1 Figure S1. Spatial autocorrelation among sampling points in the herbivore exclosures. Moran’s 2 I (based on the first principal component calculated from the following soil variables: total N and 3 C, mineralizable N and C, Mehlich-P and acid phosphatase) as a function of lag distance across 4 trees inside the Hlangwine (granite) and N’washitshumbe (basalt) exclosures in Kruger National 5 Park. Filled symbols would indicate a significant autocorrelation (note that there were none) 6 based on permutation tests using 1000 iterations and a progressive Bonferroni correction 7 beginning with the first lag. 1.0 Hlangwine N'washitsumbe 0.8 Moran's I 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 8 200 400 600 800 10001200140016001800 Distance (m) 1 Figure S2. Partial soil moisture (S) time series for two sensors associated with canopy (U) or 2 open (B) positions at the same tree. We note differences in initial peak moisture following 3 rainfall, and differences in subsequent decay, with the U position showing faster losses 4 immediately following a precipitation event and the N position showing faster losses later on, 5 after S has fallen below field capacity (~ 0.34). U B 6 2 1 Table S1. Tests of main effects and interactions of tree canopies (CAN) and herbivore exclusion (HERB) on soil variables on granite, 2 based on mixed effects models with site and tree within site as random effects. Basis Fixed effect Mass HERB Bulk Density F P-value 27.5 0.0001 (g kg-1) CAN 52.5 <.0001 61.0 <.0001 10.6 0.0028 2.8 0.1 19.2 0.0002 20.4 0.0001 2.8 0.1 HERB × CAN 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.8 1.2 0.3 3.3 0.080 3.3 0.079 0.3 0.6 - - 3.9 0.068 0.0 1.0 1.6 0.2 6.9 0.019 7.2 0.017 n/a n/a CAN - - 33.3 <.0001 7.1 0.0125 0.2 0.6 6.3 0.019 7.7 0.010 n/a n/a HERB × CAN - - 0.9 0.3 0.0 1.0 1.8 0.2 2.3 0.1 2.5 0.1 n/a n/a Area (g m-2) HERB 3 F 0.0 Cmin P-value 0.9 F 0.2 Nmin Mehlich-P P-value F P-value 0.6 0.2 0.6 Total N F P-value 1.7 0.2 Total C C:N F P-value F P-value 2.3 0.1 3.5 0.08 1 Table S2. Tests of effects of tree canopies (CAN) and herbivore exclusion (HERB) on soil 2 variables on basalt, based on mixed effects models with site (for effects of fencing) or tree (for 3 effects of canopies) as random effects. Fixed effect Variable Mass basis (g kg-1) Area basis (g m-2) F CAN 4 F - P-value Bulk Density 31.6 <.0001 Cmin 23.2 0.0003 13.2 0.003 Nmin 15.5 0.0015 17.3 0.001 6.1 0.027 6.7 0.02 Total N 16.2 0.0013 10.6 0.006 Total C 13.4 0.0025 6.7 0.02 C:N 3.6 0.08 n/a n/a Bulk Density 3.5 0.083 - Cmin 4.4 0.055 1.2 0.3 Nmin 1.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 Mehlich-P 1.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 Total N 0.1 0.8 0.3 0.6 Total C 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.6 C:N 0.2 0.6 n/a n/a Mehlich-P HERB P-value - - 1 Table S3. Tests of effects of tree canopies (CAN) and herbivore exclusion (HERB) on soil 2 temperature on granite Mean (°C) Factor d.f. Estimate SE F Range (°C) P-value Estimate SE F P-value Intercept 5 25.18 0.52 5500.7 <.0001 7.81 1.23 84.6 0.000 CAN 5 -1.94 0.50 15.0 0.012 -4.46 1.33 10.8 0.022 HERB 5 -0.01 0.51 0.0 0.985 1.61 1.28 0.265 1.6 3 5 1 Table S4. Tests of effects of tree canopies (CAN) and herbivore exclusion (HERB) on soil 2 temperature on basalt Factor CAN HERB Dependent variable Estimate SE d.f. t-value P-value Mean -2.28 0.65 3 -3.52 0.039 Range -1.09 3.97 3 -0.27 0.802 Mean 1.50 0.55 3 2.73 0.072 Range 2.70 1.29 3 2.10 0.127 3 6 1 Appendix S1. Description of soil moisture dynamics state-space model. State-space models can 2 be divided into two components, a process model and an observation model. We describe each of 3 these components below. 