Supporting Material for Lewis et al. “Calculating sediment trapping efficiencies for reservoirs in tropical settings: a case study from the Burdekin Falls Dam, NE Australia” Background information on study area The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), NE Australia, is claimed to be the best managed and protected coral reef system in the world (Wilkinson, 2004; Brodie and Waterhouse, 2012). However, coral cover has declined greatly in the past few decades (Bruno and Selig, 2007; Sweatman et al., 2011) and this has been attributed to increased runoff of terrestrial pollutants (Fabricius et al., 2005; Brodie et al., 2012) among other causes (Hughes et al., 2011; Brodie and Waterhouse, 2012). Watershed models suggest that sediment and nutrient loads exported from the GBR watershed have increased by 3 to 5 fold and 4 to 10 fold, respectively, since European settlement in the region c. 1850 (Furnas, 2003; McKergow et al., 2005a, b; Kroon et al., 2012). Much of this increase has been attributed to soil erosion associated with increased grazing pressure (McCulloch et al., 2003; McKergow et al., 2005a). One of the largest rivers discharging to the GBR, the Burdekin River, drains an area of 130,000 km2 (~30% of the GBR watershed) and exports ~30% of the suspended sediment load delivered to the GBR lagoon (Furnas, 2003; Kroon et al., 2012). The Burdekin Falls Dam (BFD), constructed in 1987 (capacity 1,860 × 106 m3), regulates 88% of the watershed area (115,000 km2) and is thought to trap a large proportion of the suspended sediment load that enters the reservoir (Prosser et al., 2002; Post et al., 2006; Kinsey-Henderson et al., 2007). The spillway depth of the BFD is 37 m and the total embankment is 873 m long with a reservoir area of 220 km2 and a maximum depth of 40 m. A low level outlet releases water for irrigation purposes with a minimum release requirement of 10 m3 s-1 to maintain environmental flows. Importantly, once the BFD overflows, the release gates are shut until water levels recede below the spillway. Since construction, the BFD reservoir has rarely been under 60% capacity and rapidly fills (within 1 to 2 days) during intensive inflow periods triggered by wet season rainfall during the summer months (December to April). The average sediment flux from the Burdekin River has been estimated using the SedNet (Sediment River Network) model (Prosser et al., 2002; McKergow et al., 2005a; Fentie et al., 2006; Post et al., 2006; Kinsey-Henderson et al., 2007). In this regard, Prosser et al. (2002) used the Heinemann (1981) equation (a modification of the Brune, 1953 curve) to calculate that 90% of incoming suspended sediments are trapped in the BFD. However, recent model runs have applied an empirical modification to this equation to account for the highly episodic seasonal flows in the Burdekin River which lowers the trapping efficiency calculations to ~80% (see Brodie et al., 2003; Post et al., 2006). However, studies on the sediment dynamics within Lake Dalrymple suggest that considerable (but not fully quantified) amounts of suspended sediment pass through the reservoir as intrusions during large flow events due to thermal stratification within the reservoir (temperature difference of 6 to 8° C from upper to lower water column: Griffiths and Faithful, 1996; Faithful and Griffiths, 2000). The BFD reservoir, known as Lake Dalrymple, does not receive significant inflow throughout the year because the rivers above the BFD are ephemeral, with practically all of the inflow (and thus the sediment load) delivered during the summer months. While geochemical studies of coral cores have examined historical changes in sediment loads (e.g. McCulloch et al., 2003; Lewis et al., 2007) and monitoring and modelling activities have refined the ‘average’ suspended sediment load for