Unit 4 – Cells and Homeostasis – Daily Assignments Homework due

Unit 4 – Cells and Homeostasis – Daily Assignments
Homework due on November 6:
Read Module 14 and complete the enzyme lab
November 6
Double morning class with periods 3 and 4
Starting Module 14 – The cell theory and the size of cells
Surface area and volume ratio calculations
Types of cells
Complete the SA:V ratio calculations
Read M. 15 – take very good notes, because you will not get notes on this section
Morning class, Per. 5a/6
November 7
Morning class Per. 5a/6
Completing Module 14
Components of the eukaryotic cell – we only spend a short time to review these. You
had it three times already during your school years, so we are not going to spend much
time on it.
Read M. 16 by Friday
Read M. 17 by Monday
November 8
Completing Module 15
Review, practice and case studies
Starting M. 16 – elements of the cytoskeleton
Read M. 17 by Monday
Quiz on Wednesday
November 11
Completing Modules 16 and 17
Review questions, problems
Quiz on Wednesday
Read Module 82 by Tuesday
Morning class, Per. 3 tomorrow
November 12
Morning class, per. 3
Starting Module 82 – Prokaryotes
Gene transfer in prokaryotes
Prokaryotic reproduction
Prokaryotic structure and function
Quiz tomorrow on Modules 14-17
Wingoradsky column lab reports are due on Monday Nov. 18
Morning class, per. 4
November 13
Morning class, per. 4
Quiz on M. 14-17
Completing discussions, notes on prokaryotes
Wingoradsky column lab reports are due on Monday Nov. 18
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Read Module 18 by tomorrow
November 14
Morning class, per. 5a/6
The structure of the cell membrane and the function of its components
Read Module 19 by tomorrow
Wingoradsky column lab reports are due on Monday Nov. 18
November 15
Cell transport processes, notes and discussions
Wingoradsky column lab reports are due on Monday Nov. 18
Read Module 20 by Tu.
November 18
Lab reports are collected
Independent review
Read Module 20 by Tu.
Quiz on Modules 82-83 and 18-20 on Thursday
Morning class, per. 3
November 19
Morning class, per. 3
Water potential calculations
Starting Module 20
Quiz on Modules 82-83 and 18-20 on Thursday
Morning class, per. 4
November 20
Morning class, per. 4
Study quiz on water potential problems
Completing Module 20 - -bulk transport
Quiz on Modules 82-83 and 18-20 on Thursday
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Pre lab on Investigation 4 due on Monday
November 21
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Quiz on prokaryotic cells, membrane structure and transport processes
Read Module 126 by F.
Pre lab on Investigation 4 due on Monday
November 22
Animal structure and function
Pre lab on Investigation 4 due on Monday
November 25
Investigation 4
Lab report due on December 3
Read Module 127 by Monday, 12/2
No morning classes this week.
November 26
Investigation 4
Lab report due on December 3
Read Module 127 – Homeostasis by Monday, 12/2 (Be careful, this section is
mislabeled in your book. In the table of contents it is labeled as 128)
December 2
Completing animal structure and function
Starting homeostasis in animals
Read Module 128 – temperature regulation by W.
Lab report due on December 3
Morning class Per. 3
December 3
Morning class, per. 3
Lab reports on Investigation 4 collected
Completing homeostasis discussions, notes
Case study
Your case study is due on Thursday
Read Module 128 – temperature regulation by W.
Morning class, per. 4 tomorrow
December 4
Morning class, per. 4
Starting temperature regulation in animals
Read Module 157 by F.
Morning class, per. 5a/6 tomorrow
Quiz on Monday on Modules 126-128
December 5
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Completing temperature regulation in animals
Read Module 157 by F.
Quiz on Monday on Modules 126-128
December 6
Starting osmoregulation in animals
Notes, discussions
Quiz on Monday on Modules 126-128
December 9
Quiz on Modules 126-128
Notes and discussions on Module 157
Read Module 158 by tomorrow
Morning class, per. 3
December 10
Morning class, per. 3
Excretory systems of animals
Notes, discussions
Morning class, per. 4
Read Module 160 by W.
Quiz on Animal excretion on F. – you are not excused from the quiz because of the
Unit test on Tuesday
December 11
Morning class, per. 4
Completing the excretory systems of animals
Kidney function and hormonal regulation
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Quiz on Animal excretion on F. – you are not excused from the quiz because of the
Unit test on Tuesday
December 12
Morning class, per. 5a/6
Completing the unit
Quiz on Animal excretion on F. – you are not excused from the quiz because of the
Unit test on Monday
December 13
Unit test on Monday
December 16
Unit test on cells, homeostasis and excretion