4 SOIL MOISTURE PROCESS MODEL 5 We used a relatively simple soil moisture dynamics model, modified from Rodriguez-Iturbe et 6 al. (1999): 7 nz dS RT L dt [1] 8 Here, n is soil porosity, z is the depth of the soil profile under consideration, S is soil saturation, 9 R is rainfall, T represents vegetation effects that modify soil moisture inputs from R, and can 10 either reduce (in the case of interception) or enhance (in the case of stem flow or runoff) the 11 supply of water from precipitation events, and L represents losses to evapotranspiration and 12 drainage to deeper layers, with the relative contribution of each being a function of S (see 13 below). The use of WinBUGS precluded the use of continuous time, so we discretized the model, 14 using a daily time step: 15 S jk ,t 1 S jk ,t Rt T jk ,t L jk ,t nz [2] 16 Here, the t subscript specifies time (in days) and the subscripts j and k specify sites and trees 17 within sites, respectively. The daily time step was necessary to make solving the model tractable, 18 even though we had rainfall and soil moisture data resolved over 5-min intervals. The potential 19 difficulty here is that a daily time step fails to capture the fast dynamics of wetting events, 20 followed by the rapid initial decay in soil moisture as a result of leakage during the time window 21 when soil saturation exceeds field capacity. We solved this issue by subdividing our soil 22 moisture data into two metrics: maximum (obtainable from our high temporal resolution data) 7 1 and mean daily S (SMAX and SMEAN, respectively). We assume that the maximum value is 2 achieved immediately following a wetting event, and that the ensuing dry-down period brings 3 soil moisture to a value that is to a first approximation captured by the daily mean. In the process 4 model, we further subdivided each of these variables into deterministic components SMAX det jk ,t 5 and SMEAN det jk ,t (the values we would expect in the absence of environmental stochasticity) and 6 true their ‘true’ values SMAX true jk ,t and SMEAN jk ,t , which add process error (representing 7 environmental stochasticity) to the baseline deterministic values. We assumed that the dynamics 8 of SMAX are driven by rainfall inputs as follows: 9 true SMAX det jk ,t SMEAN jk ,t 1 Rt T jk ,t nz b j c jk 10 Here, SMAX det jk ,t increases after a rainfall event Rt from a baseline value dictated by the mean 11 value from the previous time step ( SMEAN true jk ,t ), and the input term Tjk,t is given by a linear 12 function of the fixed effects CAN and HERB: 13 T jk ,t 0 1CAN jk 2 HERB jk [3] [4] 14 Also in eq. 3, bj is a site random effect, and cjk is a tree within site random effect. In reality, a 15 further random effect of sensor within tree (the U and B sensor) could be modelled, with 16 individual sensors showing consistently under- or over-estimating soil moisture, for example. 