Parent Leadership Agenda

Parent Leadership Agenda
Purpose: Parents are provided guidance how to organize their thoughts, share their story and
gather reflections regarding their leadership qualities. This provides parents the opportunity to
recognize the natural leader that resides within them and inspires them to apply these talents,
skills and abilities in other areas of their life.
Objectives: Participants will:
Learn about a framework for leadership development
Identify leadership qualities
Discover why their leadership is important for their child and family
Organize their thoughts and share their personal story
Gather reflections about their natural leadership qualities
Learn how goal setting allows them to utilize their natural leadership qualities and make
contributions on behalf of all children
Time Required: 90 minutes (1.5 hours)
Room Set-up: Tables set-up in groupings of three
Learning Experiences: Inclusion Activity, Presentation, Brainstorm Activity, Individual
Exercise, Large Group Discussion, Small Group Storytelling, and Large Group Sharing
Materials Required:
Flip chart paper
Masking Tape
Sticky Notes
Laptop, Overhead Projector, Screen (Optional)
Parent Leadership Story Worksheet (Handout)
Circles of Influence (Circle Graphic and Why Parent Leadership is Important Handout)
Framework for Leadership Development (Framework Arrow Graphic and Framework
Description Handout)
Parent Leadership Goal Setting Worksheet (Handout)
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1. Welcome and Introduction-[10 minutes]
{Answers the question-Why are we here?}
***Trainer leads this section
 Trainer
 Overview of agenda
 Inclusion activity
2. Brainstorm of Leadership Qualities-[10 minutes]
{Answers the question-What are some leadership qualities?}
***Trainer provides directions for brainstorming and asks participants to think about a
leader that comes to mind to generate qualities to post on flipchart.
 Large group idea generation
3. Introduction to Framework for Leadership Development-[10 minutes]
{Answers the question - How do personal qualities fit together to generate leadership?}
***Trainer delivers content-Skills, Abilities, Behaviors and Attitudes that are Natural for
Leaders, followed by large group question and answer, if needed.
 Framework for Leadership Development (Framework Arrow Graphic and
Framework Descriptions Handout)
4. Parent Leadership is Important-[10 minutes]
{Answers the question-Why does this matter?} (Context)
***Trainer provides directions, provides time for participants to fill-in graphic and
facilitates a group discussion to gather what they noticed…the “aha’s”.
 Circles of Influence (Circle graphic & Why Parent Leadership is Important
5. Parent Leadership Story-[15 minutes]
{Answers the question-How does this relate to me?}
***Trainer provides directions and provides time for participants with handout.
 Parent Leadership Story Worksheet (Handout)
6. Sharing your Parent Leadership Story-[20 minutes]
{Practice presenting, listening for leadership qualities and reflecting qualities heard with
other leaders.} (Work in groups of three)
***Trainer provides directions, tracks time and signals small group movement every
three minute/two minute interval.
 Each individual has a full three minutes to present their story. (Group listens for
leadership qualities and writes on sticky notes.)
 Group members share the leadership quality reflections with the storyteller. (Two
minutes reflection per participant.)
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7. Large Group Share of Natural Leadership Qualities-[10 minutes]
{Integration of learning}
***Trainer provides directions and posts responses on flipchart
 Each participant shares with the large group the leadership quality present in their
story that was most interesting or surprising for them.
8. Wrap-up and goal setting worksheet-[5 minutes]
***Trainer briefly describe handout and explain that this is one way to work with natural
interest and organize action steps to become a leader for children in their community.
 Parent Leadership Goal Setting Worksheet (Handout)
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