Unit 1 Note Sheet

NAME____________________________ PER: ______
For full credit please fill in all blanks correctly & answer each question to the best of your ability.
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Earth Science
Q1.What is Earth Science?
Q2. What are the 4 main branches of Earth Science?
Geology: The study of the origin, history, and structure of the ___________, and processes that shape it.
Q3. Give an Example of a process that shapes the earth
Geology may also include the;
Exploration of the crust for mineral resources
Investigation of volcanism and earthquakes
Chemistry that underlies minerals and rocks
Formation of the earth and other planets
Q4. Give an example of a mineral resource
Q5. Name an active Volcano
Q6. Which chemical element is common to rocks and minerals?
Q7. Which is the largest rocky planet?
Oceanography: The study of the Earths ____________________, including;
The movements of water in currents and tides
The composition and formation of the seafloor
The study of marine plants and animals
Q8. Name the largest ocean
Q9. Name a major oceanic current
Q10. Which rock makes up the majority of the ocean floor?
Q11. What is the name of the largest marine mammal?
Meteorology: The study of the Earth’s _____________________, including;
The variations in temperature humidity and pressure
The processes that create weather and its prediction
The effects of man’s activities
The role the atmosphere plays in climate change
Q12. Which air is more dense hot or cold?
Q13. Which air mass has higher pressure hot or cold?
Q14. What is causing global warming?
Q15. Which element makes up most of our atmosphere?
Astronomy: The study of the __________________ beyond the earth, including;
The bodies of the solar system
The processes that occur on the sun and other planets
The scale and composition of the visible universe
The evolution of the Universe and the nature of time and space
Q16. What is the diameter of the earth in miles approximately?
Q17. Which 2 elements compose the majority of the sun’s mass?
Q18. How far away is the moon?_________________ The Sun? ______________________
Q19. How old is the universe?
What is Environmental Science?
Earth Science -The study of the
and Ecology- The study of the
An __________________ is a Community of Organisms and the Environment they inhabit
For Example: The Arctic
Q21. Give 3 examples of organisms in the Arctic Biome.
Q22. Give 3 examples of organisms in the Temperate Forest Biome.
Q23. Give 3 examples of organisms in the Savannah Biome.
What do Ecologists do?
Ecologists work to protect the _______________________ .
An Ecosystem may be threatened by ________________________
A POLLUTANT is a waste product that contaminates the environment
BIODEGRADEABLE waste is a waste product that can be _______________ by the ecosystem
Q24. Use the Vocabulary list to a make complete sentence that describes this picture.
Q25. Use the vocabulary list to make a complete sentence that describes this picture.
Q26. Use the Vocabulary list to make a sentence that describe 1 of the following pictures.
CHAPTER 1.2 Paths to Discovery:
The 5 Steps of the Scientific Method
1. Observe a phenomenon and State the Problem.
2. Gather Information & Formulate a Hypothesis
3. Test Hypothesis with an Experiment
4. Data Collection and Analysis
5. Conclusion
Examination of the Meteorite Impact Hypothesis (MIH)
The 5 Steps of the Scientific Method
1. Make Observations & State the Problem
Dinosaur Fossil remains suddenly cease to be found after 65mya at the Cretaceous-Tertiary
Boundary(K-T boundary)
What Caused The Dinosaurs To Go Extinct?
2. Gather Information & formulate a Hypothesis
Look for evidence to explain extinctionAn Asteroid strike in the Yucatan Peninsula caused a Nuclear Winter Scenario.
The result was a Mass Extinction event.
Evidence for this should be found world-wide.
3. Test the Hypothesis
Check for Iridium in soils
Controlled/ Independent: Soil samples from around the Earth at K-T boundary
Uncontrolled/ Dependent Variable: Variable random soil samples from around the Earth
4. Data Collection and Analysis
100X’’s normal Iridium levels at the K-T Boundary worldwide
Yucatan impact crater
5. State the Conclusion- Does your Data support the Hypothesis
Q27. What is the Meteorite Impact Hypothesis?