17 We tested a model specifying such effects but found a tradeoff between the sensor and tree 18 effects, suggesting a so-called identifiability issue (Gelfand & Sahu 1999), so chose to simplify 19 the model. A further source of non-independence is potentially introduced at the sensor level by 20 the autocorrelated nature of the data (given that individual measurements represent a time series 21 for each sensor). The state space model addresses this issue by assuming that changes in soil 8 1 moisture represent a Markov process, where the state of SMAX and SMEAN are conditionally 2 dependent on their states in the preceding time period (Clark & Bjornstad 2004). We assumed 3 that bj values were normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation σb, and that bjk 4 values were normally distributed with mean bj and standard deviation σc. 5 6 From eq.3, we obtain SMAX true jk ,t by adding normally distributed process error σproc to SMAX det jk ,t : det SMAX true jk ,t ~ Normal SMAX jk ,t , proc 7 [5] 8 SMAX true represents peak soil moisture following a wetting event. The rate of decline from this 9 peak depends on the value of SMAX true in relation to two important inflection points: the field 10 capacity (SF) and the soil saturation value (S*) that leads to reduced transpiration (Rodriguez- 11 Iturbe et al. 1999). The loss term Ljk,t (from eq. 2) takes on one of three values: 12 L jk ,t SMAX true jk ,t S F K jk ,t 1 SF E jk ,t SMAX true jk ,t E jk ,t S* if S F SMAX true jk ,t 1 if S * SMAX true jk ,t S F if 0 SMAX true jk ,t S * [6] 13 In eq. 6, Kjk,t and Ejk,t represent saturated conductivity and evapotranspiration, respectively. From 14 eq. 6, when S is above field capacity, L is dominated by K, which diminishes to 0 as S 15 approaches SF. Between S* and SF, L is constant and given purely by evapotranspiration E. 16 Below S*, plants begin to experience water stress and E declines linearly between S* and 0 17 (Rodriguez-Iturbe et al. 1999). Ordinarily, K and E are treated as fixed parameters (Rodriguez- 18 Iturbe et al. 1999), but here we allow them to be functions of our covariates: 19 Kjk,t = exp(α0 + α1×CANjk + α2×HERBjk) [7] 20 Ejk,t = exp(β0 + β 1×CANjk + β 2×HERBjk) [8] 9 1 The exponential functions prevent K and E from taking on negative values during model fitting. 2 SMEAN det jk ,t is then given by: true SMEAN det jk ,t SMAX jk ,t 3 L jk ,t nz b j c jk [9] 4 Note that R and L (and its components K and E) are all expressed in units of mm d-1, and division 5 by nz in the equations above converts these variables into units of soil saturation S. As was the 6 case for SMAX (eq. 3), we include random effects for site and tree within site to the update 7 function for SMEAN in eq. 9. We tested using separate random effects for SMAX and SMEAN, 8 but found were similar values for both variables (suggesting that site effects on maximum and 9 mean soil moisture were similar), so we simplified the model by including only two overall 10 true random effects. Finally, we applied a process error to SMEAN det jk ,t to obtain SMEAN jk ,t : det SMEAN true jk ,t ~ Normal SMEAN jk ,t , proc 11 [10] 12 OBSERVATION MODEL 13 We coupled the process model to our data by adding observation error (e.g., due to spikes in 14 sensor readings due to equipment failure) as follows: 15 true 2 SMAX obs jk ,t ~ Normal SMAX jk ,t , obs 16 true 2 SMEAN obs jk ,t ~ Normal SMEAN jk ,t , obs [11] [12] 17 obs Where SMAX obs jk ,t and SMEAN jk ,t are observed daily values of maximum and mean soil 18 saturation across the j sites (j = 1 to 4) and k trees within each site (k = 1,2) on either granite or 19 basalt. At the granite site, our daily rainfall data had an obvious gap between days 153 and 189 20 where no precipitation was recorded but soil moisture sensors indicated rainfall events. To 21 address this issue, we treated rainfall for this period as a random variable, assuming a compound 10 1 distribution. We assumed that the occurrence of a rainfall event ηt on day t followed a Bernoulli 2 distribution with probability p: ηt ~ Bernoulli(p) 3 4 [13] Given a rainfall event (ηt = 1), we assumed that Rt followed a Poisson distribution with mean μ: Rt ~ Poisson(μ) 5 [14] 6 The imputed values had clearly defined posterior distributions and correctly identified the days 7 where soil moisture spikes indicated rainfall events. 