Sex differences in developmental plasticity and canalization shape population divergence in mate preferences Erik I. Svensson1,3, Anna Runemark1,2*, Machteld Verzijden1,* & Maren Wellenreuther1,* 1. Evolutionary Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Lund University, SE-223 62 Lund, SWEDEN 2. Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, NORWAY 3. Author for correspondence: *. These authors contributed equally. Order of authorship alphabetical. Supporting Results, Supporting Figures and Supporting Tables We found no instances of null-alleles and no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the microsatellite data. Genetic divergence was low and FST-values ranged from 0 to 0.0227 (Table S3; Fig. S1). Analyses using STRUCTURE showed the highest support for two clusters. One was the outgroup in France and the other included all south Swedish populations (Figs. S2-S4). This indicates either recent divergence or high levels of gene flow between geographically close study populations. The estimated pairwise migration rate (m) between populations ranged between 1% and 11% (Fig. 2; Table S4). These results were consistent between runs, although the results have to be interpreted with some caution given the low genetic divergence between populations. Together, the data suggest a scenario with low genetic population divergence, presumably due to high gene flow. To test whether observed behavioral differentiation in male and female mate preferences between allopatric and sympatric populations (Fig. 3) were due to an effect of sympatric populations being more genetically close than allopatric ones, we investigated if the FST-values differed between ecological categories. We first tested if FST-values were higher 1 between allopatric-sympatric population pairs than between population pairs within each ecological category, which we could reject (F1,19=0.37; P=0.55; Fig. S5A). Next, we divided the population pairs into three ecological categories and pairwise comparisons: allopatric vs. sympatric, allopatric vs. allopatric and sympatric vs. sympatric (Fig. S5B). The divergence between populations between ecological categories (allopatric-sympatric pairwise comparisons) was not significantly higher than that within ecological categories (allopatric-allopatric and sympatric-sympatric pairwise comparisons; F2,18=1.00; P=0.39; Fig. S5B). We further tested whether our pairwise gene flow estimates within ecological categories (allopatric-allopatric and sympatric-sympatric pairwise population comparisons) exceeded that between ecological categories (allopatric-sympatric pairwise population comparisons). We found no significant differences in estimated gene flow between these categories (Fig. 2: F1,40=1.27; P=0.27; Fig. S6A). Neither did we find significant differences between categories when these population pairs were divided into three categories (allopatricsympatric, allopatric-allopatric, sympatric-sympatric; F2,39=2.97; P=0.063; Fig. S6B). 2 Figure S1 Molecular genetic differentiation measured as pair-wise FST-values between all southern Swedish populations. The color indicates the FST-values. Allopatric populations are denoted by A and sympatric populations by S. As the FST-values are pair-wise properties this is a symmetric matrix. The values on the diagonal are therefore per definition zero as they refer to genetic differentiation of a population against itself. 3 Figure S2 Structure grouping of individuals for the K with highest support (see e.g. Figs S3S4). The mainly red section (left) consists of the seven study populations in southern Sweden, whereas the green section shows the outgroup data from the C. splendens population in France. This graph illustrates the low genetic divergence between the southern Swedish populations. 4 Figure S3 Estimates of mean of Ln probability of data for successive values of K for all study populations and the outgroup from France. The highest difference is between K=1 and K=2, whereas this difference stagnates between K=2 and K=3. This supports K=2. 5 Figure S4 An alternative method to find the K with highest support is the Evanno method (Evanno et al. 2005) where the difference in Ln(K) between successive K’s is divided by the standard deviation of Ln(K) is used to find the best K for the data set. The K with the highest ratio is supported, and the Evanno method hence gives further support to a K of 2, the seven study populations in south Sweden forming one cluster and the population in France the other cluster. 6 Figure S5 A) We found no significant differences in FST -values between population pairs with different ecologies, e.g. allopatric-sympatric or the reverse (AS), and the same ecological setting (allopatry-allopatry (AA) and sympatry-sympatry (SS); F1,19=0.37; P=0.55). B) There were no significant differences in FST -values when we divided the population pairs into three categories (allopatric-sympatric or the reverse, allopatry-allopatry and sympatry-sympatry; F2,18=1.00; P=0.39). Bars denote 95% confidence intervals. A. 7 B. 8 Figure S6 We found no significant differences in estimated migration rates between population pairs with different ecologies, e.g. allopatric-sympatric or the reverse (AS), and the same ecological setting (Fig. 2: allopatry-allopatry (AA) and sympatry-sympatry (SS); F1,40=1.27; P=0.27). Below, we have also illustrated the estimated pairwise comparisons when we used three ecological categories instead of two (as in Fig. 2). There were no significant differences in estimated migration rates between these three ecological categories (F2,39=2.97; P=0.063). 9 Table S1 Population abbreviations, population names, allopatry or sympatry, geographic information, number of female preference trials, number of male preference trials and number of genetic samples per population. Abbre- Population Allopatry/ Latitude viation name Sympatry A1 Höje Å: Allopatric 55.70220 Allopatric Longitude Female Male Genetic tests tests samples 13.14379 80 30 23 55.94817 13.37418 71 20 18 Allopatric 55.70989 13.51850 46 20 14 Klingavälsån: Allopatric 55.62294 13.62378 67 20 - Allopatric 56.86250 14.65878 35 - - Klingavälsån: Sympatric 55.63790 13.58549 91 39 22 Sympatric 55.65060 13.66987 74 - 23 Sympatric 56.21549 14.75463 65 - 10 Klingavälsån: Sympatric 55.60447 13.65638 - 60 23 - - 90 Värpinge A2 Rönne Å: Stockamöllan A3 Kävlingeån: Harlösa A4 Världs Ände A5 Helge Å: Gemla S1 Naturreservat S2 Åsumsån: Omma S3 Mörrumsån: Rosendala S4 Sövdemölla Outgroup Loire Allopatric 46.57- 0.051- outgroup 47.26 2.313 10 Table S2 Statistical test (mixed-model analysis) of sex differences in population divergence of mate preferences between allopatry and sympatry (Fig. 3C). R-code and statistical output are provided below, as well as tests for model fit (AIC). “Pop” was a random factor that was nested within “Ecology” (Model 2) or at the same level as the other factor (Model 1). There was no significant difference (judged by comparing AIC-scores) between Model 1 and Model 2. #Non-nested model library(nlme) library(lme4) Model1 <- lme(Normresponse ~ Sex + Ecology + Sex*Ecology,random=~1|Pop, data=dataset) summary(Model1) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: dataset AIC BIC logLik -34.96687 -14.26064 23.48344 Random effects: Formula: ~1 | Pop (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 0.2113623 0.2011628 Fixed effects: Normresponse ~ Sex + Ecology + Sex * Ecology Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 1.2127862 0.09720384 226 12.476731 SexMale -0.7087726 0.03927372 226 -18.046992 EcologySympatry -0.4426535 0.14694450 7 -3.012385 SexMale:EcologySympatry 0.2268260 0.06190037 226 3.664372 Correlation: (Intr) SexMal EclgyS SexMale -0.131 EcologySympatry -0.662 0.087 SexMale:EcologySympatry 0.083 -0.634 -0.181 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 -3.72674793 -0.60123028 -0.02133273 0.52345999 0.0000 0.0000 0.0196 0.0003 Max 3.49495444 Number of Observations: 237 Number of Groups: 9 anova(Model1) numDF (Intercept) Sex Ecology Sex:Ecology 1 1 1 1 denDF 226 226 7 226 F-value p-value 118.2295 417.8671 5.7041 13.4276 <.0001 <.0001 0.0483 0.0003 11 #Nested model Model2 <- lme(Normresponse ~ Sex*Ecology, random=~Ecology|Pop, data=dataset) summary(Model2) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: dataset AIC BIC logLik -31.42115 -3.812842 23.71057 Random effects: Formula: ~Ecology | Pop Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization StdDev Corr (Intercept) 0.2420580 (Intr) EcologySympatry 0.1578728 -0.741 Residual 0.2011371 Fixed effects: Normresponse ~ Sex * Ecology Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 1.2128304 0.11059872 226 10.966044 0.0000 SexMale -0.7077184 0.03928952 226 -18.012905 0.0000 EcologySympatry -0.4431389 0.14111616 7 -3.140242 0.0164 SexMale:EcologySympatry 0.2276168 0.06162961 226 3.693303 0.0003 Correlation: (Intr) SexMal EclgyS SexMale -0.115 EcologySympatry -0.784 0.090 SexMale:EcologySympatry 0.074 -0.638 -0.188 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 -3.75124524 -0.60029322 -0.02054388 0.53526730 Max 3.51364248 Number of Observations: 237 Number of Groups: 9 anova(Model2) (Intercept) Sex Ecology Sex:Ecology numDF denDF F-value p-value 1 226 108.5495 <.0001 1 226 417.6155 <.0001 1 7 6.2033 0.0416 1 226 13.6405 0.0003 #Model fits (AIC-scores) of Model 1 vs. Model 2 AIC(Model1) [1] -34.96687 AIC(Model2) [1] -31.42115 #Comparing model fits (AIC-scores) of Model 1 vs. Model 2 anova(Model1,Model2) Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value Model1 1 6 -34.96687 -14.260641 23.48344 Model2 2 8 -31.42115 -3.812842 23.71057 1 vs 2 0.4542781 0.7968 12 Table S3 Matrix of pair-wise FST estimates between study populations in Sweden (note that the French outgroup population is not included here). Allopatric populations are denoted by A and sympatric populations by S. Full population names and localities are provided in Table S1. A1 A2 A3 S1 S2 S3 S4 A1 0.0000 0.0097 0.0068 0.0000 0.0022 0.0046 0.0027 A2 ns 0.0000 0.0018 0.0134 0.0000 0.0000 0.0097 A3 ns ns 0.0000 0.0000 0.0033 0.0038 0.0227 S1 ns ns ns 0.0000 0.0044 0.0127 0.0104 S2 ns ns ns ns 0.0000 0.0000 0.0157 S3 ns ns ns ns Ns 0.0000 0.0058 S4 ns ns ns ns Ns ns 0.0000 13 Table S4 Pair-wise migration rate estimates (m) for the southern Swedish populations obtained using BayesAss. The estimates present the mean of the highest probability of the posterior distribution from ten independent runs. Note that the matrix is not symmetric as the migration rate from one population to another does not necessarily equal the migration rate from the second population to the first. A1 A2 A3 S1 A1 0.68859 A2 0.06826 0.69598 0.06899 0.02231 S2 S3 0.0494 0.06119 0.02277 0.10347 0.01166 0.056 S4 0.0629 0.0135 0.07496 A3 0.0661 0.04525 0.70372 0.03459 0.07388 0.01603 0.06039 S1 0.05178 0.03169 0.03476 0.73824 0.07258 0.01153 0.05943 S2 0.06478 0.06289 0.05954 0.01933 S3 0.05756 0.07174 0.05359 0.02429 0.05036 S4 0.10631 0.0434 0.7036 0.01127 0.07854 0.6888 0.05372 0.067 0.01542 0.03448 0.01109 0.72227 14