the Burdekin River (Kinsey-Henderson et al., 2007; Kroon et al., 2012; Kuhnert et al., 2012), the actual trapping efficiency of the BFD is unresolved. If the BFD traps ~90% of incoming suspended sediments as predicted by the Heinemann (1981) equation, then remedial works to reduce suspended sediment delivery to the GBR lagoon by reducing erosion in the Burdekin watershed should be targeted within the considerably smaller area downstream of the BFD. Recent Australian Government investment for remedial works under the Reef Rescue Initiative (Anon, 2010) has prioritised this particular area. In Australia, many reservoirs have an actively (diurnally) mixed surface layer 4 - 10 m deep (Chudek et al., 1998; Sherman et al., 1998; Jones and Sherman, 1999; Sherman et al., 2000). Below this surface layer the water column is essentially quiescent. Condie and Bormans (1997) provide a thorough analysis of particle sedimentation in such multi-layered systems in the absence of inflow and outflow. Furthermore, the summer-dominant inflows will frequently enter the reservoir as intrusions at an intermediate depth (Faithful and Griffiths, 2000). In this case the 'active' volume of the reservoir relevant for residence time calculations is the volume between the bottom of the intrusion and the full surface level of the reservoir. This will have the effect of decreasing the trap efficiency by reducing the residence time available for sedimentation. Finally, if normal operating procedures require drawdown of the reservoir for flood control prior to the runoff season, the time required to refill the reservoir can be considered an additional contribution to the residence time beyond the standard calculation. Moreover, the trapping efficiency of reservoirs is influenced by upstream dams where the particle size distribution is altered as sediments pass through these systems. In this regard, Churchill (1948) produced a different curve to account for the finer sediments that pass through upstream reservoirs (i.e. the upstream sediment curve). In the case of the BFD, there are no major upstream reservoirs (on the upper Burdekin tributary the Charters Towers Weir holds only 5.2 × 106 m3 and further upstream the Paluma Dam drains <0.5% of the tributary area and holds only 11.4 × 106 m3) and so the ‘local silt’ curve of Churchill is more appropriate to apply. Additional Methods Samples were collected from the surface of the river (top 50 cm of water column) with a bucket and rope and well mixed with a stirring rod before being sub-sampled into 1 L containers and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Where possible the samples were collected from the centre of the stream, although on some occasions (i.e. when the centre was inaccessible) samples were collected from the edge ensuring that the main flow was captured. Samples collected laterally across stream transects confirmed that the surface of the rivers were laterally well-mixed (with respect to TSS) to within laboratory error measurements. Additional replicate samples were collected for precision estimates and for inter-laboratory comparisons. In the 2009/10 wet season, ISCO Avalanche autosamplers were installed on the Cape, Belyando and Suttor tributaries for more thorough collection over the flow hydrograph with the sample intake approximately 1 to 2 m above the bed. Analytical methods Total suspended solids TSS analysis was performed at the TropWATER Laboratory Services Unit at James Cook University, Townsville and at the Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts Chemistry Centre laboratory, Brisbane. Samples were filtered through pre-weighed Whatman GF/C filter membranes (nominally 1.2μm pore size) and oven-dried at 103–105°C for 24 h and reweighed to determine the dry TSS weight as described in APHA (2005; Method 2540D). Duplicate (and triplicate) samples analysed by the laboratories produced values typically within ±10%. Particle size data Aliquots were taken from 149 of the TSS samples collected from 2005/06 to 2008/09 (four of the five monitored years) for particle size analysis. The aliquots were selected to capture the rising, peak and falling stages of the flow hydrograph over the four monitored water years and include 32 samples from Burdekin River at Sellheim, 24 samples from the Cape River, 21 samples from the Belyando River, 22 samples from the Suttor River and 50 samples from the BFD overflow. Particle size distribution analysis of the suspended sediment samples are conducted using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000. This instrument separates particles into 100 bin size classes which range from 0.02244 μm to 2000 μm. The particles within each bin size class are given as a percentage of the total sample volume. Because the size fraction >300 μm was negligible (our samples were collected from the surface of streams which favours a finer ‘washload’ fraction), we report exclusively on the data between 0.02244 μm and 282.5 μm (83 separate bin sizes). Each aliquot was analysed at least twice and a mean was taken. Reference list Anon., (2010), Reef Rescue website, (accessed on the 23/08/2010). APHA, (2005), ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaters.’ 21st edn. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation: Washington. Brodie, J., and J. Waterhouse (2012), A critical review of environmental management of the ‘not so great’ Barrier Reef, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 104-105, 1-22. Brodie, J., L.A. McKergow, I.P. Prosser, M. Furnas, A.O. Hughes and H. Hunter (2003), Sources of sediment and nutrient exports to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, ACTFR Report No. 03/11, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University, Townsville, 208 p. Brodie, J.E. F.J. Kroon, B. Schaffelke, E.C. Wolanski, S.E. Lewis, M.J. Devlin, I.C. Bohnet, Z.T. Bainbridge, J. Waterhouse and A.M. 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Water year Burdekin R@ Sellheim Cape R @ Gregory Dev Rd Belyando R@ Gregory Dev Rd Suttor R @ Bowen Dev Rd Burdekin Falls Dam @ overflow 2005/06 12 7 12 4 31 2006/07 14 8 9 7 55 2007/08 15 30 33 35 97 2008/09 26 13 8 8 102 2009/10 8 115 93 63 63 Total samples 75 173 155 117 348 Concentration range (mg L-1) 3 – 3350 16 - 1550 9 - 1320 47 - 980 2 - 620 Table 2. Water year sediment budgets for 2005/06 with mean annual concentration (MAC). The standard error (SE) of sediment load is provided in brackets. Sediment load (million tonnes) with SE Proportion of incoming sediment load TSS MAC (mg L-1) 87.0% 794 1.4% 360 7.4% 651 Total flow (m3) Proportion of total flow 2.7 × 109 80.0% 9.3 × 107 2.8% 2.8 × 108 8.3% Suttor River @ St Anns* minus Belyando River 2.6 × 108 7.7% 0.0961 (0.0179) 3.9% 370 Ungauged estimate 4.0 × 107 1.2% 0.01 0.4% 250 Inflow to Dam 3.4 × 109 100% 2.47 (0.3032) 100% 731 Burdekin Falls Dam overflow 2.1 × 109 Extra capacity due to release water (3/1/06 - 10/4/06) 2.0 × 108 Water to fill dam to capacity (43.7%) 8.1 × 108 Revised inflow to dam 3.1 × 109 2005/06 water year Burdekin River @ Sellheim Cape River @ Taemas Belyando River @ Gregory Dev Rd 2.1443 (0.3010) 0.0335 (0.0049) 0.1822 (0.0318) 0.3697 (0.1043) *Equivalent of Suttor River @ Bowen Dev Rd and Rosetta Creek. MAC = Mean annual concentration 184 Table 3. Water year sediment budgets for 2006/07 with mean annual concentration (MAC). The standard error (SE) of sediment load is provided in brackets. 