MINUTES - Macdonald Campus Students` Society

Meeting of the Macdonald Campus Students’ Society Council 12-13
Monday Feb 18th, 2013
Present: K. Blake-Savery, N. Chatel-Launay, A. Mayrand, E. Deluca, P. Tikasz, J. Singh,
F. LeTourneux, E. Brulé-Champagne, E. Henry, J. Zhou, T. Wheeler, (D. Barrington-Marquis)
Absent: (S. Kapoor), M. Roy,
Regrets: R. Lee, J. Potter-Cogan, S. Somasundaram
Speaker D. Barrington-Marquis called the meeting to order.
1. Adoption of Agenda
F. LeTourneux moved to adopt the Agenda, N. Chatel-Launay seconded.
2. Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meetings
F. LeTourneux moved to adopt the minutes from Feb 4th, 2013, E. Deluca seconded.
3. Business Arising from Minutes of the Previous Meeting
4. Reports
F. LeTourneux: They held a Maction meeting last week. He attended a Faculty Planning
Committee meeting where the Dean spoke about expanding the Macdonald campus to include
more faculties, more discussion is needed.
N. Chatel-Launay: -The candidate selected to be the new Deputy Provost has been
approached, McGill is waiting for his reply.
-McGill will make $19 million in budget cuts for the next 2 years, he is writing a letter to them
on that subject.
-Social Equity and Diversity Education (SEDE) Office is coming to Mac campus; they have
just receive their funding.
A. Mayrand: -He attended the downtown Orientation Planning workshop, and will refer his
successor to their website for excellent resources for event planning.
- He is still crunching the numbers for the Winter Carnival budget.
P. Tikasz: -He met with Silvana Pellecchia from Student Affairs to review the results from his
course conflicts survey. It seems that the problems will be difficult to solve because our course
schedule is off-pattern.
E. Deluca: - Possible 6 week Ceilidh rental for a summer camp in July-August 2013
-Ceilidh Brochure is finally printed.
-Desert Ecology is doing a fundraiser
-She is looking into getting a new TV for the Ceilidh
-We will be purchasing a new microwave for the Ceilidh kitchen
-Pre-Vet club hosting a Spaghetti dinner in the Ceilidh, proceeds go to Vets in the Wild trip.
-Matt Brown gave a manager training session at the Ceilidh last week
-Purchase of new Ceilidh speakers was approved in MCSS Exec meeting today
-Ceilidh bar staff interviews coming up this week.
–We are close to finding the Casino Night ticket fraud culprit(s)
-Plans are to have a mechanical bull at the last Ceilidh.
–J. Singh will replace her at the upcoming Enrolment and Student Affairs Committee meeting
E. Brulé-Champagne : He attended a BOG meeting Feb 12th, where the $19 million in McGill
budget cuts were discussed.
J. Singh: -Board of Governor's Open Meeting: - McGill groups presented their ideas to the
Board, who explained their role in McGill and answered questions. One group of interest was
MSERT, McGill Students Emergency Response Team, he asked them if they would
eventually expand to MAC, they said no but security had been pushing them to do so, they said
if a group was to start at MAC they'll help with training.
-Waste Audit Meeting: They went over results:
-22.2 tones of garbage a year
-45% of this "garbage" was recyclable or compostable (improvement from last waste audit
but last waste audit was a lot smaller sample)
-1/3rd of this :garbage" was wet papers, could have been composted or recycled
-of actual garbage, 2/3rd,
-#6 plastic
-60% of it was laboratory wastes, autoclaved
-we currently don't have a lot of ideas on targeting laboratory wastes but a few ideas
about reusing vs. disposing,
-there's an Applied Student Research looking into this so we'll use their results
-7 tones of compost a year NOT including compost thrown in garbage, compost from Laird,
Food Labs and Eco Residence.
-a lot of wet paper towels and office paper (categories) from
-Barton 1, Link cafe (behind counter), CC-Kitchen, MS3, 1st floor general
Paper towels are a problem, we have a lot of them going into the garbage.
-There was a sustainability advisor or something from Waste Management in Ontario visit.
What were his recommendations to MAC about waste management?
-Recycling Audit is being planned for March 13th.
-DHNUS had their fundraiser in co-ordination with CERES and Gorilla Composting.
E. Henry: He attended the Integrated Education Hub for Sustainability meeting downtown on
behalf of SSMU
-Also attended the downtown Consultation Fair here at Mac where they addressed how
Campus Security would handle future student protest. He found the document to be vague on
what exactly Security measures will be, and at which point they would intervene.
-Senate meeting coming up on Feb 19th
On behalf of J. Potter-Cogan: -Their chili sale was a success; they raised $350 to buy
microwaves for the Link.
K. Blake-Savery: -MFDS are going to provide a microwave in the Link after all.
Note: N. Chatel-Launay left the meeting at some point during reports. Quorum was
5. New Business
5.1 Fund Requests
A. Mayrand presented the Fund Request (see attached), a discussion followed.
A. Mayrand moved to adopt the Fund Request as presented, on the condition that the Improve
and Ingenious clubs properly complete their request forms before collecting their funds,
F. LeTourneux seconded. Unanimous, carried.
5.2 MCSS Constitution Review
5.3 Tar Sands Motion
E. Henry presented the Tar Sands motion (final version attached), a discussion followed where
a few changes were made.
E. Henry moved to adopt the final version of the Tar Sands motion, J. Singh seconded.
For: 8
Against: 1
Abstain: 1
Motion carried.
5.4 Referendum Questions
5.5 DHNUS Microwave Fundraiser
K. Blake-Savery on behalf of J. Potter-Cogan: -Their chili sale was a success; they raised $350
to buy microwaves for the Link. Brault & Martineau have high quality models with a 5 year
warrantee, they will look into that.
5.6 Ceilidh Bar Staff Interview Questionnaire
E. Deluca: She needs suggestions for tomorrow’s interviews.
5.7 MCSS Bible
E. Deluca: All Council members need to write up detailed guidelines of their positions to hand
over to their successor.
6. Announcements
K. Blake-Savery: The MOA with PGSS is not signed yet; we are still having an issue with
article 4, specifically the amount to be paid by them to MCSS per student, to retain the
secretary’s services.
7. Next Meeting
K. Blake-Savery: Mon, Mar 11th, at 5:30pm in CC-207
8. Adjournment
F. LeTourneux moved to adjourn, E. Deluca seconded.