Possible Solutions for Oil Spills: A Background Paper By: Talia Bin Yussuf 1. Abstract Oil spills are a universally recognized issue, as they obtain the potential to damage marine life all over the world. This is why discovering efficient solutions to oil spills is exceptionally important. Although many solutions have been proposed none of them seem to satisfy the requirements of total efficiency, as some unsuccessful examples have been shown below. Currently one global solution has not been selected although numerous suggestions have been made. However a suitable solution has to be chosen soon to increase the rate at which polluted marine zones are being cleaned up. 2. Description and Definition of the Issue Oil spills are the release of Oil (Petroleum) into the environment and this is caused by human activity. This occurs mainly in marine environments but it does also occur on land. The crude oil breaches the feathers of birds and fur of animals and reduces the insulation that the fur and feathers provide. The birds are incapable of flying until the oil is cleaned off their wings. As Oil spills have a great destructive impact on their surrounding environments. Solutions for oils spills have become a worldwide issue of vast importance. Although many solutions have been presented and used many of them have negative effects on the environment such as air pollution. 3. Glossary of the Issue Bioremediation: the use of microorganisms or biological agents to break down or remove oil. Oil Skimmer: a machine that separate oil from particles flowing on it or from another liquid. BP: a British multinational oil and gas company reasonable for a few oil spills and solutions. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration): A federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. 4. History of the Issue 2009. Norwegian Oil Spill. Kallak Torvstrøfabrikk, a Norwegian company produced a series of products, which were Peat moss based, and they were used to clean an oil spill off the shore of Norway. Oil Corrals (Underwater Cones). BP, a British multinational oil and gas company suggested a giant underwater cone to separate the leak from the rest of the water. However an amateur Engineer, Eric Lewis, proposed the use of a permeable, malleable, cone instead to reduce the effect of the pressure of the deep sea. Yet this would result in some of the oil leaking out. Berms. Louisiana officials dropped sand bags in the water, and U.S. National Guard teams were sent to a tiny barrier island to build a sand berm to prevent the oil from moving any closer to the inland. 5. Current Status Global and fully efficient solutions to oil spills has yet to be identified. However Individual nations have taken it upon themselves to accept many solutions from sole engineers or large businesses, although not all of them are successful. For Example, An oil spill occurred in 2010, which was caused by BP in the Gulf of Mexico. Over 2 years later the marine surroundings are still suffering the long-term effects of the oil spill as well as the nearly 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants used to supposedly solve the problem of the spill. More than 8,000 birds, sea turtles and marine mammals died 6 months later. This oil spill has also caused a drastic decline in the economy of the gulf coast states as commercial fishing was greatly relied upon by citizens and governments. As stated by the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), commercial fisheries caught $659 million in shellfish and finfish in 2008 and over 3 million people took recreational fishing trips in the Mexican gulf during that same year. Scientists predict a further decrease in fish and wildlife populations and are observing for fluctuating populations. Another one of the predicted long-term impacts is the development of unbalanced food webs as the Oil Spill struck at the peak of the breeding season for many species of fish and wild life. The oil’s harmfulness my have hit the egg and larvae organisms destroying their generation completely, therefore population inclines may be evident in the future. 6. Conclusion Although many solutions for oil spills have been discussed and used many of them have negative long-term impacts on their surroundings and wildlife whether they are marine surroundings or land. A few universally efficient oil spill solutions have to be identified soon as to begin to undo the damage caused by our own kind, However some solutions may actually worsen the state of some of these oil spills (as show by the BP oils spill in the Gulf of Mexico) so these possible solutions need to be thoroughly tested and examined, perhaps using the aid of some of the organizations mentioned in the glossary. 7. Work Cited . "11 Extreme Oil Spill Solutions." The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast, 11 2010. Web. 30 Dec 2012. <http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/05/12/11-extreme-oil-spill- solutions.html>. . "BP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p.. Web. 30 Dec 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP>. . "Oil Spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p.. Web. 30 Dec 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_Spill>. . "How Does the BP Oil Spill Impact Wildlife and Habitat? - National Wildlife Federation." National Wildlife Federation <https://www.nwf.org/What-We-Do/Protect- . N.p.. Web. 30 Dec 2012.