8 PRIORS 9 We assumed flat Normal priors (with mean 0 and variance 104) for all fixed effect coefficients 10 (α’s, β’s and γ’s). We assumed flat Gamma priors (with shape and scale parameters equal to 10-2) 11 for the precisions (our model implementation in WinBUGS expresses variance terms as 12 precicisons, equal to the inverse of the variance) of the observation and process error terms σobs 13 and σproc, and for the site and tree within site hyperpriors σb and σc. We assumed a uniform prior 14 in the interval [0,1] for p (eq. 13) and a gamma prior (with shape and scale 10-2) for μ. 15 MODEL PARAMETERS 16 We used values from the literature for the soil conditions typical of the granite and basalt sites 17 (Guswa, Celia & Rodriguez-Iturbe 2002; Holdo 2013). On granite, we used the following 18 parameter values: SF = 0.29, nz = 0.42, and S* = 0.1. On basalt, we assumed the following: SF = 19 0.50, nz = 0.45, and S* = 0.2. We initialized the model with values for SMEAN from day 1 of our 20 data set. Some sensors began logging data on day 2; in these cases we used mean values (across 21 all sensors with day 1 data) as initial values. 11 1 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION 2 We used WinBUGS 1.4 (Spiegelhalter et al. 2003), to obtain estimates of the posterior 3 distributions of the model parameters. We ran three versions of the model in duplicate: the model 4 as described above for the granite exclosure, and two separate models to test for canopy or 5 herbivore effects on basalt (with eqs. 4, 7 and 8 modified to contain the relevant fixed effects). 6 We ran two versions of each model, one in which we calculated S with site-specific bulk density 7 data, and one in which the S variables were calculated using mean bulk density for the entire 8 exclosure (see main text). We ran each model for 105 iterations, discarding the first half of these 9 as “burn-in.” We used three chains (with different initial values for each parameter) for each 10 model and checked for model convergence both visually (by establishing that chains were well- 11 mixed and had converged on a stable mean value) and quantitatively by plotting for each node 12 the convergence diagnostic R̂ , which has an expected value of 1 (Sturtz, Ligges & Gelman 13 2005). We checked that our sampling interval did not lead to autocorrelation between successive 14 realizations of each variable. We used the 95% credible intervals of the posterior means for the 15 fixed effects coefficients to determine if CAN or HERB contributed meaningfully to explain 16 patterns in the data. 17 ECOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF MODEL COEFFICIENTS 18 In this exercise we applied a relative simple model of soil moisture dynamics to an inference 19 problem, with the objective of identifying the specific mechanisms whereby tree canopies and 20 herbivore exclusion might affect soil moisture. Because our use of the model is inductive rather 21 than deductive, it is important to note that it may be difficult to pin down the exact mechanisms 22 at work in the various phases of the model. The model