Story Problem Project Letter

Math Storybook Project
Due Friday, November 21st
We want to learn about your family!
Dear Students and Families,
We have been working on whole number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division) and are starting to work with fractions with addition and subtraction. We have practiced
writing some word problems in class and for homework already. I am asking that as a family, you work
together with your child to write two of your own family-created problems, so that we can practice
what we have learned and get to know a little bit about you and your families.
I will then compile word problems from each family in both homerooms to create our own
class word problem storybook. The focus of our word problems will be operations with whole
numbers or fractions. These problems will allow us to know a little more about you and your family. If
your family is bilingual, please share your problems in both English and your home language! We will
also use these problems as practice problems in class, once our book is complete.
Please illustrate each problem. Draw a picture related to your problem or include some noncopyrighted clip art or photos with your problem. You may neatly handwrite or type the problems.
Happy Learning!
Mrs. Teresa McCarthy
Project Ideas:
1. Create a problem that includes family hobbies or interests.
2. Create a problem where you describe a family recipe. Explain what fractions of ingredients go
into the recipe.
3. Create a problem that describes a family holiday or gathering.
4. Create a problem where you tell about a special family trip.
5. Create a problem where you talk about your family tree.
6. Create a problem that involves a family tradition.
The possibilities are endless. Be creative and have fun!
1. Students will write two math story problems with their families. You can work with a parent,
grandparent, aunt, uncle, a sibling, or cousins. The math story problems should include
members of your family and whole numbers or fractions. Think about how your word problems
could teach us something about your family – such as your family traditions or something you
like to do together.
2. Here are some problem examples:
a. Addition / subtraction Sample Problem: Anna lives 23 miles from school. The soccer
field is 14 miles from Anna’s school. If Anna walks to school in the morning, and then
walks to soccer practice after school, how many miles does Anna walk?
b. Multiplication Sample Problem: Mrs. McCarthy is making a salad. She likes to make
her salad with lettuce, baby spinach, cranberries, and walnuts. She knows that the
recipe for making this salad calls for of the salad to be baby spinach. If the salad
makes 12 cups total, how much spinach should Mrs. McCarthy buy to make her salad?
c. Division Sample Problem: Ciara has a box of 144 crayons. If she shared her crayons
evenly with 11 friends and herself, how many crayons would each person get?
d. Equal Sharing Problem: Rylee and Evan really enjoyed the food at the ASB party. In
order to be fair, they decided to equally share the 4 pizzas amongst the ASB
representatives. If there were 28 representatives total, how much pizza does each
representative get?
3. After you have created your problems, it is time for you to solve them. Work with your family
to solve the problem in at least two ways. Does your family member have a different way to
solve the problem than we have been working on in class? Perhaps, you will be able to teach
your family member a new way to solve a problem. Remember the techniques that we have
learned in class.
a. Partial sums or Partial quotients
b. Repeated addition or repeated subtractions
c. Number line technique
d. Area model technique
e. Set models
f. Mathematical Algorithm (math procedure)
g. Other picture methods
4. Please write the answers and solutions to your problems on a SEPARATE paper from your story
problem. The story problem will be in one section of the book and the answer/solution will be
in an answer key section.
5. HAVE FUN!!! You can turn in both questions as soon as you finish or by November 21 st.