2006/07 water year Burdekin River @ Sellheim Cape River @ Taemas Belyando River @ Gregory Dev Rd Suttor River @ St Anns* minus Belyando River Ungauged estimate Inflow to Dam Burdekin Falls Dam overflow Water to fill dam to capacity (25.3%) Revised inflow to dam Sediment load (million tonnes) with SE Proportion of incoming sediment load TSS MAC (mg L-1) 79.8% 697 4.9% 243 Total flow (m3) Proportion of total flow 4.4 × 109 67.7% 7.8 × 108 12.0% 2.6 × 108 4.0% 0.1283 (0.0330) 3.3% 493 4.6 × 108 7.1% 0.1004 (0.0103) 2.6% 218 6.0 × 108 9.2% 0.36 9.4% 600 6.5 × 109 100% 3.85 (0.4075) 100% 592 6.5 × 109 3.0687 (0.4054) 0.1892 (0.0225) 1.7054 (0.4346) 4.7 × 108 7.0 × 109 *Equivalent of Suttor River @ Bowen Dev Rd and Rosetta Creek. MAC = Mean annual concentration 262 Table 4. Water year sediment budgets for 2007/08 with mean annual concentration (MAC). The standard error (SE) of sediment load is provided in brackets. 2007/08 water year Total flow (m3) Proportion of total flow Sediment load (million tonnes) with SE Burdekin River @ Sellheim 6.2 × 109 32.3% 4.6631 (0.4831) 74.8% 752 Cape River @ Taemas 2.3 × 109 12.0% 0.5027 (0.0590) 8.1% 219 Belyando River @ Gregory Dev Rd 3.9 × 109 20.3% 0.2107 (0.0272) 3.4% 54 Suttor River @ St Anns* minus Belyando River 5.9 × 109 30.7% 0.7064 (0.0890) 11.3% 120 Ungauged estimate 9.1 × 108 4.7% 0.15 2.4% 165 Inflow to Dam 19.2 × 109 100% 100% 324 Burdekin Falls Dam overflow 18.0 × 109 Water to fill dam to capacity (13.7%) 2.0 × 108 Revised inflow to dam 18.3 × 109 6.23 (0.4955) 3.1055 (0.6481) Proportion of incoming sediment load TSS MAC (mg L-1) *Equivalent of Suttor River @ Bowen Dev Rd and Rosetta Creek. MAC = Mean annual concentration 173 Table 5. Water year sediment budgets for 2008/09 with mean annual concentration (MAC). The standard error (SE) of sediment load is provided in brackets. 2008/09 water year Burdekin River @ Sellheim Cape River @ Taemas Belyando River @ Gregory Dev Rd Suttor River @ St Anns* minus Belyando River Ungauged estimate Inflow to Dam Burdekin Falls Dam overflow Water to fill dam to capacity (12%) Revised inflow to dam Proportion of incoming sediment load TSS MAC (mg L-1) 93.7% 750 3.0% 206 0.1067 (0.0121) 0.7% 296 2.7% 0.1373 (0.0134) 0.9% 196 2.2 × 109 8.6% 0.30 1.9% 136 25.6 × 109 100% 100% 627 Total flow (ML) Proportion of total flow 20.0 × 109 78.2% 2.3 × 109 9.0% 3.6 × 108 1.4% 7.0 × 108 25.0 × 109 Sediment load (million tonnes) with SE 15.0068 (2.1253) 0.4732 (0.0487) 16.02 (2.1259) 4.8818 (1.3041) 2.2 × 108 25.2 × 109 *Equivalent of Suttor River @ Bowen Dev Rd and Rosetta Creek. MAC = Mean annual concentration 195 Table 6. Water year sediment budgets for 2009/10 with mean annual concentration (MAC). The standard error (SE) of sediment load is provided in brackets. TSS MAC (mg L-1) 69.5% 682 6.6% 204 0.1626 (0.0129) 6.6% 181 18.9% 0.2234 (0.0160) 9.1% 203 5.3 × 108 9.0% 0.20 8.2% 381 Inflow to Dam 5.8 × 109 100% 2.45 (0.2118) 100% 422 Burdekin Falls Dam overflow 5.5 × 109 Water to fill dam to capacity (25%) 4.7 × 108 Revised inflow to dam 6.0 × 109 Burdekin River @ Sellheim Cape River @ Taemas Belyando River @ Gregory Dev Rd Suttor River @ St Anns* minus Belyando River Ungauged estimate Total flow (ML) 2.5 × 109 43.0% 7.9 × 108 13.6% 9.0 × 108 15.5% 1.1 × 109 Sediment load (million tonnes) with SE Proportion of incoming sediment load 2009/10 water year Proportion of total flow 1.7061 (0.2106) 0.1614 (0.0096) 0.4476 (0.0723) *Equivalent of Suttor River @ Bowen Dev Rd and Rosetta Creek. MAC = Mean annual concentration 81 Table 7. Parameters used in the Brune and Churchill equations and extra details for all reservoirs examined in this study. Reservoir Burdekin Falls Dam Coralville Reservoir Corpus Christi Reservoir Imperial Dam Hales Bar Reservoir Gauge Burdekin River @ Hydro site Iowa River @ Iowa Nueces River @ Texas Colorado River @ Arizona Tennessee River @ Tennessee 6.05 × 107 2.7 × 109 Dam capacity (C in m 3) 1.86 × 109 7.15 × 107 173,000,000 5.1 × 107 8.7 × 108 Mean Inflow (I) 7.2 × 109 2.2 × 109 9.5 × 108 12.6 × 109 