provides a good fit to the data, and we are 23 able to infer effects of e.g., tree canopies on moisture inputs following rainfall events, but we 12 1 note that whether these effects are the result of the tree canopies themselves or other effects 2 associated with canopies is difficult to determine. Similarly, it is difficult to fully tease apart 3 uptake and drainage differences, so rather than using the terms in the original model formulation 4 for some of the key processes involved, we prefer to use more descriptive terms that capture the 5 patterns observed in the data without making definitive claims about the underlying processes. In 6 particular, we refer to the linear function that drives soil moisture decay immediately following 7 rainfall events (when drainage typically dominates) as “fast output” and refer to function that 8 drives decay when soils are drier (typically dominated by evapotranspiration) as “slow output”. 9 MODEL TESTING 10 To confirm that the model is able to recover the parameter values for the underlying process 11 model, as well as the process and observation error terms, we created a simulated data set, driven 12 by the actual observed rainfall time series from our data. We assigned values to coefficients (α’s, 13 β’s and γ’s) that were similar to those estimated for the granite site. We constrained SMAXobs and 14 SMEANobs to be greater than 0 (the normally-distributed process and observation errors otherwise 15 allows negative values when soil moisture is near 0). For simplicity, we ignored random effects 16 to focus on the process model, and generated pseudo-data for four soil moisture “sensors” with a 17 factorial combination of canopy and fencing effects. We then applied a modified version of our 18 Bayesian state-space model (minus the tree and site effects) to this simulated data set, allowing it 19 to run for 105 iterations (more than enough to achieve convergence). Table S7 compares the true 20 and model-estimated parameter values, and shows that the model performs well (estimated 21 parameter means are consistent with true values, and in almost all cases the true values fall 22 within the credible intervals of the estimated values). 23 Below, we list the WinBUGS code corresponding to the granite analysis: 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 # Soil moisture dynamics state-space model # The following data set is loaded into WinBUGS: # DAYS and N (scalar variables, DAYS=205, N=16 [4 sites, 2 trees per site, two canopy # positions per tree = 16 sensors]) # CAN, HERB, SITE and TREE (matrices with DAYS rows and N columns, # taking values 0 or 1) # S.obs.mean and S.obs.max (matrices with DAYS rows and N columns # containing soil moisture data) # S0 (a vector of N initial values) # R (a vector of length DAYS containing rainfall data) # SF, Sstar, and nz (model parameters) model { # rainfall model for imputation of missing values for(t in 1:DAYS){ R[t] ~ dpois(m[t]) m[t] <- eta[t]*mu; eta[t] ~ dbern(p) } # Obtain initial values (t=1) for(j in 1:N){ # cycle through N sensors # The logit and reverse logit keep T positive logit.T[1,j] <- gamma0 + gamma1*CAN[1,j] + gamma2*HERB[1,j] T[1,j] <- exp(logit.T[1,j])/(1 + exp(logit.T[1,j])) S.det.max[1,j] <- S0[j] + R[1]*T[1,j]/nz # Initial conditions # mx is an intermediate variable that makes the script easier to run mx[1,j] <- S.det.max[1,j] + b[SITE[1,j]] + c[site[1,j],TREE[1,j]] S.true.max[1,j] ~ dnorm(mx[1,j],tau.proc) # Process model S.obs.max[1,j] ~ dnorm(S.true.max[1,j],tau.obs) # Observed peak daily S # Identify where S is in relation to S* and Sfc # Create an index with value 1,2 or 3 corresponding to eq. 6 idx1[1,j] <- trunc(S.true.max[1,j]-SF+1)+trunc(S.true.max[1,j]-Sstar+1)+1 log(E[1,j]) <- beta0 + beta1*CAN[1,j] + beta2*HERB[1,j] # rho is a temporary variable rho[1,(j-1)*3+1] <- E[1,j]*S.true.max[1,j]/Sstar rho[1,(j-1)*3+2] <- E[1,j] log(K[1,j]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*CAN[1,j] + alpha2*HERB[1,j] rho[1,(j-1)*3+3] <- K[1,j]*(S.true.max[1,j]-SF)/(1-SF) idx2[1,j] <- (j-1)*3+idx1[1,j] L[1,j] <- rho[1,idx2[1,j]] S.det.mean[1,j] <- max(0, S.true.max[1,j] - L[1,j]/nz) # Keep values between 0 and 1 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 # mn is a temporary variable mn[1,j] <- S.det.mean[1,j] + b[SITE[1,j]] + c[SITE[1,j],TREE[1,j]] S.true.mean[1,j] ~ dnorm(mn[1,j],tau.proc) S.obs.mean[1,j] ~ dnorm(S.true.mean[1,j],tau.obs) } for(j in 1:N){ # cycle through N sensors for(t in 2:DAYS){ # cycle through DAYS logit.T[t,j] <- gamma0 + gamma1*CAN[t,j] + gamma2*HERB[t,j] T[t,j] <- exp(logit.T[t,j])/(1 + exp(logit.T[t,j])) S.det.max[t,j] <- min(1, S.true.mean[t-1,j] + R[t]*T[t,j]/nz) # Water input from rainfall mx[t,j] <- S.det.max[t,j] + b[SITE[t,j]] + c[SITE[t,j],TREE[t,j]] S.true.max[t,j] ~ dnorm(mx[t,j],tau.proc) # Process model S.obs.max[t,j] ~ dnorm(S.true.max[t,j],tau.obs) # Observed peak daily S idx1[t,j] <- trunc(S.true.max[t,j]-SF+1)+trunc(S.true.max[t,j]-Sstar+1)+1 log(E[t,j]) <- beta0 + beta1*CAN[t,j] + beta2*CAN[t,j] rho[t,(j-1)*3+1] <- E[t,j]*S.true.max[t,j]/Sstar rho[t,(j-1)*3+2] <- E[t,j] log(K[t,j]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*CAN[t,j] + alpha2*HERB[t,j] rho[t,(j-1)*3+3] <- K[t,j]*(S.true.max[t,j]-SF)/(1-SF) idx2[t,j] <- (j-1)*3+idx1[t,j] L[t,j] <- rho[t,idx2[t,j]] S.det.mean[t,j] <- max(0, S.true.max[t,j] - L[t,j]/nz) # Water losses from ET and drainage mn[t,j] <- S.det.mean[t,j] + b[SITE[t,j]] + c[SITE[t,j],TREE[t,j]] S.true.mean[t,j] ~ dnorm(mn[t,j],tau.proc) # Process model S.obs.mean[t,j] ~ dnorm(S.true.mean[t,j],tau.obs) # Observed mean daily S } } # Priors p ~ dunif(0,1) mu ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) beta2 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) gamma0 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) gamma1 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) gamma2 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) alpha0 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 alpha2 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) tau.obs ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) tau.proc ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) # Obtain standard deviations from precisions sigma.obs <- 1/sqrt(tau.obs) sigma.proc <- 1/sqrt(tau.proc) # Priors for site effect for(s in 1:4){ b[s] ~ dnorm(0,tau.site) # Priors for tree effect within site for(k in 1:2){ c[s,k] ~ dnorm(b[s],tau.tree) } } # Hyper-priors tau.site ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) sigma.site <- 1/sqrt(tau.site) tau.tree ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) sigma.tree <- 1/sqrt(tau.tree) } References Clark, J.S. & Bjornstad, O.N. (2004) Population time series: Process variability, observation errors, missing values, lags, and hidden states. Ecology, 85, 3140-3150. Gelfand, A.E. & Sahu, K. (1999) Identifiability, improper priors, and Gibbs sampling for generalized linear models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94, 247-253. Guswa, A.J., Celia, M.A. & Rodriguez-Iturbe, I. (2002) Models of soil moisture dynamics in ecohydrology: a comparative study. Water Resources Research, 38, 1-15. Holdo, R.M. (2013) Revisiting the Two-Layer Hypothesis: Coexistence of Alternative Functional Rooting Strategies in Savannas. PLoS ONE, 8, e69625. 16 1 Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., Porporato, A., Ridolfi, L., Isham, V. & Cox, D.R. (1999) Probabilistic 2 Modelling of Water Balance at a Point: The Role of Climate, Soil and Vegetation. 3 Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 455, 3789-3805. 4 Spiegelhalter, D., Thomas, A., Best, N. & Lunn, D. (2003) WinBUGS User Manual. 5 Sturtz, S., Ligges, U. & Gelman, A. (2005) R2WinBUGS: A Package for Running WinBUGS 6 from R. Journal of Statistical Software, 12, 1-16. 7 17 1 Table S5. Parameter estimates for hierarchical Bayesian state-space model of soil moisture 2 dynamics, using site-specific bulk density data. Basalt CAN effects† Granite Process or Factor Par Mean CI Mean CI Basalt HERB effects† Mean CI quantity Fast output Slow output Input 2.5% 97.5% 2.5% 97.5% Intercept α0 2.94 2.86 3.01 0.96 0.56 1.23 CAN α1 0.42 0.35 0.50 0.15 -0.38 0.53 HERB α2 -0.48 -0.56 -0.40 Intercept β0 -0.47 -0.92 -0.16 -25.6 -166.3 -0.3 CAN β1 0.01 -0.27 0.27 -12.5 -154.0 75.8 HERB β2 0.18 -0.29 0.68 Intercept γ0 -1.24 -1.31 -1.17 -0.45 -0.54 -0.36 CAN γ1 0.27 0.19 0.35 -0.66 -0.78 -0.55 HERB γ2 -0.08 -0.16 0.00 0.095 0.046 0.209 0.083 0.042 0.162 11.74 10.81 12.65 0.28 0.22 0.35 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.032 Site random effect 2.5% 97.5% 0.78 0.50 1.03 -0.64 -1.02 -0.30 -89.5 -235.0 -3.7 -36.8 -195.6 114.7 -0.43 -0.51 -0.34 0.26 0.05 0.44 0.087 0.041 0.189 0.089 0.042 0.222 0.037 0.031 0.030 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.034 0.035 0.031 0.030 0.033 0.030 0.028 0.032 σsite SD Tree random σtree effect SD Mean daily μ imputed rainfall Imputed rainfall ρ hyper-parameter Observation error σobs SD Process error SD σproc 18 1 Note: positive coefficients for CAN and HERB indicate positive effects of herbivores (O>I) and 2 tree canopies (U>B) on a given process, respectively, compared to baseline values (given by 3 intercepts). Coefficients shown in bold differ from zero. 4 †CAN and HERB effects were examined separately on basalt due to the absence of U (under 5 canopy) sites outside the fence at this site. 19 1 Table S6. Parameter estimates for hierarchical Bayesian state-space model of soil moisture 2 dynamics, using mean bulk density data. Basalt CAN effects† Granite Process or Factor Par Mean CI Mean CI Basalt HERB effects† Mean CI quantity Fast output Slow output Input 2.5% 97.5% 2.5% 97.5% Intercept α0 3.02 2.94 3.10 0.68 0.36 0.92 C α1 0.21 0.15 0.29 -0.21 -0.71 0.21 F α2 -0.46 -0.54 -0.38 Intercept β0 -0.34 -0.73 -0.06 -88.51 -223.78 -6.89 CAN β1 -0.02 -0.27 0.22 -37.60 -205.38 111.33 HERB β2 0.17 -0.24 0.63 Intercept γ0 -1.25 -1.33 -1.17 0.27 -0.06 0.46 CAN γ1 0.43 0.35 0.52 -0.45 -0.69 -0.14 HERB γ2 -0.16 -0.24 -0.07 0.094 0.044 0.220 0.080 0.042 0.167 11.70 10.86 12.57 0.28 0.22 0.35 0.036 0.035 0.038 Site random 2.5% 97.5% 0.73 0.47 0.94 -0.69 -1.15 -0.33 -89.95 -224.97 -5.08 -37.25 -201.77 110.30 0.08 -0.17 0.38 -0.27 -0.60 0.04 0.087 0.042 0.191 0.089 0.042 0.222 0.035 0.033 0.037 0.034 0.032 0.036 σsite effect SD Tree random σtree effect SD Mean daily imputed μ rainfall Imputed rainfall ρ hyperparameter Observation σobs 20 error SD Process error 0.035 0.033 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.037 