Design an experiment using scientific method…
You own a trucking company and have to transport a series of gasses and need to determine which gases are
flammable. (Air, Helium, Hydrogen, and CO2)
Your Homework is to design an experiment to find which is flammable
Q28. Answer this question using at least 3 examples.
What do you need/what must you consider for any experiment to be designed correctly?
What makes an experiment poorly designed or well designed?
CHAPTER 1.3 Birth of a Theory
The Big Bang
To understand the Big Bang…We must first understand Waves and the Doppler Effect!
Q29. What is the Big Bang?
Wave Phenomena
A wave is a common way in which ________________________ moves
Waves are seen moving in solids, liquids, gases, the electromagnetic spectrum and even gravity.
Q30. What would a gravity wave look like?
Wave Properties
Waves are described or quantified with a few measurements.
The wavelength  is the measure in meters from peak to peak of the wave
The amplitude a is a measure from the axis of propagation or the waves height
The frequency f is the oscillations per second, or how often a wave passes a stationary point.
The velocity or v is the speed at which the wave is moving or propagating
Q31. Diagram a typical sigmoid wave below and identify the 
Wave Functions
Consider the waves represented as circles.
The waves are evenly spaced in each direction.
They all have the same wavelength & frequency.
Q32. In what way are they different?
Q33. What happens to  if we move the source toward us?
Towards us at 50m/s…
Towards us faster at 100m/s…
and faster yet at 300m/s…
Q34.What is happening to  between waves that are moving away from us?
Away from us at 50m/s…
Away from us faster at 100m/s…
and faster yet at 300m/s…
Lets Experience the Doppler Effect!
The Doppler Effect can be observed in all wave phenomena
It occurs when the wave source is moving relative to the observer
The sound an ambulance makes as it passes us or even a Mirage at submach
Here we have a sound wave emitted from a car, siren, screaming 9th grader, etc.
Movement toward an object causes decrease in distance between the waves,
Causing an _____________________________ in frequency.
Higher Frequency = Higher Pitch (Shreekier!)
With stationary sources, you can hear the same pitch in each direction
If sound source is moving toward you, there is a ____________________ frequency.
If sound source is moving _________________________, there is a lower frequency.
Light can also exhibit the Doppler Effect!
The Electromagnetic Spectrum and visible light
All light is a wave that is propagated through the electromagnetic spectrum.
We can “see” visible light which has a wavelength between 750-400nm.
The rest of the electromagnetic spectrum like radio waves and X Rays is invisible to us, though we can feel
infrared light.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
3 Types of Spectra
A Continuous spectrum is formed from White Light
An Emission Spectrum is formed from Heated Gas
An Absorption Spectrum is formed by Cold Gas
Q35. Identify each type of spectra
Spectra of Elements
The spectrum of each element is unique.
Astronomers use spectroscopes to identify which elements are present in stars
Which elements are present in this star?
That’s right its ___________________ and _______________________.
How can we relate the Doppler Effect to light emitted from distant galaxies & the Big Bang?
The Doppler Effect on Light
The movement of the light source causes a shift in its apparent wavelength
Light moving towards you undergoes a _________________ shift
Light moving away undergoes ______________ shift
Stars and Galaxies
Q36. How big is the Milky Way galaxy?
It is 13.2 billion years old
Q37. How many stars are in the Milky Way galaxy?
Our nearest neighboring star is Alpha Centauri which is 4 light years away.
The nearest Galaxy is called Andromeda.
In the observable Universe we approximate 100 billion additional galaxies
What did Edwin Hubble Observe?
Stars and Galaxies can exhibit both red shift and blue shift depending on their direction of movement with
respect to Earth.
Hubble realized the blurry stars called Nebulae were actually other galaxies like our own.
He also observed that they all where showing a red shift and the galaxies furthest away showed a greater red
Q38. What did the astronomer Edwin Hubble conclude regarding the light from adjacent galaxies?
Q39. Diagram the Milky Way galaxy and identify the Suns location approximately.
What does it mean?
All Galaxies are moving away from us because …….
The Universe is expanding…Space is inflating
Q40.What would cause the universe to be continuously expanding?