Evaluation of method The information on this website is based on a variety of scientific or other publications. The complete reading list you can find below in the table of literature. Besides the author, title & year, mesh terms, source and a reference you will also find the level of evidence of each article in the reading list. The subjoined table will give you an impression of the level of evidence of the publications that were used. Level of evidence A1 – systematical review A2 – randomized placebo controlled double blind research B – other comparative research C – non-comparative research D – expert opinion E – other publications Number of articles used with this qualification 0 0 Percentage 4 4 19 5 12,5% 12,5% 60% 16% 0% 0% Most publications that were used (60%) have a D-level of evidence, meaning that they are based on the opinion of an expert. Often this refers to information from official government websites, such as Department of Health, An Bord Bia or the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. This information was used to create a general picture of Ireland and to get an idea of how things work in Ireland, for instance how healthcare works. 25% of the articles used have a B- or C-level of evidence. These articles were used in paragraphs that require up to date and reliable data for dietitians, such as the paragraphs about general health and common health issues and the paragraphs on eating and drinking habits, dieting trends and food recommendations. An example of a an article with a C-level of evidence is the National Adult Nutrition Survey 2011 that was used for both the paragraph on eating and drinking habits and the paragraph on common health issues. Another example is the SLAN 2007-study: a survey on lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition in Ireland; dietary habits of the Irish population - that was used for the paragraph about eating and drinking habits. An E-qualification was given to information from websites such as www.rte.ie (Ireland’s national public service broadcaster). These websites provided interesting information for the website (dieting trends), but had no scientific character. Table of Literature References used to compile the website. Author Title & year Mesh term Source Reference Coughlan et al Motivation for a Health-Literate Health Care SystemDoes Socioeconomic Status Play a Substantial Role? Implications for an Irish Health Policymaker (2013) Tomorrow’s shopper - a report on the evolution of shoppers in Ireland and the UK (2011) Irish Health Care System PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC381 5196/ Marketing Publications An Bord Bia An Bord Bia Retail Markets Today and Tomorrow in Ireland and the UK (2011) Marketing Publications An Bord Bia An Bord Bia Irish & British consumers and their food - full report. (PERIscope 2013) Marketing Publications An Bord Bia An Bord Bia Recipes: Traditional Irish Breakfast (2013) Irish breakfast An Bord Bia BBC BBC News Europe (2013) bailout programme Ireland BBC News Europe Callaghan, M & the HBSC Ireland Team Culirama.com Dieting among schoolchildren in Ireland. HBSC Ireland Research Factsheet No. 6. Fact Sheet (2012) Dieting Ireland Google Scholar Irish kitchen (2013) Irish eating habits Google Department of Health Diabetes Federation Ireland HEALTH IN IRELAND Key Trends (2012) Health Ireland Diabetes in Ireland (2013) Diabetes, Ireland Embassy of Ireland Embassy of Ireland (2013). About Ireland Embassy of Ireland European cuisines Ireland: What do Irish people Eat? (2013) Irish eating habits Department of Health Website Diabetes Federation Ireland Website Irish Department of Foreign Affairs Google Food Safety Authority of Home. Quick Links(2013). Food, Ireland, dieting trends, health, An Bord Bia Google.ie Level of Evidence C Used in topic http://www.bordbia.ie/industryservices/information /publications/bbreports/Documents/Tomorrows%20 Shopper.pdf http://www.bordbia.ie/industryservices/information /publications/bbreports/Documents/Retail%20Trend s%20-%20Ireland%20and%20the%20UK%202011.pdf http://www.bordbia.ie/industryservices/information /publications/bbreports/periscope6/pages/periscop e2013.aspx http://www.bordbia.ie/aboutfood/recipes/Pages/Tr aditionalIrishBreakfast.aspx Ireland to exit international bailout in December. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe24937245 http://aran.library.nuigalway.ie/xmlui/handle/10379 /3266 D Food Trends D Food Trends D Food Trends D D Eating and drinking habits General information B Dieting trends http://www.culirama.com/nl/wereldkeukens/europ ese-keukens/britse-keuken/ierse-keuken http://www.dohc.ie/publications/?year=2012 D Eating and drinking habits General health http://www.diabetes.ie/about-diabetes/diabetes-inireland/ D Common health issues http://www.irishembassy.nl D General information http://www.europeancuisines.com/What-Do-IrishPeople-Eat D www.fsai.ie/home.html D Eating and drinking habits Food Trends Dieting trends B Health care and insurances Ireland (FSAI) Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) Floyd et al Scientific Recommendations for Healthy Eating Guidelines in Ireland. (2011a). nutrition Food recommendation Google