Burgos Marine Protected Area

Revised Theory of Change: Burgos Marine Protected Area
BR-Barrier Removal
Target Audience: Local Fishers, intruders, community residents & Women’s Organization
Improved Compliance
Burgos Local fishers
Burgos Fishers believed that
Burgos fishers
Burgos local fishers
have increased
good protection of the MPA discussed with one
actively attended in
knowledge &
would benefit them (
another how they can
the fisheries law
awareness that
increase in their fish catch
improve the protection orientation ( RA 8850 &
protecting MPA would
due to spill-over effect ) and
the Burgos MPA
Municipal Ordinance )
benefit them ( increase that they have a key role to
& enforcement training
in their fish catch due
play in this
to spill-over effect ) and
that they can play a
role in doing so
Improved Governance
Burgos local fishers
have increased
awareness that good
MPA governance would
benefit them through
the increase of their
fish catch due to spillover effect and that
Burgos local fishers
believed that good MPA
governance would benefit
them through the increase
of their fish catch due to spillover effect and that they
have a key role to play in this
by participating in MPA
Burgos local fishers
discuss with one
another how they can
improved the
management of the
Burgos local fishers
Actively participated in
orientation/training on
MPA management
development t, MPA
BC-Behavior Change
TR-Threats Reduction
80 % Burgos local
fishers involved in the
enforcement by
reporting to the
enforcers if there are
violators intruding the
no take zone of the
95 % reduction of
intrusions within the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
due to spill-over
effect by year 2012
80% Burgos local
Involved in the
Governance of Burgos
management planning,
development t, MPA
95 % Reduction of
intrusions within the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
they can play a role in
doing so by
participating in MPA
management planning
and MPA monitoring
Improved compliance
Burgos Local Intruders
increase knowledge on
the importance of the
MPA for their
sustainable increase
fish catch due to spillover effect and the
consequences of
breaking the rules on it
Improved Governance
Burgos women’s
Increased knowledge
that good MPA
management would
result to the increase of
fish catch of their
husband due to spillover effect and provide
sustainable food supply
to their family & to the
whole community as
management planning and
MPA monitoring
monitoring (biophysical & soci-eco
survey )
monitoring (biophysical & soci-eco
survey )
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
due to spill overeffect by year 2012
Burgos local intruders
believed on the importance
of the MPA for their
sustainable fish catch due to
spill-over effect and the
consequences of breaking
the rules on it
Burgos local intruders
discussed with one
another on the on the
importance of the MPA
for their sustainable
fish catch due to spillover effect and the
consequences of
breaking the rules on it
Burgos local intruders
Actively attended
orientation / training
on fisheries laws
(National Policy- RA
8850 & Local Policy –
Municipal Ordinance)
90 % Burgos local
voluntarily &
involuntarily comply
the rules of the MPA
95 % reduction of
intrusions within the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
due to spill overeffect by year 2012
Burgos women’s believed
that good MPA management
would result to the increase
of fish catch of their husband
and for the sustainable food
supply of their family & to
the whole community; and
that they have an important
role to play by getting
involved in the MPA
planning, org development
and socio-economic survey
Burgos women’s
discuss & talk with one
another how they
could contribute to
improve the
Management of Burgos
Burgos women’s
actively attended
orientation/training on
MPA organizational
management, MPA
planning, MPA
monitoring ( Socioeconomic survey )
80% Burgos women’s
involved in the MPA
MPA planning,
development & socioeconomic survey
95 % reduction of
intrusions within in the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
due to spill overeffect by year 2012
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
Improved Governance
Burgos community
residents have
knowledge that good
MPA governance would
benefit them and if
they got involved it
would help to increase
fish catch of their
fishers and provide
them sustainable food
supply and contribute
better economy within
barangay Burgos
Improved compliance
Burgos Community
residents have
knowledge that
protecting the MPA and
reporting enforcers
would benefit them to
the increase fish catch
of their fishers &
provide sustainable
food supply and
contribute better
Burgos community residents
believed that good MPA
governance would benefit
them to the increase of fish
catch of their fishers and
provide them sustainable
food supply and contribute
better economy within
barangay Burgos; and that
they have an important role
to play by getting involved in
the MPA planning, org
development and socioeconomic survey
Burgos community
residents discussed
with one another how
they could help to
improve the
governance of Burgos
Burgos community
residents attended
orientation/training on
development, MPA
planning, MPA
Monitoring ( Biophysical & Socio
Economic )
80 % Burgos
community residents
involved in the
development, MPA
planning, MPA
monitoring (Biophysical & socio
economic )
95 % reduction of
intrusions within the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
due to spill overeffect by year 2012
Burgos Community residents