0.031 0.029 0.033 σproc SD 1 Note: positive coefficients for CAN and HERB indicate positive effects of herbivores (O>I) and 2 tree canopies (U>B) on a given process, respectively, compared to baseline values (given by 3 intercepts). Coefficients shown in bold differ from zero. 4 †CAN and HERB effects were examined separately on basalt due to the absence of U (under 5 canopy) sites outside the fence at this site. 21 1 Table S7. True values of simulated model parameters and mean and upper and lower 95% 2 credible intervals of estimated values derived from the Bayesian state-space soil moisture 3 dynamics model. Parameter True value Estimated value Mean CI 2.5% 97.5% α0 3.000 2.971 2.874 3.061 α1 0.200 0.282 0.182 0.386 α2 -0.500 -0.597 -0.702 -0.496 β0 -0.340 -0.384 -0.548 -0.237 γ0 -1.200 -1.178 -1.254 -1.106 γ1 0.400 0.426 γ2 -0.200 -0.263 -0.343 -0.182 σobs 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.021 σproc 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.021 0.345 0.509 4 22 1 Figure S3. Soil bulk density as a function of total C (a) inside and (b) outside exclosure fence at 2 the granite site (Hlangwine). P-values are based on linear mixed model regressions conducted in 3 R package nlme with TREE as a random effect. (a) P < 0.0005 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 4 -3 1.5 1.6 2.0 2.4 -1 Total C (g kg ) 2.8 P = 0.4 1.9 Bulk density (g cm ) -3 Bulk density (g cm ) 1.7 (b) 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 -1 Total C (g kg ) 23 1 Figure S4. Canopy effects on short-term soil moisture inputs on (a) granite and (b) basalt. 2 ΔGWC = GWCinput for U - GWCinput for B locations per tree, averaged across all trees for a given 3 day, where GWCinput = GWCmax - GWCmean (maximum and mean Gravimetric Water Content) 4 for every sensor. (a) (b) 0.06 0.03 R2 0.05 = 0.57 0.01 0.03 GWC GWC 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.01 0.01 -0.02 0.00 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.05 0 5 R2 = 0.09 0.02 20 40 60 Daily rainfall (mm) 80 0 20 40 60 80 Daily rainfall (mm) 24 1 Table S8. ANOVA tables for regressions of ΔGWC (see Fig. S4 and main text) against daily 2 rainfall at the granite and basalt sites. Site Variable Estimate SE Granite Intercept -1.25E-04 3.47E-04 Basalt† 3 † t-value -0.36 P-value 0.7 Rainfall 5.24E-04 3.18E-05 16.5 << 0.0001 Intercept 1.34E-04 3.70E-04 0.36 Rainfall -3.87E-04 8.46E-05 Rainfall2 4.40E-06 1.08E-06 0.7 -4.58 << 0.0001 4.08 < 0.0001 The introduction of a quadratic term improved the fit at the basalt (but not granite) site. 4 25 1 Table S9. Species and crown diameters of trees used in the soil moisture dynamics and 2 temperature studies at the granite and basalt sites in Kruger National Park. Site Label† Species Exclosure Crown position diameter (m)‡ Granite T3 Terminalia sericea I 8.9 Granite T7 Terminalia sericea O 10.7 Granite T12 Diospyros mespiliformis I 9.4 Granite T16 Sclerocarya birrea O 6.4 Granite T19 Terminalia sericea I 12.3 Granite T23 Sclerocarya birrea O 10.5 Granite T28 Terminalia sericea O 9.5 Granite T30 Terminalia sericea I 10.1 Basalt T36 Ozoroa engleri I 12.3 Basalt T39 Acacia nigrescens I 7.4 Basalt T44 Colophospermum mopane I 7.7 Basalt T49 Colophospermum mopane I 9.1 Basalt T52 Combretum imberbe O n/a Basalt T55 Combretum imberbe O n/a Basalt T60 Colophospermum mopane O n/a Basalt T65 Colophospermum mopane O n/a 3 † See Fig. 1 map in main text for tree location 4 ‡ Mean value calculated from the major and minor axes of an ellipse 26