http://www.fsai.ie/science_and_health/healthy_eati ng.html C Food recommendations Healthy Eating and Active Living for Adults, Teenagers and Children over 5 Years – A Food Guide for Health Professionals and Catering Services. (2011b). Food Safety Authority of Ireland, about us. (2014). Food recommendation Google http://www.fsai.ie/news_centre/healthy_eating_gui delines_booklet/13062012.html C Food recommendations Health organizations Ireland Google http://www.fsai.ie/about_us.html E Relevant organizations General practioners experience in dietary counselling; poor access to dietetic services (2011) Get Ireland Active (2013) Dietary services Lenus.ie http://www.lenus.ie/hse/handle/10147/127432 C Healthcare system INDI.ie D Dieting trends SLAN 2007: Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Dietary Habits of the Irish Population (2008) Healthy Eating (2014) Eating habits Ireland PubMed http://www.getirelandactive.ie/getmotivated/popular-apps/ http://www.publichealth.ie/sites/default/files/docu ments/files/slan.pdf B Eating and drinking habits Health campaigns Google https://www.healthpromotion.ie/ D Health Service Executive, health a-z (2013) Hart attack, cancer Website of HSE D Hofstede, Geert What about Ireland? (2013) Hofstede, Ireland Google http://www.hse.ie/portal/eng/health/az/H/Heartattack/ and http://www.hse.ie/portal/eng/health/az/C/Cancer/ http://geert-hofstede.com/ireland.html, Public health campaigns Common health issues Impact Trade Untion Health & Social care professionals (2014) Dietitian Salary Ireland Google.ie D Irish Department of Foreign Affairs Irish Department of Foreign Affairs (2013) Via website of irish embassy D General information Irish Medical Organisation Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Irish Medical Organisation(2013) http://www.imo.ie/news-media/events/praise-forimo-gps-on-ope/ http://www.indi.ie/what-is-a-dietitian/nutritionviews.html D Dieting Trends Nutritional views, Malnutrition/Undernutrition - a modern day phenomenon (2013) TV Ratings operation transformation INDI, underweight, undernutrition Irish Department of Foreign Affairs Website Google.ie http://www.impact.ie/Your-Sector/PublicSector/Health/Salary-Scales/Current-salary-scales2010/Health-and-social-care-professionals---DO.htm http://www.dfat.ie/our-role-policies/trade-andpromotion/about-ireland/, D Common health issues Irish Nutrition & Join the INDI (2013) Dietitian in Ireland https://www.indi.ie/what-is-a-dietitian/dietitians- D Registration Get Ireland Active Harrington, J. et al Health Promotion Health Service Executive (HSE), Website INDI Website of Irish D Patient – healthcare worker interaction Patient – healthcare worker interaction Dietetic Institute Nutrition & Dietetic Institute nutrition-experts.html Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance IUNA National Adult Nutrition Survey Summary Report on Food and Nutrient intakes, Physical Measurements, Physical Activity Patterns and Food Choice Motives (2011) National Adult Nutrition Survey 2011. Nutrition, Ireland Google.ie Dr J. Walton et all, (2011 March). http://www.iuna.net/?p=106 B Common health issues Nutrition survey Ireland Google http://www.iuna.net/?p=106 C Mooney,E., Farley,H. and Strugnell.,C. A qualitative investigation into the opinions of adolescent females regarding their body image concerns and dieting practices in the Republic of Ireland (ROI).(2009) Dieting trends Ireland Google Scholar C Nutrition and Health Foundation Oireachtas Library and research service Public Health Agency (PHA) Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTE) Nutrition and Health Foundation, bout the NHF (2014) Health organizations Ireland Google Spot light, Obesity – a growing problem ? (2011) Health, dieting, nutrition, Ireland Google.ie Appetite 52 (2009) 485–491 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.147064 31.2004.00392.x/abstract;jsessionid=B661DADCC35 2E3C4AA0BBD7002B872B5.f04t03?deniedAccessCus tomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false http://www.nutritionandhealth.ie/Sectors/NHF/nhf. nsf/vPages/About_the_NHF~overview?OpenDocum ent http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/about/libraryr esearchservice/publications/spotlight2011/ Eating and drinking habits Food Trends Dieting Trends Public Health Agency, news (2011) Public health campaigns Dietitian, Ireland Google Safefood Safefood, about us (2014) Safefood Safefood, campaigns (2014) The Nutrition Society Weigh2live E Relevant organizations D Common health issues D INDI.ie http://www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/majorcampaign-tackle-obesity http://www.rte.ie/ot/ Public health campaigns Dieting Trends Google http://www.safefood.eu/Utility/About-Us D Google Google.ie http://www.safefood.eu/Utility/AboutUs/Campaigns/Stop-the-Spread http://www.nutritionsociety.org D Irish Section (2013) Health organizations Ireland Public health campaigns Dietitian, Ireland D Relevant organizations Public health campaigns Dieting Trends Health Links (2013) Dietitian, Ireland Google.ie http://weigh2live.safefood.eu/ D Dieting Trends Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTE) (2013). Operation Transformation. E