believed that protecting the
MPA would benefit them to
the increase fish catch of
their fishers & provide
sustainable food supply and
contribute better economy;
and that they have an
important role to play by
reporting enforcers
Burgos Community
residents discuss with
one another how they
could help protect
Burgos MPA in order to
increase fish catch of
their fishers & provide
sustainable food supply
and contribute better
Burgos community
residents actively
attended orientation
on fisheries laws
(National Policy- RA
8850 & Local Policy –
Municipal Ordinance)
80 % of Burgos
community residents
Involved in the
protection of the MPA
by reporting to the
enforcers if there are
intruders in the no take
zone of Burgos MPA
95 % reduction of
intrusions within the
NTZ of Burgos MPA
through the use of
Spear fishing during
night time using
modified flashlights,
petromax and trammel
nets, fine meshed nets
with scaring devices that
caused mortality of reef
fish spawner’s within
the no take zone of
Burgos MPA
10% increase in fish
invertebrate’s and 2
% hard coral cover
within the NTZ and
perceived higher
fish catch of fishers
due to spill overeffect by year 2012
To improve biodiversity of Burgos MPA, threats must be addressed by 95% reduction of intrusion of spearfishing and fine meshed net with scaring devices within the no take
zone. This can be achieved if 80% of Burgos local fishers, intruders, women & community residents will have a sense ownership of the MPA and involved in the governance
and enforcement. Participate in the MPA planning, organizational development, monitoring and enforcement training conducted by LAP, NGA’s & partner NGO’s. Believed
and discussed to each other how they could help to improve the MPA governance and enforcement. Increase their knowledge by 80% through the information that having
an MPA would result to the increase fisher’s fish catch and provide sustainable food supply. Thus, conservation result deemed achieved by 10% increase in fish abundance,
fish biomass, invertebrates and 2% coral cover & perceived fishers fish catch of Burgos due to spill-over effect by 2012.
Statement why Rare pride campaign is effective?, how it fits to LAP plan? and why work to other sites?
Why is effective?
Rare pride campaign using social marketing strategy/theory of change in the strengthening the management of MPA is an effective tool because it has a complete mix that
addresses social, economic and biological. In our site, we focused only on the small group of MPA managers in managing the MPA’s. We overlooked the involvement of the
other sectors like fishers, youth, women, religious & other sectors that would directly or indirectly affect the operation of it. The most important also is the establishment of a
systematic and periodic monitoring & evaluation that serve as the basis for tracking down the operation. The results also serve as the basis for re-planning and changing its
strategy of the implementation.
From the TWG members view:
Last November 23, 2010, we conducted the first technical working group orientation. Before the end of the orientation, all of them had given a chance to talk about the rare pride
program. I was very happy because all members of the TWG have the same impressions. They were all impressed of the strategy of the Rare pride. Especially in social
marketing/theory of change strategy whose principle is involving all sectors in the community to help manage and protect the MPA’s. They realized also that they have the role to
play in the management of the MPA’s. With that, they committed to involved in all activities of the campaign.
How TOC fits to LAP plan?
The Rare pride campaign using the theory of change in the strengthening the management of marine protected areas of Burgos and Uba was already included/integrated in the
long-term plan of the municipality of Cortes named Comprehensive Development Plan. This plan covers from ridge to reef. Before I arrived in the Philippines, our municipality
conducted an activity formulating a Comprehensive Development Plan held in Island Garden of Samal, Davao del Sur on November 3-5, 2010. The participants of that workshop
composed of Executive department (Department heads) &, Legislative department. The plan now is scheduled to be validated to the municipal development council for them to
formulate a resolution accepting the plan and endorse it to the legislative department for the adoption through enactment of ordinance.
Why work to other sites?
After the two year implementation of Cortes rare pride campaign, we will replicate this tool to the six remaining MPA’s in our municipality to easily recover the status of our
marine biodiversity within our municipal waters and also with the neighboring municipalities covering municipality of Carascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, Lanuza&TandagLanuza Bay Development Alliance (LBDA), because sea waters is contiguous that we cannot hold the fish & other organism without it entering the neighboring municipalities.
With that, the essence of having MPA networks would probably have a meaning. Besides of applying this tool to coastal areas, we will also promote this unique strategy to the
terrestrial in order to reinforce the national policy which is managing the resources from upland to coastal or from ridge to reef. If all of us campaign managers in the Philippines
doing this kind of endeavor, this would result to bountiful seas and meet the ultimate goal which is sustainable fishing in the Philippines.
Attached are the Photo’s on the first TWG orientation: