Template project idea Contact person Name Costas Davarakis Organisation MyOmega System Technologies Gmbh Address NeumeyerStr. 46 90411 Nuremberg Telephone +499112526436 email Costas.davarakis@myomegasys.com Project information PPP Factories of the Future Call Topic Project idea, Title Project idea, objectives FoF 2016 11 8 Digital Automation Novel Architecture for factory automation based CPS IOT CAPILLARY heterogeneous LOw power computing systems; enabling mobile multimodal & multisensory Wearable IOT ecosystems with semantic interoperability for smart X services: CAPILOW Connectivity Technology is still a little expensive, the price of a simple wireless sensor will soon be as low as €1, a price point at which this could become a massmarket proposition. However other parts of the kit, including communications and battery modules, might still come in at €20 to €50, which is too high. The price needs to become closer to €3 to €4, only then will the business case begin to make sense. Telecoms networks have to change to meet the requirements of billions of low-power devices that need to connect constantly to the internet to transmit small amounts of data. The cost of sending such data over the network will have to come down. ‘It is not scalable for a low-cost device to pay several euros/dollars a month just to have connectivity’ (c.f. Zach Shelby, Arm). Security will need to be improved to ensure that internet-connected objects cannot be hacked and hijacked. Physical attacks over the internet are happening. At the end of last year the German federal office of information security revealed that machinery at a German steelworks was severely damaged when hackers gained access to control systems via the Internet (Financial Times Jan. 2015). When everything from traffic lights and cars to home heating systems are linked online, the potential for harmful hacks increases further. However, the simple, low-power devices used for the Internet of Things might not be able to handle heavy encryption, or may not be patched and updated if a security flaw is discovered. ‘There are big security holes and quite a lot of work needs to be done to fix them’ (Jim Tully, Gartner). CAPILOW will implement and demonstrate a novel ecosystem able to act as a catalyst towards reducing the cost for low-power devices to connect to the internet to transmit and process raw sensed data and moreover to overcome security flaws and harmful hacks. A configurable ecosystem of customized heterogeneous low-power computing (lpc) systems; effectively delivering highperformance functionality on user driven ‘smart X’ applications and services; for several and diverse market and societal sectors that demand secure end to end capillary networks involvement; is the overall goal of this project. To achieve the overall goal, CAPILOW builds a novel lpc enabling platform (Cplatform) to address problems existing in the present state of the art, such as security, real-time and mixed criticality constraints. This C-platform will be evaluated with consistent and complete application experiments for maintenance and repairs operations; connected vehicles & retail operations management; and environmental monitoring; thus contributing with use-case driven reference implementations that activate consensus building not only in e.g. the areas of smart manufacturing, smart logistics/retail, smart monitoring/metering but also well beyond. Therefore CAPILOW proposes an lpc ecosystem of heterogeneous low-power computing networks of cyber-physical systems (C-ecosystem), while at the same time it demonstrates its relative merits on a discrete application market & societal domains. CAPILOW will evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the proposed C-ecosystem to support the concept of scalable advanced computing that is reflected by the clustering of micro-cloud applications (on thematic small data centres) and the potential to develop large scale Cloud Big Data analytics to semantically & contextually correlate clustered information to produce problem driven knowledge as a service (lpc as a Service, Context as a Service, Security as a Service etc). In the light of the above, the major objective of the project is to: Design, develop, implement, demonstrate and validate a prototype of a service platform that physically bridges devices with the cloud but also virtually federates computation nodes to a single abstract pool of computation capacity. The platform will be capable of (i) providing plug n play connectivity to heterogeneous devices/sensors/actuators, User Equipment (UEs) and Wearables, (ii) aggregating mass amounts of real-time information from the devices through numerous sources, running harmonization corrections, (iii) transforming this information into unified metadata-form capable of further knowledge processing, (iv) directly transferring it to the cloud using secure bootstrap authentication through mobile communication technologies and (v) employing self-x1 decision making systems for the autonomous operation and management of the devices. Fundamental project baselines are defined by the MYNXG® Platform System Architecture prototyped by MyOmega System Technologies Gmbh (TRL5)2. Ultimately, the project will provide a complete framework for enabling low power computing as a Service (lpcaaS) by involving all relevant stakeholders in the creation of innovative services and applications that require the autonomic operation of heterogeneous, potentially previously internet-agnostic devices and accordingly the creation of innovative Internet ecosystems. In order to achieve this major objective, the project will address the following lateral objectives: Define and elaborate on scenarios and requirements for the plug n’ play, low power communication among heterogeneous devices; becoming internet – enabled; (including industrial sensors, devices, capillary networks, wearable devices, virtual sensors); evaluation scenarios will target discrete demonstrations for e.g. smart manufacturing, smart logistics/retail, smart environmental monitoring. Smart metering etc. 1 2 Self-X: Self-Optimization, Self-Coordination, Self-Healing, Self-Repair and more. http://www.ericsson.com/news/150302-ericsson-showcasing-security-solutions-at-mwc-2015_244069647_c Design, develop and demonstrate a novel mobile platform attributing low power computing to heterogeneous devices with lightweight connectivity, aggregating data from various sources in a real-time fashion, and transferring harmonized raw data to the cloud for further processing; the platform delivered will constitute a TRL6/7 prototype, based on partners’ existing assets, integrating partners’ mature TRL5/6 prototypes, brought in the project as a result of relevant previous work in the context of private (MYNXG©3) and/or H2020/FP7 project activities, components and innovation enablers (e.g. FI-WARE generic enablers4). Employ knowledge models and reasoning algorithms enhanced with autonomic, self-x capabilities for the opportunistic operation of low power devices and their management and decision making in the cloud. This involves formulating the necessary algorithms to enable opportunistic networks, through the management tasks opportunistic network suitability (strongly relying on information and knowledge on context, profiles, policies), creation (including spectrum decision, and routing), maintenance (e.g., as node status will change, or the amount of necessary resources will vary, according to the characteristic of applications), and forced termination handling. Realize integration, as well as validation activities, so as to showcase the project’s findings, in line with defined and managed key performance indicators, such as the level of satisfaction of generic goals to develop cloud based forecasting algorithms and technoeconomical tools, based on the utilization of the underlying CAPILOW platform and ecosystem. The performance of the system will be benchmarked by a set of Demonstration use cases (CAPilow Use Cases CAPUCs) respectively defined by industrial end users. E.g.: o A Demonstration of how the CAPILOW platform can be deployed to link mobile computing device users to manufacturing enterprise asset management/ maintenance and repairs operations (EAM-MRO) processes. Users shall be empowered to get access to relevant data from machines. Support systems will provide the needed information to allow timely decision making based on ontological and knowledge based data. Security and safety is implemented through the entire chain from field data collection to ERP systems. o A Demonstration of how the CAPILOW platform can be deployed for for retail and logistics management scenarios (RM) processes. The challenge is to build autonomous retail management services provided by IP operators and Retail Technology Suppliers also provided to third party organizations in a secure and measurable fashion. The underlying low power computing platform may also interface connected vehicles and retailers’ shops and build end to end Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity from vehicles and their retail logistics to the cloud services. o A Demonstration of how the CAPILOW platform can be deployed for the provision of lpc services in smart Environmental Pollution Monitoring/metering scenarios (e.g. via organizing virtual sensors) at agro-intensive areas (e.g. for precision agriculture, c.f. MyOmega Tracovino Wine generation monitoring system) both at micro-cloud and cloud Big Data contexts. o A Demonstration of smart metering services for energy harvesting forecasting and quality via nurturing Big Data analytics forecasts. 3 Mobile World Congress 2015, MWC Barcelona, MyOmega System Technologies Gmbh Bavarian Booth & ERICSSON® Booth demonstrator. 4 http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers, accessed April 2015 In the light of the lateral objectives, The central evaluation goal of CAPILOW is to assess the level of performance improvement due to the design, development and application of the C-platform and C-ecosystem and the respective low power computing enablers (lpces). Moreover this innovation action will evaluate how lpces will impact the CAPILOW evaluation markets (CAPEMs) i.e. manufacturing industries, mobile operators, retail management, transportation logistics, the environment and precision agriculture markets and beyond56. The current consortium is based on ongoing work and research on behalf of: -MyOmega System Technologies Gmbh (DE) -EPFL (SW) -VTT (FI) Partner search description Type = Company/SME/Research organisation/university + desired skills/knowledge Partner 1 Manufacturing Company willing to evaluate MYNXG Gateway and custom IoT application scenarios. The company is required to specify in detail a use case of own interest relevant to CAPILOW (e.g. Industrial Process Improvement, Operations and Repair, Enterprise Asset Management etc). Partner 2 5 6 Manufacturing Company willing to evaluate MYNXG Gateway and custom IoT application scenarios. The company is required to specify in detail a use case of own interest relevant to CAPILOW (e.g. Industrial Process Improvement, Operations and Repair, Enterprise Asset Management etc). Installed Base Of Connected Devices in 2020: 28.1 Billion, 17.5% CAGR, Global Revenue Forecast: $7.1Trillion, IDC 2014 Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020”. Retrieved 2014-02-26.