School Games Somerset Schools Rugby County Cup Competition Rules This year the decision has been taken to hold a Somerset Schools Rugby County Cup for Schools in Somerset. The format is an “open Knock-out” competition. The competition will take place between September and December and will be for school years 8-11. The Finals are scheduled to take place 15th/16th and 17th December at Millfield School. 1. The Competition – a. All entries must be received before the closing date. 19th June b. Entry will be for Years 8,9,10 and 11 c. The draw for the competitions shall be made within two weeks of the closing date for entries. d. All matches shall be played on the Cup-Tie (inter-school and shall take precedence over all other school matches. e. The Competition Organiser shall fix the dates within which all matches shall be played. f. Last year’s winners and Runners Up at the previous age group will be seeded 1 and 2 respectfully. g. In all Competitions the first named team in the draw is the Home team and the second named team is the Away team irrespective of where the game is actually played. h. Both home and away team managers are responsible for making and agreeing a fixture date on or before the play by date. Failure to do so may lead to both teams being disqualified from the competition. Should no date be acceptable by the two competing schools/areas the date shall then be fixed by the Competition Organiser. i. Home School to inform opponents of venue, kick off times, colours, travelling directions, etc. at least 48 hours prior to the match. Where colours are similar the home school/area shall retain its colours and the away school shall change to a suitable contrasting colour. j. The home side should provide a referee, preferably neutral and qualified, or the PE teacher. This will be agreed between the two teams as to which PE teacher will referee. k. Semi-finals will not be played at a set venue, but schools can negotiate where to play this game. A neutral referee can be booked through the Somerset Referee’s Society. This can be done by contacting Reg Lewis SASP, Castle Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ Registered charity (no. 1118900) The cost of the neutral referee is to be covered by the competing teams, if required. l. The Winning & Home School– must inform the Competition Secretary of the result within 48 hours of the game being played. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. 2. Matches a. Where a match has not been played or the result of a match remains unresolved by the end of the relevant regulated week, the Organising Committee may, in its sole discretion, determine which team (if any) will progress in the competition(s). This power will only apply to situations where there is no other opportunity to play/replay a match and the successful delivery of the competition(s) is at risk. b. Schools / Areas seeking an extension must apply to the Competition Secretary no later than 48 hours prior to the limit date. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification. c. The final ties shall be played on grounds to be appointed by the Competition Organiser. This will be at Millfield in December d. Semi-finals will not be played at a set venue, but schools can negotiate where to play this game. A neutral referee can be booked through the Somerset Referee’s Society. This can be done by contacting Reg Lewis The cost of the neutral referee is to be covered by the competing teams, if required. e. Teams shall supply a qualified referee for all stages of the competition. The Competition Organiser will cover the cost of a neutral referee at the semifinals (although this must be booked by schools directly) and finals. However, each team should bring an appropriately competent adult, or qualified junior official, to act as Line Judge to 'run the line'. This individual should not be a playing member of the team and it would be preferable for it also not to be the team manager. 3. Scoring a. In the interest of providing a positive experience for all, please “manufacture” the game so that no team will win by more than 50 points. I.e use substitutes, creative refereeing, adjust playing time. b. There will be no extra time in any round. c. In all matches in the event that scores are level at the end of the match, the winner will be: a) the team scoring the most tries or if that fails to produce a winner b) the team scoring the most goals from tries. SASP, Castle Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ Registered charity (no. 1118900) d. With the exception of the Semi Finals and Final if Regulation (g) does not produce a winner then the Away team is the winner. e. Abandoned with Less than 50 minutes played i. If the match is abandoned solely because of the weather conditions, (including bad light), when less than 50 minutes have been played, then the match will be replayed unless the Organising Committee exceptionally, and in absolute discretion, agrees/specifies otherwise. f. Abandoned with 50 or more minutes played i. If a match is abandoned solely because of weather conditions, (including bad light), when fifty or more minutes have been played, then the score at the moment of abandonment shall stand and be deemed the final score in the match. The Referee’s decision as to the necessity for abandonment and the number of minutes played at the moment of abandonment shall be final. 4. Duration of Matches – all matches within the competition shall be of the following maximum duration (this may be shortened, with the consent of both team managers, if the playing conditions at Kick Off determine it would be more suitable, appropriate and safer to play a reduced length of time) :i. Under 13’s and Under 14 – 25 minutes each way ii. Under 15’s - 30 minutes each way iii. Under 16 - 35 minute each way b. Postponed or abandoned matches shall be played within seven days, but where schools are not mutually agreed on a date, it shall be fixed by the Competition Secretary. c. The Ball – the following size of ball shall be used:i. Under 13’s and Under - 14’s Size 4 ii. Under 15’s and Under 16’s – Size 5 d. Substitutes. Rolling substitutes may be used. 5. Disputes – any matters not covered by the rules of the Competition or any dispute shall be dealt with by the Competition Secretary. Any dispute shall be put in writing and must reach the Competition Secretary within seven days of the fixture or dispute. 6. Play By Dates TBC . For Illustration dates TBC a. Round 1 by October 9th b. Quarter Finals by 6th November c. Semi-Finals by 27th November d. Finals TBC December SASP, Castle Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ Registered charity (no. 1118900) School Games Somerset Schools Rugby County Cup Entry Form School Name: Team Manager Name (the person to contact about fixtures) Team Manager Email Team Manager Tel number mobile/direct dial: In case of need for urgent contact. School Tel number: Please indicate with a tick your team entries. Year 8 team Year 9 team Year 10 team Year 11 team Please describe home kit colour By returning this form you confirm that you would like to enter the Somerset Schools Rugby County Cup with the teams you have identified. You also confirm you have read and understood the rules and play by dates. Entry Deadline is 19th June 2015 Results Returned to Nancy Murdoch ASAP following the fixture. Text: 07920773918 Email SASP, Castle Business Park, Castle Road, Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ Registered charity (no. 1118900)