit from a community college.
Either you complete 30 units of content
area courses transferred in an approved
industrial technology occupation area or
you successfully pass the written and
performance sections of a National
Occupational Competency Testing Institute
(NOCTI) Job Ready exam for 30 units.
Passing the exam will meet the NOCTI
milestone (see below).
Teacher Preparation
You must complete 34 units of professional
courses offered by the College of Education
to qualify for secondary certification in
Arizona and most other states.
Please note that these 34 units include ECI
495C, Supervised Teaching: Secondary. To
register for the CTE section of student
teaching, you will need to meet the NOCTI
AEPA Requirements
milestone. You will need to take and pass
the written portion of a National
In order to obtain an AZ teaching certificate, you Occupational Competency Testing Institute
will need to pass the following exams:
(NOCTI) Job Ready exam in an appropriate
content area approved by your advisor.
 AEPA Subject Knowledge Exam
 AEPA Professional Knowledge Exam
In addition, content area professional
knowledge courses contain key
In all of our teacher education programs, you
assessments that must be passed at a
are required to complete a student teaching or
certain level. If you score below the
internship experience. In addition, a minimum
specified level on a key assessment, you
number of units of practicum is required, which
will need to contact the instructor and
involves supervised field experience with a
complete remedial work prior to being
practicing teacher.
allowed to begin your student teaching
Before being accepted to student teaching, the
following criteria must be met:
AEPA Requirements
 Admission to the teacher education
 NAU GPA must be at least 2.5, with a GPA In order to obtain an AZ teaching
certificate, you will need to pass the
of 2.5 in all teacher preparation courses,
following exams:
with no grade lower than a "C."
All education courses and departmental
requirements must be successfully
completed prior to student teaching.
All concentration courses must be
completed with no grade lower than a
"C." (B.S.Ed. in Elementary and Early
Childhood education students only)
All education coursework, with the
exception of EDF 200, must be completed
within the six years prior to student
All candidates must demonstrate social
and emotional maturity consistent with
professional standards of classroom
instruction as well as adequate physical
health for teaching.
General Electives
Additional coursework is required, if, after you
have met the previously described requirements,
you have not yet completed a total of 120 units
of credit.
You may take these remaining courses from any
academic areas, using these courses to pursue
your specific interests and goals. We encourage
you to consult with your advisor to select the
courses that will be most advantageous to you.
(Please note that you may also use prerequisites
or transfer credits as electives if they weren't
used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies
Please note that you may take as an elective
POS 220 (or POS 110 and POS 241), which
satisfies the state and federal constitution
requirement for Arizona certification, or you may
meet the requirement by demonstrating
proficiency on a special exam.
Additional Information
Please be aware that, for the B.S.Ed. degree,
you must have the following:
 A grade of "B" or better for the English
foundation requirement (ENG 105 or
equivalent) (If you don’t receive a 3.0,
you may complete an additional ENG
AEPA Subject Knowledge Exam
AEPA Professional Knowledge Exam
In all of our teacher education programs,
you are required to complete a student
teaching or internship experience. In
addition, a minimum number of units of
practicum is required, which involves
supervised field experience with a
practicing teacher.
Before being accepted to student teaching,
the following criteria must be met:
 Admission to the teacher education
 NAU GPA must be at least 2.5, with a
GPA of 2.5 in all teacher preparation
courses, with no grade lower than a
 All education courses and
departmental requirements must be
successfully completed prior to
student teaching.
 All concentration courses must be
completed with no grade lower than
a "C." (B.S.Ed. in Elementary and
Early Childhood education students
 All education coursework, with the
exception of EDF 200, must be
completed within the six years prior
to student teaching.
 All candidates must demonstrate
social and emotional maturity
consistent with professional
standards of classroom instruction as
well as adequate physical health for
General Electives
Additional coursework is required, if, after
you have met the previously described
requirements, you have not yet completed
a total of 120 units of credit.
You may take these remaining courses
from any academic areas, using these
courses to pursue your specific interests
writing course, at the 200-level or above,
with at least a "B," to meet this
A grade of "C" or better for the
mathematics foundation requirement
A grade point average of at least 2.5 in all
of your Northern Arizona University
coursework in order to student teach.
This requirement applies to all B.S.Ed.
majors at Northern Arizona University.
Career and Technical State Teaching
Completion of this degree qualifies the student
for secondary education certification. To become
career-and-technical-education certified in
Arizona you will need to have 240 clock hours of
verified work experience in an Arizona
Department of Education approved occupation
area. Students are encouraged to take CTE 408
(Fieldwork Experience) to meet this workexperience requirement.
Be aware that some courses may have
prerequisites that you must also take. For
prerequisite information click on the course or
see your advisor.
and goals. We encourage you to consult
with your advisor to select the courses that
will be most advantageous to you. (Please
note that you may also use prerequisites or
transfer credits as electives if they weren't
used to meet major, minor, or liberal
studies requirements.)
Please note that you may take as an
elective POS 220 (or POS 110 and POS
241), which satisfies the state and federal
constitution requirement for Arizona
certification, or you may meet the
requirement by demonstrating proficiency
on a special exam.
Additional Information
Please be aware that, for the B.S.Ed.
degree, you must have the following:
 A grade of "B" or better for the
English foundation requirement (ENG
105 or equivalent) (If you don’t
receive a 3.0, you may complete an
additional ENG writing course, at the
200-level or above, with at least a
"B," to meet this requirement.)
 A grade of "C" or better for the
mathematics foundation requirement
 A grade point average of at least 2.5
in all of your Northern Arizona
University coursework in order to
student teach. This requirement
applies to all B.S.Ed. majors at
Northern Arizona University.
Career and Technical State Teaching
Completion of this degree qualifies the
student for secondary education
certification. To become career-andtechnical-education certified in Arizona you
will need to have 240 clock hours of
verified work experience in an Arizona
Department of Education approved
occupation area. Students are encouraged
to take CTE 408 (Fieldwork Experience) to
meet this work-experience requirement.
Be aware that some courses may have
prerequisites that you must also take. For
prerequisite information click on the course
or see your advisor.
8. Justification for proposal:
Due to low 3 year graduation rates and low program enrollment administration has requested
the program be deleted.
9. NCATE designation, if applicable:
Initial Plan
Advanced Plan
Remove Designation
10. Effective beginning FALL:
See effective dates calendar.
11. Will this proposal impact other plans, sub plans, or course offerings, etc.?
If yes, describe the impact and include a letter of response from each impacted academic unit.
Answer 12-13 for UCC/ECCC only:
12. A major is differentiated from another major by required course commonality: 24 units of the
required credit hours of a major must be unique, (i.e. not common or not dual use as a required
element in another major), to that major. Does this plan have 24 units of unique required
13. Minor: A planned group of courses from one or more subject matter areas in which the University
already hosts ABOR- approved majors, consisting of at least 18 hours and no more than 24
hours. At least 15 hours of the minor must be unique to that minor to differentiate it from other
Does this minor have 15 units of unique required credit?
Does NAU offer an ABOR approved major in this subject matter?
Answer 14-15 for UGC only:
14. If this is a non-thesis plan, does it require a minimum of 24 units of formal graded coursework?
If no, explain why this proposal should be approved.
15. If this is a thesis plan, does it require a minimum of 18 units of formal graded coursework?
If no, explain why this proposal should be approved.
Scott Galland
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate)
Chair of college curriculum committee
Dean of college
For Committee use only:
Approved as submitted:
Approved as modified: