Recognizing short coding sequences of prokaryotic genome using a novel adaptive sparse partial least squares algorithm SunChen, Chun-ying Zhang, Kai Song School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China Partial least squares Partial Least Squares (PLS) is a popular multivariate statistical analysis tool, which has been widely applied in both regression and classification fields [1]. The PLS regression method aims to describe linear relationship between input and output variables. This prediction process is achieved by extracting a set of orthogonal factors called latent variables (LVs). The basic point of the procedure is that the weights used to determine these linear combinations of the original variables are proportional to the maximum covariance among input and output variables. Then the noise and the multi-colinearity of the original data are removed by compressing the p-dimensional X-space into the H-dimensional LV-space (commonly, H<<p, where p is the number of the original variables and H is the number of the latent variables). Given the standardized input variables X Rn p and the response variables, the latent variables are extracted from X and Y as following: X ti ciT E (1) Y ti diT F (2) H i1 H i1 where T=[t1,…,tH] is latent vector matrix,and C=[c1,…,cH], D=[d1,…,dH] are loading vector matrices. E and F are residual matrix of X and Y, respectively. There are many methods for extracting the latent vectors [1]. The following algorithm is an alternative PLS program which using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the crossproduct M=XTY. Then X and Y are deflated separately. AlgorithmS1. Pseudo-code for PLS. 1) X0=X, Y0=Y 2) for h = 1…H,where H is the number of LVs: do 3) Set M h 1 X hT1Yh 1 4) Using SVD decompose M h1 and extract the first pair of singular vector u=u1 and v=v1corresponding to the eigenvalue with the maximum absolute value. 5) th X h1u / u ' u where t is the latent variable vector of X 6) wh Yh1v / v ' v where w is the latent variable vector of Y 7) ch X hT1t h / t h' t h where c is the loading vector of X 8) d h YhT1t h / t h' wh where d is the loading vector of Y 9) X h X h 1 t h ch' 10) Yh Yh 1 t h d h' 11) end for h=H Sparse partial least squares A regularized SVD has been introduced by Anh et al. [2] as a method which can perform PLS with sparse weighting vectors u and v. It applied the best rank one approximation property of the SVD. The weighting vectors can be obtained through the SVD of M, where M=XTY. Since the weighting vector u which maximizes the covariance matrix between input and output is the largest eigenvalue of MMT. In other words, u should be the first left singular vector of SVD of M [3]. Thus the criterion of finding the weighting vectors equals to minimizing the residual sum of squares between M and its low rank approximation: m i nM uv' 2 (3) u,v where M uv ' 2 ip1 qj 1 (mij ui v j )2 , u and v are weighting vectors of X and Y, respectively. The best rank-one matrix approximation of M is the product of the first left and right singular vectors u(1) and v (1) [4]. Thus u u(1) and v v (1) . In order to achieve sparseness on u and v, some regularization penalties are introduced in these regressions. The optimization problem becomes: min M uv ' 21 i 1 ui 22 j 1 v j 2 u,v p q (4) where λ1 and λ2 are the penalty parameters, is the absolute value of *, here ui and vj are the elements of u and v, respectively. Through the penalties, the elements of u and v, whose absolute values are smaller than the soft-threshold, are forced to be zero. The immediate consequence arising there from is the sparseness on u and v, hence the name SPLS (Sparse PLS). With the constraint v 1, considering the optimizing problem over u with a fixed v, the minimization criterion (4) can be rewritten as (m ij i Observing that v j (m i j j j 2 j 1 p ui v j ) 21 i 1 ui (mij ui v j )2 21 ui i j (5) , thus u i v )2j m2 ij 2 m iuj v i j j j 2 u2 vi j j 2 m2M(i j ) v ui 2 i u j i (6) ui2 2( Mv) i ui 21 ui . Hence, the optimization problem could be written as: min u v 2j 2( M T u ) j v j 22 v j . For a fixed u with u 1, the similar expression is: min v It is easy to prove that sign( y)( y ) is the solution of minimize of 2 2 y 2 [4]. Therefore, the optional u* and v* can be obtained by iteratively finding the local optional solution. The detailed program of SPLS is as follows: Algorithm S2. Pseudo-code for SPLS. 1) X0=X, Y0=Y 2) for h = 1…H, where H is the number of LVs: do 3) Set M h 1 X hT1Yh 1 4) Using SVD decompose M h1 and extract the first pair of singular vector u=u1 and v=v1corresponding to the eigenvalue with the maximum absolute value. 5) Until convergence of both unew and vnew (in the first iteration uold=u1 and vold=v1) : unew g 1 ( M h 1vold ) , re-normalize unew vnew g2 ( M hT1uold ) , re-normalize vnew 6) 7) 8) uold=unew, vold=vnew where g ( y) sign( y)( y ) λ is the penalty parameter. th X h1u / u ' u where t is the latent variable vector of X wh Yh1v / v ' v where w is the latent variable vector of Y ch X hT1t h / t h' t h where c is the loading vector of X 9) d h YhT1t h / t h' wh where d is the loading vector of Y 10) X h X h 1 t c 11) Yh Yh 1 t h d h' 12) end for ' h h The Pseudo-code for IASPLS 1) X0=X,Y0=Y 2) for h = 1…H, where H is the number of LVs: do 3) h 1 Ridge( X h 1 , Yh 1 ) h1 is the coefficient matrix 4) h 1 h 1 5) Let M h 1 X hT1Yh 1 6) Using SVD to decompose M h1 and extracting the first pair of singular vector u=u1 and v=v1,which is corresponding to the eigenvalue with the maximum absolute value. 7) Until convergence of both unew and vnew (in the first iteration uold=u1 and vold=v1) : unew g ( M h 1vold ) , re-normalize unew vnew g ( M hT1uold ) , re-normalize vnew uold=unew, vold=vnew where g ( y) sign( y)( y h1 ) . h1 is the element of h1 and λ is the penalty parameter. 8) th X h1u / u ' u where t is the latent variable vector of X 9) wh Yh1v / v ' v where w is the latent variable vector of Y 10) ch X hT1t h / t h' t h where c is the loading vector of X 11) d h YhT1t h / t h' wh where d is the loading vector of Y 12) X h X h 1 t h ch' 1 2 13) Yh Yh 1 t h d h' 14) end for h=H (H is usually determined by cross-validation, although elsewhere an F-test is suggested [5, 6] The re-normalization of the weighting vectors u and v in step 7 of Table 1 is very important. 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