33,900,000,000 Length (L in m)* 50,000 36,000 16,000 12,500 70,000 3,781 216,000 Area (A) = C (in m3) / L 37,200 1,986 2,471 3,188 69,600 Several (highly regulated) Negligible (data used to develop Churchill's 'local silt' curve) Upstream Reservoirs Paluma Dam (11,400,000 m3) and Charters Towers Weir (5,200,000 m3) Lake MacBride (16,700,000 m3) Choke Canyon Reservoir (857,000,000 m3) but constructed after Brune study Operation Irrigation water supply Flood protection/ recreation Drinking water supply Irrigation water supply Hydroelectric Drainage area (km2) 114,000 8,100 43,500 478,000 56,000 Intra-annual COV 1.3 0.47 0.82 0.06 0.58 *Estimated from information provided by Brune (1953) and Churchill (1948). The capacities and mean inflows of the Corpus Christi, Imperial Dam and Hales Bar Reservoirs were calculated from the table provided by Brune (1953). Note that the capacities of the Corpus Christi and Imperial Dam Reservoirs changed over two time periods examined in this study. The lengths of the reservoirs were back calculated using the Churchill curve. Table 8. Summary of previously published trapping efficiency data compared to the predictions using the standard Brune (1953) and Churchill (1948) equations and the new equations designed to account for intra-annual stream flow variability. Numbers in bold represent predicted values within 5% of the measured trapping efficiency. Site Coralville Reservoir* on Iowa River, Iowa Water Year Measured trapping Churchill Std Technique Churchill modified daily Brune Std technique Brune modified daily Intraannual COV 1973 68.2 70.8 66.1 59.4 53.6 0.54 1974 86.0 73.3 68.0 63.0 56.5 0.65 1975 57.5 80.0 72.3 72.9 62.3 0.90 1976 46.3 86.8 78.5 82.3 70.0 1.07 1977 90.4 94.6 83.3 91.1 75.7 1.49 1978 92.4 81.0 76.3 74.3 67.4 0.48 1979 83.6 75.9 69.6 66.9 58.6 0.80 1980 88.0 86.0 82.9 81.4 76.6 0.52 1981 95.8 90.9 86.7 87.4 81.3 0.54 1982 84.2 76.3 71.0 67.4 60.0 0.63 1983 5.6 71.5 67.2 60.4 54.9 0.46 1984 88.0 73.2 68.8 62.8 57.0 0.50 1985 80.0 86.0 78.2 81.3 70.1 0.92 1986 88.2 76.3 72.1 67.4 61.6 0.54 1987 84.8 79.9 76.3 72.7 67.4 0.55 1988 75.1 90.0 86.3 86.3 81.1 0.71 1989 70.8 97.9 93.8 93.9 88.9 0.78 1990 66.3 79.1 67.3 71.5 54.9 1.07 1991 75.7 75.0 64.1 65.5 51.6 1.04 1992 87.3 77.9 74.0 69.8 64.3 0.46 1993 59.7 59.9 49.8 45.2 37.4 0.83 1994 89.8 81.7 76.7 75.4 68.1 0.54 1995 81.0 80.1 73.9 73.0 64.0 0.81 1996 81.4 85.0 76.1 79.9 66.7 1.07 1997 73.2 81.7 75.6 75.4 66.4 0.69 1998 62.4 76.9 69.3 68.3 57.7 0.86 1999 68.8 77.9 72.7 69.8 62.2 0.67 2000 82.2 90.5 80.8 86.9 72.8 1.33 2001 49.5 79.5 68.6 72.1 56.7 1.02 2002 74.0 87.8 84.7 83.7 79.0 0.61 2003 75.6 85.4 78.9 80.5 70.7 0.97 2004 79.9 81.2 74.5 74.6 64.8 0.82 2005 74.6 83.5 78.5 77.9 70.4 0.71 Corpus Christi Reservoir** on Nueces River, Texas Imperial Dam** on Colorado River, Arizona Hales Bar Reservoir on Tennessee River, Tennessee Overall (1973 2005) 80.3 79.1 70.2 71.9 59.9 0.47 1934 - 1942 76.7 88.9 59.5 77.1 43.4 0.95 1942 - 1948 73.7 92.7 66.4 85.5 49.1 1.07 1938 - 1942 90.2 80.8 78.4 63.3 59.6 0.10 1943 - 1947 72.3 78.7 78.4 59.5 59.1 0.07 1935 1936** 1937** 30.5 34.4 15.8 30.0 25.7 0.77 25.7 34.8 20.6 30.3 27.1 0.83 1938** 29.7 35.7 30.7 30.9 29.5 0.29 1935 (1)*** 30 16.1 8.7 20.4 19.3 N/A 1935 (2)*** 20 25.8 16.6 24.9 23.3 N/A 1935 (3)*** 55 57.4 56.2 50.2 49.5 N/A 1935 (4)*** 40 56.1 49.4 48.9 44.6 N/A 1936 (1)*** 0 7.2 0.0 16.9 15.8 N/A 1936 (2)*** 60 30.9 5.3 27.8 23.0 N/A 1936 (3)*** 60 58.8 57.9 51.9 51.4 N/A 1936 (4)*** 56 48.6 44.5 41.2 39.4 N/A 1937 (1)*** 2 6.9 0.0 17.0 16.1 N/A 1937 (2)*** 35 42.8 40.5 36.3 35.3 N/A 1937 (3)*** 50 54.2 53.2 46.8 46.4 N/A 1937 (4)*** 40 43.8 41.1 35.8 36.9 N/A 1938 (1)*** 25 31.3 28.5 28.3 27.3 N/A 1938 (2)*** 25 31.1 26.9 28.0 27.0 N/A Measured data reported in: *Espinosa-Villegas and Schnoor (2009); **Brune (1953); ***Churchill (1948)