Extended Essay Timeline & Information C. Black – June 15, 2012 Sophomore year Presentations in English classes go over the primary elements of the Diploma Program including the Extended Essay. Junior year Fall (October/November) – regular monthly meeting with full IB students organized by Brian Smith begin. The Extended Essay is introduced as a 4,000 word personal research project that is the culmination of the IB Diploma process. Students begin to explore a few areas of interest. Brian provides a list of trained mentors to students – also available on the IB wiki. Students are instructed to get a notebook/binder to serve as their EE log or diary. In this notebook, students will write down notes whenever they get an idea for their essay and/or collect articles and information relating to their research. Winter (January) – at the monthly meeting, Brian goes over the parameters of the Extended Essay in detail. Students look over sample essays from previous years. Students choose a definitive topic to research, develop a research question and begin gathering sources. February – end of the school year - Candie sets up a rotating schedule for the whole group of full diploma students to meet with Brian every 2-3 weeks (so that they don’t miss the same class more than once). Students discuss the progress made on their rough drafts with Brian and detail it in their EE logs. Spring (May) - Candie sets us a “Mentor Meet & Greet” to be held after school in the library. Students and prospective mentors mingle and discuss the research projects in order to find a good fit. A little later in the month students choose a mentor. [Note: Brian would like this to be moved to February or March ideally.] June – the Extended Essay Boot Camp is scheduled in the last week in June for all full diploma incoming seniors. [Note: this process has to be coordinated with Brian Smith and Miryam Matulic-Keller, who posts it on EINET and for which Candie and Brian must send a “letter of interest” to Miryam’s secretary.] The boot camp is generally held for three days (day 1 and 2 9-1; teachers work 8-2; day 3 9-11). (See attached agenda.) Summer – students continue to work on their drafts. Extended Essay Timeline & Information C. Black – June 15, 2012 Senior year Fall (end of September) – rough drafts (5,000 to 6,000) words are due to Brian who checks them for progress. [Note: students will receive an incomplete for the 1st quarter of their ToK grade until they submit a suitable draft of the Extended Essay. Candie communicates to Catherine Carroll-Edwards those students who are to be assigned an incomplete on their report cards.] Candie sends out reminder to mentors about 4-hour student meeting requirement/expectation. During Candie’s monthly meeting with students (separate from their Extended Essay meetings with Brian), she encourages students to proactively set up 4 meetings with their mentors. September – December – students meet regularly (once a month) with mentors to review their progress. Mentors should read the Extended Essay draft in its entirety only once prior to the final copy being handed in. A full reading of the near-final draft should be done by November. November – Brian sends out Extended Essay regulations to all mentor teachers. December – February – students refine their drafts in order to produce a final copy by February. January – students each give a 4-slide presentation on their Extended Essay topic at the IB Diploma night. [Note: Candie sets this date up every year, reserves the room & refreshments, recruits graduated IB students, sends out invitations, and communicates the date to the district.] April (??) – mentor evaluation and predicted grade deadline. Final Extended Essay deadline – formatted essays are printed and shipped/electronically submitted to IBO. [Get actual date from John.] Keep copies in file for future years (both hardcopy and electronic). Schedule a “Bon voyage EE party” with all full diploma students. Consider having students create a “poster session” that could be used at Open House or the IB information night. Spring (May) – Candie requests a time slot during a Board of Education meeting. 3 juniors will present their ideas for their Extended Essays. Extended Essay Timeline & Information C. Black – June 15, 2012 Extended Essay Camp 2012 Agenda June 25-27, 2012 Candie will send a reminder to all students prior to the camp to bring all Extended Essay materials (EE logs, articles, materials, research question, rough draft) Monday, June 25th (teachers: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., students 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) Eastridge Library – Snack provided by Brian 8:00 -9:00 Candie & Brian set up the space, review materials and tasks for the day. 9:00 – 10:45 Welcome & introductions As a large group, students share their questions, intros, sources, and mentor meetings so far. Brian reminds students to avoid plagiarism Individual work time - students make a research plan, begin developing an outline, and gather more sources Briand gives a brief presentation on how to use the library’s databases as well as the writing resources available on OWL (the online writing lab) and the Dartmouth Writing Lab. Break 11:00-1:00 Students continue to write their rough drafts; individual meetings with Candie & Brian to review progress (students need to determine a theoretical base for analysis if not already determined – Candie will bring the course outlines for each topic). Students continue reading source material and taking notes/developing outline. Students submit refined question, introductions, and outlines by the end of the date (both electronically to candce_black@eastiron.monroe.edu and a printed hardcopy). Wrap up – as a large group, students share with each other the progress they made today as well as communicate any needs they have for the next day. 1:00-2:00 – Candie & Brian debrief on the day’s progress and prepare for the next day. Extended Essay Timeline & Information C. Black – June 15, 2012 Tuesday, June 26th (teachers: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., students 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) Eastridge Library – Snack provided by Candie 8:00 -9:00 Candie & Brian set up the space, review materials and tasks for the day. Candie will copy all questions/introductions into a packet for each of the students for the peer review the following day. She will also print the document to the SMART Notebook software to project. 9:00 – 10:45 Brian introduces the grading rubric for the question and introduction. Students share their questions and introductions in a peer review process (individual work time using grading rubric). As a large group, students give each other feedback and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each question/introduction as the student being reviewed takes notes in their EE log. Brian will review with student the three options for citing research: footnotes, endnotes and text citations. Candie gives a brief presentation on how to use the footnote function of Microsoft Word in order to begin citing sources as well as reminding students to keep a running bibliography of all works used. Break 11:00-1:00 Students use time for individual guided writing towards a solid rough draft. 1:00-2:00 – Candie & Brian debrief on the day’s progress and prepare for the next day. Extended Essay Timeline & Information C. Black – June 15, 2012 Wednesday, June 27th (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.) Eastridge Library 9:00 – 11:00 Students work individually to complete their rough draft. Candie will go over the expectations for a summer progress plan. Brian will review the dates for Extended Essay work during the 2012-2013 school year including the expectation that students will give a brief presentation on their Extended Essay at an IB Diploma Night in January.