Personnel FGB Curriculum Finance Governors Strategic Plan 2014-2017 ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE To be familiar with school and be recognised for being a school governor. Ensure pupils eligible for free school meals make similar progress to all others in the school in reading, writing and mathematics. Be interested in and willing to learn the day to day running of school. Safeguarding is at the upmost importance ensuring all guidance, procedures and requirements are fully adhered to. Good standards of behaviour maintained throughout whole school. Governing Body aware of strengths and weaknesses ensuring highly effective and skilled team built. EXPECTED EVIDENCE ACTIONS To visit school for buddy visits, observations, INSET days, events and spontaneous visits. WHO? Governors TIMESCALE On-going RESOURCES EXPECTED EVIDENCE Visits Feedback from staff & parents Good relationships with staff & parents. Minutes Regular feedback from school. School On-going Reports/levels Asking challenging questions. Governors On-going Information Minutes Actions Looking at pupil results. Governors When issued results Visiting school. Governors On-going Knowledge Actions Visits Attendance at meetings. Governors When arranged Information from staff Minutes Asking questions. Governors to attend any relevant training provided. Governors Governors During meetings On-going governors Training Minutes Knowledge Course confirmation Staff able to attend relevant training to continue their professional development. Staff & Governors On-going Child protection policy reviewed and recommended annually. Governors & Head Summer Term Annually Approved policy Issues reported to governing body. Governor visits to school. SLT Governors As/when As/when Minutes Visits Attending any behaviour assemblies. Governors As/when Timetable Managing children’s behaviour courses. Governors As/when Training Asking challenging questions. Governors On-going Issues reported to governing body. Carry out skills audit SLT Governors As/when As/when Challenging questions asked Governors On-going Minutes Governors take part in working parties i.e. exclusion, recruitment. Governors On-going Attendance Knowledge Course confirmation Minutes Skills audit document Minutes Audit results SOURCE IMPACT EVALUATION NEXT STEPS ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE Sports premium and pupil premium money spent effectively. To help assist in staffing matters and promote an effective work-life balance to all staff. To maintain a creative approach to schools new curriculum. To maintain high standards of attainment so that pupils attainment at least in line with national averages. Universal Free School Meals implanted. EXPECTED EVIDENCE ACTIONS Actions within schools action plan completed. WHO? Governors TIMESCALE Annually RESOURCES Action plan EXPECTED EVIDENCE Action plan review Ensure information is available on the website for parents. Provide training and professional development opportunities for all staff. Governors/ Head SLT Personnel On-going Information website Staffing structure developed. Personnel On-going Performance management knowledge. Governors On-going Help with staff recruitment. Governors As/when Training Applications Appointments Parent questionnaires. Curriculum Autumn Questions Positive feedback from parents. Attendance at parent curriculum meetings. Curriculum As/when Regular reviews of curriculum policies. Analysis of RAISE online data. Curriculum On-going Governors Spring Close monitoring of pupil groups. Governors On-going Asking challenging questions. Governors On-going Knowledge of pupil levels throughout the year. Every child receives free school meal. Governors On-going Governors From Sept + Capital money used to develop kitchen. Finance New catering products brought. 360 meals given out daily. Finance School Kitchen/catering revision. Finance On-going Staff attending relevant training. Staffing information Staff allocated. Minutes Knowledge Governor attendance. Staff revised policies RAISE online data Up-to-date policies. Information from staff Knowledge Minutes Knowledge Minutes Information from staff CJS meals provision Knowledge Minutes School meal increased uptake Before Sept ‘14 New kitchen equipment Good standard kitchen Before Sept ‘14 From Sept + Cutlery etc. Resources brought Delivery from CJS School dinner numbers Feedback Minutes Questionnaire? Annually SOURCE IMPACT EVALUATION NEXT STEPS ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE Management of the schools budget ensuring compliance with the Ofsted/Audit commission. Responsibility of premises and learning environment dealing with matters of school security. To ensure school is a safe environment. EXPECTED EVIDENCE ACTIONS Creation of school budget each financial year. WHO? Finance/ Head/ SBM TIMESCALE Spring RESOURCES Budget from DCC Monitoring of school budget. Finance/ Head/SBM Finance On-going Reports On-going H&S audit Report and actions taken Planned projects Projects completed Report of governors’ audit. Discussions on maintenance issues/projects. Governors conduct health & safety walk around. Finance Autumn terms Governors attend any relevant health & safety training. Finance When necessary COSHH register Access to all school Health & safety policy reviewed and approved. Finance Summer terms Training information Analysis of health & safety audit. Finance Autumn terms Audit report EXPECTED EVIDENCE Final budget signed Statement of best value signed Knowledge Governor input into H&S matters. Up-to-date policy. Governors know the issues which need to be resolved. SOURCE IMPACT EVALUATION NEXT STEPS