1 Questionnaire of the ETC ICM on information on emissions from municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants Introduction: This questionnaire has been developed by the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Water (ETC/ICM, lead organisation: CENIA) with the main aim of extending the EEA’s water topic area to the West Balkan (WB) countries1. For this aim the WB countries are supported in establishing a regular annual data exchange system with data being reported in the relevant formats (in line with reporting obligations of the EU Member States). The EEA has agreed with the countries on six Priority Data Flows covering rivers, ground water, lakes, marine waters, emissions to water and water quantity, the latter two with reporting obligations from 2009 onwards. Priority data flows provide the data for the EEA core set of indicators. The ETC/ICM has been actively involved in the development and maintenance of the reporting infrastructure - the system for data collection, processing and assessment. Purpose of the questionnaire: The purpose of the questionnaire is to support West Balkan countries in establishing an inventory of point source emissions 2(including municipal and industrial emissions) as well as in reporting under the following data streams: UWWTD, WISE SoE emissions, EPRTR and waste water treatment relevant tables of the Eurostat/OECD joint questionnaire on inland water. The questionnaire should guide the WB countries both in the scoping for data available for regular reporting and also in the actual compilation of datasets. The parameters requested in the questionnaire can serve multiple purposes, as they can be used for reporting under the UWWTD and SoE Emissions; to identify and quantify significant point sources of pollution, including hazardous substances (a requirement of the Water Framework Directive and EQS Directive) and to serve as a base for the assessment of the quality of the data provided by operators of the facilities under E-PRTR Regulation. The data from the final datasets, after its incorporation into the European wide datasets, will be used in various EEA products, e.g. indicators, WISE maps, data viewers, specific assessments etc. Timeline: The Deadline for this questionnaire on data availability is 30.4.2013. The deadline for the provision of actual datasets will be agreed bilaterally with the nominated experts depending on data availability. The time needed for data compilation and submission will determine the date of the final workshop (either late June or September), where the products from the submitted data will be presented. Helpdesk In the case of any queries please contact the ETC ICM, hana.prchalova@cenia.cz (with regard to emissions, EPRTR and industrial facilities) and petra.ronen@cenia.cz (UWWTD, plants, agglomerations, discharge points, receiving areas). municipalities aglomerations industrial facilities wastewater treatment plants discharge points Questionnaire receiving area 1 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 2 Please note that the inventory of diffuse source is not covered in the questionnaire 2 The questionnaire is divided into the following 7 data blocks: Country information Municipalities Agglomerations Industrial facilities Waste water treatment plants Discharge points Receiving areas For each data block, the purpose of the requested data is given and the format (reporting template) in which data should be submitted is provided. The illustration of sample data gives further guidance to the data providers. The glossary is attached in the annex. Data availability should be marked according to the following legend: A all data available P partly data available (e.g. for several regions), please explain details under ‘remarks’ S some data available (e.g. for municipalities > 1000 inhabitants) NA not available Data block 1: Country information What information is requested? Item No. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Country information Availability number of inhabitants (total) number of municipalities > = 1500 inhabitants number of municipalities <1500 inhabitants number of inhabitants in municipalities > 1500 inhabitants number of inhabitants connected to collecting system without treatment A A A A S 1.6 Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and primary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied S 1.7 Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and secondary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied S 1.8 1.9 Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and tertiary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied S Number of inhabitants connected to independent waste water treatment NA 1.10 Number of inhabitants in agglomeration smaller than 2 000 p.e. NA requiring data from municipalities needed requiring data from municipalities needed requiring data from municipalities needed in Montenegro agglomerations have not been designated 3 What is the purpose of the requested information? The purpose of the collection of country information is to obtain an overview of the size distribution of municipalities and the aggregated information on the waste water treatment at country level. Some parameters from block 1 might be part of a regular data flow, e.g. Eurostat Joint Questionnaire on Inland Waters. If this is so, please indicate it under the remarks section. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. Data block 2: Municipalities What information is requested? Item No. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 municipalities Availability Code- ID Name Number of inhabitants NUTS RBD NA A A NA A Coordinates S Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) requiring data from municipalities needed What is the purpose of the requested information? The purpose of the data in block 2 is to obtain information on the individual municipalities, namely their size and location in terms of both coordinates and River Basin District (RBD) and NUTS. Municipalities (> = 1500 inhabitants) may be used as a proxy for the main reporting unit of the UWWTD – agglomerations3, in case agglomerations have not been designated. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. Data block 3: Agglomerations What information is requested? 3 Compliance with the requirements of the UWWTD is assessed at agglomeration level. Agglomeration is defined as“ According to the Article 2(4) of the Directive: 'Agglomeration’ means: an area where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently concentrated for urban waste water to be collected and conducted to an urban waste water treatment plant or to a final discharge point” 4 Item No. agglomerations Availability Code- ID Name Generated load (in p.e.) NUTS RBD Coordinates Rate of generated load of agglomeration collected via a collecting system (% of the total generated load in p.e.) Rate of generated load of agglomeration addressed through IAS (% of the total generated load in p.e.)p.e.) Rate of generated load of agglomeration not collected via collecting systems and not addressed through IAS (% of the total generated load in p.e.)p.e.) No. of inhabitants served by IAS per agglomeration No. of inhabitants without treatment per agglomeration Foreseen date of completion of the collecting system (in case the collecting system is not in place) NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) in Montenegro agglomerations have not been designated NA NA NA NA NA NA What is the purpose of the requested information? The purpose of the data in block 3 is to collect information on the waste water treatment at the level of the main management unit of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive- agglomeration. In the case that agglomerations have not been designated, it is possible to use municipality as a proxy. The term agglomeration refers in the first place to a sufficiently concentrated area for urban waste water to be collected and conducted to an urban waste water treatment plant. The existence of an agglomeration is independent from the existence of the collecting system. Nor is the presence of an agglomeration related to the existence of a treatment plant. The existence of an agglomeration relates to a de facto situation of ‘population and/or economic activities, which are sufficiently concentrated for urban waste water to be collected and conducted to an urban waste water treatment plant or a final discharge point’. The concept of agglomeration therefore also includes those areas which are sufficiently concentrated but where a collecting system is not yet in place. Moreover, because the demands of the Directive shall be fulfilled also in the future it is important to take the growth of the agglomeration into account when designing wastewater collection systems and urban wastewater treatment plants. It should be underlined that the agglomeration coincides with the sufficiently concentrated area itself and not with the de facto situation of the existing “catchment area” of a collecting system (i.e. network of sewers) within the agglomeration. However, the “catchment area” of a collecting system coincides with the limits of the agglomeration where the connection rate for the agglomeration is 100 %. The designation of agglomeration needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and according to local conditions. It should be periodically reviewed. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. 5 Data block 4: Industrial facilities What information is requested? Item No. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 industrial facilities Availability ID Name Number of generated load (in p.e.) - for food industry only NUTS RBD Coordinates NACE of facility Economic activity according to E-PRTR Annex I - for E-PRTR facilities obliged NA A NA NA A NA NA Type of facility (IPPC, E-PRTR) ID of municipality - identification of related municipality ID of agglomeration (for transfers mainly) ID of WWTP (if treated) A NA NA NA NA 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) not E-PRTR evidenced, no IPPC issued The purpose of the data in block 4 is to collect information on the industrial facilities with significant emissions from waste water. The industrial facilities could have their own waste water treatment plants (releases according to the E-PRTR Regulation) or discharge the waste water to municipal or other collecting systems and the treatment of mixed waste water is realized in another waste water treatment plant. Data in the block helps to identify all significant industrial facilities (mainly under IPPC and/or E-PRTR). How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. Data block 5: Wastewater treatment plants/collecting systems What information is requested? Item No. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Wastewater treatment plant/collecting system Availability Code-ID Name NUTS RBD Coordinates Status of WWTP (non, planned, under construction, operated) Type of WWTP (urban, industrial) ID of agglomeration/municipality (served by the WWTP or NA A NA A S A A NA Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) 6 connected to the collecting system) 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Organic design capacity (p.e.) Type of treatment (none, primary, secondary, more stringent, other) Type of more stringent treatment (N removal, P removal, other, chemical) Type of other treatment (e.g. sand filtration, UV, ozonization, chlorination, microfiltration) Substance of incoming load (BOD, COD, N and P for urban WWTs; relevant E-PRTR pollutants for industrial facilities) Value of incoming load (tonnes per year, BOD, COD, TSS, N, P for urban waste water treatment plants) A A S S NA NA The purpose of the data in block 5 is to obtain information namely on the availability of data on waste water treatment plants (parameters 5.1-5.14) and collecting systems (parameters 5.1-5.2 and 5.8). Key information is the size and location of the plant, the type of treatment applied and the incoming load. Some information could be relevant for UWWTPs only. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. Data block 6: Discharge points What information is requested? Item No. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.9 6.10 6.11 Discharge points Availability Code-ID Name Coordinates RBD Type of discharge point (WWTP, agglomeration without treatment, industrial facility without treatment) Type of water body receiving the discharge (river, lake, groundwater, transitional, coastal) Information on the sensitivity of the water receiving the discharge. ID of water body Substance of discharge (BOD, COD, N and P for UWWTPs; relevant E-PRTR pollutants for industrial facilities) Value of discharge (tonnes per year for BOD, COD, N and P; kg per years for UWWTPs and other substances relevant to E-PRTR for industrial facility) Discharged volume (m3 per year) NA A NA A Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) A A NA NA NA NA A Data on discharge points and discharged loads in block 6 further extend the information on waste water treatment plants. The purpose of this block is to review the availability attributes of discharge points (for discharges from treatment plants and collecting systems without treatment), being it coordinates, location 7 in RBDs, and the actual values of the annual discharged load of particular polluting substance and the annual volume of treated water discharged. Moreover information on the type of water receiving the discharge and on its sensitivity (e.g. in terms of eutrophication) is requested as well under block 6. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. Data block 7: Receiving areas What information is requested? Item No. 7.1 7.2 Receiving areas List of rivers, lakes, coastal waters, transitional waters designated as sensitive due to eutrophication, Spatial data of the sensitive areas Availability Remarks (please indicate if data can be provided by the end of May or if more time is needed) NA NA Finally block 7 requests the information on the availability of the information on waters receiving discharges from collecting systems and/or waste water treatment plants. For the beginning it is sufficient to know whether the receiving areas have been designated and whether there is spatial data available. How to provide the data? The template for data provision is attached in the annex. 8 Annex: Glossary Term Definition Reference Municipality Urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU for the purpose of the collection, development and harmonisation of EU regional statistics, socio-economic analyses of the regions and framing of EU regional policies. River Basin District Data should be provided from national statistics. NUTS RBD Agglomeration Code- ID p.e. Generated (in p.e.) IAS load ID of industrial facility NACE 'Agglomeration’ means: an area where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently concentrated for urban waste water to be collected and conducted to an urban waste water treatment plant or to a final discharge point” Code of an object (municipality, agglomeration, treatment plant) should always start with country prefix Population equivalent is a measure of pollution representing the average organic biodegradable load per person per day: it is defined in Directive 91/271/EEC as the organic biodegradable load having a five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of 60 g of oxygen per day.[1]. Size of pollution load generated in agglomeration (municipality) expressed in population equivalents. Individual appropriate systems of waste water treatment (septic tank, individual waste water treatment plants, cess-pools, etc.) ID of the industrial facility could be the same as ID for EPRTR (if the facility was reported in E-PRTR). All IDs are used for clear link between municipality – agglomeration – WWTP and discharges. Statistical classification of economic activities http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/na ce_rev2/introduction IPPC IPPC = integrated pollution prevention and control WWTP Water body ID Waste water treatment plant Code of water body designated under the Water Framework Directive, or national code. Code of an object should always start with country prefix Sensitive areas A water body must be identified as a sensitive area if it falls into one of the following groups: (a) natural freshwater lakes, other freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters which are found to be eutrophic or which in the near future may become eutrophic if protective action is not taken. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/por tal/nuts_nomenclature/introduction http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/water/interac tive/soe-wfd/wfd-river-basin-district-info-viewer Article 2(4) of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive http://www.waterframeworkdirective.wdd.moa.g ov.cy/docs/GuidanceDocuments/Guidancedoc9GI S.pdf http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/por tal/nace_rev2/introduction http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L: 2008:024:0008:0029:EN:PDF http://www.waterframeworkdirective.wdd.moa.g ov.cy/docs/GuidanceDocuments/Guidancedoc9GI S.pdf 9 The following elements might be taken into account when considering which nutrient should be reduced by further treatment: (i) lakes and streams reaching lakes, reservoirs, closed bays which are found to have a poor water exchange, whereby accumulation may take place. In these areas, the removal of phosphorus should be included unless it can bedemonstrated that the removal will have no effect on the level of eutrophication. Where discharges from large agglomerations are made, the removal of nitrogen may also be considered; (ii) estuaries, bays and other coastal waters which are found to have a poor water exchange, or which receive large quantities of nutrients. Discharges from small agglomerations are usually of minor importance in those areas, but for large agglomerations, the removal of phosphorus and/or nitrogen should be included unless it can bedemonstrated that the removal will have no effect on the level of eutrophication; (b) surface freshwaters intended for the abstraction of drinking water which could contain more than the concentration of nitrate laid down under the relevant 1 provisions of Council Directive 75/440/EEC of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the Member States if action is not taken; (c) areas where further treatment than that prescribed in Article 4 of this Directive is necessary to fulfil Council Directives. 10 ID of WWTP (if treated) Latitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS89) ID of agglomeration (for transfers mainly) RBD ID of municipality - identification of related municipality Type of facility (IPPC, E-PRTR) NUTS Economic activity according to EPRTR Annex I - for E-PRTR facilities obliged Number of inhabitants (thousands) NACE of facility Longitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS-89) Latitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS89) Municipality ID (Code) RBD NUTS Name of municipality Number of generated load (in p.e.) - for food industry only Name ID of facility Number of inhabitants in agglomeration smaller than 2 000 p.e. Number of inhabitants connected to independent waste water treatment Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and tertiary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and secondary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied Number of inhabitants connected to collecting system and primary treatment as the highest type of treatment applied number of inhabitants connected to collecting system without treatment number of inhabitants in municipalities > 1500 inhabitants number of municipalities <1500 inhabitants number of municipalities > = 1500 inhabitants number of inhabitants (total) 11 Data templates Data block 1 Data block 2 Longitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS-89) Data block 3 Table T_Agglomerations available at http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/x_wisereporting/library/treatment_directive/uwwtd_request_2011/supporting_documents/excel_templ_2011xls Data block 4 12 Data block 5 Table T_UWWTPs available at http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/x_wisereporting/library/treatment_directive/uwwtd_request_2011/supporting_documents/excel_templ_2011xls Data block 6 For discharges from urban waste water treatment plants please use the Table T_DischargePoints available at http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/x_wisereporting/library/treatment_directive/uwwtd_request_2011/supporting_documents/excel_templ_2011xls Data block 7 Table T_ReceivingAreas available at http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/x_wisereporting/library/treatment_directive/uwwtd_request_2011/supporting_documents/excel_templ_2011xl Discharged volume (m3 per year) Value of discharge (tonnes per year for BOD, COD, N and P; kg per years for UWWTPs and other substances relevant to E-PRTR for industrial facility) Substance of discharge (BOD, COD, N and P for UWWTPs; relevant E-PRTR pollutants for industrial facilities) ID of water body Information on the sensitivity of the water receiving the discharge. Type of water body receiving the discharge (river, lake, groundwater, transitional, coastal) Type of discharge point (WWTP, agglomeration without treatment, industrial facility without treatment) RBD Longitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS-89) Latitude [decimal degrees] (ETRS-89) Name Code-ID For discharges from industrial facilities, please use the following template